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Last active December 20, 2015 23:08
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icfpc 2013 post mortem

ICFP Contest 2013 Post Mortem

This is a short post mortem about my first participation in an ICFP contest. Overall, it was much fun. I liked the abstract nature of the problem and that the server system worked as described.

The solution

A simple brute force approach for the normal problems. At the best times during the lightning it could check about (2.5e6 programs / s) and for some problems I found solutions after having checked 900 million programs. I tried solving bonus problems by finding a partitioning of the example set so that I could find one solution separately for each partition and then a condition that would split the example set. There were some bonus configurations I didn't find a solution even when looking through the complete search space but no idea why.

The difficulty

  • That's probably my only critic: problems advertised as hard were in general much easier than thought (also see the analysis: in average the solution size (~ 7.5) was only half the advertised (~ 16))
  • Consequently, since I didn't expected to solve as many problems as I did, I didn't even try soon enough, so I finished the contest with 250 problems not even attempted because of the 15 req / minute constraint.
  • Problems could have been run through a simplifier before calculating the metadata, this would have made it more likely that the problems would have fit their description

The analysis

The other files contain an analysis of the problems I solved by categories. Each line describes the properties and the solution of one problem.

A line look like this:

problem  5 [ 6|-02---] solution  5 [ 6|-02---] simplified  5 [ 6|-02---] <(lambda (x) (or x (plus x x)))>

and is read like this:

  • The problem had an approximate search space of size 2^5.
  • It was advertised with size 6 and with operators matching the flag section -02---.
  • A flag section looks like this |bXYitf]
    • if it contains b, it was a bonus problem
    • if it contains i, it contained if0
    • if it contains t, it contained tfold
    • if it contains f, it contained fold
    • X is the number of unary operators
    • Y is the number of binary operators
  • The same statistics is given for the solution as accepted and the solution as run through an optimizer (after the fact) to find a simpler solution
  • The simplified solution itself

At the end of each section there's a size histogram which shows tuples (advertised size, number of problems with this size, average of log2 of search space traversed to find solution).

Lessons learned

  • remember to register early and not only 10 hours after the contest has begun
  • while it is possible to manage all alone it would be much more fun to participate in a team and much less stressful. One eye on the server to look out for bugs and strange things happening while trying to focus on improving the algorithm is hardly possible
  • when implementing graph searches really test that nodes are traversed in the right order. If I had paid more attention to the problems being enumerated shortest solutions first, I could have avoided much trouble later on.
  • I never know when Scala's collection are evaluated lazily and when not. Even trying to implement a Stream based solution (cf. Scala coursera course) seemed to break down after a certain depth of the problem. I still don't know which of Streams operations are always lazy and how much I can chain them without risking speed / StackOverflow problems.
  • aborting Scala parallel collection loops (the most simple way of making things parallel, and also the most stupid in many cases) with non-local returns makes all threads run into a lock for some time: no good idea
  • nevertheless Scala is a perfect language for fast prototyping if you know the tools


The code

Not the way I usually like it: completely raw, with all its last-minute improvement hackyness, commented code, trace message everywhere etc. can be found here:

