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Created March 12, 2024 22:36
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typescript: how to infer array of generic objects as union
* Helper type-level function to expand a given type to show all of its inferred fields when hovered.
* @see {@link}
* @see {@link}
type Expand<T> = T extends infer O ? { [K in keyof O]: O[K] } : never
* Represents an argument.
type ParseArgsArgumentConfig = {
* Whether this option can be provided multiple times.
* If `true`, all values will be collected in an array.
* If `false`, values for the option are last-wins.
* @defaultValue false.
multiple?: boolean
* The default option value when it is not set by args.
* When `multiple` is `true`, it must be an array of strings. If `false` a string.
default?: unknown
* Whether this argument is required.
* @defaultValue false.
required?: boolean
* The description of the argument.
description?: string
* Represents an object holding multiple arguments.
type ParseArgsArgumentsConfig = Record<string, ParseArgsArgumentConfig>
* Helper type to validate and ensure consistency in the types of default values for a single argument.
* @template T - The type of the argument configuration.
type ValidateArgType<T> = T extends ParseArgsArgumentConfig
? /**
* If the argument allows multiple values, the default value must be an array of strings.
T['multiple'] extends true
? Expand<Omit<T, 'default'> & { default?: string[] }>
: /**
* If the argument does not allow multiple values, the default value must be a string.
Expand<Omit<T, 'default'> & { default?: string }>
: T
* Type to validate and ensure consistency in the types of default values for a set of arguments.
* @template T - The type of the arguments configuration.
type Validate<T extends ParseArgsArgumentsConfig> = {
* For each argument key in the configuration, validate and ensure consistency in the types of default values.
[K in keyof T]: ValidateArgType<T[K]>
* Represents the options that define a program.
type Program<
DefaultArgs extends ParseArgsArgumentsConfig,
SubArgs extends ParseArgsArgumentsConfig,
> = {
name: string
command: Command<DefaultArgs, SubArgs>
* Represents the options that define a command.
type Command<
DefaultArgs extends ParseArgsArgumentsConfig,
SubArgs extends ParseArgsArgumentsConfig,
> = {
name: string
args: Validate<DefaultArgs>
subCommands: SubCommand<SubArgs>[]
* Represents the options that define a sub-command.
type SubCommand<SubArgs extends ParseArgsArgumentsConfig> = {
name: string
args: Validate<SubArgs>
* Validates and ensures consistency in the types of default values based on the 'multiple' property for each argument.
* Throws an error if the types do not match the expected structure.
* @param {Validate<T>} data - The arguments configuration to be validated.
* @returns {Validate<T>} The validated arguments configuration.
* @throws {Error} Error if the 'default' property type mismatches with the 'multiple' property.
const validateArguments = <const T extends ParseArgsArgumentsConfig>(
data: Validate<T>
): Validate<T> => {
if (!data || typeof data !== 'object') {
throw new TypeError('Argument must be a non-empty object.')
for (const key in data) {
const arg = data[key]
* If 'multiple' is 'true', the validation error will be thrown only if 'default' is defined and not an array.
if (
arg.multiple &&
arg.default !== undefined &&
) {
throw new TypeError(
`Invalid type for 'default' property in argument '${key}'. Expected 'string[]' but got '${typeof arg.default}'.`
* If 'multiple' is 'false', the validation error will be thrown only if 'default' is defined and not a string.
if (
!arg.multiple &&
typeof arg.default !== 'string' &&
arg.default !== undefined
) {
throw new TypeError(
`Invalid type for 'default' property in argument '${key}'. Expected 'string' but got '${typeof arg.default}'.`
* The function returns the validated arguments configuration.
* Note: It should infer the type without explicitly specifying 'as Validate<T>'.
return data
function buildProgram<
const DefaultArgs extends ParseArgsArgumentsConfig,
const SubArgs extends ParseArgsArgumentsConfig,
>(v: Program<DefaultArgs, SubArgs>) {
return {
command: {
args: validateArguments(v.command.args),
subCommands: => ({
arguments: validateArguments(subCommand.args),
const prog = buildProgram({
name: 'test',
command: {
name: 'default',
args: {
arg1: {
multiple: true,
default: ['xxx1'],
arg2: {
default: 'xxx2',
arg3: {
multiple: true,
// @ts-expect-error: should throw error `Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'string[]'.ts(2322)`
default: 'xxx3',
arg4: {
// @ts-expect-error: should throw error `Type 'string[]' is not assignable to type 'string'.ts(2322)`
default: ['xxx4'],
subCommands: [
name: 'cmd1',
args: {
subArg1: {
multiple: true,
default: ['xxx5'],
subArg2: {
default: 'xxx6',
name: 'cmd2',
args: {
* problem: buildProgramm `generic type parameters` for `SubArgs` are not infered as `union`
* @see {@link}
subArg3: {
multiple: true,
default: ['xxx7'],
subArg4: {
default: 'xxx8',
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