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Forked from FergalCG/
Last active February 25, 2020 22:56
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Unique Paths Problem

A robot is located at the top-left corner of a m x n grid (marked 'Start' in the diagram below).

The robot can only move either down or right at any point in time. The robot is trying to reach the bottom-right corner of the grid (marked 'Finish' in the diagram below).

How many possible unique paths are there?

Unique Paths


Example #1

Input: m = 3, n = 2
Output: 3
From the top-left corner, there are a total of 3 ways to reach the bottom-right corner:
1. Right -> Right -> Down
2. Right -> Down -> Right
3. Down -> Right -> Right

Example #2

Input: m = 7, n = 3
Output: 28



First thought that might came to mind is that we need to build a decision tree where D means moving down and R means moving right. For example in case of boars width = 3 and height = 2 we will have the following decision tree:

                /   \
               D     R
             /     /   \
           R      D      R
         /      /         \
        R      R            D

       END    END          END

We can see three unique branches here that is the answer to our problem.

function uniquePaths(width, height, steps = [[0, 0]], paths = 0) {
  // Fetch current position on board.
  const currentPos = steps[steps.length - 1];

  // Check if we've reached the end.
  if (currentPos[0] === width - 1 && currentPos[1] === height - 1) {
    // In case if we've reached the end let's increase total
    // number of unique paths.
    return paths + 1;

  // Let's calculate how many unique path we will have
  // by going right and by going down.
  let rightUniquePaths = 0;
  let downUniquePaths = 0;

  // Do right step if possible.
  if (currentPos[0] < width - 1) {
      currentPos[0] + 1,

    // Calculate how many unique paths we'll get by moving right.
    rightUniquePaths = uniquePaths(width, height, steps, paths);

    // BACKTRACK and try another move.

  // Do down step if possible.
  if (currentPos[1] < height - 1) {
      currentPos[1] + 1,

    // Calculate how many unique paths we'll get by moving down.
    downUniquePaths = uniquePaths(width, height, steps, paths);

    // BACKTRACK and try another move.

  // Total amount of unique steps will be equal to total amount of
  // unique steps by going right plus total amount of unique steps
  // by going down.
  return rightUniquePaths + downUniquePaths;

Time Complexity: O(2 ^ n) - roughly in worst case with square board of size n.

Auxiliary Space Complexity: O(m + n) - since we need to store current path with positions.

Dynamic Programming

Let's treat BOARD[i][j] as our sub-problem.

Since we have restriction of moving only to the right and down we might say that number of unique paths to the current cell is a sum of numbers of unique paths to the cell above the current one and to the cell to the left of current one.

BOARD[i][j] = BOARD[i - 1][j] + BOARD[i][j - 1]; // since we can only move down or right.

Base cases are:

BOARD[0][any] = 1; // only one way to reach any top slot.
BOARD[any][0] = 1; // only one way to reach any slot in the leftmost column.

For the board 3 x 2 our dynamic programming matrix will look like:

1 1 1
1 2 3

Each cell contains the number of unique paths to it. We need the bottom right one with number 3.

const uniquePaths = (m, n) => {

  // create an base array full of '1' as there is at least 1 path to each of the edge nodes
  let solutionArray = Array(m).fill([]).map(() => {
    return Array(n).fill(1);

  // iterate over the rows and columns, excluding the row and column at index 0 which should stay at 1
  for (let row = 1; row < m; row++) {
    for(let column = 1; column < n; column++) {
      // set each item in the array equal to the number of routes above plus the number of routes to the left	
      solutionArray[row][column] = solutionArray[row -1][column] + solutionArray[row][column - 1]

  return solutionArray[m-1][n-1];

Time Complexity: O(m * n) - since we're going through each cell of the DP matrix.

Auxiliary Space Complexity: O(m * n) - since we need to have DP matrix.

Recursive Solution

recursiveUniquePaths = (m, n) => {

  // if we're in Row 1 or Column 1, return 1 as there's only one route to these locations
    if (m === 1 || n === 1) return 1;
  // otherwise return the sum of the number of routes to the node above and the node to the left
    return recursiveUniquePaths(m - 1, n) + recursiveUniquePaths(m, n - 1)


// with memoization

recursiveUniquePaths = (m, n, memo = Array(m + 1).fill([]).map(() => { return Array(n + 1).fill(null) })) => {

  // if we're in Row 1 or Column 1, return 1 as there's only one route to these locations
    if (m === 1 || n === 1) return 1;
  // calculate a new value if the memo is undefined
    if (memo[m][n] === null) {
      memo[m][n] = recursiveUniquePaths(m - 1, n, memo) + recursiveUniquePaths(m, n - 1, memo);
    return memo[m][n];


Time Complexity:

  • Without Memoization: O(2 ^ n) - roughly in worst case with square board of size n.
  • With Memoization: O(m * n) - since we're going through each cell of the DP matrix.

Auxiliary Space Complexity: O(m + n) - since we have up to m + n calls on the stack at any given time.


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