All solved problems analysis
Average problem size: 16.96
Average solution size: 10.51
Average simplified solution size: 9.62
Average log2 - problem difficulty 30.42
Average log2 - simplified solution difficulty 10.43
Top 10 solutions (making up for 16.09 % of all in this category)
44 <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
42 <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
16 <(lambda (x) (not x))>
14 <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
12 <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
11 <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
11 <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
10 <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
8 <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shr4 x)))>
8 <(lambda (x) (or 1 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 1 [ 4|-10---] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shr4 x)))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 1 [ 8|-10-t-] solution 1 [ 8|-10--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 1 [ 8|-10-t-] solution 1 [ 8|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 8|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 1 [ 8|-10-t-] solution 1 [ 8|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 8|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 2 [ 4|-01---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 2 [ 4|-01---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 x))>
problem 2 [ 4|-01---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 x))>
problem 2 [ 4|-01---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 x))>
problem 2 [ 4|-01---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 x))>
problem 2 [ 4|-01---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 x))>
problem 2 [ 4|-01---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 2 [ 4|-01---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 x))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shr4 x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (not x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (not x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shl1 x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shl1 x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shr4 x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr16 x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr1 x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr1 x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shl1 x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shl1 x)))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or x (shr16 x)))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or x (shr1 x)))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (shr16 x)))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (plus x x)))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (not x)))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (not (plus x x)))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 4 [ 5|-20---] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shr4 (shl1 x))))>
problem 4 [ 5|-20---] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shr16 (shl1 x))))>
problem 4 [ 5|-20---] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr16 (shr16 x))))>
problem 5 [ 6|-20---] solution 5 [ 6|-20---] simplified 5 [ 6|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 5 [ 6|-10i--] solution 5 [ 6|-10i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
problem 5 [ 6|-11---] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shl1 x)))>
problem 5 [ 6|-10i--] solution 5 [ 6|-10i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 5 [ 6|-02---] solution 5 [ 6|-02---] simplified 5 [ 6|-02---] <(lambda (x) (and x (plus x x)))>
problem 5 [ 6|-02---] solution 5 [ 6|-02---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 x))>
problem 5 [ 6|-02---] solution 5 [ 6|-02---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 x))>
problem 5 [ 6|-02---] solution 5 [ 6|-02---] simplified 5 [ 6|-02---] <(lambda (x) (or x (plus x x)))>
problem 5 [ 6|-02---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 x))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x z))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x x))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (xor x z))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x z))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (xor x z))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 63 [10|-00--f] simplified 63 [10|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 0 (lambda (y z) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 63 [10|-00--f] simplified 63 [10|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 0 (lambda (y z) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x z))))>
problem 5 [ 9|-00it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 6 [ 5|-30---] solution 6 [ 5|-30---] simplified 6 [ 5|-30---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr4 (not x))))>
problem 6 [ 5|-30---] solution 6 [ 5|-30---] simplified 6 [ 5|-30---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr16 (not x))))>
problem 6 [ 5|-30---] solution 6 [ 5|-30---] simplified 6 [ 5|-30---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shl1 (shr4 x))))>
problem 6 [ 7|-11---] solution 6 [ 7|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (not 0)))>
problem 6 [ 7|-11---] solution 3 [ 6|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 x))>
problem 6 [ 7|-11---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 7 [ 6|-21---] solution 7 [ 6|-21---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (or x (shr1 (not 0))))>
problem 7 [ 6|-21---] solution 7 [ 6|-21---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (not (and x (shr1 x))))>
problem 7 [ 6|-21---] solution 7 [ 6|-21---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr16 x)))>
problem 7 [ 6|-21---] solution 5 [ 6|-11---] simplified 5 [ 6|-11---] <(lambda (x) (not (plus 1 (not x))))>
problem 7 [ 6|-21---] solution 7 [ 6|-21---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (shr16 (shr4 x))))>
problem 7 [ 6|-21---] solution 3 [ 6|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 7 [ 6|-21---] solution 5 [ 6|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr16 x)))>
problem 7 [ 6|-21---] solution 7 [ 6|-21---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr4 (plus x x))))>
problem 7 [ 6|-21---] solution 7 [ 6|-21---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (shr1 (shr16 x))))>
problem 7 [ 8|-20-t-] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (not (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 7 [ 8|-20-t-] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (not (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 7 [ 8|-20-t-] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (not (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 7 [ 8|-20-t-] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (not (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 7 [10|-01-t-] solution 7 [10|-01--f] simplified 7 [10|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x (plus x x)))))>
problem 7 [10|-01-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 9 [12|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 0 (lambda (y z) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (xor y z))))))>
problem 7 [10|-01-t-] solution 7 [10|-01--f] simplified 7 [10|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (and 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 7 [19|b22i--] solution 63 [15|-22i--] simplified 63 [15|-22i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (plus x (shr1 (shr1 x))) 1))>
problem 8 [ 7|-12---] solution 8 [ 7|-12---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 x))>
problem 8 [ 7|-12---] solution 6 [ 7|-11---] simplified 6 [ 7|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and x (and x (shr16 x))))>
problem 8 [ 7|-12---] solution 6 [ 7|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (shr1 x)))>
problem 8 [ 7|-12---] solution 8 [ 7|-12---] simplified 8 [ 7|-12---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (xor x (shr1 x))))>
problem 8 [ 7|-12---] solution 6 [ 7|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (shl1 x)))>
problem 8 [ 7|-12---] solution 5 [ 6|-02---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 8 [ 7|-12---] solution 6 [ 7|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (not 1)))>
problem 8 [ 7|-12---] solution 8 [ 7|-12---] simplified 8 [ 7|-12---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (plus x (shr16 x))))>
problem 8 [ 7|-12---] solution 6 [ 7|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (shr1 x)))>
problem 8 [ 8|-11---] solution 8 [ 8|-11---] simplified 8 [ 8|-11---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 (xor x (shl1 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 8 [ 8|-11---] solution 8 [ 8|-11---] simplified 8 [ 8|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (or x (shl1 (shl1 1)))))>
problem 8 [ 8|-11---] solution 5 [ 8|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 8 [ 8|-02---] solution 8 [ 8|-02---] simplified 8 [ 8|-02---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (plus x (plus x x))))>
problem 8 [ 9|-01i--] solution 8 [ 9|-01i--] simplified 8 [ 9|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 x) x 0)))>
problem 8 [ 9|-20-t-] solution 8 [ 9|-20--f] simplified 8 [ 9|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shl1 (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))))>
problem 8 [19|b23i--] solution 8 [19|-23i--] simplified 8 [19|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr4 (shr4 x)))) (plus 1 (plus x x)) (xor 1 (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 8 [19|b23i--] solution 63 [15|-22i--] simplified 63 [15|-22i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (not (not (or 1 x))) (and x (shr1 (not x)))))>
problem 8 [19|b23i--] solution 8 [19|-23i--] simplified 8 [19|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr1 (shr1 x)))) (and x (shr4 (shr4 x))) (plus x (or 1 x))))>
problem 8 [19|b23i--] solution 63 [15|-12i--] simplified 63 [15|-12i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (plus 1 x))) (plus 1 (shr16 (shr16 x))) x))>
problem 8 [19|b23i--] solution 8 [19|-23i--] simplified 8 [19|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or x (not (shr4 x)))) (plus x (not (shr4 x))) (and x (shr4 (not x)))))>
problem 8 [19|b23i--] solution 8 [19|-23i--] simplified 8 [19|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or (not x) (shr4 x))) (or x (plus 1 x)) (or 1 (shr4 (not x)))))>
problem 8 [19|b24i--] solution 8 [19|-23i--] simplified 8 [19|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus 1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (or x (shr1 (shr16 x))) (or 1 (plus x x))))>
problem 8 [19|b32i--] solution 8 [19|-32i--] simplified 8 [19|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr1 (shr4 x)))) (shr16 (shr4 (plus 1 x))) (plus 1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 8 [20|b22i--] solution 7 [19|-22i--] simplified 7 [19|-22i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (not x))) (and x (plus 1 x)) (not (and x (not (shr1 x))))))>
problem 8 [20|b22i--] solution 7 [19|-22i--] simplified 7 [19|-22i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (plus 1 x))) (plus 1 (plus x x)) (plus 1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 9 [ 6|-40---] solution 9 [ 6|-40---] simplified 9 [ 6|-40---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shl1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 9 [ 7|-21---] solution 9 [ 7|-21---] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and x (shr1 (shr1 (not 0)))))>
problem 9 [ 7|-21---] solution 9 [ 7|-21---] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shr1 (xor x (shl1 x)))))>
problem 9 [ 7|-21---] solution 9 [ 7|-21---] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (or x (shr1 (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x (shr4 x)))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus z (not x)))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (and x (shr4 x)))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 11 [10|-11--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (xor x z))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (not (plus x z)))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 63 [10|-00--f] simplified 63 [10|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 0 (lambda (y z) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 7 [10|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 11 [10|-11--f] simplified 11 [10|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (xor y (shr1 z))))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (not (plus x z)))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (xor y z)))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 11 [10|-11--f] simplified 11 [10|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (xor y (shr1 z))))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x (shr4 x)))))>
problem 9 [19|b33i--] solution 63 [18|-32i--] simplified 63 [18|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (not x))) (xor x (shr1 (shl1 x))) (shl1 (xor x (shr1 x)))))>
problem 9 [19|b33i--] solution 9 [19|-33i--] simplified 9 [19|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr1 (shr16 x)))) (plus 1 (xor 1 x)) (shr16 (shr4 (plus 1 x)))))>
problem 9 [19|b34i--] solution 63 [18|-32i--] simplified 63 [18|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (not x))) (or x (not (shl1 1))) (and x (shr1 (not x)))))>
problem 9 [19|b34i--] solution 9 [19|-34i--] simplified 9 [19|-34i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (plus x (shr4 x)))) (or 1 (plus 1 x)) (not (xor x (shl1 x)))))>
problem 9 [19|b42i--] solution 63 [18|-42i--] simplified 63 [18|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))) (or x (shr16 (shr4 x))) (and x (shr1 (not x)))))>
problem 9 [19|b42i--] solution 9 [19|-42i--] simplified 9 [19|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr16 (plus x (shr4 x)))) (plus x (shl1 (shr16 x))) (shl1 (plus 1 (shr1 x)))))>
problem 9 [19|b42i--] solution 63 [18|-42i--] simplified 63 [18|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (plus (not x) (shr4 x)) (plus x (shl1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 9 [19|b42i--] solution 63 [18|-31i--] simplified 63 [18|-31i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (not x))) (and x (shl1 (not x))) (and (shl1 x) (shr16 x))))>
problem 10 [ 8|-12---] solution 8 [ 7|-12---] simplified 8 [ 7|-12---] <(lambda (x) (or x (not (plus 1 x))))>
problem 10 [ 8|-03---] solution 10 [ 8|-03---] simplified 5 [ 6|-02---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (and 1 x)))>
problem 10 [ 8|-03---] solution 8 [ 8|-02---] simplified 8 [ 8|-02---] <(lambda (x) (and (plus x x) (plus x x)))>
problem 10 [ 8|-03---] solution 5 [ 8|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 x))>
problem 10 [ 9|-02i--] solution 10 [ 9|-02i--] simplified 10 [ 9|-02i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (xor x (or 1 x)) x 0))>
problem 10 [ 9|-02i--] solution 10 [ 9|-02i--] simplified 10 [ 9|-02i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (xor x (or 1 x)) 0 x))>
problem 10 [ 9|-02i--] solution 8 [ 9|-01i--] simplified 8 [ 9|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 x) x 0)))>
problem 10 [ 9|-02i--] solution 10 [ 9|-02i--] simplified 10 [ 9|-02i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and x (plus 1 1)) 0 x))>
problem 10 [ 9|-02i--] solution 8 [ 8|-02---] simplified 8 [ 8|-02---] <(lambda (x) (and (xor 1 x) (xor 1 x)))>
problem 10 [ 9|-02i--] solution 8 [ 9|-01i--] simplified 8 [ 9|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 x) x 1)))>
problem 10 [19|b43i--] solution 9 [19|-41i--] simplified 9 [19|-41i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and x (shr1 (shr1 x)))) (not (shl1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (and (not 0) (shl1 x))))>
problem 10 [19|b53i--] solution 63 [15|-32i--] simplified 63 [15|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (and x (shr1 (shr16 x))) (plus x (shr4 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 10 [20|b32i--] solution 63 [15|-32i--] simplified 63 [15|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (plus x (shl1 (shr4 x))) (plus x (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 10 [20|b34i--] solution 10 [20|-34i--] simplified 10 [20|-34i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (not (or x (shr1 x))) (xor 1 (plus x (not 0)))))>
problem 10 [20|b34i--] solution 9 [19|-33i--] simplified 9 [19|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or x (not (shr1 x)))) (plus x (not 1)) (not (and (not x) (shr4 x)))))>
problem 11 [ 7|-31---] solution 11 [ 7|-31---] simplified 11 [ 7|-31---] <(lambda (x) (and x (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 11 [ 7|-31---] solution 6 [ 7|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (not 1)))>
problem 11 [ 7|-31---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 11 [ 7|-31---] solution 11 [ 7|-31---] simplified 11 [ 7|-31---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (shr1 (shr4 (not x)))))>
problem 11 [ 8|-21---] solution 11 [ 8|-21---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (or x (not (shl1 x))))>
problem 11 [ 8|-21---] solution 6 [ 7|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (shr1 x)))>
problem 11 [ 8|-21---] solution 11 [ 8|-21---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (shl1 (shr4 x))))>
problem 11 [ 9|-11i--] solution 11 [ 9|-11i--] simplified 11 [ 9|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and x (shl1 (shl1 1))) x 1))>
problem 11 [10|-10it-] solution 11 [10|-10i-f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 11 [10|-10it-] solution 11 [10|-10i-f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 11 [10|-10it-] solution 11 [10|-10i-f] simplified 11 [10|-10i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 (shr4 x) 0 x))))>
problem 11 [10|-11-t-] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (or y (shr1 (shr1 z)))))))>
problem 11 [10|-02-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 9 [12|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (and (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 11 [10|-02-t-] solution 11 [10|-02--f] simplified 11 [10|-02--f] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (plus y y)))))>
problem 11 [10|-02-t-] solution 11 [10|-02--f] simplified 11 [10|-02--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x (or x z)))))>
problem 11 [10|-02-t-] solution 11 [10|-02--f] simplified 11 [10|-02--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x (or x z)))))>
problem 11 [10|-02-t-] solution 11 [10|-02--f] simplified 11 [10|-02--f] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (xor y z)))))>
problem 11 [11|-01it-] solution 14 [12|-00i-f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 11 [11|-01it-] solution 11 [11|-01i-f] simplified 11 [11|-01i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 x z (plus 1 x)))))>
problem 11 [20|b43i--] solution 11 [20|-43i--] simplified 11 [20|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (xor 1 (shr1 (shr4 x))) (shl1 (plus x (shl1 (shl1 1))))))>
problem 11 [20|b43i--] solution 10 [19|-43i--] simplified 10 [19|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (plus x (shr4 x)))) (xor 1 (shr1 (shr16 x))) (and 1 (not (shr1 x)))))>
problem 11 [20|b43i--] solution 11 [20|-42i--] simplified 11 [20|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr4 (shr4 x)))) (and 1 (plus 1 x)) (shl1 (plus (shr1 x) (shr16 x)))))>
problem 11 [20|b43i--] solution 11 [20|-43i--] simplified 11 [20|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (xor 1 (shr1 (shr4 x))) (shl1 (plus x (shl1 (shl1 1))))))>
problem 11 [21|b13i--] solution 63 [11|-02i--] simplified 63 [11|-02i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) 1 (plus 1 (plus 1 x))))>
problem 12 [ 8|-22---] solution 11 [ 8|-21---] simplified 11 [ 8|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and x (and x (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 12 [ 8|-22---] solution 12 [ 8|-22---] simplified 12 [ 8|-22---] <(lambda (x) (or x (xor (shr16 x) (shr4 x))))>
problem 12 [ 8|-22---] solution 12 [ 8|-22---] simplified 12 [ 8|-22---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (not (plus x (shl1 x)))))>
problem 12 [ 8|-22---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 x))>
problem 12 [ 8|-22---] solution 12 [ 8|-22---] simplified 12 [ 8|-22---] <(lambda (x) (and x (not (shr4 (plus x x)))))>
problem 12 [ 8|-22---] solution 11 [ 8|-21---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shl1 x)))>
problem 12 [ 8|-22---] solution 6 [ 7|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or x (not 1)))>
problem 12 [ 9|-20i--] solution 9 [ 9|-10i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 12 [11|-11-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 12 [11|-11-t-] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (xor 1 (xor x (shl1 x))))))>
problem 12 [11|-11-t-] solution 14 [12|-11--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (xor x z))))>
problem 12 [11|-11-t-] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (and 1 (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))))>
problem 12 [11|-11-t-] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (xor x (shl1 (xor 1 x))))))>
problem 12 [11|-11--f] solution 1 [ 9|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 9|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 (shl1 (shl1 x)) (lambda (y z) (shl1 z))))>
problem 12 [11|-11--f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x (shr1 z)))))>
problem 12 [20|b53i--] solution 63 [18|-43i--] simplified 63 [18|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (not x))) (or 1 (shr4 (not x))) (plus x (shl1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 12 [21|b14i--] solution 12 [21|-14i--] simplified 12 [21|-14i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr4 (shr4 x)))) (or 0 (or x (plus 1 x))) (xor x (plus x x))))>
problem 12 [21|b14i--] solution 12 [21|-14i--] simplified 12 [21|-14i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and x (shr4 (shr4 x)))) (xor x (or x (plus x x))) (or 0 (plus x x))))>
problem 12 [21|b14i--] solution 11 [21|-13i--] simplified 11 [21|-13i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr4 (shr4 x)))) (and x (and x (plus 1 x))) (and x (xor 1 x))))>
problem 12 [21|b23i--] solution 12 [21|-22i--] simplified 12 [21|-22i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (plus 1 x))) (plus 1 (plus x (shl1 (shr16 x)))) (and 1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 12 [21|b23i--] solution 12 [21|-23i--] simplified 12 [21|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr4 (shr4 x)))) (plus x (shl1 (shl1 (and 1 x)))) (xor 1 (plus 1 x))))>
problem 13 [ 8|-31---] solution 13 [ 8|-31---] simplified 13 [ 8|-31---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (shr1 (shr16 (not (shr1 x))))))>
problem 13 [10|-11i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 13 [10|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and x (and x (shl1 1))) 1 x))>
problem 13 [21|b24i--] solution 13 [21|-24i--] simplified 13 [21|-24i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or x (not (shr4 x)))) (not (not (xor x (plus x x)))) (and (not 1) (not x))))>
problem 13 [21|b24i--] solution 13 [21|-24i--] simplified 13 [21|-24i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr1 (shr1 (shr1 (shr16 x))))) (or x (shr1 (shr16 x))) (or x (plus x (xor 1 x)))))>
problem 13 [21|b32i--] solution 13 [21|-32i--] simplified 13 [21|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr16 (and x (shl1 x)))) (xor 0 (xor x (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (xor 1 (shr1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 13 [21|b32i--] solution 10 [20|-32i--] simplified 10 [20|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (not x))) (plus x (shl1 (and x (shr4 x)))) (and x (not (shl1 1)))))>
problem 14 [ 8|-41---] solution 9 [ 7|-30---] simplified 6 [ 5|-30---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr4 (not x))))>
problem 14 [ 9|-21i--] solution 14 [ 9|-21i--] simplified 14 [ 9|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (xor x (shl1 (shr1 x))) x 1))>
problem 14 [ 9|-21i--] solution 14 [ 9|-21i--] simplified 14 [ 9|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (shr1 (shr16 x)) 0 (xor 1 x)))>
problem 14 [ 9|-21i--] solution 9 [ 8|-11i--] simplified 9 [ 8|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr4 x)) 1 0))>
problem 14 [ 9|-21i--] solution 14 [ 9|-21i--] simplified 14 [ 9|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (plus 0 (shr4 x)) x (shr16 x)))>
problem 14 [ 9|-21i--] solution 8 [ 9|-01i--] simplified 8 [ 9|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 x) x 1)))>
problem 14 [ 9|-30i--] solution 14 [ 9|-30i--] simplified 14 [ 9|-30i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (shl1 (shr16 (shr16 x))) x (shr4 x)))>
problem 14 [ 9|-30i--] solution 14 [ 9|-30i--] simplified 14 [ 9|-30i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (shr4 (shl1 x)) (shr4 x) (not x)))>
problem 14 [10|-30-t-] solution 14 [10|-30--f] simplified 14 [10|-30--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shr1 (shl1 (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))))>
problem 14 [10|-21-t-] solution 7 [10|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 14 [10|-21-t-] solution 14 [10|-21--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 14 [10|-21-t-] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (plus (not (plus 1 1)) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 14 [10|-21-t-] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 14 [10|-21-t-] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 14 [10|-21-t-] solution 16 [11|-21--f] simplified 16 [11|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (not (plus z (not y)))))))>
problem 14 [10|-21-t-] solution 7 [10|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 14 [12|-02-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 14 [12|-02-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 14 [12|-02-t-] solution 14 [12|-02--f] simplified 14 [12|-02--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus 1 (or z (plus x z))))))>
problem 14 [13|-01it-] solution 16 [14|-01i-f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 14 [22|b24i--] solution 13 [21|-24i--] simplified 13 [21|-24i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or x (plus 1 (shr16 (shr4 x))))) (or 0 (or 1 x)) (xor x (shr16 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 14 [21|b33i--] solution 13 [21|-32i--] simplified 13 [21|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and (not x) (shr4 x))) (and x (plus 1 (plus 1 x))) (plus x (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 14 [21|b33i--] solution 10 [20|-33i--] simplified 10 [20|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr4 x))) (xor x (plus x (shr16 (not x)))) (plus (not x) (shr4 x))))>
problem 14 [21|b33i--] solution 10 [20|-33i--] simplified 10 [20|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr16 (shl1 (shr4 x))))) (or x (shr16 (shl1 x))) (or 1 (plus x x))))>
problem 14 [21|b33i--] solution 10 [20|-32i--] simplified 10 [20|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and x (shr4 (shr4 x)))) (and (not x) (shl1 (not 1))) (not (xor x (shl1 x)))))>
problem 14 [21|b33i--] solution 14 [21|-33i--] simplified 14 [21|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and x (shr1 (shr16 x)))) (xor 1 (shr16 (shr16 x))) (xor x (or x (shr16 (shr4 x))))))>
problem 14 [21|b33i--] solution 13 [21|-32i--] simplified 13 [21|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (or 1 (shl1 (or 1 (shl1 x)))) (and x (shr4 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 14 [21|b33i--] solution 10 [20|-33i--] simplified 10 [20|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (shr1 (shr1 (plus 1 x))))) (xor 1 (shr16 (shr16 x))) (plus x (not (shr1 x)))))>
problem 14 [21|b33i--] solution 63 [16|-31i--] simplified 63 [16|-31i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and (not x) (shr1 x))) (and x (shr1 (shl1 (shl1 x)))) 0))>
problem 14 [21|b33i--] solution 9 [20|-31i--] simplified 9 [20|-31i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (and (not (shr1 x)) (shr16 (not 0))) (and x (not 1))))>
problem 14 [21|b33i--] solution 14 [21|-33i--] simplified 14 [21|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (xor 1 x)))) (or x (shr16 (shl1 x))) (xor 1 (shr1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 14 [21|b33i--] solution 14 [21|-33i--] simplified 14 [21|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and x (shr1 (shr1 x)))) (or 1 (plus x (plus x x))) (and x (shr4 (not x)))))>
problem 14 [21|b34i--] solution 9 [20|-24i--] simplified 9 [20|-24i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus 1 (plus x (shr16 x)))) (xor 1 (plus 1 x)) (or 1 (shl1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 14 [21|b34i--] solution 14 [21|-34i--] simplified 14 [21|-34i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus 1 (shr1 (shr4 x)))) (xor 1 (shr4 (or x (shr1 x)))) (shr16 (plus x (shr4 x)))))>
problem 14 [21|b34i--] solution 63 [17|-24i--] simplified 63 [17|-24i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (or 1 (shr1 (xor x (shr1 x)))) (plus x (shr1 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 14 [21|b34i--] solution 63 [17|-33i--] simplified 63 [17|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or x (shr4 (plus x (shl1 x))))) 1 (or x (shr16 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 14 [21|b34i--] solution 14 [21|-34i--] simplified 14 [21|-34i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (and (shr16 x) (shr16 (shl1 x))))) (plus x (xor 1 x)) (or x (shl1 (not 1)))))>
problem 14 [21|b34i--] solution 14 [21|-34i--] simplified 14 [21|-34i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (plus 1 x))) (or x (shr4 (plus x (shl1 x)))) (xor 1 (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 14 [21|b42i--] solution 10 [20|-32i--] simplified 10 [20|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr4 x))) (and x (and (shl1 x) (shr1 x))) (and x (plus 1 x))))>
problem 14 [21|b42i--] solution 13 [21|-32i--] simplified 13 [21|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not (shr1 x))))) (and x (plus 1 x)) (plus x (shr1 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 14 [21|b42i--] solution 11 [20|-42i--] simplified 11 [20|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))) (plus x (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 x))))) (shr1 (shr16 (not (shr4 x))))))>
problem 14 [21|b42i--] solution 14 [21|-42i--] simplified 14 [21|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus 1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (and x (and (shl1 x) (shr1 x))) (plus 1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 8 [ 9|-01i--] simplified 8 [ 9|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 x) x 0)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 15 [10|-12i--] simplified 15 [10|-12i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr4 (plus 1 x))) x 1))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 8 [ 9|-01i--] simplified 8 [ 9|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 x) 0 x)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 13 [10|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and x (shl1 1)) 0 x)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 13 [10|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr16 x))) 1 x))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 12 [ 9|-12---] simplified 12 [ 9|-12---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (and 1 (xor 1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 9 [ 9|-10i--] simplified 5 [ 6|-10i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 x 1 (shr1 x)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 8 [ 9|-01i--] simplified 8 [ 9|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 x) x 1)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 8 [ 9|-01i--] simplified 8 [ 9|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 x) 0 x)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 13 [10|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 (shr16 x)) x 0)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 13 [10|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 (shr4 x)) 0 x)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 10 [10|-01i--] simplified 5 [ 7|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) 1 x))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 13 [10|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 (shr4 x)) 0 x)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 15 [10|-12i--] simplified 15 [10|-12i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr16 x))) x 1))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 13 [10|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (plus 0 (shl1 x)) 1 (plus 1 x)))>
