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WIP llvm-mos-sdk Fixed Point math class
// Copyright 2024 LLVM-MOS Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license
// information.
#ifndef _FIXED_POINT_H
#define _FIXED_POINT_H
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits.h>
#include <type_traits>
#include <stdio.h>
/// Numeric Wrapper for Fixed Point math
/// Without dedicated floating point hardware, fixed point math is a good choice
/// for many llvm-mos targets. This class wraps common fixed point idioms
/// to provide a typesafe way to perform math operations that represent fractional
/// values.
/// For a quick primer on fixed point math, consider a simple case of a 8.8 fixed
/// point number. The first number represents the number of bits used to hold the
/// Integer portion of the value, and the second 8 bits hold the fractional portion.
/// This has some very useful properties for the 6502 such as when adding two fixed
/// point numbers with the same size, the math is the simply 16 bit math. Another
/// benefit is should you only want to use the integer portion of the value, accessing
/// this comes with no additional cost because its merely the high bytes. This
/// property is not true for all combination of sizes, but in general, it still is
/// reasonably quick to access the higher byte by shifting as needed.
/// In a little bit more detail, a fixed point number can be considered a regular
/// 16 bit number that is implicitly divided by the size of the fractional portion.
/// With our 8.8 example, the Fractional portion can represent 256 values total,
/// meaning the value in the fractional part represents a number divided by 256.
/// As a practical example, a 16 bit number `0x5060` , and when divided by `0x100`
/// yields `0x50` with a remainder of `0x60`. This class makes that divider a
/// part of the type of the class, allowing seamless math operations as if its a
/// normal integer, but with the correct shifting when combining with other values.
template<uint8_t ISize, uint8_t FSize, bool Signed = true> class FixedPoint;
template<uint8_t ISize, uint8_t FSize, bool Signed>
class FixedPoint {
template <typename R>
static constexpr R bitMask(uint64_t onecount) {
return static_cast<R>(-(onecount != 0))
& (static_cast<R>(-1) >> ((sizeof(R) * CHAR_BIT) - onecount));
template<uint8_t LeftISize, uint8_t RightISize>
static constexpr _BitInt(RightISize) signExtensionMask(_BitInt(LeftISize) in) {
if constexpr (LeftISize < RightISize) {
// Need to sign extend since the new size is greater than old size
return (in & (1 << LeftISize)) != 0 ? bitMask(RightISize - LeftISize) << LeftISize : 0;
} else {
// We are truncating or not changing size, so don't do sign extension
return 0;
// Size of the underlying storage for the different views of the data.
// The total combined storage will be used for representing the actual value.
static constexpr auto roundSizeUp(uint64_t v) {
return ((v + 7) / 8) * 8;
using StorageSizeT = _BitInt(roundSizeUp(ISize + FSize));
using StorageType = std::conditional_t<Signed, StorageSizeT, std::make_unsigned_t<StorageSizeT>>;
// Underlying storage for the type
union {
StorageType val;
struct {
StorageType i : ISize;
StorageType f : FSize;
// Constructors
/// Common constructor for creating a fixed point value from an integer value
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr FixedPoint(StorageType i) {
/// Copy constructor for a fixed point value with different sizes of Int
/// If both of the two fixed point values are signed, the new number will be
/// sign extended from the old value
template<uint8_t OI, uint8_t OF, bool S,
typename std::enable_if<OI >= ISize && OF == FSize, bool>::type = true>
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr FixedPoint(const FixedPoint<OI, OF, S>& o) {
// Perform sign extension if both of the two types are signed
auto intval = o.as_i();
if constexpr(Signed && S) {
intval |= signExtensionMask<OI, ISize>(intval);
auto floatval = o.as_f();
val = FixedPoint<ISize, FSize, Signed>(intval, floatval).get();
/// Copy constructor for a fixed point value with different sizes of FracSize
/// This constructor will rescale the fractional value to the new size by shifting
/// the fractional value by the difference between the size of the two.
template<uint8_t OI, uint8_t OF, bool S,
typename std::enable_if<OI >= ISize && OF != FSize, bool>::type = true>
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr explicit FixedPoint(const FixedPoint<OI, OF, S>& o) {
// Perform sign extension if both of the two types are signed
auto intval = o.as_i();
if constexpr(Signed && S) {
intval |= signExtensionMask<OI, ISize>(intval);
// Recalculate the fractional value since the bases are different
constexpr auto shift = FSize > OF ? (FSize - OF) : (OF - FSize);
auto floatval = FSize > OF ? o.as_f() << shift : o.as_f() >> shift;
val = FixedPoint<ISize, FSize, Signed>(intval, floatval).get();
/// Copy constructor for a fixed point value with a smaller sized integer field.
