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Last active April 23, 2022 03:06
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Runtime Config
Create React App provides a mechanism for _build-time_ configuration,
via REACT_APP_ env vars.
In order to make a single build of the frontend portable across environments,
it's desirable to also be able to provide _run-time_ configuration.
So we built a way to do it. It works like this:
1) a specially-named env var is set server-side, e.g. REACT_RUNTIME_FOOBAR
2) a server endpoint (/api/runtime-config.js) provides a small snippet of javascript
that, when run on the client, stores configuration on the window object.
3) the client runs this script very early in execution (`<script src=` in index.html)
4) client code accesses configuration through getRuntimeConfig() below
import camelCase from "lodash/camelCase";
import difference from "lodash/difference";
* The set of server-side env vars necessary to populate the run-time configuration
* needed by the client. This is the source of truth; add new things here.
* (camel-case client types are derived from it)
const runtimeConfigEnvVars = [
] as const;
export const runtimeConfigKeyName = "runtimeConfig";
const envVarToShortName = (s: string) =>
camelCase(s.replace(ENV_VAR_PREFIX, ""));
const shortenedConfigNames =;
type KnownConfigName = typeof runtimeConfigEnvVars[number];
type CamelCase<S extends string> =
S extends `${infer P1}_${infer P2}${infer P3}`
? `${Lowercase<P1>}${Uppercase<P2>}${CamelCase<P3>}`
: Lowercase<S>;
type RemovePrefix<
S extends string
> = S extends `${typeof ENV_VAR_PREFIX}${infer P}` ? P : S;
type RuntimeConfigDict = Record<
/** Build config dict from environment variables. (pass in `process.env`) */
export function buildRuntimeConfigObject(input: unknown): RuntimeConfigDict {
if (typeof input !== "object" || input === null) {
throw new Error("invalid input to buildConfigObject()");
const matchingEnvVars = Object.entries(input).filter(([k, _]) =>
runtimeConfigEnvVars,[a, _]) => a)
const obj = Object.fromEntries([k, v]) => [envVarToShortName(k), v])
return obj as RuntimeConfigDict;
function hasConfig(x: unknown): x is { [runtimeConfigKeyName]: unknown } {
if (typeof x == "object" && x != null) {
return runtimeConfigKeyName in x;
return false;
/** Load runtime config on client. (pass in the 'window' object) */
export function getRuntimeConfig(window: unknown): RuntimeConfigDict {
if (!hasConfig(window)) {
throw new Error(
`invalid window given. (expected ${runtimeConfigKeyName} property)`
const runtimeConfig = window[runtimeConfigKeyName];
if (typeof runtimeConfig != "object" || runtimeConfig === null) {
throw new Error(`invalid ${runtimeConfigKeyName} (expected object)`);
logDifferences(shortenedConfigNames, Object.keys(runtimeConfig));
return runtimeConfig as RuntimeConfigDict;
function logDifferences(
expected: readonly string[],
actual: readonly string[]
) {
const missing = difference(expected, actual);
if (missing.length > 0) {
`Runtime config: the following item(s) are missing (expected by client): ${missing.join(
", "
const extra = difference(actual, expected);
if (extra.length > 0) {
`Runtime config: the following item(s) are extraneous (not expected by client): ${extra.join(
", "
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jrr commented Nov 29, 2021

This goes with a blog post: Runtime Configuration for SPAs

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