problem 15 [11|-11i--] solution 10 [10|-01i--] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 15 [11|-03i--] solution 14 [11|-02i--] simplified 14 [11|-02i--] <(lambda (x) (and (if0 0 (xor 1 x) 0) (xor 1 x)))>
problem 15 [23|b14i--] solution 14 [23|-13i--] simplified 14 [23|-13i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (plus 1 x)))) (and x (or 1 (plus x x))) (and x (shr4 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 15 [23|b14i--] solution 15 [23|-14i--] simplified 15 [23|-14i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or x (shr4 (shr4 x)))) (xor x (or x (plus x x))) (plus x (xor x (plus 1 x)))))>
problem 15 [23|b14i--] solution 14 [23|-13i--] simplified 14 [23|-13i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (plus 1 x)))) (and x (or 1 (plus x x))) (and x (shr4 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 15 [23|b14i--] solution 15 [23|-14i--] simplified 15 [23|-14i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and x (shr1 (shr1 x)))) (or 1 (plus x (plus x x))) (or x (plus x (xor 1 x)))))>
problem 15 [21|b43i--] solution 15 [21|-43i--] simplified 15 [21|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (plus x (shr1 x)))) (and x (shl1 (shl1 (shl1 (shr16 x))))) (or x (plus 1 x))))>
problem 15 [21|b43i--] solution 15 [21|-43i--] simplified 15 [21|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (or x (not (shr1 x))))) (plus x (shr4 (shr4 x))) (not (shr16 (not (shr1 x))))))>
problem 15 [21|b43i--] solution 15 [21|-43i--] simplified 15 [21|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and x (shr4 (shr4 x)))) (or 1 (shr1 (shr4 (plus 1 x)))) (shl1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 x))))))>
problem 15 [21|b43i--] solution 11 [20|-42i--] simplified 11 [20|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (shr1 (shr16 x)))) (plus 1 (plus x (plus x x))) (and x (shr4 (not x)))))>
problem 15 [21|b43i--] solution 11 [20|-42i--] simplified 11 [20|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (shr1 (shr1 (shr1 (shr16 x)))))) (xor x (shr4 (not x))) (xor x (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 15 [21|b43i--] solution 15 [21|-43i--] simplified 15 [21|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and x (shr1 (shr1 x)))) (or 1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 (not x))))) (or 1 (plus x x))))>
problem 15 [21|b43i--] solution 63 [17|-32i--] simplified 63 [17|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (plus 1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 x))))) (and 1 (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 15 [21|b43i--] solution 63 [17|-32i--] simplified 63 [17|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (plus 1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 x))))) (and 1 (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 15 [21|b43i--] solution 15 [21|-43i--] simplified 15 [21|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or x (shr1 (shr1 (shr1 (shr16 x)))))) (or x (shr4 (shr4 x))) (plus x (shr1 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 15 [21|b43i--] solution 12 [21|-23i--] simplified 12 [21|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (shr4 (shr4 x))))) (xor x (plus x x)) (and (not 1) (not x))))>
problem 15 [21|b44i--] solution 63 [17|-43i--] simplified 63 [17|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (or 1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 (not x))))) (xor x (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 15 [21|b44i--] solution 11 [20|-43i--] simplified 11 [20|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr1 x))) (or x (shr4 (plus x (shl1 x)))) (not (not (shr1 (shr4 x))))))>
problem 15 [21|b44i--] solution 15 [21|-44i--] simplified 15 [21|-44i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or x (plus 1 (shr16 (shl1 x))))) (or 0 (shr16 (shl1 x))) (xor 1 (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 15 [21|b44i--] solution 63 [17|-23i--] simplified 63 [17|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (plus x (shr1 (shr16 (plus x x)))) (xor x (plus x x))))>
problem 15 [21|b44i--] solution 10 [20|-32i--] simplified 10 [20|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not x)))) (and x (shl1 (not x))) (or x (shl1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 15 [21|b44i--] solution 11 [20|-42i--] simplified 11 [20|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not x)))) (plus x (shr1 (shr1 x))) (not (shl1 (not (shr16 x))))))>
problem 15 [21|b44i--] solution 11 [20|-42i--] simplified 11 [20|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not x)))) (plus x (shr1 (shr1 x))) (not (shl1 (not (shr16 x))))))>
problem 15 [21|b44i--] solution 11 [20|-43i--] simplified 11 [20|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not x)))) (shr1 (shr16 (not (shr4 x)))) (or 1 (plus x x))))>
problem 16 [ 9|-40i--] solution 9 [ 9|-10i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 16 [10|-21i--] solution 8 [ 9|-01i--] simplified 8 [ 9|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 x) x 1)))>
problem 16 [11|-20i-f] solution 16 [11|-20i--] simplified 10 [ 8|-20i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (shr1 (shr16 x)) 0 (shr1 x)))>
problem 16 [11|-20i-f] solution 16 [11|-20i-f] simplified 16 [11|-20i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not x) (shr1 x) (lambda (y z) (if0 y 0 z))))>
problem 16 [11|-12--f] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 16 [11|-12--f] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (or 0 (shr1 (or y z))))))>
problem 16 [11|-12--f] solution 16 [11|-12--f] simplified 16 [11|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x (or 1 x) (lambda (y z) (not (xor y z)))))>
problem 16 [11|-12--f] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 0 (lambda (y z) (xor z (shr1 (xor x z))))))>
problem 16 [11|-12--f] solution 16 [11|-12---] simplified 16 [11|-12---] <(lambda (x) (and (and (or 0 (shl1 1)) (shl1 1)) (shl1 x)))>
problem 16 [11|-12--f] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 16 [11|-12--f] solution 16 [11|-12--f] simplified 16 [11|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (xor 1 x) 1 (lambda (y z) (not (and y z)))))>
problem 16 [11|-12--f] solution 14 [10|-12---] simplified 14 [10|-12---] <(lambda (x) (and (or x (shl1 1)) (or x (shl1 1))))>
problem 16 [11|-12--f] solution 12 [11|-11---] simplified 12 [11|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and x (and x (and x (and x (not 1))))))>
problem 16 [11|-21--f] solution 16 [11|-21--f] simplified 16 [11|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (not (not (xor z (shl1 y)))))))>
problem 16 [11|-21--f] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 0 (lambda (y z) (xor z (shr1 (xor x z))))))>
problem 16 [11|-21--f] solution 16 [11|-21--f] simplified 16 [11|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 0 (lambda (y z) (not (not (xor 1 (shr1 x)))))))>
problem 16 [11|-21-t-] solution 16 [11|-21--f] simplified 16 [11|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (plus (not (shr4 (not 0))) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 16 [11|-21-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 16 [11|-12-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 16 [11|-12-t-] solution 18 [12|-12--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (not (xor x z)))))>
problem 16 [11|-12-t-] solution 14 [12|-02--f] simplified 11 [10|-02--f] <(lambda (x) (or (plus 1 1) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 16 [11|-12-t-] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (and 1 (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))))>
problem 16 [11|-12-t-] solution 18 [12|-12--f] simplified 18 [12|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x (or (shl1 1) (shl1 z))))))>
problem 16 [11|-12-t-] solution 16 [11|-12--f] simplified 16 [11|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (xor 1 (plus z (shr4 x))))))>
problem 16 [11|-12-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 16 [11|-12-t-] solution 16 [11|-12--f] simplified 16 [11|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (xor (or 1 x) (shr1 z)))))>
problem 16 [11|-12-t-] solution 16 [11|-12--f] simplified 16 [11|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (and x (plus x (shr4 x))))))>
problem 16 [14|-01i-f] solution 16 [14|-01i-f] simplified 16 [14|-01i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold (if0 (and 0 0) x 0) 1 (lambda (y z) (if0 y z y))))>
problem 16 [23|b23i--] solution 16 [23|-23i--] simplified 16 [23|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr1 (shr1 (shr1 (shr16 x))))) (plus 1 (plus x (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (and x (shr16 (or x (shr16 x))))))>
problem 16 [23|b23i--] solution 16 [23|-23i--] simplified 16 [23|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus 1 (plus x (shr16 (shr16 x))))) (and 1 (shr1 (shr1 (plus 1 x)))) (and x (xor 1 x))))>
problem 16 [23|b23i--] solution 16 [23|-23i--] simplified 16 [23|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus 1 (plus x (shr16 (shr16 x))))) (and 1 (shr1 (shr1 (plus 1 x)))) (and x (xor 1 x))))>
problem 16 [22|b34i--] solution 14 [21|-33i--] simplified 14 [21|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (plus x (shr4 x)))) (or x (or (shl1 1) (shl1 x))) (or 1 (plus 1 x))))>
problem 16 [22|b43i--] solution 8 [19|-32i--] simplified 8 [19|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (not x))) (and (not 0) (not 0)) (or x (shr1 (shl1 (shl1 x))))))>
problem 16 [21|b52i--] solution 16 [21|-52i--] simplified 16 [21|-52i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (not (plus x (shr4 x))))) (and (not 0) (shr1 x)) (shl1 (shr16 (shr16 (not x))))))>
problem 16 [21|b53i--] solution 16 [21|-52i--] simplified 16 [21|-52i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (shr4 (shr4 x))))) (shr1 (shr16 (not (shr4 x)))) (xor x (shl1 (not 1)))))>
problem 16 [21|b53i--] solution 16 [21|-53i--] simplified 16 [21|-53i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or x (shr1 (plus 1 (shr16 x))))) (or x (shl1 (not 1))) (and x (shr4 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 16 [21|b53i--] solution 16 [21|-52i--] simplified 16 [21|-52i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and x (shr16 (shl1 x)))) (shr1 (shr16 (not (shr4 x)))) (shl1 (shr1 (xor x (shr16 (shr4 x)))))))>
problem 16 [21|b54i--] solution 16 [21|-53i--] simplified 16 [21|-53i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (and (not x) (shr16 (shr4 x))))) (or x (not (shl1 x))) (plus x (not (shr1 x)))))>
problem 16 [21|b54i--] solution 12 [20|-53i--] simplified 12 [20|-53i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (shr16 (shr4 (plus 1 x))))) (not (and 1 (not x))) (xor x (shr1 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 17 [11|-12i--] solution 15 [11|-11i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 17 [11|-12i--] solution 15 [11|-11i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 17 [11|-12i--] solution 15 [11|-11i--] simplified 15 [11|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr4 (shr4 x)))) x 1))>
problem 17 [11|-12i--] solution 12 [11|-11---] simplified 12 [11|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and x (and x (and x (and x (shl1 1))))))>
problem 17 [11|-12i--] solution 15 [11|-11i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 17 [12|-11i-f] solution 14 [12|-11--f] simplified 14 [12|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (and x (and x (fold (not 0) 0 (lambda (y z) (not y))))))>
problem 17 [12|-11it-] solution 14 [12|-00i-f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 17 [12|-11it-] solution 14 [12|-00i-f] simplified 9 [ 9|-00i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 z x z))))>
problem 17 [12|-11it-] solution 17 [12|-11i-f] simplified 17 [12|-11i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 (shr4 z) x (xor x z)))))>
problem 17 [12|-11it-] solution 17 [12|-11i-f] simplified 17 [12|-11i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus 1 (if0 (shr4 z) x 1)))))>
problem 17 [12|-11it-] solution 11 [11|-01i-f] simplified 11 [11|-01i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 (and x z) 1 x))))>
problem 17 [13|-02it-] solution 14 [12|-00i-f] simplified 14 [12|-00i-f] <(lambda (x) (if0 (if0 0 0 0) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)) 0))>
problem 17 [13|-02it-] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 17 [22|b44i--] solution 15 [21|-43i--] simplified 15 [21|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (shr16 (shl1 (shr16 x))))) (not (not (or x (plus 1 x)))) (and 1 (not (shr1 x)))))>
problem 17 [22|b44i--] solution 63 [13|-23i--] simplified 63 [13|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (or x (plus x (shr16 (shl1 x)))) x))>
problem 17 [22|b52i--] solution 17 [22|-52i--] simplified 17 [22|-52i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and (not x) (shr1 (shr1 (shr4 x))))) (shl1 (or (shr16 x) (shr4 x))) (or x (not (shr4 x)))))>
problem 17 [23|b32i--] solution 17 [23|-32i--] simplified 17 [23|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (xor x (shr4 (and x (shl1 x))))) (and x (xor 1 x)) (xor 1 (shr16 (and x (shl1 x))))))>
problem 17 [23|b24i--] solution 63 [13|-11i--] simplified 63 [13|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (and 1 (and 1 (shr1 (shr1 x)))) x))>
problem 17 [23|b24i--] solution 16 [23|-23i--] simplified 16 [23|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not (shr16 x))))) (not (and (not 1) (plus 1 x))) (or x (plus 1 x))))>
problem 17 [23|b24i--] solution 16 [23|-23i--] simplified 16 [23|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not (shr16 x))))) (not (and (not 1) (plus 1 x))) (or x (plus 1 x))))>
problem 17 [23|b24i--] solution 8 [19|-24i--] simplified 8 [19|-24i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (plus 1 x)))) (xor x (shl1 (or 1 (shr4 x)))) x))>
problem 17 [23|b33i--] solution 17 [23|-32i--] simplified 17 [23|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (shr16 (shr16 x))))) (plus x (shr1 (shr16 (plus x x)))) (not (and 1 (not x)))))>
problem 17 [23|b33i--] solution 9 [19|-33i--] simplified 9 [19|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (or x (plus x (not (shr16 x)))) (plus x (or (not x) (shr4 x)))))>
problem 17 [23|b33i--] solution 17 [23|-33i--] simplified 17 [23|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus 1 (plus x (shr4 (shr4 x))))) (or x (plus x (shr16 (shl1 x)))) (and 1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 17 [23|b33i--] solution 17 [23|-32i--] simplified 17 [23|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (plus x (shr4 (shr4 x))))) (not (and (not 1) (plus 1 x))) (plus 1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 17 [23|b33i--] solution 17 [23|-32i--] simplified 17 [23|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (plus x (shr16 (shr16 x))))) (not (and (not 1) (plus 1 x))) (plus 1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 17 [23|b33i--] solution 17 [23|-33i--] simplified 17 [23|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr1 (shr4 x)))) (plus 1 (plus 1 (xor 1 x))) (plus 1 (not (shr1 (shr4 (not x)))))))>
problem 17 [23|b33i--] solution 17 [23|-33i--] simplified 17 [23|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus 1 (plus x (shr1 (shr16 x))))) (xor 1 (xor (shl1 1) (shr1 x))) (plus 1 (xor 1 x))))>
problem 17 [23|b33i--] solution 9 [19|-33i--] simplified 9 [19|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (plus 1 (plus x (shr4 (shr4 x)))) (or x (shr1 (plus 1 (shr16 x))))))>
problem 18 [10|-31i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 16 [10|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (shr16 x))) x (not 0)))>
problem 18 [10|-31i--] solution 18 [10|-31i--] simplified 18 [10|-31i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (shr16 (shl1 x)))) x 1))>
problem 18 [11|-21i--] solution 10 [10|-01i--] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 x))>
problem 18 [11|-21i--] solution 15 [11|-11i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 18 [11|-21i--] solution 11 [10|-10i--] simplified 6 [ 7|-10i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 x (not 1) (not x)))>
problem 18 [11|-21i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 18 [11|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (shr16 (plus x (shr4 x))) x (plus x x)))>
problem 18 [12|-20i-f] solution 11 [12|-20--f] simplified 11 [12|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 (shl1 (shr4 (shr4 x))) (lambda (y z) (shr4 (shl1 (shr4 z))))))>
problem 18 [12|-21--f] solution 18 [12|-21--f] simplified 18 [12|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold (plus 1 x) x (lambda (y z) (shr4 (plus y z))))))>
problem 18 [12|-21--f] solution 18 [12|-21--f] simplified 18 [12|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x (shr4 x) (lambda (y z) (shr1 (xor z (shr1 (shr4 y)))))))>
problem 18 [12|-21--f] solution 18 [12|-21--f] simplified 18 [12|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not x) 0 (lambda (y z) (not (not (shl1 (plus y z)))))))>
problem 18 [12|-21--f] solution 18 [12|-21--f] simplified 18 [12|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (plus x (shr4 x)) x (lambda (y z) (plus z (shr1 y)))))>
problem 18 [12|-21--f] solution 18 [12|-21--f] simplified 18 [12|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (and y (and (not z) (shr1 y))))))>
problem 18 [12|-21--f] solution 18 [12|-21--f] simplified 18 [12|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (and x (fold (shr4 x) x (lambda (y z) (and z (not y))))))>
problem 18 [12|-21--f] solution 18 [12|-21--f] simplified 18 [12|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (plus x x) (not 0) (lambda (y z) (plus y (shr4 z)))))>
problem 18 [12|-21--f] solution 16 [11|-21--f] simplified 16 [11|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shl1 x) (not 1) (lambda (y z) (or y (not z)))))>
problem 18 [22|b53i--] solution 18 [22|-53i--] simplified 18 [22|-53i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr16 (plus x (shr4 x)))) (and (or 1 x) (shr1 (not x))) (or x (shr1 (shl1 (shl1 x))))))>
problem 18 [22|b53i--] solution 16 [21|-52i--] simplified 16 [21|-52i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr4 (shr4 x)))) (plus (shl1 (shr1 x)) (shl1 (shr16 x))) (plus x (not (shr4 x)))))>
problem 18 [23|b34i--] solution 16 [22|-34i--] simplified 16 [22|-34i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (plus x (shr4 x)))) (or x (plus x (xor 1 x))) (and (not 0) (shr1 x))))>
problem 18 [23|b34i--] solution 17 [23|-33i--] simplified 17 [23|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr16 (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))) (or x (plus x (not (shr16 x)))) (and x (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 18 [23|b34i--] solution 15 [22|-33i--] simplified 15 [22|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (shr1 x)))) (or x (shr1 (plus 1 (shr16 x)))) (or x (shr16 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 18 [23|b34i--] solution 14 [22|-23i--] simplified 14 [22|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (shr1 x)))) (plus 1 (xor 1 (plus 1 x))) (and (not 0) (not 0))))>
problem 18 [23|b34i--] solution 14 [22|-32i--] simplified 14 [22|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not (shr1 x))))) (and (not x) (plus x x)) (not (not (shr1 (shr4 x))))))>
problem 18 [23|b34i--] solution 16 [22|-34i--] simplified 16 [22|-34i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or x (not (shr4 x)))) (not (xor x (shl1 (not x)))) (not (xor x (plus x (shl1 1))))))>
problem 18 [23|b34i--] solution 18 [23|-34i--] simplified 18 [23|-34i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (plus 1 x))) (plus (shr1 x) (xor x (shr16 x))) (or 1 (plus x (shl1 (shl1 x))))))>
problem 18 [23|b34i--] solution 15 [22|-33i--] simplified 15 [22|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr16 (shl1 (shr4 x))))) (or x (shl1 (and x (shl1 x)))) (or 1 (plus x x))))>
problem 18 [23|b42i--] solution 63 [17|-32i--] simplified 63 [17|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (and (not (shr1 x)) (shr16 (not 0))) (plus 1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 18 [23|b42i--] solution 16 [22|-42i--] simplified 16 [22|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (or x (shr16 x)))) (or x (shr16 (shl1 (shr4 (not 0))))) (and (not 1) (not x))))>
problem 19 [11|-31--f] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus 0 (shl1 (plus x z))))))>
problem 19 [11|-31--f] solution 19 [11|-31--f] simplified 19 [11|-31--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not (shr16 x)) x (lambda (y z) (shl1 (or y z)))))>
problem 19 [11|-31--f] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus 0 (shl1 (plus x z))))))>
problem 19 [11|-31-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 19 [11|-31-t-] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 19 [12|-12i--] solution 14 [11|-02i--] simplified 14 [11|-02i--] <(lambda (x) (and (plus 0 1) (and 1 (if0 x 1 x))))>
problem 19 [12|-12i--] solution 14 [11|-02i--] simplified 14 [11|-02i--] <(lambda (x) (and (plus 0 1) (and 1 (if0 x 1 x))))>
problem 19 [12|-12i--] solution 19 [12|-12i--] simplified 19 [12|-12i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (xor 1 (and x (shr4 x))) 0 (shr4 (shr4 x))))>
problem 19 [12|-12i--] solution 19 [12|-12i--] simplified 19 [12|-12i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and x (xor 1 (shr4 x))) 0 1)))>
problem 19 [13|-11i-f] solution 1 [ 7|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 x (lambda (y z) (not x))))>
problem 19 [13|-11i--] solution 19 [13|-11i--] simplified 19 [13|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (if0 0 0 0) (xor 0 (xor x (shr16 x))) 0))>
problem 19 [16|-01i-f] solution 16 [14|-01i-f] simplified 16 [14|-01i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x (or 1 0) (lambda (y z) (if0 1 0 (if0 y z y)))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 63 [17|-42i--] simplified 63 [17|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (plus (shr16 x) (shr16 (shr16 (shl1 x)))) (plus (not x) (shr4 x))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 8 [19|-23i--] simplified 8 [19|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (xor x (shr1 (shr1 (shr1 x)))))) (and 1 (not (or x (shr1 x)))) 1))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 18 [23|-42i--] simplified 18 [23|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))) (and x (and (shl1 x) (shr1 x))) (or x (shl1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 18 [23|-42i--] simplified 18 [23|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (plus x (shr1 (shr4 x))))) (plus 1 (plus x (shl1 (shr16 x)))) (and (shr1 x) (shr1 x))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 63 [17|-42i--] simplified 63 [17|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (or 1 (shl1 (and 1 (shr4 x)))) (or x (shr1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 14 [22|-32i--] simplified 14 [22|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not x)))) (and x (plus 1 (not (shr16 x)))) (not (shl1 (not (shr16 x))))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 8 [19|-32i--] simplified 8 [19|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (plus (shr16 x) (shr16 (shr16 (shl1 x)))) (and x (shr1 (plus x (shl1 x))))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 19 [23|-43i--] simplified 19 [23|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or x (shr1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))) (plus 1 (not (shr1 (shr4 (not x))))) (and x (plus 1 x))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 19 [23|-43i--] simplified 19 [23|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus 1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))) (or x (shr4 (and x (shl1 x)))) (or x (shr1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 18 [23|-42i--] simplified 18 [23|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (shr4 (shr4 x))))) (plus x (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 x))))) (shl1 (plus 1 (shr1 x)))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 19 [23|-43i--] simplified 19 [23|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (plus 1 x))) (xor x (shr4 (and x (shl1 x)))) (plus (shr1 x) (xor x (shr16 x)))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 19 [23|-43i--] simplified 19 [23|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr1 (shr4 (plus 1 x)))) (plus 1 (plus x (plus x x))) (or x (plus x (shr16 (shl1 x))))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 18 [23|-42i--] simplified 18 [23|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not (shr16 x))))) (plus 1 (not (shr1 (shr4 (not x))))) (shr1 (shr4 (plus 1 x)))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 16 [22|-43i--] simplified 16 [22|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (not x))) (not (xor 1 (xor x (shr4 x)))) (plus (shr16 x) (shr16 (shr16 (shl1 x))))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 19 [23|-43i--] simplified 19 [23|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (or (not x) (shr1 x)))) (and (not 0) (not (plus 1 x))) (and x (shr16 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 19 [23|-43i--] simplified 19 [23|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (plus 1 x)))) (or x (shr4 (and x (shl1 x)))) (shl1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 x))))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 19 [23|-43i--] simplified 19 [23|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr4 (and x (shl1 x))))) (not (shl1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (plus x (xor x (plus 1 x)))))>
problem 20 [11|-22i--] solution 9 [ 9|-11---] simplified 9 [ 9|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and (and (not 0) (not 0)) (not x)))>
problem 20 [11|-22i--] solution 9 [ 9|-10i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 20 [11|-22i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 x))>
problem 20 [11|-22i--] solution 15 [11|-11i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 20 [11|-22i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 18 [11|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (and 1 (if0 (shl1 (not x)) 0 x))))>
problem 20 [11|-22i--] solution 9 [ 9|-11---] simplified 9 [ 9|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and (and (not 0) (not 0)) (not x)))>
problem 20 [11|-22i--] solution 9 [ 9|-11---] simplified 9 [ 9|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and (and (shr1 x) (shr1 x)) (shr1 x)))>
problem 20 [13|-21--f] solution 20 [13|-21--f] simplified 20 [13|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not (shr1 (not x))) 0 (lambda (y z) (shr1 (plus z (shr1 y))))))>
problem 20 [13|-20it-] solution 18 [14|-10i-f] simplified 18 [14|-10i-f] <(lambda (x) (if0 x 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (if0 (shl1 z) (shl1 1) y)))))>
problem 20 [12|-21i--] solution 16 [11|-21---] simplified 16 [11|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and (shr4 (and (shr16 x) (shr16 x))) (shr16 (shr4 x))))>
problem 20 [12|-21i--] solution 14 [12|-10i--] simplified 14 [12|-10i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (if0 0 0 0) (if0 0 (shr1 x) 0) 0))>
problem 20 [12|-21i--] solution 17 [12|-11i--] simplified 17 [12|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (if0 0 0 0) (not (not (or 1 x))) 0))>
problem 20 [13|-12--f] solution 20 [13|-12--f] simplified 20 [13|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold (and (shr4 x) x) x (lambda (y z) (plus z (shr4 y))))))>
problem 20 [13|-12--f] solution 20 [13|-12--f] simplified 20 [13|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (xor (plus 0 1) x) 0 (lambda (y z) (not (plus y z)))))>
problem 20 [23|b44i--] solution 63 [17|-43i--] simplified 63 [17|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (or x (shr4 (and x (shl1 x)))) (xor 1 (shr1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 20 [23|b44i--] solution 20 [23|-44i--] simplified 20 [23|-44i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or x (shr4 (and x (shl1 x))))) (plus 1 (plus x (shr4 (shr4 x)))) (xor 1 (shr1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 20 [23|b44i--] solution 20 [23|-44i--] simplified 20 [23|-44i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))) (xor x (shr4 (and x (shl1 x)))) (or x (plus x (not (shr16 x))))))>
problem 20 [23|b44i--] solution 20 [23|-44i--] simplified 20 [23|-44i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (not (and x (shr4 x))))) (xor x (plus x (shr16 (not x)))) (not (or x (shr1 x)))))>
problem 20 [23|b44i--] solution 18 [23|-34i--] simplified 18 [23|-34i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (shr4 (shr4 x))))) (or x (plus 1 (shr16 (shl1 x)))) (xor x (shr16 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 20 [23|b44i--] solution 20 [23|-44i--] simplified 20 [23|-44i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (plus 1 x))) (or 1 (shr1 (xor x (shr1 x)))) (and x (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 (shl1 x)))))))>
problem 20 [23|b44i--] solution 19 [23|-43i--] simplified 19 [23|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (or x (not (shr16 x))))) (xor 1 (shr4 (or x (shr1 x)))) (or x (not (shr4 x)))))>
problem 20 [23|b44i--] solution 16 [22|-42i--] simplified 16 [22|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and (not x) (shr4 x)))) (and (not x) (shl1 (not 1))) (plus x (shr1 (shr1 x)))))>
problem 20 [23|b52i--] solution 20 [23|-52i--] simplified 20 [23|-52i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (or x (not (shr1 x))))) (not (shl1 (not (and 1 (shr4 x))))) (shl1 (shr16 (shr16 (not x))))))>
problem 20 [23|b53i--] solution 63 [17|-43i--] simplified 63 [17|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (not (xor x (plus x (shl1 1)))) (and x (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 20 [23|b53i--] solution 10 [19|-53i--] simplified 10 [19|-53i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (plus x (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 x))))) (xor x (shr1 (not (shl1 (shl1 x)))))))>
problem 20 [23|b53i--] solution 19 [23|-51i--] simplified 19 [23|-51i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (shr4 (shr4 x))))) (not (shl1 (not (and 1 (shr4 x))))) (shl1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 x))))))>
problem 20 [23|b44i--] solution 63 [18|-33i--] simplified 63 [18|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not x)))) (or 1 (shr1 (shr4 (plus 1 x)))) 1))>
problem 20 [24|b33i--] solution 20 [24|-33i--] simplified 20 [24|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and (not 0) (shr16 (shl1 (shr16 x))))) (or x (plus x (not (shr16 x)))) (not (plus (shl1 1) (shl1 x)))))>
problem 21 [12|-30i-f] solution 21 [12|-30i-f] simplified 21 [12|-30i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not (shr1 (shr16 x))) 0 (lambda (y z) (if0 z y z))))>
problem 21 [12|-22--f] solution 21 [12|-22--f] simplified 21 [12|-22--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (or x (shr16 x)) x (lambda (y z) (xor z (shr1 y)))))>
problem 21 [11|-31i--] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 21 [12|-30it-] solution 16 [13|-10i-f] simplified 16 [13|-10i-f] <(lambda (x) (if0 (not 0) 0 (if0 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)) 0)))>
problem 21 [12|-30it-] solution 16 [13|-10i-f] simplified 16 [13|-10i-f] <(lambda (x) (not (if0 0 (not (not (not (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))) 0)))>
problem 21 [12|-22-t-] solution 15 [13|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (or x 0) 0 (lambda (y z) (or y (shl1 y)))))>
problem 21 [12|-22-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 21 [12|-22-t-] solution 23 [13|-22--f] simplified 23 [13|-22--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (and x (not (plus (not 0) (shr1 x)))))))>
problem 21 [12|-22-t-] solution 20 [13|-12--f] simplified 20 [13|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (or x (not (plus z (plus z z)))))))>
problem 21 [12|-22--f] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
problem 21 [12|-22--f] solution 21 [12|-22--f] simplified 21 [12|-22--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (xor (shl1 x) x) x (lambda (y z) (plus y (shr4 z)))))>
problem 21 [12|-22-t-] solution 14 [12|-11--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 21 [12|-22-t-] solution 1 [13|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (not (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 21 [12|-22--f] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 x))>
problem 21 [12|-22-t-] solution 23 [13|-22--f] simplified 23 [13|-22--f] <(lambda (x) (not (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (not (xor y (shr4 (plus 1 z))))))))>
problem 21 [12|-22--f] solution 21 [12|-22--f] simplified 21 [12|-22--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shl1 x) (plus 0 x) (lambda (y z) (xor z (shr4 y)))))>
problem 21 [12|-22-t-] solution 21 [12|-22--f] simplified 21 [12|-22--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (not (xor z (shr4 (plus x z)))))))>
