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Created October 1, 2012 15:38
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  • Save jrotello/3812564 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jrotello/3812564 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script to download the Thomson Reuters ecaldenar background images.
[string[]]$targetDirectories = $(throw "targetDirectories parameter is required"),
[string]$size = "1920x1280"
function getUrl ($imageNumber) {
$monthNumber =[System.DateTime]::Today.Month
$monthName = [System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo]::InvariantInfo.GetAbbreviatedMonthName($monthNumber).ToLower()
$imageId = 4 * ($monthNumber - 1) + $imageNumber
$urlFormat = "{0}&mo={1}&id={2}"
return [String]::Format($urlFormat, $size, $monthName, $imageId)
function downloadWallpaper($url, $path) {
"Downloading $url to $path"
$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$webclient.DownloadFile($url, "$path")
1..4 | % {
$url = getUrl $_
$filename = [string]::Format("tr_{0}.jpg", $_-1)
$targetDirectories | % {
downloadWallpaper $url "$_\$filename"
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