/// This constructor will TRUNCATE the integer value to fit the new size,
/// and rescale the fractional value to the new size by shifting the fractional value
/// by the difference between the size of the two.
template<uint8_t OI, uint8_t OF, bool S,
typename std::enable_if<OI < ISize, bool>::type = true>
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr explicit FixedPoint(const FixedPoint<OI, OF, S>& o) {
// Recalculate the decimal value if the bases are different
auto floatval = o.as_f();
if constexpr (OF != FSize) {
constexpr auto shift = FSize > OF ? (FSize - OF) : (OF - FSize);
floatval = FSize > OF ? floatval << shift : floatval >> shift;
val = FixedPoint<ISize, FSize, Signed>(o.as_i(), floatval).get();
/// Copy constructor for fixed point values with the same size
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr FixedPoint(const FixedPoint& o) : val(o.val) {}
/// Constructor for setting both the integral and fractional part
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr FixedPoint(StorageType i, StorageType f)
: i(i), f(f) {}
#if __cplusplus >= 202002L
/// Constructor to convert floating point values into fixed point
/// Multiplying by a power of two only increases the exponent of the
/// floating point number, which is exact so long as overflow does not occur.
/// Rounding a floating point number to whole is always exact.
[[clang::always_inline]] consteval explicit FixedPoint(long double f) { set(f * (1 << FSize)); }
[[clang::always_inline]] consteval explicit FixedPoint(double f) { set(f * (1 << FSize)); }
[[clang::always_inline]] consteval explicit FixedPoint(float f) { set(f * (1 << FSize)); }
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr explicit FixedPoint(long double f) { set(f * (1 << FSize)); }
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr explicit FixedPoint(double f) { set(f * (1 << FSize)); }
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr explicit FixedPoint(float f) { set(f * (1 << FSize)); }
// Direct value accessor and setter methods
/// Returns just the integral portion
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr StorageType as_i() const { return i; }
/// Returns just the fractional portion
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr StorageType as_f() const { return f; }
/// Returns the entire value
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr StorageType get() const { return val; }
/// Update just the integral portion
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr void set_i(StorageType value) {
i = value;
/// Update just the fractional portion
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr void set_f(StorageType value) {
f = value;
/// Update the entire value
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr void set(StorageType value) { val = value; }
/// Conversion to another fixed point type can be done losslessly if the new type
template<uint8_t OI, uint8_t OF, bool S = true>
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr FixedPoint<OI, OF, S> as() {
return FixedPoint<OI, OF, S>(*this);
// Operator overloads
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr FixedPoint& operator=(FixedPoint o) {
val = o.val;
return *this;
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr FixedPoint operator +(FixedPoint o) const {
FixedPoint n = *this;
n += o;
return n;
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr FixedPoint& operator +=(FixedPoint o) {
val += o.val;
return *this;
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr FixedPoint operator -(FixedPoint o) const {
FixedPoint n = *this;
n -= o;
return n;
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr FixedPoint& operator -=(FixedPoint o) {
val -= o.val;
return *this;
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr FixedPoint operator/(StorageType i) {
FixedPoint n = *this;
n /= i;
return n;
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr FixedPoint& operator/=(StorageType i) {
val /= i;
return *this;
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr FixedPoint operator*(StorageType i) {
FixedPoint n = *this;
n *= i;
return n;
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr FixedPoint& operator*=(StorageType i) {
val *= i;
return *this;
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr FixedPoint operator >>(StorageType v) const {
FixedPoint n = *this;
n >>= v;
return n;
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr FixedPoint& operator >>=(StorageType v) {
val >>= v;
return *this;
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr FixedPoint operator <<(StorageType v) const {
FixedPoint n = *this;
n <<= v;
return n;
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr FixedPoint& operator <<=(StorageType v) {
val <<= v;
return *this;
[[clang::always_inline]] FixedPoint &operator++() {
i += 1;
return *this;
[[clang::always_inline]] FixedPoint operator++(int) {
FixedPoint old = *this;
return old;
// Comparison overloads