problem 21 [12|-13i--] solution 19 [12|-12i--] simplified 19 [12|-12i--] <(lambda (x) (plus (plus 0 x) (if0 (and x (shl1 x)) 1 x)))>
problem 21 [12|-13i--] solution 16 [12|-02i--] simplified 16 [12|-02i--] <(lambda (x) (xor (if0 0 0 0) (if0 x 0 (plus 1 x))))>
problem 21 [14|-11it-] solution 18 [15|-00i-f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 21 [14|-11i-f] solution 21 [14|-11i-f] simplified 21 [14|-11i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold (xor (if0 0 0 0) x) x (lambda (y z) (xor y (shl1 z)))))>
problem 21 [14|-11it-] solution 18 [15|-00i-f] simplified 18 [15|-00i-f] <(lambda (x) (if0 x 0 (if0 0 (if0 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)) 0) 0)))>
problem 21 [14|-11it-] solution 18 [15|-00i-f] simplified 18 [15|-00i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 (if0 0 0 0) (if0 z x z) 0))))>
problem 21 [14|-11it-] solution 18 [15|-00i-f] simplified 18 [15|-00i-f] <(lambda (x) (if0 (if0 0 0 0) (if0 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)) 0) 0))>
problem 21 [14|-11it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus 0 x))))>
problem 21 [14|-11i-f] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 21 [14|-11it-] solution 18 [15|-00i-f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 21 [14|-11it-] solution 18 [15|-00i-f] simplified 18 [15|-00i-f] <(lambda (x) (if0 (if0 0 0 0) (if0 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)) 0) 0))>
problem 21 [13|-12i--] solution 14 [13|-01i--] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 x))>
problem 21 [13|-12i--] solution 18 [12|-12---] simplified 18 [12|-12---] <(lambda (x) (and (plus 0 (shr1 (shr1 (shr1 x)))) (shr1 (shr1 (shr1 x)))))>
problem 21 [23|b54i--] solution 17 [22|-52i--] simplified 17 [22|-52i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not x)))) (and (not x) (not (plus 1 1))) (shl1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 x))))))>
problem 21 [24|b34i--] solution 21 [24|-34i--] simplified 21 [24|-34i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr16 (and x (shl1 x))))) (or x (plus x (xor 1 x))) (shl1 (plus (shr1 x) (shr16 x)))))>
problem 22 [12|-31--f] solution 22 [12|-31--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shr4 (shr16 x)) 0 (lambda (y z) (xor y z))))>
problem 22 [12|-31--f] solution 18 [12|-21--f] simplified 18 [12|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (xor 0 (fold (shr16 x) 0 (lambda (y z) (xor y z))))))>
problem 22 [12|-22i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 16 [13|-10i-f] simplified 16 [13|-10i-f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold (if0 (if0 0 0 0) x 0) 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 16 [13|-10i-f] simplified 16 [13|-10i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 1 0 (if0 x (not 1) x)))))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 21 [14|-11i-f] simplified 17 [12|-11i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 (or x z) (not 0) x))))>
problem 22 [13|-21i-f] solution 22 [13|-21i-f] simplified 22 [13|-21i-f] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shl1 (fold (plus 1 x) 1 (lambda (y z) (if0 z 0 y))))))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 16 [14|-01i-f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 16 [13|-10i-f] simplified 16 [13|-10i-f] <(lambda (x) (if0 (not 0) 0 (if0 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)) 0)))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 22 [13|-21i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (xor x 1))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 16 [14|-01i-f] simplified 16 [14|-01i-f] <(lambda (x) (xor (if0 0 0 0) (if0 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)) 0)))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 16 [14|-01i-f] simplified 16 [14|-01i-f] <(lambda (x) (if0 (plus 0 0) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (if0 y z y))) 0))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 16 [13|-10i-f] simplified 16 [13|-10i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (if0 x 0 (if0 (shr4 y) y 1)))))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 18 [14|-10i-f] simplified 18 [14|-10i-f] <(lambda (x) (not (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (if0 0 (if0 y 1 (not y)) 0)))))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 22 [14|-20i-f] simplified 22 [14|-20i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 1 0 (if0 (shr4 (shl1 x)) x z)))))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 22 [13|-13--f] solution 20 [13|-12--f] simplified 20 [13|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (xor (fold (plus 0 x) 1 (lambda (y z) (plus y (not z)))) x))>
problem 22 [24|b43i--] solution 19 [23|-43i--] simplified 19 [23|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (not (and x (shr4 x))))) (or 1 (shr1 (shr4 (plus 1 x)))) (plus 1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 23 [13|-22--f] solution 20 [13|-21--f] simplified 20 [13|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (fold (not x) x (lambda (y z) (not (not (plus y (shr1 z))))))))>
problem 23 [12|-31i--] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (not x)))>
problem 23 [13|-22--f] solution 20 [13|-21--f] simplified 20 [13|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold (not (and x x)) 0 (lambda (y z) (not (and y z))))))>
problem 23 [13|-22--f] solution 23 [13|-22--f] simplified 23 [13|-22--f] <(lambda (x) (plus x (fold (shr4 (shl1 x)) 0 (lambda (y z) (or y (shl1 z))))))>
problem 23 [13|-22--f] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr16 x)))>
problem 23 [13|-22--f] solution 20 [13|-21--f] simplified 16 [11|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 (or 0 (shr4 (shl1 x))) (lambda (y z) (shl1 z))))>
problem 23 [13|-22--f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 23 [13|-22--f] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shr4 x)))>
problem 23 [13|-22--f] solution 23 [13|-22--f] simplified 23 [13|-22--f] <(lambda (x) (xor (fold (shr16 (shr1 x)) 1 (lambda (y z) (shr1 (plus y z)))) x))>
problem 23 [15|-11i-f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (or 0 y))))>
problem 23 [15|-11i-f] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 23 [25|b33i--] solution 20 [24|-33i--] simplified 20 [24|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus (plus 0 1) (shr1 x))) (plus 1 (plus 1 (xor 1 x))) (plus 1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))))>
problem 23 [25|b33i--] solution 23 [25|-33i--] simplified 23 [25|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and (not 0) (shr16 (shl1 (shr16 x))))) (and x (shl1 (shl1 (shl1 (shr16 x))))) (or x (plus x (shr16 (shl1 x))))))>
problem 23 [25|b42i--] solution 9 [19|-42i--] simplified 9 [19|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (and x (shl1 (shl1 (shl1 (shr16 x))))) (plus x (shr4 (not (shl1 (shr4 x)))))))>
problem 24 [12|-41-t-] solution 20 [13|-21--f] simplified 20 [13|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (not (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (not (and y (and y (shr4 z))))))))>
problem 24 [13|-31--f] solution 24 [13|-31--f] simplified 24 [13|-31--f] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shl1 (fold (shl1 (shr4 x)) 0 (lambda (y z) (plus y (shr1 z)))))))>
problem 24 [12|-41--f] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr16 x)))>
problem 24 [13|-22i--] solution 19 [13|-11i--] simplified 19 [13|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (or (if0 0 0 0) (if0 0 (or x (shr1 x)) 0)))>
problem 24 [13|-22i--] solution 19 [13|-11i--] simplified 19 [13|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (plus (if0 0 0 0) (not (plus 1 (if0 x 1 x)))))>
problem 24 [13|-22i--] solution 19 [13|-11i--] simplified 19 [13|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (plus (if0 0 0 0) (if0 (plus 1 x) 0 (shr4 x))))>
problem 24 [13|-22i--] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr4 x)))>
problem 24 [13|-22i--] solution 17 [13|-02i--] simplified 17 [13|-02i--] <(lambda (x) (plus (xor 0 0) (if0 0 (plus x (xor 1 x)) 0)))>
problem 24 [13|-22i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (plus 0 x)))>
problem 24 [13|-22i--] solution 19 [12|-12i--] simplified 19 [12|-12i--] <(lambda (x) (or (if0 0 0 0) (and x (and x (shl1 1)))))>
problem 24 [14|-12it-] solution 24 [14|-12i-f] simplified 24 [14|-12i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 (and x (xor 1 (shr1 z))) x z))))>
problem 24 [14|-12it-] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 24 [14|-12i--] solution 24 [14|-12i--] simplified 24 [14|-12i--] <(lambda (x) (or (plus 0 0) (if0 (plus x (not 1)) x (or 1 x))))>
problem 24 [14|-12it-] solution 16 [14|-01i-f] simplified 16 [14|-01i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold (if0 (and 0 0) x 0) 0 (lambda (y z) (if0 z y z))))>
problem 24 [14|-12it-] solution 23 [15|-11i-f] simplified 23 [15|-11i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (if0 x 0 (if0 (xor z (shr1 y)) 1 y)))))>
problem 24 [14|-12it-] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 24 [14|-12it-] solution 21 [15|-02i-f] simplified 14 [13|-01i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold (and x x) 0 (lambda (y z) (if0 (and 1 y) 1 y))))>
problem 24 [14|-12it-] solution 16 [14|-01i-f] simplified 16 [14|-01i-f] <(lambda (x) (if0 x 0 (if0 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (xor y z))) 0)))>
problem 24 [14|-12it-] solution 23 [15|-11i-f] simplified 23 [15|-11i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold (if0 0 x 0) 0 (lambda (y z) (if0 (and y (shl1 y)) y 0))))>
problem 24 [14|-12i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (xor x 1))>
problem 24 [14|-13--f] solution 24 [14|-13--f] simplified 24 [14|-13--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (plus (or x (shl1 x)) 1) 0 (lambda (y z) (xor z (shl1 y)))))>
problem 24 [14|-13--f] solution 22 [14|-12--f] simplified 22 [14|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (and (and x x) (shr1 x)) x (lambda (y z) (or z (shr1 y)))))>
problem 24 [25|b43i--] solution 24 [25|-43i--] simplified 24 [25|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or 0 (not (xor x (shr4 x))))) (xor 1 (shr4 (or x (shr1 x)))) (xor x (shr4 (and x (shl1 x))))))>
problem 24 [25|b43i--] solution 22 [24|-43i--] simplified 22 [24|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not x)))) (or x (not (shr1 (shr1 (shr4 x))))) (plus x (shr4 (not (shl1 (shr4 x)))))))>
problem 24 [25|b34i--] solution 10 [20|-33i--] simplified 10 [20|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr16 x)) (plus x (or (not x) (shr4 x))) (and (not 0) (plus x (not 1)))))>
problem 25 [12|-32i--] solution 20 [11|-22i--] simplified 20 [11|-22i--] <(lambda (x) (or (if0 0 0 0) (and (not 0) (shr16 x))))>
problem 25 [12|-32i--] solution 17 [12|-11i--] simplified 17 [12|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (if0 0 0 0) (not (not (or 1 x))) 0))>
problem 25 [12|-32i--] solution 13 [12|-01i--] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 25 [12|-32i--] solution 20 [12|-21i--] simplified 20 [12|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (or 0 (if0 (shl1 (shr4 x)) x (or 1 x)))))>
problem 25 [12|-32i--] solution 25 [12|-32i--] simplified 25 [12|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (xor x (shr4 (not (shr16 x)))) 0 1)))>
problem 25 [12|-32i--] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr1 x)))>
problem 25 [12|-32i--] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 25 [12|-32i--] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shl1 x)))>
problem 25 [12|-41i--] solution 25 [12|-41i--] simplified 25 [12|-41i--] <(lambda (x) (xor (shl1 0) (if0 (shr1 x) 0 (shr1 (not (shr4 x))))))>
problem 25 [13|-31i--] solution 19 [13|-11i--] simplified 19 [13|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (xor (if0 0 0 0) (if0 (not x) x (xor 1 x))))>
problem 25 [13|-31i--] solution 19 [13|-11i--] simplified 19 [13|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (plus (if0 0 0 0) (if0 0 (shr16 (plus 1 x)) 0)))>
problem 25 [14|-21it-] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 25 [14|-21it-] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 25 [14|-21it-] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 25 [14|-22--f] solution 22 [14|-21--f] simplified 22 [14|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 (fold (not x) (xor x (shl1 1)) (lambda (y z) (xor y z)))))>
problem 25 [14|-22--f] solution 25 [14|-22--f] simplified 25 [14|-22--f] <(lambda (x) (or (xor 0 0) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (shr4 (xor z (shr1 y)))))))>
problem 25 [14|-13i--] solution 14 [11|-02i--] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 25 [25|b44i--] solution 25 [25|-44i--] simplified 25 [25|-44i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr16 (xor x (not (shl1 (shr16 x)))))) (or x (plus x (not (shr16 x)))) (xor x (shr1 (not (plus 1 x))))))>
problem 25 [25|b44i--] solution 25 [25|-44i--] simplified 25 [25|-44i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not (shr1 x))))) (xor 1 (shr4 (or x (shr1 x)))) (plus 1 (plus x (shr16 (shr16 x))))))>
problem 26 [13|-32--f] solution 26 [13|-32--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shl1 x) 0 (lambda (y z) (plus y (shr1 z)))))>
problem 26 [15|-12it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (xor 1 x))))>
problem 26 [25|b53i--] solution 26 [25|-53i--] simplified 26 [25|-53i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr1 (or 0 (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))) (plus x (shl1 (and x (shr4 x)))) (or (shl1 x) (shr1 (not (shl1 1))))))>
problem 27 [13|-41--f] solution 24 [13|-31--f] simplified 19 [11|-31--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shr16 (shl1 x)) x (lambda (y z) (shr1 (plus y z)))))>
problem 27 [14|-22i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr1 (shr16 x))))>
problem 27 [14|-22i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 16 [10|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (plus x (shr4 x)) (not 0) (not x)))>
problem 27 [14|-22i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (not (shr16 x))))>
problem 27 [13|-32i--] solution 5 [ 6|-10i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 27 [13|-32i--] solution 5 [ 6|-10i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 27 [13|-32i--] solution 21 [11|-31i--] simplified 21 [11|-31i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (shr16 x) (not (not (plus 1 1))) (shl1 x)))>
problem 27 [15|-21it-] solution 7 [10|-01-t-] simplified 7 [10|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (and 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))))>
problem 27 [15|-21it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 27 [15|-21i-f] solution 1 [ 7|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 x (lambda (y z) (shr4 z))))>
problem 27 [15|-21it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 27 [15|-21it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 27 [15|-21it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x y))))>
problem 27 [17|-11i-f] solution 1 [ 7|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 1 (lambda (y z) (shr4 y))))>
problem 28 [15|-13i--] solution 19 [12|-12i--] simplified 19 [12|-12i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (and (not 0) (or 1 x)) x))>
problem 28 [16|-12i--] solution 5 [ 7|-01i--] simplified 5 [ 7|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) 0 1))>
problem 28 [13|-41i--] solution 19 [11|-30i--] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shl1 x)))>
problem 28 [14|-31i-f] solution 14 [10|-21--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 (shr1 (shr16 x)) (lambda (y z) (plus z z))))>
problem 28 [14|-23--f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (or z (shr4 y)))))>
problem 28 [14|-23--f] solution 9 [10|-20--f] simplified 9 [10|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 (shr16 (shr16 (shr16 x))) (lambda (y z) (shr1 z))))>
problem 28 [16|-12it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 28 [16|-12it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 28 [16|-12it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 28 [16|-12it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 28 [16|-12it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (or x y))))>
problem 29 [14|-23i--] solution 17 [11|-12i--] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (not x)))>
problem 29 [15|-22i--] solution 17 [11|-12i--] simplified 10 [ 8|-12---] <(lambda (x) (and (plus 0 (shr4 x)) (shr4 x)))>
problem 29 [15|-22i--] solution 22 [13|-21i--] simplified 22 [13|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 x (and (not 0) (not (not (shl1 1)))) (shl1 (shl1 x))))>
problem 29 [13|-42i--] solution 19 [11|-30i--] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shr4 x)))>
problem 29 [14|-32--f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 1 (lambda (y z) (plus z (shr4 y)))))>
problem 29 [15|-22it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 29 [15|-22it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (or x y))))>
problem 29 [15|-22it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 29 [15|-22it-] solution 1 [ 9|-10-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (not (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 29 [15|-22it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (xor 1 x))))>
problem 29 [15|-22it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 29 [16|-21it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shr1 (xor x y)))))>
problem 29 [16|-21it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 29 [16|-21i-f] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 29 [16|-21it-] solution 5 [ 9|-00it-] simplified 5 [ 9|-00it-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (if0 y x y))))>
problem 29 [18|-11it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (xor x (shl1 y)))))>
problem 30 [15|-14i--] solution 15 [10|-12i--] simplified 8 [ 7|-12---] <(lambda (x) (not (and x (plus 1 x))))>
problem 30 [15|-14i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 6 [ 7|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and x (and x (shr16 x))))>
problem 30 [14|-32i--] solution 15 [11|-11i--] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 x))>
problem 30 [14|-32i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr4 x)))>
problem 30 [14|-32i--] solution 5 [ 6|-10i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 30 [14|-32i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and (not (shl1 1)) (shl1 x)))>
problem 30 [14|-32i--] solution 9 [ 8|-11i--] simplified 9 [ 8|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (shr4 x) 1 (or 1 x)))>
problem 30 [14|-32i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (or x (not (shr16 x))))>
problem 30 [14|-32i--] solution 21 [11|-31i--] simplified 21 [11|-31i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (plus x (shr1 (not 0))) 0 (shr16 (shr16 x))))>
problem 30 [15|-31it-] solution 8 [ 9|-20-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 30 [16|-13it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x y))))>
problem 30 [16|-13i-f] solution 1 [ 7|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 x (lambda (y z) (shr4 z))))>
problem 30 [17|-12i-f] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 31 [15|-23i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 6 [ 7|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and x (and x (shr1 x))))>
problem 31 [15|-23i--] solution 5 [ 7|-01i--] simplified 5 [ 7|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) 0 1))>
problem 31 [14|-33i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 6 [ 7|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and x (and x (shr4 x))))>
problem 31 [14|-33i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr1 (plus 1 x))))>
problem 31 [14|-33i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (not (plus x (shl1 x))))>
problem 31 [15|-32--f] solution 12 [ 8|-22---] simplified 12 [ 8|-22---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (and 1 (shr16 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 31 [17|-21it-] solution 7 [ 8|-20-t-] simplified 7 [ 8|-20-t-] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shr4 x)))))>
problem 32 [16|-22i--] solution 14 [11|-02i--] simplified 5 [ 6|-02---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (plus x x)))>
problem 32 [16|-22i--] solution 27 [14|-22i--] simplified 27 [14|-22i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (xor 1 (shr16 x))) (xor 1 (shr1 (shr1 x))) 1))>
problem 32 [16|-22i--] solution 16 [11|-20i--] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (not x)))>
problem 32 [14|-42i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr1 x)))>
problem 32 [14|-42i--] solution 16 [11|-20i--] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr1 x)))>
problem 32 [14|-42i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (not x)))>
problem 32 [15|-32i--] solution 11 [ 9|-11i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 32 [15|-32i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 11 [ 8|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shr16 (plus x (plus x x)))))>
problem 32 [15|-32i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 32 [16|-22i--] solution 9 [ 9|-11---] simplified 9 [ 9|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and (and (not 0) (not 0)) (not x)))>
problem 32 [15|-41--f] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 32 [16|-22i-f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (xor y z))))>
problem 32 [16|-22i-f] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shr4 x)))>
problem 32 [16|-22it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 32 [16|-22i-f] solution 5 [ 7|-01i--] simplified 5 [ 7|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 x 0 (xor 1 x)))>
problem 32 [16|-22it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 32 [18|-12it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 32 [18|-12it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 32 [18|-12i-f] solution 11 [10|-11--f] simplified 11 [10|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (or (shr1 y) (shr1 z)))))>
problem 33 [15|-24i--] solution 15 [10|-12i--] simplified 8 [ 7|-12---] <(lambda (x) (and x (xor x (shr16 x))))>
problem 33 [16|-31i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (shr16 x)))>
problem 33 [16|-31i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (shr16 x)))>
problem 33 [15|-41i--] solution 8 [ 7|-20i--] simplified 8 [ 7|-20i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (not x) x (shr1 x)))>
problem 33 [17|-13i--] solution 9 [ 9|-11---] simplified 5 [ 6|-11---] <(lambda (x) (not (and x (not 1))))>
problem 33 [15|-41it-] solution 1 [ 9|-10-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (not (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 34 [16|-23i--] solution 14 [11|-02i--] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 34 [16|-23i--] solution 20 [11|-22i--] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (xor x (shr16 x))))>
problem 34 [15|-33i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 5 [ 6|-11---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr16 (plus x x))))>
problem 34 [15|-33i--] solution 21 [11|-31i--] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 x))))>
problem 34 [17|-22i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shr4 (shr4 x))))>
problem 34 [17|-22i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (shr1 x)))>
problem 34 [17|-22i-f] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 x))>
problem 34 [17|-22it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (plus (not 0) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 34 [17|-22it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (or 0 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (shr4 x))))>
problem 34 [17|-22it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (and 1 x))))>
problem 34 [17|-22it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 34 [17|-22i-f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (or x 0) 0 (lambda (y z) y)))>
problem 34 [17|-22i-f] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shr4 x)))>
problem 34 [17|-22it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 34 [18|-21it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 35 [16|-32i--] solution 21 [11|-31i--] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (shr1 (shl1 x))))>
problem 35 [16|-32i--] solution 16 [10|-30i--] simplified 6 [ 5|-30---] <(lambda (x) (not (shl1 (shr4 x))))>
problem 35 [16|-32i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 11 [ 8|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (or (shr1 x) (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 35 [15|-42i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr4 (plus x x))))>
problem 35 [15|-42i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and x (shr1 (not (shr1 x)))))>
problem 35 [17|-31i--] solution 15 [11|-11i--] simplified 8 [ 8|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus (shr1 x) (shr1 (plus x x))))>
problem 35 [16|-32it-] solution 7 [ 8|-20-t-] simplified 7 [ 8|-20-t-] <(lambda (x) (not (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))))>
problem 35 [16|-32it-] solution 1 [ 7|-10-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (not (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 35 [18|-13it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 35 [18|-13it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (xor x y))))>
problem 35 [18|-13it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (not (and x y)))))>
problem 35 [19|-12it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (plus (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)) 1))>
problem 35 [18|-13i-f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (shr1 (plus y z)))))>
problem 35 [21|-11i-f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 36 [17|-23i--] solution 22 [12|-22i--] simplified 14 [ 9|-22---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (and x (shr16 (plus x (shr4 x))))))>
problem 36 [17|-23i-f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 36 [17|-23it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (xor x (shl1 y)))))>
problem 36 [17|-23it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x (shr4 x)))))>
problem 36 [17|-23it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (plus 0 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (shl1 x))))>
problem 36 [17|-23it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (or x (shr4 y)))))>
problem 36 [19|-21i-f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (xor y z))))>
problem 37 [15|-43i--] solution 25 [12|-32i--] simplified 16 [ 9|-32---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (shr4 (shl1 (or x (shr16 x))))))>
problem 37 [18|-22i--] solution 20 [11|-22i--] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (xor x (shr4 x))))>
problem 37 [16|-33i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (not (plus 1 x)))>
problem 37 [16|-33i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 x))))>
problem 37 [18|-22i-f] solution 1 [ 8|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 8|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shr1 0) x (lambda (y z) (shr1 z))))>
problem 37 [18|-22i-f] solution 14 [10|-21--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not 0) x (lambda (y z) (shr4 (or y z)))))>
problem 37 [18|-22i-f] solution 14 [10|-21--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shr16 x) 1 (lambda (y z) (plus z (not y)))))>
problem 37 [19|-13i-f] solution 11 [10|-11--f] simplified 11 [10|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (not (and z (not y))))))>
problem 38 [17|-32i--] solution 17 [11|-12i--] simplified 5 [ 6|-02---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 (or 1 x)))>
problem 38 [17|-32i--] solution 16 [11|-20i--] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shl1 x)))>
problem 38 [17|-32i--] solution 17 [11|-12i--] simplified 10 [ 8|-12---] <(lambda (x) (and (plus 0 (shr1 x)) (shr1 x)))>
problem 38 [17|-32i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (not (plus 1 x))))>
problem 38 [16|-42i--] solution 14 [10|-20i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 38 [16|-42i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 38 [16|-42i--] solution 23 [11|-41i--] simplified 14 [ 8|-41---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shl1 (or x (not (shr16 x))))))>
problem 38 [17|-24i--] solution 15 [10|-12i--] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (plus x x)))>
problem 38 [17|-32it-] solution 1 [ 7|-10-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (not x))))>
problem 38 [17|-32it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x x))))>
problem 38 [17|-32it-] solution 7 [ 8|-20-t-] simplified 7 [ 8|-20-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 38 [18|-31it-] solution 1 [ 7|-10-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shr4 x))))>
problem 39 [18|-23i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 16 [10|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (shl1 (shr16 x)) 0 (and x (shl1 1))))>
problem 39 [18|-23i--] solution 29 [14|-23i--] simplified 29 [14|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (shr1 (shr4 x)) 0 (xor x (or x (plus x (shr4 x))))))>
problem 39 [18|-23i--] solution 20 [11|-22i--] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 (shr1 x)))>
problem 39 [19|-22i--] solution 15 [10|-12i--] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (shl1 1)))>
problem 39 [17|-41it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 39 [19|-22it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 39 [19|-22it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (xor 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))))>
problem 39 [18|-23i-f] solution 14 [10|-21--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shl1 x) x (lambda (y z) (plus z (shr4 y)))))>
problem 39 [19|-22i-f] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shr4 x)))>
problem 39 [19|-22i-f] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr16 x)))>
problem 39 [19|-22i-f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 39 [19|-22i-f] solution 1 [ 7|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not x) 0 (lambda (y z) y)))>
problem 39 [19|-22i-f] solution 11 [10|-11--f] simplified 11 [10|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not x) x (lambda (y z) (not (plus y z)))))>
problem 40 [17|-33i--] solution 25 [13|-31i--] simplified 25 [13|-31i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (not x) (plus (not 1) (shl1 (shr4 (shr4 x)))) (shl1 x)))>
problem 40 [17|-33i--] solution 14 [ 9|-21i--] simplified 14 [ 9|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (shl1 x) 0 (shr1 (plus 1 x))))>
problem 40 [17|-33i--] solution 21 [11|-31i--] simplified 13 [ 8|-31---] <(lambda (x) (or (shl1 x) (shl1 (not (shr16 x)))))>
problem 40 [17|-33i--] solution 20 [11|-22i--] simplified 12 [ 8|-22---] <(lambda (x) (and x (xor 1 (shr1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 40 [20|-13i--] solution 17 [13|-02i--] simplified 17 [13|-02i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (and (or 1 x) (or 1 x)) x))>
problem 40 [18|-32i--] solution 19 [11|-30i--] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr16 x)))>
problem 40 [18|-32i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 1 [ 5|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr1 (shr1 x))))>
problem 40 [18|-32i--] solution 25 [13|-31i--] simplified 17 [10|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (not (plus 1 (shr16 (not (shr16 (shr4 x))))))))>
problem 40 [18|-32i-f] solution 14 [10|-21--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shl1 x) x (lambda (y z) (and z (not y)))))>
problem 40 [18|-32i-f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (or z (shr4 y)))))>
problem 40 [18|-32i-f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 1 x (lambda (y z) (plus y (shr4 z)))))>
problem 40 [20|-13i-f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 1 (lambda (y z) (shl1 (xor y z)))))>
problem 40 [20|-13i-f] solution 1 [ 7|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 x (lambda (y z) (shr4 z))))>
problem 41 [16|-52i--] solution 19 [11|-30i--] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr4 x)))>
problem 41 [17|-42i--] solution 15 [10|-12i--] simplified 8 [ 7|-12---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (xor 1 (plus 1 x))))>
problem 41 [17|-42i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr1 x)))>
problem 41 [17|-42i--] solution 20 [11|-22i--] simplified 12 [ 8|-22---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 (or 1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 41 [17|-34i--] solution 21 [11|-31i--] simplified 6 [ 5|-30---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (not (shr16 x))))>
problem 41 [19|-23i--] solution 15 [11|-11i--] simplified 8 [ 8|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and (shr16 (shr16 x)) (shr16 (shr16 x))))>
problem 41 [19|-23i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (shr16 x)))>
