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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Simple script to update copyright headers
import{ FileOutputStream, File }
import scala.util.matching.Regex
object UpdateCopyrightHeaders extends App {
val encoding = "utf-8"
val copyrightLines: Seq[String] = "Copyright (C) 1894-2014 Example Corp. <>".split("\n")
val srcDir = new File("src/")
def updateCopyright(file: File): Unit = {
val contents = Source.fromFile(file, encoding).mkString
val newContents = updateCopyright(contents)
if (newContents != contents) {
val newFile = File.createTempFile("copyrighted", ".txt")
val os = new FileOutputStream(newFile)
val formattedCopyrightLines = "/**\n" + Regex.quoteReplacement(" * " + _).mkString("\n")) + "\n */\n\n$2"
// matches zero or one comment starting with "/*" or "/**" at the start of a string
val MaybeComment = """^(?s:(\s*/\*(?:(?!\*/).)*\*/\n{0,2})?(\s*.*))""".r
def updateCopyright(content: String): String =
MaybeComment.replaceAllIn(content, formattedCopyrightLines)
def recursiveFilesIn(filter: File ⇒ Boolean)(dir: File): Seq[File] =
if (dir.getName != ".." && dir.getName != ".") {
val (dirs, files) = dir.listFiles().partition(_.isDirectory)
files.filter(filter).toVector ++ dirs.flatMap(recursiveFilesIn(filter))
} else Vector.empty
def withExtension(ext: String): File ⇒ Boolean = _.getName.endsWith(s".$ext")
implicit class AddPredicateOps[T](val f: T ⇒ Boolean) extends AnyVal {
def ||(g: T ⇒ Boolean): T ⇒ Boolean = t ⇒ f(t) || g(t)
recursiveFilesIn(withExtension("scala") || withExtension("java"))(srcDir).foreach(updateCopyright)
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