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Created October 28, 2015 06:49
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fun int[][] genPitches(int setCount, int setLength, int pitchRange)
int result[setCount][setLength];
for(0 => int i; i < setCount; i++)
for(0 => int j; j < setLength; j++)
(0, pitchRange) => Math.random2 => result[i][j];
return result;
80 => int bpm;
(60000/bpm)::ms => dur beat;
// 2 synths
Gain m1 => Pan2 stereo;
SinOsc mod => ADSR env1 => SinOsc bass => m1;
SinOsc mod2 => SinOsc synth1 => ADSR env2 => m1;
// enable fm
2 => bass.sync;
2 => synth1.sync;
// it could get loud
0.02 => bass.gain;
0.10 => synth1.gain;
// modulation envelope for bass
0.8 => env1.gain;
// fm index
2000 => mod.gain;
500 => mod2.gain;
// set envelope values
(0.25::second, 0.25::second, 0.2, 0.25::second) => env1.set; // bass fm env
(0.125::second, 0.5::second, 0.1, 0.25::second) => env2.set; // synth amp env
// loud stereo feedback lines on the end of the sound chain
Gain masterOut => dac;
// split stereo
stereo.right => Delay dr;
stereo.left => Delay dl;
100::ms => dr.max => dr.delay;
50::ms => dl.max => dl.delay;
dr => Gain rtl => dl => Gain ltr => dr;
// constrain feedback
0.95 => rtl.gain => ltr.gain;
//dl => masterOut;
dr => masterOut;
genPitches(2, 4, 12) @=> int notes[][];
// play music infinitely i guess
for(0 => int counter; counter <= (bpm/2); counter++)
(0, 1) => Math.random2 => int phrasing;
notes[0][counter%4] + 12 => int pitch;
pitch + 36 => Std.mtof => bass.freq;
pitch + 24 => Std.mtof => mod.freq;
// melody notes
for(0 => int i; i < 3; i++)
notes[1][i%notes[1].cap()] + pitch => int leadPitch;
leadPitch + 48 => Std.mtof => synth1.freq;
(leadPitch +48) * 3 => Std.mtof => mod2.freq;
(phrasing + 0.5)::beat => now;
(phrasing + 0.5)::beat => now;
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