problem 41 [17|-42it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shl1 (or x y)))))>
problem 41 [19|-23it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x (shl1 x)))))>
problem 41 [19|-23it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus 1 x)))))>
problem 41 [19|-23it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shr1 (or x y)))))>
problem 41 [19|-23it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 41 [19|-23i-f] solution 11 [ 8|-21---] simplified 11 [ 8|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (plus 0 (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 x))))))>
problem 41 [19|-23i-f] solution 11 [ 8|-21---] simplified 11 [ 8|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (plus 0 (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 x))))))>
problem 41 [19|-23i-f] solution 1 [ 8|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 8|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (not (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (not y)))))>
problem 41 [19|-23i-f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 1 (plus 1 x) (lambda (y z) (shr1 z))))>
problem 42 [20|-22i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (xor 1 x)))>
problem 42 [20|-14i--] solution 15 [10|-12i--] simplified 8 [ 7|-12---] <(lambda (x) (and x (shr1 (plus x x))))>
problem 42 [18|-33i--] solution 17 [11|-12i--] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (not x)))>
problem 42 [18|-33i--] solution 20 [11|-22i--] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (plus x (shl1 1))))>
problem 42 [18|-33i--] solution 5 [ 6|-10i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 42 [18|-33i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and (not x) (not (shl1 1))))>
problem 42 [18|-33i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (not x)))>
problem 42 [18|-33i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
problem 42 [18|-33i--] solution 15 [11|-11i--] simplified 8 [ 8|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and (shr16 (shr16 x)) (shr16 (shr16 x))))>
problem 42 [17|-43i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
problem 42 [18|-33it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x y))))>
problem 42 [18|-33it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 42 [18|-33it-] solution 12 [ 9|-30--f] simplified 12 [ 9|-30--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shr1 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (shl1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 42 [20|-22it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (xor 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))))>
problem 42 [20|-14it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x x))))>
problem 42 [20|-22it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x x)))))>
problem 42 [20|-22it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 42 [21|-13it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 42 [20|-22i-f] solution 5 [ 7|-01i--] simplified 5 [ 7|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) x 1))>
problem 42 [20|-14i-f] solution 1 [ 7|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 x (lambda (y z) (shr1 z))))>
problem 43 [19|-32i--] solution 21 [11|-31i--] simplified 13 [ 8|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (or (shr1 x) (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 43 [19|-32i--] solution 38 [17|-32i--] simplified 38 [17|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (plus x (shr16 (shr4 (shl1 x)))) 0 (and x (shl1 (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 x))))))))>
problem 43 [19|-32it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (or 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))))>
problem 43 [19|-32it-] solution 7 [ 8|-20-t-] simplified 7 [ 8|-20-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (not (shr4 x)))))>
problem 43 [19|-32it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 43 [19|-32it-] solution 8 [ 9|-20-t-] simplified 8 [ 9|-20-t-] <(lambda (x) (not (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (not (shr4 x))))))>
problem 43 [19|-32i-f] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shr4 x)))>
problem 43 [19|-32i-f] solution 7 [ 8|-20---] simplified 7 [ 8|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr4 (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 x)))))))>
problem 44 [19|-24i--] solution 14 [11|-02i--] simplified 8 [ 8|-02---] <(lambda (x) (and (plus 1 x) (plus 1 x)))>
problem 44 [18|-34i--] solution 21 [11|-31i--] simplified 7 [ 6|-30---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr1 (shr4 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 44 [18|-34i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr4 x)))>
problem 44 [18|-34i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 11 [ 8|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and (shr4 (shl1 x)) (shr4 (shl1 x))))>
problem 44 [20|-23i--] solution 37 [18|-22i--] simplified 37 [18|-22i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr4 (shl1 x)))) (and (shr4 x) (shr4 (plus 1 x))) (shr4 x)))>
problem 44 [18|-42it-] solution 8 [ 9|-20-t-] simplified 8 [ 9|-20-t-] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shl1 (shr1 x))))))>
problem 44 [20|-23it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (xor x y)))))>
problem 44 [20|-23it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (or 0 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (shr1 x))))>
problem 44 [20|-23it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 44 [21|-22it-] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shr4 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (shl1 x))))>
problem 44 [22|-13it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus 1 x))))>
problem 44 [22|-13it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 44 [22|-13it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 44 [20|-23i-f] solution 1 [ 7|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 x (lambda (y z) (shr4 z))))>
problem 45 [19|-33i--] solution 36 [17|-23i--] simplified 36 [17|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and x (shl1 x)) (plus 0 (xor 1 (shr16 x))) (xor 1 (shr16 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 45 [19|-33i--] solution 20 [11|-22i--] simplified 12 [ 8|-22---] <(lambda (x) (and (plus x x) (shl1 (shr16 x))))>
problem 45 [19|-33i--] solution 33 [16|-31i--] simplified 33 [16|-31i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (plus x (shr1 x)) (shr1 (shr16 (not 0))) (shr1 (shr16 (plus x (not 0))))))>
problem 45 [19|-33i--] solution 17 [11|-12i--] simplified 10 [ 8|-12---] <(lambda (x) (and (or 0 (shr4 x)) (shr4 x)))>
problem 45 [18|-43i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 45 [18|-51it-] solution 8 [ 9|-20-t-] simplified 8 [ 9|-20-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shl1 (not (shl1 x))))))>
problem 45 [19|-33it-] solution 8 [ 9|-20--f] simplified 8 [ 9|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold (shl1 (shr4 x)) 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 45 [19|-33it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold (plus 0 x) 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 45 [19|-33it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x (shl1 y)))))>
problem 45 [19|-33i-f] solution 10 [ 8|-12---] simplified 10 [ 8|-12---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 (and (shl1 1) (shl1 x))))>
problem 46 [20|-32i--] solution 40 [18|-32i--] simplified 40 [18|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and x (not 1)) (not (not (shr1 (shr1 (shr4 (not 0)))))) (shr1 (or x (shr1 x)))))>
problem 46 [20|-32i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr4 x)))>
problem 46 [20|-24i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or x (shr4 x)))>
problem 46 [20|-24i--] solution 14 [10|-21---] simplified 14 [10|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and x (and x (and x (shr16 (not 0))))))>
problem 46 [20|-24i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (not (or x (shl1 x)))))>
problem 46 [20|-24it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (not (or 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))))>
problem 46 [20|-32it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (xor x y))))>
problem 46 [20|-32it-] solution 1 [ 7|-10-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (not (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 46 [20|-32it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 46 [20|-32i-f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 (plus x 1) (lambda (y z) (shr1 z))))>
problem 46 [20|-32i-f] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not 0) x (lambda (y z) (shl1 z))))>
problem 46 [20|-32i-f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 1 (lambda (y z) (plus z (shr1 y)))))>
problem 46 [20|-32i-f] solution 11 [10|-11--f] simplified 11 [10|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shr1 x) x (lambda (y z) (shr1 (xor y z)))))>
problem 46 [20|-32i-f] solution 11 [10|-11--f] simplified 11 [10|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not 0) 0 (lambda (y z) (and x (not y)))))>
problem 46 [20|-32i-f] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 1 (shl1 x) (lambda (y z) (shr4 z))))>
problem 47 [19|-42i--] solution 15 [ 9|-31---] simplified 11 [ 7|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (plus x (shr1 (not 0)))))>
problem 47 [18|-52i--] solution 19 [10|-41---] simplified 13 [ 8|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (plus x (shl1 (shr16 (shr16 x))))))>
problem 47 [21|-23i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 11 [ 8|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shr16 (shr16 (plus x (shl1 x))))))>
problem 47 [19|-42it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shl1 x))))>
problem 47 [21|-23it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 47 [21|-23it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (and (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)) (not 1)))>
problem 47 [21|-23it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 47 [21|-23it-] solution 16 [11|-12-t-] simplified 16 [11|-12-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (not (xor y (plus x x))))))>
problem 47 [22|-14it-] solution 16 [11|-12-t-] simplified 16 [11|-12-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (xor x (and 1 (shr1 x))))))>
problem 47 [21|-23i-f] solution 11 [10|-11--f] simplified 11 [10|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (not (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (and y (not z))))))>
problem 47 [22|-22i-f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 1 (lambda (y z) (xor y z))))>
problem 47 [23|-13i-f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (or x 0) 0 (lambda (y z) y)))>
problem 48 [19|-43i--] solution 21 [10|-42---] simplified 21 [10|-42---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (shr16 (shr4 (or x (shr1 (not 0)))))))>
problem 48 [19|-43i--] solution 17 [10|-31---] simplified 13 [ 8|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 (plus x (not 1))))))>
problem 48 [19|-43i--] solution 15 [ 9|-31---] simplified 15 [ 9|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr1 (plus x (shl1 (shr1 (shr4 x)))))))>
problem 48 [20|-33it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (or 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))))>
problem 48 [20|-33it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 48 [21|-32i-f] solution 1 [ 7|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 48 [21|-32i-f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x (shr1 x)))))>
problem 49 [23|-22i--] solution 27 [14|-22i--] simplified 19 [11|-22---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 (shr4 (plus (or x (shr4 x)) (shl1 1)))))>
problem 49 [20|-42i--] solution 19 [10|-41---] simplified 19 [10|-41---] <(lambda (x) (not (shl1 (plus (shr16 x) (shr16 (not (shr1 x)))))))>
problem 49 [20|-42it-] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold (shr4 x) 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 49 [20|-42it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (plus 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))))>
problem 49 [20|-42i-f] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x (shl1 0) (lambda (y z) (shr4 y))))>
problem 49 [20|-42i-f] solution 12 [ 9|-21---] simplified 12 [ 9|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shr4 (shr16 (plus 1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))))>
problem 49 [21|-24i-f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 49 [22|-23i-f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (or x (shr4 z)))))>
problem 49 [22|-23i-f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 (plus 1 x) (lambda (y z) (shr4 z))))>
problem 49 [22|-23i-f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 1 (lambda (y z) (xor y z))))>
problem 50 [20|-34i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (plus x (shl1 1))))>
problem 50 [20|-34i--] solution 14 [10|-21---] simplified 14 [10|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and (and (not 0) (not 0)) (shl1 (not x))))>
problem 50 [20|-34i--] solution 9 [ 9|-11---] simplified 9 [ 9|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and (and (shr16 x) (shr16 x)) (shr16 x)))>
problem 51 [21|-33i--] solution 15 [ 9|-31---] simplified 15 [ 9|-31---] <(lambda (x) (and (not (shr1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (shr16 x)))>
problem 51 [21|-33i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 6 [ 7|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or (shl1 1) (shl1 (shl1 x))))>
problem 51 [19|-53i--] solution 14 [10|-21---] simplified 11 [ 8|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shr4 (not (xor x (shr4 x))))))>
problem 51 [19|-53i--] solution 6 [ 5|-30---] simplified 6 [ 5|-30---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (not (shl1 x))))>
problem 51 [21|-33it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (or (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)) 1))>
problem 51 [21|-33it-] solution 1 [ 7|-10-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 51 [21|-33it-] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shr1 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (shr4 x))))>
problem 51 [21|-33it-] solution 16 [11|-21-t-] simplified 16 [11|-21-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (not (xor y (shl1 (shl1 x)))))))>
problem 51 [21|-33i-f] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (or 1 x)))>
problem 51 [21|-33i-f] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shl1 x) 0 (lambda (y z) (shr4 y))))>
problem 52 [22|-24i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (shr4 x)))>
problem 52 [22|-24it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shl1 x))))>
problem 52 [23|-23it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (not (xor x y)))))>
problem 52 [23|-23it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 52 [21|-42i-f] solution 10 [ 8|-12---] simplified 10 [ 8|-12---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (or 0 (shr16 (plus x x)))))>
problem 53 [20|-52i--] solution 17 [10|-31---] simplified 13 [ 8|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr16 (not (plus 1 (not x))))))>
problem 53 [21|-34i--] solution 35 [17|-31i--] simplified 35 [17|-31i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (not (plus x (shr1 (not 0)))) (not (not (shr4 (not (shr1 (not x)))))) (shr4 x)))>
problem 53 [21|-34i--] solution 18 [10|-23---] simplified 18 [10|-23---] <(lambda (x) (and x (not (shl1 (xor x (plus 1 1))))))>
problem 53 [21|-34i--] solution 14 [10|-12---] simplified 14 [10|-12---] <(lambda (x) (and (or x (shr1 x)) (or x (shr1 x))))>
problem 53 [21|-34i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (not (or x (shr1 (not 0)))))>
problem 53 [21|-34i-f] solution 11 [10|-11--f] simplified 11 [10|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold (shr4 x) 0 (lambda (y z) (xor y z)))))>
problem 54 [22|-33i--] solution 9 [10|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shl1 x)))>
problem 54 [22|-33i--] solution 14 [ 9|-22---] simplified 5 [ 6|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or x (shr1 (shr1 x))))>
problem 54 [21|-43i--] solution 14 [ 9|-22---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (or x (shr1 (not 0))))>
problem 54 [21|-43i--] solution 19 [10|-41---] simplified 19 [10|-41---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr1 (not (and (shl1 x) (shr4 (not x)))))))>
problem 54 [20|-53i--] solution 17 [10|-40---] simplified 7 [ 6|-30---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shl1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 54 [20|-53i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (not 0)))>
problem 54 [20|-53i--] solution 19 [10|-41---] simplified 14 [ 8|-41---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (or (shr1 x) (shr16 (not x)))))>
problem 54 [22|-33it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shr4 (plus x y)))))>
problem 54 [22|-33it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shr4 (plus x y)))))>
problem 54 [22|-33it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (plus 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))))>
problem 54 [21|-43it-] solution 16 [11|-12-t-] simplified 16 [11|-12-t-] <(lambda (x) (or (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x (shl1 x)))) 1))>
problem 54 [22|-33it-] solution 14 [10|-21-t-] simplified 14 [10|-21-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (and (not (shr1 x)) 1))))>
problem 54 [22|-33it-] solution 16 [11|-12-t-] simplified 16 [11|-12-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x (not (xor x y))))))>
problem 54 [23|-32it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 54 [22|-33i-f] solution 7 [10|-01--f] simplified 7 [10|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x (plus z z)))))>
problem 54 [22|-33i-f] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or x (shl1 1)))>
problem 55 [23|-24i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 10 [ 8|-12---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (plus x (and x (shl1 x)))))>
problem 55 [23|-24i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and x (shr16 x)))>
problem 55 [23|-24i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 x))>
problem 55 [24|-23i--] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 55 [22|-42i--] solution 17 [10|-31---] simplified 17 [10|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 (or x (shr1 (shr16 x))))))))>
problem 55 [22|-42it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 55 [24|-23it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 55 [22|-42i-f] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 55 [22|-42i-f] solution 14 [10|-21--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shr16 x) 0 (lambda (y z) (shr1 (or y z)))))>
problem 55 [24|-23i-f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (or y (shr1 z)))))>
problem 55 [24|-23i-f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (or y (shr1 z)))))>
problem 56 [22|-34i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (shl1 1)))>
problem 56 [22|-34i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (shr1 x)))>
problem 56 [22|-34i--] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (not x)))>
problem 56 [22|-34i--] solution 15 [ 9|-31---] simplified 15 [ 9|-31---] <(lambda (x) (not (and 1 (and x (shr1 (shr4 x))))))>
problem 56 [21|-44i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 12 [ 8|-22---] <(lambda (x) (or x (xor 1 (shr4 (not x)))))>
problem 56 [21|-44i--] solution 14 [ 9|-22---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (not (shr1 x))))>
problem 56 [20|-54i--] solution 19 [10|-32---] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (shr4 (shl1 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 56 [23|-33i--] solution 14 [10|-12---] simplified 14 [10|-12---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 (plus x (or x (shr16 (shr16 x))))))>
problem 56 [21|-44i--] solution 17 [ 9|-41---] simplified 17 [ 9|-41---] <(lambda (x) (not (xor x (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 (not 0)))))))>
problem 56 [23|-33i--] solution 19 [10|-32---] simplified 11 [ 7|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (not (xor x (shl1 x)))))>
problem 56 [22|-34it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (or 0 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (shr4 x))))>
problem 56 [23|-33it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (or 0 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (not x))))>
problem 56 [24|-32it-] solution 5 [ 9|-00it-] simplified 5 [ 9|-00it-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (if0 x y x))))>
problem 56 [26|-22it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (or 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))))>
problem 56 [23|-33i-f] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 x))))>
problem 56 [23|-33i-f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (or x 0) 0 (lambda (y z) y)))>
problem 56 [24|-32i-f] solution 14 [10|-21--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shr4 x) 1 (lambda (y z) (or z (shl1 y)))))>
problem 56 [24|-32i-f] solution 1 [ 7|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 57 [25|-23i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 57 [22|-43i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (shr16 x)))>
problem 57 [25|-23i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 12 [ 8|-22---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (not (and x (shr1 x)))))>
problem 57 [24|-24i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 x))>
problem 57 [22|-43i--] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 57 [22|-43i--] solution 14 [ 9|-22---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (shr16 (not x))))>
problem 57 [22|-43i--] solution 19 [10|-32---] simplified 11 [ 7|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (or x (shr4 (not x)))))>
problem 57 [22|-43i--] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shr16 (shl1 x))))>
problem 57 [26|-42i--] solution 15 [ 9|-31---] simplified 5 [ 6|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 57 [29|-43i--] solution 17 [10|-31---] simplified 13 [ 8|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (or (not x) (shr1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 57 [22|-43i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (shl1 1)))>
problem 57 [29|-43i--] solution 14 [10|-12---] simplified 8 [ 8|-02---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (and x (plus 1 x))))>
problem 57 [26|-14i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or x (shr16 x)))>
problem 57 [22|-43it-] solution 7 [ 8|-20-t-] simplified 7 [ 8|-20-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shr1 x)))))>
problem 57 [24|-24it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (and (fold (shr1 x) 0 (lambda (x y) x)) 1))>
problem 57 [25|-23it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (not (or 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))))>
problem 57 [26|-42it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 57 [22|-43i-f] solution 14 [10|-21--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shl1 x) x (lambda (y z) (and y (not z)))))>
problem 57 [22|-43i-f] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shr4 x)))>
problem 57 [22|-43i-f] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x (shr1 0) (lambda (y z) (shr4 y))))>
problem 58 [21|-53i--] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 58 [23|-42it-] solution 19 [11|-31-t-] simplified 19 [11|-31-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (not (shr1 (plus y (shl1 x)))))))>
problem 58 [23|-42it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x (shr4 x)))))>
problem 58 [23|-42it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x (shr4 x)))))>
problem 58 [21|-53i-f] solution 14 [10|-21--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not 0) x (lambda (y z) (shr4 (or y z)))))>
problem 58 [23|-42i-f] solution 14 [10|-21--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not x) 0 (lambda (y z) (or y (shr1 z)))))>
problem 58 [23|-42i-f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (or z (shr4 y)))))>
problem 59 [23|-34i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 59 [30|-43i--] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 59 [30|-43i--] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr4 (shr4 x))))>
problem 59 [23|-34i--] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 59 [30|-43i--] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
problem 59 [23|-51i--] solution 17 [10|-40---] simplified 9 [ 6|-40---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr16 (not (shl1 x)))))>
problem 59 [22|-44i--] solution 21 [10|-42---] simplified 21 [10|-42---] <(lambda (x) (not (shl1 (shr4 (xor x (plus x (shr16 x)))))))>
problem 59 [28|-24i--] solution 13 [10|-03---] simplified 5 [ 6|-02---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (plus x x)))>
problem 59 [23|-34it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (or 0 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (shr4 x))))>
problem 59 [23|-34it-] solution 11 [10|-02-t-] simplified 11 [10|-02-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (xor 1 (or x y)))))>
problem 59 [24|-33it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 59 [25|-32it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (or x y))))>
problem 59 [28|-24it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus 1 x))))>
problem 59 [28|-24it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 59 [30|-43it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 59 [30|-43it-] solution 8 [ 9|-20-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 59 [22|-52i-f] solution 14 [10|-21--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x (shr4 (shr1 x)) (lambda (y z) (xor y z))))>
problem 60 [23|-43i--] solution 18 [10|-23---] simplified 8 [ 7|-12---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (xor 1 (shr1 x))))>
problem 60 [23|-43i--] solution 12 [ 9|-21---] simplified 12 [ 9|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and (and (not 0) (not x)) (shr16 x)))>
problem 60 [23|-43i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (shr4 x)))>
problem 60 [23|-43i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 16 [10|-22---] <(lambda (x) (not (plus x (shr1 (xor x (shr1 (not 0)))))))>
problem 60 [23|-43it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 60 [23|-43it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 60 [25|-24it-] solution 12 [11|-11-t-] simplified 12 [11|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shl1 (plus x (plus y y))))))>
problem 60 [29|-23it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (xor (shr1 x) x))))>
problem 60 [23|-43i-f] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 61 [26|-43i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (plus x (shr4 x))))>
problem 61 [25|-43i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 x))>
problem 61 [24|-42i--] solution 15 [ 9|-31---] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 (shr16 (shr16 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 61 [26|-44i--] solution 17 [10|-31---] simplified 17 [10|-31---] <(lambda (x) (and x (and x (shl1 (shr1 (shr1 (not 0)))))))>
problem 61 [26|-44i--] solution 19 [10|-41---] simplified 13 [ 8|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr16 (shl1 (xor x (shl1 x))))))>
problem 61 [30|-44i--] solution 21 [10|-42---] simplified 11 [ 7|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr4 (plus x (shl1 x)))))>
problem 61 [30|-44i--] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr1 x)))>
problem 61 [25|-43i--] solution 17 [10|-31---] simplified 17 [10|-31---] <(lambda (x) (not (and (not x) (shl1 (not (shr16 (not 0)))))))>
problem 61 [24|-42i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 16 [10|-22---] <(lambda (x) (not (plus (not x) (not (shl1 (xor 1 x))))))>
problem 61 [26|-44i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (shr4 x)))>
problem 61 [28|-33i--] solution 1 [ 5|-10---] simplified 1 [ 5|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr16 (shr16 x))))>
problem 61 [30|-44i--] solution 14 [10|-21---] simplified 14 [10|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not (shr4 x))))))>
problem 61 [27|-53i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (plus x x)))>
problem 61 [25|-43it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 61 [26|-43it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (plus 0 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (shr1 x))))>
problem 61 [26|-43it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (or 0 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (shl1 x))))>
problem 61 [26|-44it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 61 [27|-53it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (or 1 x))))>
problem 61 [27|-53it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 61 [24|-42i-f] solution 12 [ 8|-22---] simplified 12 [ 8|-22---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (or 1 (shr4 (plus 1 x)))))>
problem 61 [24|-42i-f] solution 14 [10|-21--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not x) x (lambda (y z) (shr1 (plus y z)))))>
problem 61 [24|-42i-f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 x (lambda (y z) (plus z z))))>
problem 62 [22|-54i--] solution 14 [10|-12---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 (not x)))>
problem 62 [27|-44i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 16 [10|-22---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (and 1 (plus x (shr16 (shl1 x))))))>
problem 62 [27|-44i--] solution 14 [10|-12---] simplified 14 [10|-12---] <(lambda (x) (and (and (plus x x) (shl1 x)) (shl1 x)))>
problem 62 [26|-54i--] solution 21 [10|-42---] simplified 21 [10|-42---] <(lambda (x) (and (not 1) (shr16 (plus 1 (shr4 (shl1 x))))))>
problem 62 [26|-54i--] solution 21 [10|-42---] simplified 21 [10|-42---] <(lambda (x) (and (not 1) (shr16 (plus 1 (shr4 (shl1 x))))))>
problem 62 [26|-52i--] solution 12 [ 9|-30---] simplified 6 [ 5|-30---] <(lambda (x) (not (shl1 (shr1 x))))>
problem 62 [25|-33i--] solution 19 [10|-32---] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (xor x (shr4 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 62 [27|-34i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 16 [10|-22---] <(lambda (x) (and (shl1 1) (shl1 (shr16 (shl1 (plus 1 x))))))>
problem 62 [26|-34i--] solution 15 [10|-13---] simplified 15 [10|-13---] <(lambda (x) (and (or 0 (shl1 x)) (shl1 (xor 1 x))))>
problem 62 [30|-53i--] solution 19 [10|-41---] simplified 6 [ 5|-30---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 x))))>
problem 62 [24|-53i--] solution 12 [ 9|-21---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 (shr4 x)))>
problem 62 [25|-33i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 x))>
problem 62 [30|-33i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 16 [10|-22---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (and 1 (or x (not (shr16 x))))))>
problem 62 [24|-34i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (or x (shl1 (shl1 (not 1)))))>
problem 62 [27|-34i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 x))>
problem 62 [25|-33i--] solution 15 [ 9|-31---] simplified 7 [ 6|-30---] <(lambda (x) (not (shl1 (not (shr16 x)))))>
problem 62 [25|-33it-] solution 1 [ 7|-10-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 62 [25|-33it-] solution 16 [11|-12--f] simplified 16 [11|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shr4 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x (or 1 x)))))>
problem 62 [25|-33it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (or (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)) 1))>
problem 62 [25|-33it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 62 [26|-34it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 62 [26|-34it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 62 [27|-34it-] solution 5 [ 9|-00it-] simplified 5 [ 9|-00it-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (if0 x y x))))>
problem 62 [27|-34it-] solution 16 [11|-12-t-] simplified 16 [11|-12-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (or x (plus y (not x))))))>
problem 62 [28|-42it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (or 0 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (shl1 x))))>
problem 62 [30|-53it-] solution 7 [ 8|-20-t-] simplified 7 [ 8|-20-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shr4 (not x)))))>
problem 62 [30|-53it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x (shr1 y)))))>
problem 62 [23|-53i-f] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr16 x)))>
problem 62 [24|-51i-f] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 63 [24|-44i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and x (shl1 1)))>
problem 63 [24|-54i--] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr4 x)))>
