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Last active May 10, 2019 16:23
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[ 'wp-blocks', 'wp-i18n', 'wp-data', 'wp-compose' ],
true // Enqueue script in the footer.
const { __ } = wp.i18n;
const { registerBlockType } = wp.blocks;
const { compose } = wp.compose;
const { withSelect, withDispatch } =;
const MyComponentBase = ({ createNotice, blocks, className }) => {
const triggerNotice = (type) => {
createNotice(type, __('Hello, Notices Data!', 'gwg'));
return (
<div className={className}>
<p>{__('Functional Component', 'gwg')}</p>
<li><a onClick={() => triggerNotice('info')}>Trigger info notice</a></li>
<li><a onClick={() => triggerNotice('error')}>Trigger error notice</a></li>
<li><a onClick={() => triggerNotice('warning')}>Trigger warning notice</a></li>
<li><a onClick={() => triggerNotice('success')}>Trigger success notice</a></li>
{ => <li>{}</li>)}
// Variable deconstruction.
({ createNotice, blocks, className }) => {}
// Alternative.
(params) => {
const { createNotice, blocks, className } = params;
const triggerNotice = (type) => {
createNotice(type, __('Hello, Notices Data!', 'gwg'));
return (
<li><a onClick={() => triggerNotice('info')}>Trigger info notice</a></li>
return (
{ => <li>{}</li>)}
const applyWithSelect = withSelect(select => {
const { getBlocks } = select('core/editor');
return { blocks: getBlocks() };
const applyWithDispatch = withDispatch(dispatch => {
return { createNotice } = dispatch('core/notices');
const MyComponent = compose(
registerBlockType('gwg/esnext-data', {
title: __('Get With Gutenberg - ESNext Data', 'gwg'),
category: 'common',
edit(props) {
return <MyComponent {...props} />;
save(props) {
return <p className={props.className}>{__('Hello saved content.', 'gwg')}</p>;
const applyWithDispatch = withDispatch(dispatch => {
const { createNotice } = dispatch('core/notices');
return { createNotice: createNotice };
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