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Created November 30, 2011 06:06
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#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define KB (1024 * sizeof(char))
#define MB (1024 * KB)
#define CYCLE_COUNT 16
#define DATA_FILE_STACK "data.stack"
#define DATA_FILE_HEAP "data.heap"
struct chain_link {
struct chain_link *next_link;
long get_curr_stack_limit() {
struct rlimit l;
getrlimit(RLIMIT_STACK, &l);
return l.rlim_cur;
void begin_profiling(struct tms *t_start) {
if (times(t_start) == ((clock_t)-1)) {
fprintf(stderr, "**Error** while getting start time;\n");
double end_profiling_and_get_elapsed_nanosecs(struct tms *t_start, struct tms *t_end) {
if (times(t_end) == ((clock_t)-1)) {
fprintf(stderr, "**Error** while getting end time;\n");
// _SC_CLK_TCK: The frequency of the statistics clock in ticks per second.
#ifndef CLK_TCK
int CLK_TCK = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
clock_t ticks = t_end->tms_utime - t_start->tms_utime;
double nanosec = (double)ticks / CLK_TCK * 10E9;
return nanosec;
void fisher_yates_shuffle(long n, long a[]) {
for (long i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
long j = i + rand() / (RAND_MAX / (n - i) + 1);
long t = a[j];
a[j] = a[i];
a[i] = t;
struct chain_link *initialize_and_shuffle_chain(long chain_length, struct chain_link links[]) {
long *idcs = malloc(chain_length * sizeof(long));
for(int i = 0; i < chain_length; i++) {
idcs[i] = i;
links[i].next_link = NULL;
fisher_yates_shuffle(chain_length, idcs);
struct chain_link *first_link = &links[idcs[0]];
struct chain_link *last_link = &links[idcs[chain_length - 1]];
last_link->next_link = first_link;
int i, prev_idx, curr_idx;
for (i = 0; i < chain_length - 1; i++) {
prev_idx = idcs[i];
curr_idx = idcs[i + 1];
links[prev_idx].next_link = &links[curr_idx];
return first_link;
void cycle_chain(struct chain_link *first_link) {
int n_cycle;
struct chain_link *l;
for (n_cycle = 0, l = first_link; n_cycle < CYCLE_COUNT; l = l->next_link) {
if (l->next_link == first_link)
double profile_array_access(long chain_length, struct chain_link links[]) {
struct tms t_start, t_end;
struct chain_link *first_link = initialize_and_shuffle_chain(chain_length, links);
if (first_link == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "**Error** during chain building\n");
double nanosecs = end_profiling_and_get_elapsed_nanosecs(&t_start, &t_end);
return nanosecs;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
long stack_limit = get_curr_stack_limit();
FILE *f_stack = fopen(DATA_FILE_STACK, "w");
FILE *f_heap = fopen(DATA_FILE_HEAP, "w");
for (long memory_limit = 1 * KB; memory_limit < stack_limit; memory_limit += 250 * KB) {
long chain_length = memory_limit / sizeof(struct chain_link);
// Profile on stack
struct chain_link links_on_stack[chain_length];
double elapsed_ns_stack = profile_array_access(chain_length, links_on_stack);
// Profile on heap
struct chain_link *links_on_heap = malloc(chain_length * sizeof(struct chain_link));
double elapsed_ns_heap = profile_array_access(chain_length, links_on_heap);
fprintf(f_stack, "%f\t%f\n", (double)chain_length, elapsed_ns_stack);
fprintf(f_heap, "%f\t%f\n", (double)chain_length, elapsed_ns_heap);
fprintf(stderr, "Status: %0.2f %%\n", ((double)memory_limit / (double)stack_limit) * 100.0);
return 0;
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