problem 63 [24|-44i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (plus x x)))>
problem 63 [24|-43i--] solution 12 [ 9|-21---] simplified 6 [ 7|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (or x (shr4 x))))>
problem 63 [24|-43i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and x (shr1 x)))>
problem 63 [24|-54i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (plus x x)))>
problem 63 [25|-34i--] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 63 [25|-44i--] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (not (shl1 x))))>
problem 63 [25|-44i--] solution 11 [10|-02---] simplified 5 [ 6|-02---] <(lambda (x) (or x (plus 1 x)))>
problem 63 [25|-44i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 x))>
problem 63 [25|-54i--] solution 16 [ 9|-32---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 (shr1 (shr16 x))))>
problem 63 [26|-33i--] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 x))))>
problem 63 [26|-53i--] solution 19 [10|-32---] simplified 19 [10|-32---] <(lambda (x) (and (not (shl1 (or x (shr4 x)))) (shl1 1)))>
problem 63 [26|-33i--] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 x))))>
problem 63 [26|-33i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 16 [10|-22---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 (or x (not (xor 1 (shr1 x))))))>
problem 63 [26|-33i--] solution 14 [10|-21---] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (and x (not (shr4 x)))))>
problem 63 [27|-33i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 x))>
problem 63 [27|-43i--] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 63 [27|-54i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and x (not 1)))>
problem 63 [27|-43i--] solution 14 [10|-21---] simplified 11 [ 8|-21---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (shr1 (plus x (not 0)))))>
problem 63 [28|-34i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 x))>
problem 63 [28|-43i--] solution 6 [ 5|-30---] simplified 6 [ 5|-30---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (not (shr4 x))))>
problem 63 [28|-44i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or x (shr16 x)))>
problem 63 [28|-53i--] solution 19 [10|-32---] simplified 11 [ 7|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (not (shl1 (plus x x)))))>
problem 63 [28|-53i--] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shl1 x)))>
problem 63 [28|-34i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and x (shr1 x)))>
problem 63 [28|-44i--] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr4 x)))>
problem 63 [28|-34i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 63 [28|-54i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (plus 1 x)))>
problem 63 [29|-53i--] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 63 [29|-32i--] solution 14 [10|-12---] simplified 10 [ 8|-12---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (xor x (or x (shr4 x)))))>
problem 63 [29|-44i--] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 63 [29|-53i--] solution 14 [ 8|-41---] simplified 14 [ 8|-41---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (or (shr1 x) (shr4 (not 0)))))>
problem 63 [29|-44i--] solution 8 [ 7|-12---] simplified 8 [ 7|-12---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (not (xor 1 x))))>
problem 63 [29|-53i--] solution 9 [ 7|-21---] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (shl1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 63 [29|-54i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (not (or 1 x)))>
problem 63 [29|-44i--] solution 11 [ 8|-21---] simplified 5 [ 6|-11---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (xor x (shr1 x))))>
problem 63 [29|-44i--] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr1 x)))>
problem 63 [29|-53i--] solution 11 [ 8|-30---] simplified 11 [ 8|-30---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr16 (not x)))))))>
problem 63 [29|-54i--] solution 13 [ 8|-31---] simplified 13 [ 8|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr4 (shr4 (plus x (shl1 x))))))>
problem 63 [30|-52i--] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shr4 x)))>
problem 63 [30|-54i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 x))>
problem 63 [30|-54i--] solution 12 [ 8|-22---] simplified 12 [ 8|-22---] <(lambda (x) (not (xor x (shl1 (plus x x)))))>
problem 63 [30|-34i--] solution 11 [ 8|-21---] simplified 11 [ 8|-21---] <(lambda (x) (not (and (not (shl1 x)) (shl1 1))))>
problem 63 [30|-52i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and x (shl1 x)))>
problem 63 [24|-43it-] solution 16 [11|-21-t-] simplified 16 [11|-21-t-] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shr1 (xor x (shl1 y)))))))>
problem 63 [24|-43it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (or x (shr1 x)))))>
problem 63 [24|-44it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x (shr4 x)))))>
problem 63 [25|-44it-] solution 16 [11|-12-t-] simplified 16 [11|-12-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (or y (plus x (shr4 x))))))>
problem 63 [26|-24it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 63 [26|-33it-] solution 16 [11|-21-t-] simplified 16 [11|-21-t-] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (xor (shl1 y) (shr4 x))))))>
problem 63 [26|-24it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (not (xor x y)))))>
problem 63 [27|-43it-] solution 16 [11|-12-t-] simplified 16 [11|-12-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (and 1 (not (plus x y))))))>
problem 63 [26|-33it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (xor x y))))>
problem 63 [27|-33it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (and x (not y)))))>
problem 63 [27|-23it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 63 [28|-44it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (not (or 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))))>
problem 63 [28|-44it-] solution 15 [11|-30--f] simplified 15 [11|-30--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shr4 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (not (shl1 (not (shl1 x)))))))>
problem 63 [29|-53it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (not (xor x y)))))>
problem 63 [29|-24it-] solution 12 [11|-11-t-] simplified 12 [11|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (and 1 (not (and x y))))))>
problem 63 [29|-44it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shr4 x))))>
problem 63 [29|-44it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (or 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))))>
problem 63 [29|-44it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 63 [29|-24it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 63 [29|-34it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 63 [29|-33it-] solution 16 [11|-21-t-] simplified 16 [11|-21-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shl1 (not (or x (shl1 1)))))))>
problem 63 [29|-53it-] solution 16 [11|-21-t-] simplified 16 [11|-21-t-] <(lambda (x) (not (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (not (xor x (shr16 y)))))))>
problem 63 [29|-24it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 63 [29|-33it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (plus 0 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (shr4 x))))>
problem 63 [30|-24it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x y))))>
problem 63 [30|-34it-] solution 16 [11|-21-t-] simplified 16 [11|-21-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (not (plus x (shr16 (not 0)))))))>
problem 63 [30|-52it-] solution 8 [ 9|-20-t-] simplified 8 [ 9|-20-t-] <(lambda (x) (not (shl1 (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))))>
problem 63 [24|-43i-f] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shr4 x)))>
problem 63 [24|-44i-f] solution 11 [10|-11--f] simplified 11 [10|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shl1 x) x (lambda (y z) (plus z (shl1 y)))))>
Size histogram
3 15 1.00
4 20 2.50
5 20 2.80
6 19 4.26
7 19 5.11
8 40 8.90
9 34 9.79
10 39 9.72
11 58 9.64
12 58 13.84
13 54 12.98
14 49 11.08
15 36 5.89
16 37 5.51
17 40 6.68
18 41 7.51
19 64 16.80
20 56 10.89
21 89 16.04
22 49 9.45
23 92 16.80
24 32 7.78
25 30 10.70
26 26 8.85
27 16 7.69
28 16 5.13
29 25 7.44
30 20 6.70
Bonus problems analysis
Average problem size: 21.77
Average solution size: 20.57
Average simplified solution size: 20.57
Average log2 - problem difficulty 15.60
Average log2 - simplified solution difficulty 22.27
Top 10 solutions (making up for 9.70 % of all in this category)
2 <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (plus 1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 x))))) (and 1 (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
2 <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (xor 1 (shr1 (shr4 x))) (shl1 (plus x (shl1 (shl1 1))))))>
2 <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not (shr16 x))))) (not (and (not 1) (plus 1 x))) (or x (plus 1 x))))>
2 <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (plus 1 x)))) (and x (or 1 (plus x x))) (and x (shr4 (shr4 x)))))>
2 <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus 1 (plus x (shr16 (shr16 x))))) (and 1 (shr1 (shr1 (plus 1 x)))) (and x (xor 1 x))))>
2 <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not x)))) (plus x (shr1 (shr1 x))) (not (shl1 (not (shr16 x))))))>
1 <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and x (shr1 (shr1 x)))) (not (shl1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (and (not 0) (shl1 x))))>
1 <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus 1 (shr1 (shr4 x)))) (xor 1 (shr4 (or x (shr1 x)))) (shr16 (plus x (shr4 x)))))>
1 <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr16 (shl1 (shr4 x))))) (or x (shr16 (shl1 x))) (or 1 (plus x x))))>
1 <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not x)))) (and x (shl1 (not x))) (or x (shl1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 7 [19|b22i--] solution 63 [15|-22i--] simplified 63 [15|-22i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (plus x (shr1 (shr1 x))) 1))>
problem 8 [19|b23i--] solution 8 [19|-23i--] simplified 8 [19|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr4 (shr4 x)))) (plus 1 (plus x x)) (xor 1 (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 8 [19|b23i--] solution 63 [15|-22i--] simplified 63 [15|-22i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (not (not (or 1 x))) (and x (shr1 (not x)))))>
problem 8 [19|b23i--] solution 8 [19|-23i--] simplified 8 [19|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr1 (shr1 x)))) (and x (shr4 (shr4 x))) (plus x (or 1 x))))>
problem 8 [19|b23i--] solution 63 [15|-12i--] simplified 63 [15|-12i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (plus 1 x))) (plus 1 (shr16 (shr16 x))) x))>
problem 8 [19|b23i--] solution 8 [19|-23i--] simplified 8 [19|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or x (not (shr4 x)))) (plus x (not (shr4 x))) (and x (shr4 (not x)))))>
problem 8 [19|b23i--] solution 8 [19|-23i--] simplified 8 [19|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or (not x) (shr4 x))) (or x (plus 1 x)) (or 1 (shr4 (not x)))))>
problem 8 [19|b24i--] solution 8 [19|-23i--] simplified 8 [19|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus 1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (or x (shr1 (shr16 x))) (or 1 (plus x x))))>
problem 8 [19|b32i--] solution 8 [19|-32i--] simplified 8 [19|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr1 (shr4 x)))) (shr16 (shr4 (plus 1 x))) (plus 1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 8 [20|b22i--] solution 7 [19|-22i--] simplified 7 [19|-22i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (not x))) (and x (plus 1 x)) (not (and x (not (shr1 x))))))>
problem 8 [20|b22i--] solution 7 [19|-22i--] simplified 7 [19|-22i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (plus 1 x))) (plus 1 (plus x x)) (plus 1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 9 [19|b33i--] solution 63 [18|-32i--] simplified 63 [18|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (not x))) (xor x (shr1 (shl1 x))) (shl1 (xor x (shr1 x)))))>
problem 9 [19|b33i--] solution 9 [19|-33i--] simplified 9 [19|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr1 (shr16 x)))) (plus 1 (xor 1 x)) (shr16 (shr4 (plus 1 x)))))>
problem 9 [19|b34i--] solution 63 [18|-32i--] simplified 63 [18|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (not x))) (or x (not (shl1 1))) (and x (shr1 (not x)))))>
problem 9 [19|b34i--] solution 9 [19|-34i--] simplified 9 [19|-34i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (plus x (shr4 x)))) (or 1 (plus 1 x)) (not (xor x (shl1 x)))))>
problem 9 [19|b42i--] solution 63 [18|-42i--] simplified 63 [18|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))) (or x (shr16 (shr4 x))) (and x (shr1 (not x)))))>
problem 9 [19|b42i--] solution 9 [19|-42i--] simplified 9 [19|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr16 (plus x (shr4 x)))) (plus x (shl1 (shr16 x))) (shl1 (plus 1 (shr1 x)))))>
problem 9 [19|b42i--] solution 63 [18|-42i--] simplified 63 [18|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (plus (not x) (shr4 x)) (plus x (shl1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 9 [19|b42i--] solution 63 [18|-31i--] simplified 63 [18|-31i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (not x))) (and x (shl1 (not x))) (and (shl1 x) (shr16 x))))>
problem 10 [19|b43i--] solution 9 [19|-41i--] simplified 9 [19|-41i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and x (shr1 (shr1 x)))) (not (shl1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (and (not 0) (shl1 x))))>
problem 10 [19|b53i--] solution 63 [15|-32i--] simplified 63 [15|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (and x (shr1 (shr16 x))) (plus x (shr4 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 10 [20|b32i--] solution 63 [15|-32i--] simplified 63 [15|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (plus x (shl1 (shr4 x))) (plus x (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 10 [20|b34i--] solution 10 [20|-34i--] simplified 10 [20|-34i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (not (or x (shr1 x))) (xor 1 (plus x (not 0)))))>
problem 10 [20|b34i--] solution 9 [19|-33i--] simplified 9 [19|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or x (not (shr1 x)))) (plus x (not 1)) (not (and (not x) (shr4 x)))))>
problem 11 [20|b43i--] solution 11 [20|-43i--] simplified 11 [20|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (xor 1 (shr1 (shr4 x))) (shl1 (plus x (shl1 (shl1 1))))))>
problem 11 [20|b43i--] solution 10 [19|-43i--] simplified 10 [19|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (plus x (shr4 x)))) (xor 1 (shr1 (shr16 x))) (and 1 (not (shr1 x)))))>
problem 11 [20|b43i--] solution 11 [20|-42i--] simplified 11 [20|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr4 (shr4 x)))) (and 1 (plus 1 x)) (shl1 (plus (shr1 x) (shr16 x)))))>
problem 11 [20|b43i--] solution 11 [20|-43i--] simplified 11 [20|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (xor 1 (shr1 (shr4 x))) (shl1 (plus x (shl1 (shl1 1))))))>
problem 11 [21|b13i--] solution 63 [11|-02i--] simplified 63 [11|-02i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) 1 (plus 1 (plus 1 x))))>
problem 12 [20|b53i--] solution 63 [18|-43i--] simplified 63 [18|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (not x))) (or 1 (shr4 (not x))) (plus x (shl1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 12 [21|b14i--] solution 12 [21|-14i--] simplified 12 [21|-14i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr4 (shr4 x)))) (or 0 (or x (plus 1 x))) (xor x (plus x x))))>
problem 12 [21|b14i--] solution 12 [21|-14i--] simplified 12 [21|-14i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and x (shr4 (shr4 x)))) (xor x (or x (plus x x))) (or 0 (plus x x))))>
problem 12 [21|b14i--] solution 11 [21|-13i--] simplified 11 [21|-13i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr4 (shr4 x)))) (and x (and x (plus 1 x))) (and x (xor 1 x))))>
problem 12 [21|b23i--] solution 12 [21|-22i--] simplified 12 [21|-22i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (plus 1 x))) (plus 1 (plus x (shl1 (shr16 x)))) (and 1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 12 [21|b23i--] solution 12 [21|-23i--] simplified 12 [21|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr4 (shr4 x)))) (plus x (shl1 (shl1 (and 1 x)))) (xor 1 (plus 1 x))))>
problem 13 [21|b24i--] solution 13 [21|-24i--] simplified 13 [21|-24i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or x (not (shr4 x)))) (not (not (xor x (plus x x)))) (and (not 1) (not x))))>
problem 13 [21|b24i--] solution 13 [21|-24i--] simplified 13 [21|-24i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr1 (shr1 (shr1 (shr16 x))))) (or x (shr1 (shr16 x))) (or x (plus x (xor 1 x)))))>
problem 13 [21|b32i--] solution 13 [21|-32i--] simplified 13 [21|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr16 (and x (shl1 x)))) (xor 0 (xor x (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (xor 1 (shr1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 13 [21|b32i--] solution 10 [20|-32i--] simplified 10 [20|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (not x))) (plus x (shl1 (and x (shr4 x)))) (and x (not (shl1 1)))))>
problem 14 [22|b24i--] solution 13 [21|-24i--] simplified 13 [21|-24i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or x (plus 1 (shr16 (shr4 x))))) (or 0 (or 1 x)) (xor x (shr16 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 14 [21|b33i--] solution 13 [21|-32i--] simplified 13 [21|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and (not x) (shr4 x))) (and x (plus 1 (plus 1 x))) (plus x (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 14 [21|b33i--] solution 10 [20|-33i--] simplified 10 [20|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr4 x))) (xor x (plus x (shr16 (not x)))) (plus (not x) (shr4 x))))>
problem 14 [21|b33i--] solution 10 [20|-33i--] simplified 10 [20|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr16 (shl1 (shr4 x))))) (or x (shr16 (shl1 x))) (or 1 (plus x x))))>
problem 14 [21|b33i--] solution 10 [20|-32i--] simplified 10 [20|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and x (shr4 (shr4 x)))) (and (not x) (shl1 (not 1))) (not (xor x (shl1 x)))))>
problem 14 [21|b33i--] solution 14 [21|-33i--] simplified 14 [21|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and x (shr1 (shr16 x)))) (xor 1 (shr16 (shr16 x))) (xor x (or x (shr16 (shr4 x))))))>
problem 14 [21|b33i--] solution 13 [21|-32i--] simplified 13 [21|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (or 1 (shl1 (or 1 (shl1 x)))) (and x (shr4 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 14 [21|b33i--] solution 10 [20|-33i--] simplified 10 [20|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (shr1 (shr1 (plus 1 x))))) (xor 1 (shr16 (shr16 x))) (plus x (not (shr1 x)))))>
problem 14 [21|b33i--] solution 63 [16|-31i--] simplified 63 [16|-31i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and (not x) (shr1 x))) (and x (shr1 (shl1 (shl1 x)))) 0))>
problem 14 [21|b33i--] solution 9 [20|-31i--] simplified 9 [20|-31i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (and (not (shr1 x)) (shr16 (not 0))) (and x (not 1))))>
problem 14 [21|b33i--] solution 14 [21|-33i--] simplified 14 [21|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (xor 1 x)))) (or x (shr16 (shl1 x))) (xor 1 (shr1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 14 [21|b33i--] solution 14 [21|-33i--] simplified 14 [21|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and x (shr1 (shr1 x)))) (or 1 (plus x (plus x x))) (and x (shr4 (not x)))))>
problem 14 [21|b34i--] solution 9 [20|-24i--] simplified 9 [20|-24i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus 1 (plus x (shr16 x)))) (xor 1 (plus 1 x)) (or 1 (shl1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 14 [21|b34i--] solution 14 [21|-34i--] simplified 14 [21|-34i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus 1 (shr1 (shr4 x)))) (xor 1 (shr4 (or x (shr1 x)))) (shr16 (plus x (shr4 x)))))>
problem 14 [21|b34i--] solution 63 [17|-24i--] simplified 63 [17|-24i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (or 1 (shr1 (xor x (shr1 x)))) (plus x (shr1 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 14 [21|b34i--] solution 63 [17|-33i--] simplified 63 [17|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or x (shr4 (plus x (shl1 x))))) 1 (or x (shr16 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 14 [21|b34i--] solution 14 [21|-34i--] simplified 14 [21|-34i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (and (shr16 x) (shr16 (shl1 x))))) (plus x (xor 1 x)) (or x (shl1 (not 1)))))>
problem 14 [21|b34i--] solution 14 [21|-34i--] simplified 14 [21|-34i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (plus 1 x))) (or x (shr4 (plus x (shl1 x)))) (xor 1 (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 14 [21|b42i--] solution 10 [20|-32i--] simplified 10 [20|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr4 x))) (and x (and (shl1 x) (shr1 x))) (and x (plus 1 x))))>
problem 14 [21|b42i--] solution 13 [21|-32i--] simplified 13 [21|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not (shr1 x))))) (and x (plus 1 x)) (plus x (shr1 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 14 [21|b42i--] solution 11 [20|-42i--] simplified 11 [20|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))) (plus x (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 x))))) (shr1 (shr16 (not (shr4 x))))))>
problem 14 [21|b42i--] solution 14 [21|-42i--] simplified 14 [21|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus 1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (and x (and (shl1 x) (shr1 x))) (plus 1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 15 [23|b14i--] solution 14 [23|-13i--] simplified 14 [23|-13i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (plus 1 x)))) (and x (or 1 (plus x x))) (and x (shr4 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 15 [23|b14i--] solution 15 [23|-14i--] simplified 15 [23|-14i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or x (shr4 (shr4 x)))) (xor x (or x (plus x x))) (plus x (xor x (plus 1 x)))))>
problem 15 [23|b14i--] solution 14 [23|-13i--] simplified 14 [23|-13i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (plus 1 x)))) (and x (or 1 (plus x x))) (and x (shr4 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 15 [23|b14i--] solution 15 [23|-14i--] simplified 15 [23|-14i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and x (shr1 (shr1 x)))) (or 1 (plus x (plus x x))) (or x (plus x (xor 1 x)))))>
problem 15 [21|b43i--] solution 15 [21|-43i--] simplified 15 [21|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (plus x (shr1 x)))) (and x (shl1 (shl1 (shl1 (shr16 x))))) (or x (plus 1 x))))>
problem 15 [21|b43i--] solution 15 [21|-43i--] simplified 15 [21|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (or x (not (shr1 x))))) (plus x (shr4 (shr4 x))) (not (shr16 (not (shr1 x))))))>
problem 15 [21|b43i--] solution 15 [21|-43i--] simplified 15 [21|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and x (shr4 (shr4 x)))) (or 1 (shr1 (shr4 (plus 1 x)))) (shl1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 x))))))>
problem 15 [21|b43i--] solution 11 [20|-42i--] simplified 11 [20|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (shr1 (shr16 x)))) (plus 1 (plus x (plus x x))) (and x (shr4 (not x)))))>
problem 15 [21|b43i--] solution 11 [20|-42i--] simplified 11 [20|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (shr1 (shr1 (shr1 (shr16 x)))))) (xor x (shr4 (not x))) (xor x (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 15 [21|b43i--] solution 15 [21|-43i--] simplified 15 [21|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and x (shr1 (shr1 x)))) (or 1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 (not x))))) (or 1 (plus x x))))>
problem 15 [21|b43i--] solution 63 [17|-32i--] simplified 63 [17|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (plus 1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 x))))) (and 1 (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 15 [21|b43i--] solution 63 [17|-32i--] simplified 63 [17|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (plus 1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 x))))) (and 1 (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 15 [21|b43i--] solution 15 [21|-43i--] simplified 15 [21|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or x (shr1 (shr1 (shr1 (shr16 x)))))) (or x (shr4 (shr4 x))) (plus x (shr1 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 15 [21|b43i--] solution 12 [21|-23i--] simplified 12 [21|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (shr4 (shr4 x))))) (xor x (plus x x)) (and (not 1) (not x))))>
problem 15 [21|b44i--] solution 63 [17|-43i--] simplified 63 [17|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (or 1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 (not x))))) (xor x (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 15 [21|b44i--] solution 11 [20|-43i--] simplified 11 [20|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr1 x))) (or x (shr4 (plus x (shl1 x)))) (not (not (shr1 (shr4 x))))))>
problem 15 [21|b44i--] solution 15 [21|-44i--] simplified 15 [21|-44i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or x (plus 1 (shr16 (shl1 x))))) (or 0 (shr16 (shl1 x))) (xor 1 (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 15 [21|b44i--] solution 63 [17|-23i--] simplified 63 [17|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (plus x (shr1 (shr16 (plus x x)))) (xor x (plus x x))))>
problem 15 [21|b44i--] solution 10 [20|-32i--] simplified 10 [20|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not x)))) (and x (shl1 (not x))) (or x (shl1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 15 [21|b44i--] solution 11 [20|-42i--] simplified 11 [20|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not x)))) (plus x (shr1 (shr1 x))) (not (shl1 (not (shr16 x))))))>
problem 15 [21|b44i--] solution 11 [20|-42i--] simplified 11 [20|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not x)))) (plus x (shr1 (shr1 x))) (not (shl1 (not (shr16 x))))))>
problem 15 [21|b44i--] solution 11 [20|-43i--] simplified 11 [20|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not x)))) (shr1 (shr16 (not (shr4 x)))) (or 1 (plus x x))))>
problem 16 [23|b23i--] solution 16 [23|-23i--] simplified 16 [23|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr1 (shr1 (shr1 (shr16 x))))) (plus 1 (plus x (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (and x (shr16 (or x (shr16 x))))))>
problem 16 [23|b23i--] solution 16 [23|-23i--] simplified 16 [23|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus 1 (plus x (shr16 (shr16 x))))) (and 1 (shr1 (shr1 (plus 1 x)))) (and x (xor 1 x))))>
problem 16 [23|b23i--] solution 16 [23|-23i--] simplified 16 [23|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus 1 (plus x (shr16 (shr16 x))))) (and 1 (shr1 (shr1 (plus 1 x)))) (and x (xor 1 x))))>
problem 16 [22|b34i--] solution 14 [21|-33i--] simplified 14 [21|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (plus x (shr4 x)))) (or x (or (shl1 1) (shl1 x))) (or 1 (plus 1 x))))>
problem 16 [22|b43i--] solution 8 [19|-32i--] simplified 8 [19|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (not x))) (and (not 0) (not 0)) (or x (shr1 (shl1 (shl1 x))))))>
problem 16 [21|b52i--] solution 16 [21|-52i--] simplified 16 [21|-52i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (not (plus x (shr4 x))))) (and (not 0) (shr1 x)) (shl1 (shr16 (shr16 (not x))))))>
problem 16 [21|b53i--] solution 16 [21|-52i--] simplified 16 [21|-52i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (shr4 (shr4 x))))) (shr1 (shr16 (not (shr4 x)))) (xor x (shl1 (not 1)))))>
problem 16 [21|b53i--] solution 16 [21|-53i--] simplified 16 [21|-53i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or x (shr1 (plus 1 (shr16 x))))) (or x (shl1 (not 1))) (and x (shr4 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 16 [21|b53i--] solution 16 [21|-52i--] simplified 16 [21|-52i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and x (shr16 (shl1 x)))) (shr1 (shr16 (not (shr4 x)))) (shl1 (shr1 (xor x (shr16 (shr4 x)))))))>
problem 16 [21|b54i--] solution 16 [21|-53i--] simplified 16 [21|-53i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (and (not x) (shr16 (shr4 x))))) (or x (not (shl1 x))) (plus x (not (shr1 x)))))>
problem 16 [21|b54i--] solution 12 [20|-53i--] simplified 12 [20|-53i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (shr16 (shr4 (plus 1 x))))) (not (and 1 (not x))) (xor x (shr1 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 17 [22|b44i--] solution 15 [21|-43i--] simplified 15 [21|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (shr16 (shl1 (shr16 x))))) (not (not (or x (plus 1 x)))) (and 1 (not (shr1 x)))))>
problem 17 [22|b44i--] solution 63 [13|-23i--] simplified 63 [13|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (or x (plus x (shr16 (shl1 x)))) x))>
problem 17 [22|b52i--] solution 17 [22|-52i--] simplified 17 [22|-52i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and (not x) (shr1 (shr1 (shr4 x))))) (shl1 (or (shr16 x) (shr4 x))) (or x (not (shr4 x)))))>
problem 17 [23|b32i--] solution 17 [23|-32i--] simplified 17 [23|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (xor x (shr4 (and x (shl1 x))))) (and x (xor 1 x)) (xor 1 (shr16 (and x (shl1 x))))))>
problem 17 [23|b24i--] solution 63 [13|-11i--] simplified 63 [13|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (and 1 (and 1 (shr1 (shr1 x)))) x))>
problem 17 [23|b24i--] solution 16 [23|-23i--] simplified 16 [23|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not (shr16 x))))) (not (and (not 1) (plus 1 x))) (or x (plus 1 x))))>
problem 17 [23|b24i--] solution 16 [23|-23i--] simplified 16 [23|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not (shr16 x))))) (not (and (not 1) (plus 1 x))) (or x (plus 1 x))))>
problem 17 [23|b24i--] solution 8 [19|-24i--] simplified 8 [19|-24i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (plus 1 x)))) (xor x (shl1 (or 1 (shr4 x)))) x))>
problem 17 [23|b33i--] solution 17 [23|-32i--] simplified 17 [23|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (shr16 (shr16 x))))) (plus x (shr1 (shr16 (plus x x)))) (not (and 1 (not x)))))>
problem 17 [23|b33i--] solution 9 [19|-33i--] simplified 9 [19|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (or x (plus x (not (shr16 x)))) (plus x (or (not x) (shr4 x)))))>
problem 17 [23|b33i--] solution 17 [23|-33i--] simplified 17 [23|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus 1 (plus x (shr4 (shr4 x))))) (or x (plus x (shr16 (shl1 x)))) (and 1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 17 [23|b33i--] solution 17 [23|-32i--] simplified 17 [23|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (plus x (shr4 (shr4 x))))) (not (and (not 1) (plus 1 x))) (plus 1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 17 [23|b33i--] solution 17 [23|-32i--] simplified 17 [23|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (plus x (shr16 (shr16 x))))) (not (and (not 1) (plus 1 x))) (plus 1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 17 [23|b33i--] solution 17 [23|-33i--] simplified 17 [23|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr1 (shr4 x)))) (plus 1 (plus 1 (xor 1 x))) (plus 1 (not (shr1 (shr4 (not x)))))))>
problem 17 [23|b33i--] solution 17 [23|-33i--] simplified 17 [23|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus 1 (plus x (shr1 (shr16 x))))) (xor 1 (xor (shl1 1) (shr1 x))) (plus 1 (xor 1 x))))>
problem 17 [23|b33i--] solution 9 [19|-33i--] simplified 9 [19|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (plus 1 (plus x (shr4 (shr4 x)))) (or x (shr1 (plus 1 (shr16 x))))))>
problem 18 [22|b53i--] solution 18 [22|-53i--] simplified 18 [22|-53i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr16 (plus x (shr4 x)))) (and (or 1 x) (shr1 (not x))) (or x (shr1 (shl1 (shl1 x))))))>
problem 18 [22|b53i--] solution 16 [21|-52i--] simplified 16 [21|-52i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr4 (shr4 x)))) (plus (shl1 (shr1 x)) (shl1 (shr16 x))) (plus x (not (shr4 x)))))>
problem 18 [23|b34i--] solution 16 [22|-34i--] simplified 16 [22|-34i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (plus x (shr4 x)))) (or x (plus x (xor 1 x))) (and (not 0) (shr1 x))))>
problem 18 [23|b34i--] solution 17 [23|-33i--] simplified 17 [23|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr16 (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))) (or x (plus x (not (shr16 x)))) (and x (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 18 [23|b34i--] solution 15 [22|-33i--] simplified 15 [22|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (shr1 x)))) (or x (shr1 (plus 1 (shr16 x)))) (or x (shr16 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 18 [23|b34i--] solution 14 [22|-23i--] simplified 14 [22|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (shr1 x)))) (plus 1 (xor 1 (plus 1 x))) (and (not 0) (not 0))))>