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr friend bool operator==(const FixedPoint& a, const FixedPoint& b) noexcept {
return a.val == b.val;
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr friend bool operator< (const FixedPoint& a, const FixedPoint& b) noexcept {
return a.val < b.val;
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr friend bool operator!=(const FixedPoint& a, const FixedPoint& b) noexcept {
return !(a == b);
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr friend bool operator> (const FixedPoint& a, const FixedPoint& b) noexcept {
return b < a;
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr friend bool operator>=(const FixedPoint& a, const FixedPoint& b) noexcept {
return !(a < b);
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr friend bool operator<=(const FixedPoint& a, const FixedPoint& b) noexcept {
return !(b < a);
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr friend bool operator==(const FixedPoint& a, StorageType b) noexcept {
return a.i == b && a.f == 0;
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr friend bool operator< (const FixedPoint& a, StorageType b) noexcept {
return a.i < b;
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr friend bool operator!=(const FixedPoint& a, StorageType b) noexcept {
return !(a == b);
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr friend bool operator> (const FixedPoint& a, StorageType b) noexcept {
return b < a;
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr friend bool operator>=(const FixedPoint& a, StorageType b) noexcept {
return !(a < b);
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr friend bool operator<=(const FixedPoint& a, StorageType b) noexcept {
return !(b < a);
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr friend bool operator==(StorageType a, const FixedPoint& b) noexcept {
return a == b.i && b.f == 0;
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr friend bool operator< (StorageType a, const FixedPoint& b) noexcept {
return !(a < b);
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr friend bool operator!=(StorageType a, const FixedPoint& b) noexcept {
return !(a == b);
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr friend bool operator> (StorageType a, const FixedPoint& b) noexcept {
return a.i < b;
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr friend bool operator>=(StorageType a, const FixedPoint& b) noexcept {
return !(a < b);
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr friend bool operator<=(StorageType a, const FixedPoint& b) noexcept {
return !(b < a);
/// Helper namespace that contains a few common types and user defined literals
/// for converting from floating point numbers to fixed point numbers at compile time.
/// Usage example:
/// using namespace fixedpoint::literals;
/// FP_U8_8 number = 180.44_u8_8; // creates a number at compile-time == 0xb4e1
/// FP_S8_8 value = -60.89_s8_8; // values can be signed or unsigned
/// auto inferred = 107.3_12_4; // default is signed just like other int types
namespace fixedpoint_literals {
using FP_S8_8 = FixedPoint<8, 8, true>;
using FP_S12_4 = FixedPoint<12, 4, true>;
using FP_U8_8 = FixedPoint<8, 8, false>;
using FP_U12_4 = FixedPoint<12, 4, false>;
using FP_8_8 = FP_S8_8;
using FP_12_4 = FP_S12_4;
#if __cplusplus >= 202002L
[[clang::always_inline]] consteval FP_S8_8 operator ""_s8_8(long double fixed) {
return FixedPoint<8,8,true>{fixed};
[[clang::always_inline]] consteval FP_S12_4 operator ""_s12_4(long double fixed) {
return FixedPoint<12,4,true>{fixed};
[[clang::always_inline]] consteval FP_U8_8 operator ""_u8_8(long double fixed) {
return FixedPoint<8,8,false>{fixed};
[[clang::always_inline]] consteval FP_U12_4 operator ""_u12_4(long double fixed) {
return FixedPoint<12,4,true>{fixed};
[[clang::always_inline]] consteval FP_8_8 operator ""_8_8(long double fixed) {
return FixedPoint<8,8,true>{fixed};
[[clang::always_inline]] consteval FP_12_4 operator ""_12_4(long double fixed) {
return FixedPoint<12,4,true>{fixed};
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr FP_S8_8 operator ""_s8_8(long double fixed) {
return FixedPoint<8,8,true>{fixed};
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr FP_S12_4 operator ""_s12_4(long double fixed) {
return FixedPoint<12,4,true>{fixed};
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr FP_U8_8 operator ""_u8_8(long double fixed) {
return FixedPoint<8,8,false>{fixed};
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr FP_U12_4 operator ""_u12_4(long double fixed) {
return FixedPoint<12,4,true>{fixed};
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr FP_8_8 operator ""_8_8(long double fixed) {
return FixedPoint<8,8,true>{fixed};
[[clang::always_inline]] constexpr FP_12_4 operator ""_12_4(long double fixed) {
return FixedPoint<12,4,true>{fixed};
} // namespace fixedpoint_literals
#endif // _FIXED_POINT_H
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