problem 18 [23|b34i--] solution 14 [22|-32i--] simplified 14 [22|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not (shr1 x))))) (and (not x) (plus x x)) (not (not (shr1 (shr4 x))))))>
problem 18 [23|b34i--] solution 16 [22|-34i--] simplified 16 [22|-34i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or x (not (shr4 x)))) (not (xor x (shl1 (not x)))) (not (xor x (plus x (shl1 1))))))>
problem 18 [23|b34i--] solution 18 [23|-34i--] simplified 18 [23|-34i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (plus 1 x))) (plus (shr1 x) (xor x (shr16 x))) (or 1 (plus x (shl1 (shl1 x))))))>
problem 18 [23|b34i--] solution 15 [22|-33i--] simplified 15 [22|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr16 (shl1 (shr4 x))))) (or x (shl1 (and x (shl1 x)))) (or 1 (plus x x))))>
problem 18 [23|b42i--] solution 63 [17|-32i--] simplified 63 [17|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (and (not (shr1 x)) (shr16 (not 0))) (plus 1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 18 [23|b42i--] solution 16 [22|-42i--] simplified 16 [22|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (or x (shr16 x)))) (or x (shr16 (shl1 (shr4 (not 0))))) (and (not 1) (not x))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 63 [17|-42i--] simplified 63 [17|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (plus (shr16 x) (shr16 (shr16 (shl1 x)))) (plus (not x) (shr4 x))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 8 [19|-23i--] simplified 8 [19|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (xor x (shr1 (shr1 (shr1 x)))))) (and 1 (not (or x (shr1 x)))) 1))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 18 [23|-42i--] simplified 18 [23|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))) (and x (and (shl1 x) (shr1 x))) (or x (shl1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 18 [23|-42i--] simplified 18 [23|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (plus x (shr1 (shr4 x))))) (plus 1 (plus x (shl1 (shr16 x)))) (and (shr1 x) (shr1 x))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 63 [17|-42i--] simplified 63 [17|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (or 1 (shl1 (and 1 (shr4 x)))) (or x (shr1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 14 [22|-32i--] simplified 14 [22|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not x)))) (and x (plus 1 (not (shr16 x)))) (not (shl1 (not (shr16 x))))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 8 [19|-32i--] simplified 8 [19|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (plus (shr16 x) (shr16 (shr16 (shl1 x)))) (and x (shr1 (plus x (shl1 x))))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 19 [23|-43i--] simplified 19 [23|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or x (shr1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))) (plus 1 (not (shr1 (shr4 (not x))))) (and x (plus 1 x))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 19 [23|-43i--] simplified 19 [23|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus 1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))) (or x (shr4 (and x (shl1 x)))) (or x (shr1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 18 [23|-42i--] simplified 18 [23|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (shr4 (shr4 x))))) (plus x (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 x))))) (shl1 (plus 1 (shr1 x)))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 19 [23|-43i--] simplified 19 [23|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (plus 1 x))) (xor x (shr4 (and x (shl1 x)))) (plus (shr1 x) (xor x (shr16 x)))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 19 [23|-43i--] simplified 19 [23|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr1 (shr4 (plus 1 x)))) (plus 1 (plus x (plus x x))) (or x (plus x (shr16 (shl1 x))))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 18 [23|-42i--] simplified 18 [23|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not (shr16 x))))) (plus 1 (not (shr1 (shr4 (not x))))) (shr1 (shr4 (plus 1 x)))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 16 [22|-43i--] simplified 16 [22|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (not x))) (not (xor 1 (xor x (shr4 x)))) (plus (shr16 x) (shr16 (shr16 (shl1 x))))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 19 [23|-43i--] simplified 19 [23|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (or (not x) (shr1 x)))) (and (not 0) (not (plus 1 x))) (and x (shr16 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 19 [23|-43i--] simplified 19 [23|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (plus 1 x)))) (or x (shr4 (and x (shl1 x)))) (shl1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 x))))))>
problem 19 [23|b43i--] solution 19 [23|-43i--] simplified 19 [23|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr4 (and x (shl1 x))))) (not (shl1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (plus x (xor x (plus 1 x)))))>
problem 20 [23|b44i--] solution 63 [17|-43i--] simplified 63 [17|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (or x (shr4 (and x (shl1 x)))) (xor 1 (shr1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 20 [23|b44i--] solution 20 [23|-44i--] simplified 20 [23|-44i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or x (shr4 (and x (shl1 x))))) (plus 1 (plus x (shr4 (shr4 x)))) (xor 1 (shr1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 20 [23|b44i--] solution 20 [23|-44i--] simplified 20 [23|-44i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))) (xor x (shr4 (and x (shl1 x)))) (or x (plus x (not (shr16 x))))))>
problem 20 [23|b44i--] solution 20 [23|-44i--] simplified 20 [23|-44i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (not (and x (shr4 x))))) (xor x (plus x (shr16 (not x)))) (not (or x (shr1 x)))))>
problem 20 [23|b44i--] solution 18 [23|-34i--] simplified 18 [23|-34i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (shr4 (shr4 x))))) (or x (plus 1 (shr16 (shl1 x)))) (xor x (shr16 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 20 [23|b44i--] solution 20 [23|-44i--] simplified 20 [23|-44i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (plus 1 x))) (or 1 (shr1 (xor x (shr1 x)))) (and x (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 (shl1 x)))))))>
problem 20 [23|b44i--] solution 19 [23|-43i--] simplified 19 [23|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (or x (not (shr16 x))))) (xor 1 (shr4 (or x (shr1 x)))) (or x (not (shr4 x)))))>
problem 20 [23|b44i--] solution 16 [22|-42i--] simplified 16 [22|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and (not x) (shr4 x)))) (and (not x) (shl1 (not 1))) (plus x (shr1 (shr1 x)))))>
problem 20 [23|b52i--] solution 20 [23|-52i--] simplified 20 [23|-52i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (or x (not (shr1 x))))) (not (shl1 (not (and 1 (shr4 x))))) (shl1 (shr16 (shr16 (not x))))))>
problem 20 [23|b53i--] solution 63 [17|-43i--] simplified 63 [17|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (not (xor x (plus x (shl1 1)))) (and x (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 20 [23|b53i--] solution 10 [19|-53i--] simplified 10 [19|-53i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (plus x (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 x))))) (xor x (shr1 (not (shl1 (shl1 x)))))))>
problem 20 [23|b53i--] solution 19 [23|-51i--] simplified 19 [23|-51i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (shr4 (shr4 x))))) (not (shl1 (not (and 1 (shr4 x))))) (shl1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 x))))))>
problem 20 [23|b44i--] solution 63 [18|-33i--] simplified 63 [18|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not x)))) (or 1 (shr1 (shr4 (plus 1 x)))) 1))>
problem 20 [24|b33i--] solution 20 [24|-33i--] simplified 20 [24|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and (not 0) (shr16 (shl1 (shr16 x))))) (or x (plus x (not (shr16 x)))) (not (plus (shl1 1) (shl1 x)))))>
problem 21 [23|b54i--] solution 17 [22|-52i--] simplified 17 [22|-52i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not x)))) (and (not x) (not (plus 1 1))) (shl1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 x))))))>
problem 21 [24|b34i--] solution 21 [24|-34i--] simplified 21 [24|-34i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr16 (and x (shl1 x))))) (or x (plus x (xor 1 x))) (shl1 (plus (shr1 x) (shr16 x)))))>
problem 22 [24|b43i--] solution 19 [23|-43i--] simplified 19 [23|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (not (and x (shr4 x))))) (or 1 (shr1 (shr4 (plus 1 x)))) (plus 1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 23 [25|b33i--] solution 20 [24|-33i--] simplified 20 [24|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus (plus 0 1) (shr1 x))) (plus 1 (plus 1 (xor 1 x))) (plus 1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))))>
problem 23 [25|b33i--] solution 23 [25|-33i--] simplified 23 [25|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and (not 0) (shr16 (shl1 (shr16 x))))) (and x (shl1 (shl1 (shl1 (shr16 x))))) (or x (plus x (shr16 (shl1 x))))))>
problem 23 [25|b42i--] solution 9 [19|-42i--] simplified 9 [19|-42i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (and x (shl1 (shl1 (shl1 (shr16 x))))) (plus x (shr4 (not (shl1 (shr4 x)))))))>
problem 24 [25|b43i--] solution 24 [25|-43i--] simplified 24 [25|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (or 0 (not (xor x (shr4 x))))) (xor 1 (shr4 (or x (shr1 x)))) (xor x (shr4 (and x (shl1 x))))))>
problem 24 [25|b43i--] solution 22 [24|-43i--] simplified 22 [24|-43i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not x)))) (or x (not (shr1 (shr1 (shr4 x))))) (plus x (shr4 (not (shl1 (shr4 x)))))))>
problem 24 [25|b34i--] solution 10 [20|-33i--] simplified 10 [20|-33i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr16 x)) (plus x (or (not x) (shr4 x))) (and (not 0) (plus x (not 1)))))>
problem 25 [25|b44i--] solution 25 [25|-44i--] simplified 25 [25|-44i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr16 (xor x (not (shl1 (shr16 x)))))) (or x (plus x (not (shr16 x)))) (xor x (shr1 (not (plus 1 x))))))>
problem 25 [25|b44i--] solution 25 [25|-44i--] simplified 25 [25|-44i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not (shr1 x))))) (xor 1 (shr4 (or x (shr1 x)))) (plus 1 (plus x (shr16 (shr16 x))))))>
problem 26 [25|b53i--] solution 26 [25|-53i--] simplified 26 [25|-53i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr1 (or 0 (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))) (plus x (shl1 (and x (shr4 x)))) (or (shl1 x) (shr1 (not (shl1 1))))))>
Size histogram
19 19 34.26
20 10 20.20
21 55 19.96
22 8 20.50
23 61 21.56
24 3 20.00
25 9 20.44
Lightning problems analysis
Average problem size: 9.02
Average solution size: 8.69
Average simplified solution size: 7.77
Average log2 - problem difficulty 11.89
Average log2 - simplified solution difficulty  8.77
Top 10 solutions (making up for 24.04 % of all in this category)
21 <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
9 <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
8 <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
7 <(lambda (x) (not x))>
7 <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
7 <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
6 <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
6 <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
6 <(lambda (x) (xor 1 x))>
4 <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (xor x z))))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 1 [ 4|-10---] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shr4 x)))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 1 [ 8|-10-t-] solution 1 [ 8|-10--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 1 [ 8|-10-t-] solution 1 [ 8|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 8|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 1 [ 8|-10-t-] solution 1 [ 8|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 8|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 2 [ 4|-01---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 2 [ 4|-01---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 x))>
problem 2 [ 4|-01---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 x))>
problem 2 [ 4|-01---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 x))>
problem 2 [ 4|-01---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 x))>
problem 2 [ 4|-01---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 x))>
problem 2 [ 4|-01---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 2 [ 4|-01---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 x))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shr4 x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (not x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (not x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shl1 x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shl1 x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shr4 x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr16 x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr1 x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr1 x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shl1 x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shl1 x)))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or x (shr16 x)))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or x (shr1 x)))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (shr16 x)))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (plus x x)))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (not x)))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (not (plus x x)))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 4 [ 5|-20---] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shr4 (shl1 x))))>
problem 4 [ 5|-20---] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shr16 (shl1 x))))>
problem 4 [ 5|-20---] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr16 (shr16 x))))>
problem 5 [ 6|-20---] solution 5 [ 6|-20---] simplified 5 [ 6|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 5 [ 6|-10i--] solution 5 [ 6|-10i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
problem 5 [ 6|-11---] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shl1 x)))>
problem 5 [ 6|-10i--] solution 5 [ 6|-10i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 5 [ 6|-02---] solution 5 [ 6|-02---] simplified 5 [ 6|-02---] <(lambda (x) (and x (plus x x)))>
problem 5 [ 6|-02---] solution 5 [ 6|-02---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 x))>
problem 5 [ 6|-02---] solution 5 [ 6|-02---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 x))>
problem 5 [ 6|-02---] solution 5 [ 6|-02---] simplified 5 [ 6|-02---] <(lambda (x) (or x (plus x x)))>
problem 5 [ 6|-02---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 x))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x z))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x x))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (xor x z))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x z))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (xor x z))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 63 [10|-00--f] simplified 63 [10|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 0 (lambda (y z) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 63 [10|-00--f] simplified 63 [10|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 0 (lambda (y z) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x z))))>
problem 6 [ 5|-30---] solution 6 [ 5|-30---] simplified 6 [ 5|-30---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr4 (not x))))>
problem 6 [ 5|-30---] solution 6 [ 5|-30---] simplified 6 [ 5|-30---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr16 (not x))))>
problem 6 [ 5|-30---] solution 6 [ 5|-30---] simplified 6 [ 5|-30---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shl1 (shr4 x))))>
problem 6 [ 7|-11---] solution 6 [ 7|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (not 0)))>
problem 6 [ 7|-11---] solution 3 [ 6|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 x))>
problem 6 [ 7|-11---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 7 [ 6|-21---] solution 7 [ 6|-21---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (or x (shr1 (not 0))))>
problem 7 [ 6|-21---] solution 7 [ 6|-21---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (not (and x (shr1 x))))>
problem 7 [ 6|-21---] solution 7 [ 6|-21---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr16 x)))>
problem 7 [ 6|-21---] solution 5 [ 6|-11---] simplified 5 [ 6|-11---] <(lambda (x) (not (plus 1 (not x))))>
problem 7 [ 6|-21---] solution 7 [ 6|-21---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (shr16 (shr4 x))))>
problem 7 [ 6|-21---] solution 3 [ 6|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 7 [ 6|-21---] solution 5 [ 6|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr16 x)))>
problem 7 [ 6|-21---] solution 7 [ 6|-21---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr4 (plus x x))))>
problem 7 [ 6|-21---] solution 7 [ 6|-21---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (shr1 (shr16 x))))>
problem 7 [ 8|-20-t-] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (not (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 7 [ 8|-20-t-] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (not (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 7 [ 8|-20-t-] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (not (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 7 [ 8|-20-t-] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (not (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 7 [10|-01-t-] solution 7 [10|-01--f] simplified 7 [10|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x (plus x x)))))>
problem 7 [10|-01-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 9 [12|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 0 (lambda (y z) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (xor y z))))))>
problem 7 [10|-01-t-] solution 7 [10|-01--f] simplified 7 [10|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (and 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 8 [ 7|-12---] solution 8 [ 7|-12---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 x))>
problem 8 [ 7|-12---] solution 6 [ 7|-11---] simplified 6 [ 7|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and x (and x (shr16 x))))>
problem 8 [ 7|-12---] solution 6 [ 7|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (shr1 x)))>
problem 8 [ 7|-12---] solution 8 [ 7|-12---] simplified 8 [ 7|-12---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (xor x (shr1 x))))>
problem 8 [ 7|-12---] solution 6 [ 7|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (shl1 x)))>
problem 8 [ 7|-12---] solution 5 [ 6|-02---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 8 [ 7|-12---] solution 6 [ 7|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (not 1)))>
problem 8 [ 7|-12---] solution 8 [ 7|-12---] simplified 8 [ 7|-12---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (plus x (shr16 x))))>
problem 8 [ 7|-12---] solution 6 [ 7|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (shr1 x)))>
problem 8 [ 8|-11---] solution 8 [ 8|-11---] simplified 8 [ 8|-11---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 (xor x (shl1 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 8 [ 8|-11---] solution 8 [ 8|-11---] simplified 8 [ 8|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (or x (shl1 (shl1 1)))))>
problem 8 [ 8|-11---] solution 5 [ 8|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 8 [ 8|-02---] solution 8 [ 8|-02---] simplified 8 [ 8|-02---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (plus x (plus x x))))>
problem 8 [ 9|-01i--] solution 8 [ 9|-01i--] simplified 8 [ 9|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 x) x 0)))>
problem 8 [ 9|-20-t-] solution 8 [ 9|-20--f] simplified 8 [ 9|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shl1 (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))))>
problem 9 [ 6|-40---] solution 9 [ 6|-40---] simplified 9 [ 6|-40---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shl1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 9 [ 7|-21---] solution 9 [ 7|-21---] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and x (shr1 (shr1 (not 0)))))>
problem 9 [ 7|-21---] solution 9 [ 7|-21---] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shr1 (xor x (shl1 x)))))>
problem 9 [ 7|-21---] solution 9 [ 7|-21---] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (or x (shr1 (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x (shr4 x)))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus z (not x)))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (and x (shr4 x)))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 11 [10|-11--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (xor x z))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (not (plus x z)))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 63 [10|-00--f] simplified 63 [10|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 0 (lambda (y z) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 7 [10|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 11 [10|-11--f] simplified 11 [10|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (xor y (shr1 z))))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (not (plus x z)))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (xor y z)))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 11 [10|-11--f] simplified 11 [10|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (xor y (shr1 z))))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x (shr4 x)))))>
problem 10 [ 8|-12---] solution 8 [ 7|-12---] simplified 8 [ 7|-12---] <(lambda (x) (or x (not (plus 1 x))))>
problem 10 [ 8|-03---] solution 10 [ 8|-03---] simplified 5 [ 6|-02---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (and 1 x)))>
problem 10 [ 8|-03---] solution 8 [ 8|-02---] simplified 8 [ 8|-02---] <(lambda (x) (and (plus x x) (plus x x)))>
problem 10 [ 8|-03---] solution 5 [ 8|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 x))>
problem 10 [ 9|-02i--] solution 10 [ 9|-02i--] simplified 10 [ 9|-02i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (xor x (or 1 x)) x 0))>
problem 10 [ 9|-02i--] solution 10 [ 9|-02i--] simplified 10 [ 9|-02i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (xor x (or 1 x)) 0 x))>
problem 10 [ 9|-02i--] solution 8 [ 9|-01i--] simplified 8 [ 9|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 x) x 0)))>
problem 10 [ 9|-02i--] solution 10 [ 9|-02i--] simplified 10 [ 9|-02i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and x (plus 1 1)) 0 x))>
problem 10 [ 9|-02i--] solution 8 [ 8|-02---] simplified 8 [ 8|-02---] <(lambda (x) (and (xor 1 x) (xor 1 x)))>
problem 10 [ 9|-02i--] solution 8 [ 9|-01i--] simplified 8 [ 9|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 x) x 1)))>
problem 11 [ 7|-31---] solution 11 [ 7|-31---] simplified 11 [ 7|-31---] <(lambda (x) (and x (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 11 [ 7|-31---] solution 6 [ 7|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (not 1)))>
problem 11 [ 7|-31---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 11 [ 7|-31---] solution 11 [ 7|-31---] simplified 11 [ 7|-31---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (shr1 (shr4 (not x)))))>
problem 11 [ 8|-21---] solution 11 [ 8|-21---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (or x (not (shl1 x))))>
problem 11 [ 8|-21---] solution 6 [ 7|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (shr1 x)))>
problem 11 [ 8|-21---] solution 11 [ 8|-21---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (shl1 (shr4 x))))>
problem 11 [ 9|-11i--] solution 11 [ 9|-11i--] simplified 11 [ 9|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and x (shl1 (shl1 1))) x 1))>
problem 11 [10|-10it-] solution 11 [10|-10i-f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 11 [10|-10it-] solution 11 [10|-10i-f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 11 [10|-10it-] solution 11 [10|-10i-f] simplified 11 [10|-10i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 (shr4 x) 0 x))))>
problem 11 [10|-11-t-] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (or y (shr1 (shr1 z)))))))>
problem 11 [10|-02-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 9 [12|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (and (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 11 [10|-02-t-] solution 11 [10|-02--f] simplified 11 [10|-02--f] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (plus y y)))))>
problem 11 [10|-02-t-] solution 11 [10|-02--f] simplified 11 [10|-02--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x (or x z)))))>
problem 11 [10|-02-t-] solution 11 [10|-02--f] simplified 11 [10|-02--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x (or x z)))))>
problem 11 [10|-02-t-] solution 11 [10|-02--f] simplified 11 [10|-02--f] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (xor y z)))))>
problem 11 [11|-01it-] solution 14 [12|-00i-f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 11 [11|-01it-] solution 11 [11|-01i-f] simplified 11 [11|-01i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 x z (plus 1 x)))))>
problem 12 [ 8|-22---] solution 11 [ 8|-21---] simplified 11 [ 8|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and x (and x (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 12 [ 8|-22---] solution 12 [ 8|-22---] simplified 12 [ 8|-22---] <(lambda (x) (or x (xor (shr16 x) (shr4 x))))>
problem 12 [ 8|-22---] solution 12 [ 8|-22---] simplified 12 [ 8|-22---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (not (plus x (shl1 x)))))>
problem 12 [ 8|-22---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 x))>
problem 12 [ 8|-22---] solution 12 [ 8|-22---] simplified 12 [ 8|-22---] <(lambda (x) (and x (not (shr4 (plus x x)))))>
problem 12 [ 8|-22---] solution 11 [ 8|-21---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shl1 x)))>
problem 12 [ 8|-22---] solution 6 [ 7|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or x (not 1)))>
problem 12 [ 9|-20i--] solution 9 [ 9|-10i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 12 [11|-11-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 12 [11|-11-t-] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (xor 1 (xor x (shl1 x))))))>
problem 12 [11|-11-t-] solution 14 [12|-11--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (xor x z))))>
problem 12 [11|-11-t-] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (and 1 (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))))>
problem 12 [11|-11-t-] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (xor x (shl1 (xor 1 x))))))>
problem 12 [11|-11--f] solution 1 [ 9|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 9|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 (shl1 (shl1 x)) (lambda (y z) (shl1 z))))>
problem 12 [11|-11--f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x (shr1 z)))))>
problem 13 [ 8|-31---] solution 13 [ 8|-31---] simplified 13 [ 8|-31---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (shr1 (shr16 (not (shr1 x))))))>
problem 13 [10|-11i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 13 [10|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and x (and x (shl1 1))) 1 x))>
problem 14 [ 8|-41---] solution 9 [ 7|-30---] simplified 6 [ 5|-30---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr4 (not x))))>
problem 14 [ 9|-21i--] solution 14 [ 9|-21i--] simplified 14 [ 9|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (xor x (shl1 (shr1 x))) x 1))>
problem 14 [ 9|-21i--] solution 14 [ 9|-21i--] simplified 14 [ 9|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (shr1 (shr16 x)) 0 (xor 1 x)))>
problem 14 [ 9|-21i--] solution 9 [ 8|-11i--] simplified 9 [ 8|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr4 x)) 1 0))>
problem 14 [ 9|-21i--] solution 14 [ 9|-21i--] simplified 14 [ 9|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (plus 0 (shr4 x)) x (shr16 x)))>
problem 14 [ 9|-21i--] solution 8 [ 9|-01i--] simplified 8 [ 9|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 x) x 1)))>
problem 14 [ 9|-30i--] solution 14 [ 9|-30i--] simplified 14 [ 9|-30i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (shl1 (shr16 (shr16 x))) x (shr4 x)))>
problem 14 [ 9|-30i--] solution 14 [ 9|-30i--] simplified 14 [ 9|-30i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (shr4 (shl1 x)) (shr4 x) (not x)))>
problem 14 [10|-30-t-] solution 14 [10|-30--f] simplified 14 [10|-30--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shr1 (shl1 (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))))>
problem 14 [10|-21-t-] solution 7 [10|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 14 [10|-21-t-] solution 14 [10|-21--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 14 [10|-21-t-] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (plus (not (plus 1 1)) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 14 [10|-21-t-] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 14 [10|-21-t-] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 14 [10|-21-t-] solution 16 [11|-21--f] simplified 16 [11|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (not (plus z (not y)))))))>
problem 14 [10|-21-t-] solution 7 [10|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 14 [12|-02-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 14 [12|-02-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 14 [12|-02-t-] solution 14 [12|-02--f] simplified 14 [12|-02--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus 1 (or z (plus x z))))))>
problem 14 [13|-01it-] solution 16 [14|-01i-f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 8 [ 9|-01i--] simplified 8 [ 9|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 x) x 0)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 15 [10|-12i--] simplified 15 [10|-12i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr4 (plus 1 x))) x 1))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 8 [ 9|-01i--] simplified 8 [ 9|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 x) 0 x)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 13 [10|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and x (shl1 1)) 0 x)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 13 [10|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr16 x))) 1 x))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 12 [ 9|-12---] simplified 12 [ 9|-12---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (and 1 (xor 1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 9 [ 9|-10i--] simplified 5 [ 6|-10i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 x 1 (shr1 x)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 8 [ 9|-01i--] simplified 8 [ 9|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 x) x 1)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 8 [ 9|-01i--] simplified 8 [ 9|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 x) 0 x)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 13 [10|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 (shr16 x)) x 0)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 13 [10|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 (shr4 x)) 0 x)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 10 [10|-01i--] simplified 5 [ 7|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) 1 x))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 13 [10|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 (shr4 x)) 0 x)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 15 [10|-12i--] simplified 15 [10|-12i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr16 x))) x 1))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 13 [10|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (plus 0 (shl1 x)) 1 (plus 1 x)))>
problem 15 [11|-11i--] solution 10 [10|-01i--] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 15 [11|-03i--] solution 14 [11|-02i--] simplified 14 [11|-02i--] <(lambda (x) (and (if0 0 (xor 1 x) 0) (xor 1 x)))>
problem 16 [ 9|-40i--] solution 9 [ 9|-10i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 16 [10|-21i--] solution 8 [ 9|-01i--] simplified 8 [ 9|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 x) x 1)))>
problem 16 [11|-20i-f] solution 16 [11|-20i--] simplified 10 [ 8|-20i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (shr1 (shr16 x)) 0 (shr1 x)))>
problem 16 [11|-20i-f] solution 16 [11|-20i-f] simplified 16 [11|-20i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not x) (shr1 x) (lambda (y z) (if0 y 0 z))))>
problem 16 [11|-12--f] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 16 [11|-12--f] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (or 0 (shr1 (or y z))))))>
problem 16 [11|-12--f] solution 16 [11|-12--f] simplified 16 [11|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x (or 1 x) (lambda (y z) (not (xor y z)))))>
problem 16 [11|-12--f] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 0 (lambda (y z) (xor z (shr1 (xor x z))))))>
problem 16 [11|-12--f] solution 16 [11|-12---] simplified 16 [11|-12---] <(lambda (x) (and (and (or 0 (shl1 1)) (shl1 1)) (shl1 x)))>
problem 16 [11|-12--f] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 16 [11|-12--f] solution 16 [11|-12--f] simplified 16 [11|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (xor 1 x) 1 (lambda (y z) (not (and y z)))))>
problem 16 [11|-12--f] solution 14 [10|-12---] simplified 14 [10|-12---] <(lambda (x) (and (or x (shl1 1)) (or x (shl1 1))))>
problem 16 [11|-12--f] solution 12 [11|-11---] simplified 12 [11|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and x (and x (and x (and x (not 1))))))>
problem 16 [11|-21--f] solution 16 [11|-21--f] simplified 16 [11|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (not (not (xor z (shl1 y)))))))>
problem 16 [11|-21--f] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 0 (lambda (y z) (xor z (shr1 (xor x z))))))>
problem 16 [11|-21--f] solution 16 [11|-21--f] simplified 16 [11|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 0 (lambda (y z) (not (not (xor 1 (shr1 x)))))))>
problem 16 [11|-21-t-] solution 16 [11|-21--f] simplified 16 [11|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (plus (not (shr4 (not 0))) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 16 [11|-21-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 16 [11|-12-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 16 [11|-12-t-] solution 18 [12|-12--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (not (xor x z)))))>
problem 16 [11|-12-t-] solution 14 [12|-02--f] simplified 11 [10|-02--f] <(lambda (x) (or (plus 1 1) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 16 [11|-12-t-] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (and 1 (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))))>
problem 16 [11|-12-t-] solution 18 [12|-12--f] simplified 18 [12|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x (or (shl1 1) (shl1 z))))))>
problem 16 [11|-12-t-] solution 16 [11|-12--f] simplified 16 [11|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (xor 1 (plus z (shr4 x))))))>
problem 16 [11|-12-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 16 [11|-12-t-] solution 16 [11|-12--f] simplified 16 [11|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (xor (or 1 x) (shr1 z)))))>
problem 16 [11|-12-t-] solution 16 [11|-12--f] simplified 16 [11|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (and x (plus x (shr4 x))))))>
problem 16 [14|-01i-f] solution 16 [14|-01i-f] simplified 16 [14|-01i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold (if0 (and 0 0) x 0) 1 (lambda (y z) (if0 y z y))))>
problem 17 [11|-12i--] solution 15 [11|-11i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 17 [11|-12i--] solution 15 [11|-11i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 17 [11|-12i--] solution 15 [11|-11i--] simplified 15 [11|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr4 (shr4 x)))) x 1))>
problem 17 [11|-12i--] solution 12 [11|-11---] simplified 12 [11|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and x (and x (and x (and x (shl1 1))))))>
problem 17 [11|-12i--] solution 15 [11|-11i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 17 [12|-11i-f] solution 14 [12|-11--f] simplified 14 [12|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (and x (and x (fold (not 0) 0 (lambda (y z) (not y))))))>
problem 17 [12|-11it-] solution 14 [12|-00i-f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 17 [12|-11it-] solution 14 [12|-00i-f] simplified 9 [ 9|-00i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 z x z))))>
problem 17 [12|-11it-] solution 17 [12|-11i-f] simplified 17 [12|-11i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 (shr4 z) x (xor x z)))))>
problem 17 [12|-11it-] solution 17 [12|-11i-f] simplified 17 [12|-11i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus 1 (if0 (shr4 z) x 1)))))>
problem 17 [12|-11it-] solution 11 [11|-01i-f] simplified 11 [11|-01i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 (and x z) 1 x))))>
problem 17 [13|-02it-] solution 14 [12|-00i-f] simplified 14 [12|-00i-f] <(lambda (x) (if0 (if0 0 0 0) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)) 0))>
problem 17 [13|-02it-] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 18 [10|-31i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 16 [10|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (shr16 x))) x (not 0)))>
problem 18 [10|-31i--] solution 18 [10|-31i--] simplified 18 [10|-31i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (shr16 (shl1 x)))) x 1))>
problem 18 [11|-21i--] solution 10 [10|-01i--] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 x))>
problem 18 [11|-21i--] solution 15 [11|-11i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 18 [11|-21i--] solution 11 [10|-10i--] simplified 6 [ 7|-10i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 x (not 1) (not x)))>
problem 18 [11|-21i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 18 [11|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (shr16 (plus x (shr4 x))) x (plus x x)))>
problem 18 [12|-20i-f] solution 11 [12|-20--f] simplified 11 [12|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 (shl1 (shr4 (shr4 x))) (lambda (y z) (shr4 (shl1 (shr4 z))))))>
problem 18 [12|-21--f] solution 18 [12|-21--f] simplified 18 [12|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold (plus 1 x) x (lambda (y z) (shr4 (plus y z))))))>
problem 18 [12|-21--f] solution 18 [12|-21--f] simplified 18 [12|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x (shr4 x) (lambda (y z) (shr1 (xor z (shr1 (shr4 y)))))))>
problem 18 [12|-21--f] solution 18 [12|-21--f] simplified 18 [12|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not x) 0 (lambda (y z) (not (not (shl1 (plus y z)))))))>
problem 18 [12|-21--f] solution 18 [12|-21--f] simplified 18 [12|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (plus x (shr4 x)) x (lambda (y z) (plus z (shr1 y)))))>
problem 18 [12|-21--f] solution 18 [12|-21--f] simplified 18 [12|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (and y (and (not z) (shr1 y))))))>
problem 18 [12|-21--f] solution 18 [12|-21--f] simplified 18 [12|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (and x (fold (shr4 x) x (lambda (y z) (and z (not y))))))>
problem 18 [12|-21--f] solution 18 [12|-21--f] simplified 18 [12|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (plus x x) (not 0) (lambda (y z) (plus y (shr4 z)))))>
problem 18 [12|-21--f] solution 16 [11|-21--f] simplified 16 [11|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shl1 x) (not 1) (lambda (y z) (or y (not z)))))>
problem 19 [11|-31--f] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus 0 (shl1 (plus x z))))))>
problem 19 [11|-31--f] solution 19 [11|-31--f] simplified 19 [11|-31--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not (shr16 x)) x (lambda (y z) (shl1 (or y z)))))>
problem 19 [11|-31--f] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus 0 (shl1 (plus x z))))))>
problem 19 [11|-31-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 19 [11|-31-t-] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 19 [12|-12i--] solution 14 [11|-02i--] simplified 14 [11|-02i--] <(lambda (x) (and (plus 0 1) (and 1 (if0 x 1 x))))>
problem 19 [12|-12i--] solution 14 [11|-02i--] simplified 14 [11|-02i--] <(lambda (x) (and (plus 0 1) (and 1 (if0 x 1 x))))>
problem 19 [12|-12i--] solution 19 [12|-12i--] simplified 19 [12|-12i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (xor 1 (and x (shr4 x))) 0 (shr4 (shr4 x))))>
problem 19 [12|-12i--] solution 19 [12|-12i--] simplified 19 [12|-12i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and x (xor 1 (shr4 x))) 0 1)))>
problem 19 [13|-11i-f] solution 1 [ 7|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 x (lambda (y z) (not x))))>
problem 19 [13|-11i--] solution 19 [13|-11i--] simplified 19 [13|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (if0 0 0 0) (xor 0 (xor x (shr16 x))) 0))>
problem 20 [11|-22i--] solution 9 [ 9|-11---] simplified 9 [ 9|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and (and (not 0) (not 0)) (not x)))>
problem 20 [11|-22i--] solution 9 [ 9|-10i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 20 [11|-22i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 x))>
problem 20 [11|-22i--] solution 15 [11|-11i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 20 [11|-22i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 18 [11|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (and 1 (if0 (shl1 (not x)) 0 x))))>
problem 20 [11|-22i--] solution 9 [ 9|-11---] simplified 9 [ 9|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and (and (not 0) (not 0)) (not x)))>
problem 20 [11|-22i--] solution 9 [ 9|-11---] simplified 9 [ 9|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and (and (shr1 x) (shr1 x)) (shr1 x)))>
problem 20 [13|-21--f] solution 20 [13|-21--f] simplified 20 [13|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not (shr1 (not x))) 0 (lambda (y z) (shr1 (plus z (shr1 y))))))>
problem 20 [13|-20it-] solution 18 [14|-10i-f] simplified 18 [14|-10i-f] <(lambda (x) (if0 x 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (if0 (shl1 z) (shl1 1) y)))))>
problem 20 [12|-21i--] solution 16 [11|-21---] simplified 16 [11|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and (shr4 (and (shr16 x) (shr16 x))) (shr16 (shr4 x))))>
problem 20 [12|-21i--] solution 14 [12|-10i--] simplified 14 [12|-10i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (if0 0 0 0) (if0 0 (shr1 x) 0) 0))>
problem 20 [12|-21i--] solution 17 [12|-11i--] simplified 17 [12|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (if0 0 0 0) (not (not (or 1 x))) 0))>
problem 20 [13|-12--f] solution 20 [13|-12--f] simplified 20 [13|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold (and (shr4 x) x) x (lambda (y z) (plus z (shr4 y))))))>
problem 20 [13|-12--f] solution 20 [13|-12--f] simplified 20 [13|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (xor (plus 0 1) x) 0 (lambda (y z) (not (plus y z)))))>
problem 21 [12|-30i-f] solution 21 [12|-30i-f] simplified 21 [12|-30i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not (shr1 (shr16 x))) 0 (lambda (y z) (if0 z y z))))>
problem 21 [12|-22--f] solution 21 [12|-22--f] simplified 21 [12|-22--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (or x (shr16 x)) x (lambda (y z) (xor z (shr1 y)))))>
problem 21 [11|-31i--] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 21 [12|-30it-] solution 16 [13|-10i-f] simplified 16 [13|-10i-f] <(lambda (x) (if0 (not 0) 0 (if0 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)) 0)))>
problem 21 [12|-30it-] solution 16 [13|-10i-f] simplified 16 [13|-10i-f] <(lambda (x) (not (if0 0 (not (not (not (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))) 0)))>
problem 21 [12|-22-t-] solution 15 [13|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (or x 0) 0 (lambda (y z) (or y (shl1 y)))))>
problem 21 [12|-22-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 21 [12|-22-t-] solution 23 [13|-22--f] simplified 23 [13|-22--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (and x (not (plus (not 0) (shr1 x)))))))>
problem 21 [12|-22-t-] solution 20 [13|-12--f] simplified 20 [13|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (or x (not (plus z (plus z z)))))))>
problem 21 [12|-22--f] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
problem 21 [12|-22--f] solution 21 [12|-22--f] simplified 21 [12|-22--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (xor (shl1 x) x) x (lambda (y z) (plus y (shr4 z)))))>
problem 21 [12|-22-t-] solution 14 [12|-11--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 21 [12|-22-t-] solution 1 [13|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (not (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 21 [12|-22--f] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 x))>
problem 21 [12|-22-t-] solution 23 [13|-22--f] simplified 23 [13|-22--f] <(lambda (x) (not (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (not (xor y (shr4 (plus 1 z))))))))>
problem 21 [12|-22--f] solution 21 [12|-22--f] simplified 21 [12|-22--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shl1 x) (plus 0 x) (lambda (y z) (xor z (shr4 y)))))>
problem 21 [12|-22-t-] solution 21 [12|-22--f] simplified 21 [12|-22--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (not (xor z (shr4 (plus x z)))))))>
problem 21 [12|-13i--] solution 19 [12|-12i--] simplified 19 [12|-12i--] <(lambda (x) (plus (plus 0 x) (if0 (and x (shl1 x)) 1 x)))>
problem 21 [12|-13i--] solution 16 [12|-02i--] simplified 16 [12|-02i--] <(lambda (x) (xor (if0 0 0 0) (if0 x 0 (plus 1 x))))>
problem 21 [14|-11it-] solution 18 [15|-00i-f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 21 [14|-11i-f] solution 21 [14|-11i-f] simplified 21 [14|-11i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold (xor (if0 0 0 0) x) x (lambda (y z) (xor y (shl1 z)))))>
problem 21 [14|-11it-] solution 18 [15|-00i-f] simplified 18 [15|-00i-f] <(lambda (x) (if0 x 0 (if0 0 (if0 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)) 0) 0)))>
problem 21 [14|-11it-] solution 18 [15|-00i-f] simplified 18 [15|-00i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 (if0 0 0 0) (if0 z x z) 0))))>
problem 21 [14|-11it-] solution 18 [15|-00i-f] simplified 18 [15|-00i-f] <(lambda (x) (if0 (if0 0 0 0) (if0 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)) 0) 0))>
problem 21 [14|-11it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus 0 x))))>
problem 21 [14|-11i-f] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 21 [14|-11it-] solution 18 [15|-00i-f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 21 [14|-11it-] solution 18 [15|-00i-f] simplified 18 [15|-00i-f] <(lambda (x) (if0 (if0 0 0 0) (if0 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)) 0) 0))>
problem 21 [13|-12i--] solution 14 [13|-01i--] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 x))>
problem 21 [13|-12i--] solution 18 [12|-12---] simplified 18 [12|-12---] <(lambda (x) (and (plus 0 (shr1 (shr1 (shr1 x)))) (shr1 (shr1 (shr1 x)))))>
problem 22 [12|-31--f] solution 22 [12|-31--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shr4 (shr16 x)) 0 (lambda (y z) (xor y z))))>
problem 22 [12|-31--f] solution 18 [12|-21--f] simplified 18 [12|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (xor 0 (fold (shr16 x) 0 (lambda (y z) (xor y z))))))>
problem 22 [12|-22i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 16 [13|-10i-f] simplified 16 [13|-10i-f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold (if0 (if0 0 0 0) x 0) 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 16 [13|-10i-f] simplified 16 [13|-10i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 1 0 (if0 x (not 1) x)))))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 21 [14|-11i-f] simplified 17 [12|-11i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 (or x z) (not 0) x))))>
problem 23 [12|-31i--] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (not x)))>
problem 24 [12|-41-t-] solution 20 [13|-21--f] simplified 20 [13|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (not (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (not (and y (and y (shr4 z))))))))>
problem 24 [13|-31--f] solution 24 [13|-31--f] simplified 24 [13|-31--f] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shl1 (fold (shl1 (shr4 x)) 0 (lambda (y z) (plus y (shr1 z)))))))>
problem 24 [12|-41--f] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr16 x)))>
Size histogram
3 15 1.00
4 20 2.50
5 20 2.80
6 19 4.26
7 19 5.11
8 40 8.90
9 33 10.03
10 39 9.72
11 58 9.64
12 49 14.02
13 15 14.33
14 10 12.90
Normal problems analysis
Average problem size: 16.11
Average solution size: 8.73
Average simplified solution size: 7.68
Average log2 - problem difficulty 33.06
Average log2 - simplified solution difficulty 8.33
Top 10 solutions (making up for 18.95 % of all in this category)
44 <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
42 <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
16 <(lambda (x) (not x))>
14 <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
12 <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
11 <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
11 <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
10 <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
8 <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shr4 x)))>
8 <(lambda (x) (or 1 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 1 [ 4|-10---] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shr4 x)))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 1 [ 3|-10---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 1 [ 8|-10-t-] solution 1 [ 8|-10--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 1 [ 8|-10-t-] solution 1 [ 8|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 8|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 1 [ 8|-10-t-] solution 1 [ 8|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 8|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 2 [ 4|-01---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 2 [ 4|-01---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 x))>
problem 2 [ 4|-01---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 x))>
problem 2 [ 4|-01---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 x))>
problem 2 [ 4|-01---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 x))>
problem 2 [ 4|-01---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 x))>
problem 2 [ 4|-01---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 2 [ 4|-01---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 x))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shr4 x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (not x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (not x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shl1 x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shl1 x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shr4 x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr16 x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr1 x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr1 x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shl1 x)))>
problem 3 [ 4|-20---] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shl1 x)))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or x (shr16 x)))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or x (shr1 x)))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (shr16 x)))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (plus x x)))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (not x)))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (not (plus x x)))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 3 [ 5|-11---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 4 [ 5|-20---] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shr4 (shl1 x))))>
problem 4 [ 5|-20---] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shr16 (shl1 x))))>
problem 4 [ 5|-20---] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr16 (shr16 x))))>
problem 5 [ 6|-20---] solution 5 [ 6|-20---] simplified 5 [ 6|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 5 [ 6|-10i--] solution 5 [ 6|-10i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
problem 5 [ 6|-11---] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shl1 x)))>
problem 5 [ 6|-10i--] solution 5 [ 6|-10i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 5 [ 6|-02---] solution 5 [ 6|-02---] simplified 5 [ 6|-02---] <(lambda (x) (and x (plus x x)))>
problem 5 [ 6|-02---] solution 5 [ 6|-02---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 x))>
problem 5 [ 6|-02---] solution 5 [ 6|-02---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 x))>
problem 5 [ 6|-02---] solution 5 [ 6|-02---] simplified 5 [ 6|-02---] <(lambda (x) (or x (plus x x)))>
problem 5 [ 6|-02---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 x))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x z))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x x))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (xor x z))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x z))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (xor x z))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 63 [10|-00--f] simplified 63 [10|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 0 (lambda (y z) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 63 [10|-00--f] simplified 63 [10|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 0 (lambda (y z) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 5 [ 8|-01-t-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x z))))>
problem 5 [ 9|-00it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 6 [ 5|-30---] solution 6 [ 5|-30---] simplified 6 [ 5|-30---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr4 (not x))))>
problem 6 [ 5|-30---] solution 6 [ 5|-30---] simplified 6 [ 5|-30---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr16 (not x))))>
problem 6 [ 5|-30---] solution 6 [ 5|-30---] simplified 6 [ 5|-30---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shl1 (shr4 x))))>
problem 6 [ 7|-11---] solution 6 [ 7|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (not 0)))>
problem 6 [ 7|-11---] solution 3 [ 6|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 x))>
problem 6 [ 7|-11---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 7 [ 6|-21---] solution 7 [ 6|-21---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (or x (shr1 (not 0))))>
problem 7 [ 6|-21---] solution 7 [ 6|-21---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (not (and x (shr1 x))))>
problem 7 [ 6|-21---] solution 7 [ 6|-21---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr16 x)))>
problem 7 [ 6|-21---] solution 5 [ 6|-11---] simplified 5 [ 6|-11---] <(lambda (x) (not (plus 1 (not x))))>
problem 7 [ 6|-21---] solution 7 [ 6|-21---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (shr16 (shr4 x))))>
problem 7 [ 6|-21---] solution 3 [ 6|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 7 [ 6|-21---] solution 5 [ 6|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr16 x)))>
problem 7 [ 6|-21---] solution 7 [ 6|-21---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr4 (plus x x))))>
problem 7 [ 6|-21---] solution 7 [ 6|-21---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (shr1 (shr16 x))))>
problem 7 [ 8|-20-t-] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (not (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 7 [ 8|-20-t-] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (not (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 7 [ 8|-20-t-] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (not (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 7 [ 8|-20-t-] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (not (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 7 [10|-01-t-] solution 7 [10|-01--f] simplified 7 [10|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x (plus x x)))))>
problem 7 [10|-01-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 9 [12|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 0 (lambda (y z) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (xor y z))))))>
problem 7 [10|-01-t-] solution 7 [10|-01--f] simplified 7 [10|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (and 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 8 [ 7|-12---] solution 8 [ 7|-12---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 x))>
problem 8 [ 7|-12---] solution 6 [ 7|-11---] simplified 6 [ 7|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and x (and x (shr16 x))))>
problem 8 [ 7|-12---] solution 6 [ 7|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (shr1 x)))>
problem 8 [ 7|-12---] solution 8 [ 7|-12---] simplified 8 [ 7|-12---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (xor x (shr1 x))))>
problem 8 [ 7|-12---] solution 6 [ 7|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (shl1 x)))>
problem 8 [ 7|-12---] solution 5 [ 6|-02---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 8 [ 7|-12---] solution 6 [ 7|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (not 1)))>
problem 8 [ 7|-12---] solution 8 [ 7|-12---] simplified 8 [ 7|-12---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (plus x (shr16 x))))>
problem 8 [ 7|-12---] solution 6 [ 7|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (shr1 x)))>
problem 8 [ 8|-11---] solution 8 [ 8|-11---] simplified 8 [ 8|-11---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 (xor x (shl1 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 8 [ 8|-11---] solution 8 [ 8|-11---] simplified 8 [ 8|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (or x (shl1 (shl1 1)))))>
problem 8 [ 8|-11---] solution 5 [ 8|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 8 [ 8|-02---] solution 8 [ 8|-02---] simplified 8 [ 8|-02---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (plus x (plus x x))))>
problem 8 [ 9|-01i--] solution 8 [ 9|-01i--] simplified 8 [ 9|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 x) x 0)))>
problem 8 [ 9|-20-t-] solution 8 [ 9|-20--f] simplified 8 [ 9|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shl1 (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))))>
problem 9 [ 6|-40---] solution 9 [ 6|-40---] simplified 9 [ 6|-40---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shl1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 9 [ 7|-21---] solution 9 [ 7|-21---] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and x (shr1 (shr1 (not 0)))))>
problem 9 [ 7|-21---] solution 9 [ 7|-21---] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shr1 (xor x (shl1 x)))))>
problem 9 [ 7|-21---] solution 9 [ 7|-21---] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (or x (shr1 (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x (shr4 x)))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus z (not x)))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (and x (shr4 x)))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 11 [10|-11--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (xor x z))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (not (plus x z)))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 63 [10|-00--f] simplified 63 [10|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 0 (lambda (y z) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 7 [10|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 11 [10|-11--f] simplified 11 [10|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (xor y (shr1 z))))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (not (plus x z)))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (xor y z)))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 11 [10|-11--f] simplified 11 [10|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (xor y (shr1 z))))))>
problem 9 [ 9|-11-t-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x (shr4 x)))))>
problem 10 [ 8|-12---] solution 8 [ 7|-12---] simplified 8 [ 7|-12---] <(lambda (x) (or x (not (plus 1 x))))>
problem 10 [ 8|-03---] solution 10 [ 8|-03---] simplified 5 [ 6|-02---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (and 1 x)))>
problem 10 [ 8|-03---] solution 8 [ 8|-02---] simplified 8 [ 8|-02---] <(lambda (x) (and (plus x x) (plus x x)))>
problem 10 [ 8|-03---] solution 5 [ 8|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 x))>
problem 10 [ 9|-02i--] solution 10 [ 9|-02i--] simplified 10 [ 9|-02i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (xor x (or 1 x)) x 0))>
problem 10 [ 9|-02i--] solution 10 [ 9|-02i--] simplified 10 [ 9|-02i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (xor x (or 1 x)) 0 x))>
problem 10 [ 9|-02i--] solution 8 [ 9|-01i--] simplified 8 [ 9|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 x) x 0)))>
problem 10 [ 9|-02i--] solution 10 [ 9|-02i--] simplified 10 [ 9|-02i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and x (plus 1 1)) 0 x))>
problem 10 [ 9|-02i--] solution 8 [ 8|-02---] simplified 8 [ 8|-02---] <(lambda (x) (and (xor 1 x) (xor 1 x)))>
problem 10 [ 9|-02i--] solution 8 [ 9|-01i--] simplified 8 [ 9|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 x) x 1)))>
problem 11 [ 7|-31---] solution 11 [ 7|-31---] simplified 11 [ 7|-31---] <(lambda (x) (and x (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 11 [ 7|-31---] solution 6 [ 7|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (not 1)))>
problem 11 [ 7|-31---] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 11 [ 7|-31---] solution 11 [ 7|-31---] simplified 11 [ 7|-31---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (shr1 (shr4 (not x)))))>
problem 11 [ 8|-21---] solution 11 [ 8|-21---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (or x (not (shl1 x))))>
problem 11 [ 8|-21---] solution 6 [ 7|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (shr1 x)))>
problem 11 [ 8|-21---] solution 11 [ 8|-21---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (shl1 (shr4 x))))>
problem 11 [ 9|-11i--] solution 11 [ 9|-11i--] simplified 11 [ 9|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and x (shl1 (shl1 1))) x 1))>
problem 11 [10|-10it-] solution 11 [10|-10i-f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 11 [10|-10it-] solution 11 [10|-10i-f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 11 [10|-10it-] solution 11 [10|-10i-f] simplified 11 [10|-10i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 (shr4 x) 0 x))))>
problem 11 [10|-11-t-] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (or y (shr1 (shr1 z)))))))>
problem 11 [10|-02-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 9 [12|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (and (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 11 [10|-02-t-] solution 11 [10|-02--f] simplified 11 [10|-02--f] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (plus y y)))))>
problem 11 [10|-02-t-] solution 11 [10|-02--f] simplified 11 [10|-02--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x (or x z)))))>
problem 11 [10|-02-t-] solution 11 [10|-02--f] simplified 11 [10|-02--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x (or x z)))))>
problem 11 [10|-02-t-] solution 11 [10|-02--f] simplified 11 [10|-02--f] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (xor y z)))))>
problem 11 [11|-01it-] solution 14 [12|-00i-f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 11 [11|-01it-] solution 11 [11|-01i-f] simplified 11 [11|-01i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 x z (plus 1 x)))))>
problem 12 [ 8|-22---] solution 11 [ 8|-21---] simplified 11 [ 8|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and x (and x (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 12 [ 8|-22---] solution 12 [ 8|-22---] simplified 12 [ 8|-22---] <(lambda (x) (or x (xor (shr16 x) (shr4 x))))>
problem 12 [ 8|-22---] solution 12 [ 8|-22---] simplified 12 [ 8|-22---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (not (plus x (shl1 x)))))>
problem 12 [ 8|-22---] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 x))>
problem 12 [ 8|-22---] solution 12 [ 8|-22---] simplified 12 [ 8|-22---] <(lambda (x) (and x (not (shr4 (plus x x)))))>
problem 12 [ 8|-22---] solution 11 [ 8|-21---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shl1 x)))>
problem 12 [ 8|-22---] solution 6 [ 7|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or x (not 1)))>
problem 12 [ 9|-20i--] solution 9 [ 9|-10i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 12 [11|-11-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 12 [11|-11-t-] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (xor 1 (xor x (shl1 x))))))>
problem 12 [11|-11-t-] solution 14 [12|-11--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (xor x z))))>
problem 12 [11|-11-t-] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (and 1 (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))))>
problem 12 [11|-11-t-] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (xor x (shl1 (xor 1 x))))))>
problem 12 [11|-11--f] solution 1 [ 9|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 9|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 (shl1 (shl1 x)) (lambda (y z) (shl1 z))))>
problem 12 [11|-11--f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x (shr1 z)))))>
problem 13 [ 8|-31---] solution 13 [ 8|-31---] simplified 13 [ 8|-31---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (shr1 (shr16 (not (shr1 x))))))>
problem 13 [10|-11i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 13 [10|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and x (and x (shl1 1))) 1 x))>
problem 14 [ 8|-41---] solution 9 [ 7|-30---] simplified 6 [ 5|-30---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr4 (not x))))>
problem 14 [ 9|-21i--] solution 14 [ 9|-21i--] simplified 14 [ 9|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (xor x (shl1 (shr1 x))) x 1))>
problem 14 [ 9|-21i--] solution 14 [ 9|-21i--] simplified 14 [ 9|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (shr1 (shr16 x)) 0 (xor 1 x)))>
problem 14 [ 9|-21i--] solution 9 [ 8|-11i--] simplified 9 [ 8|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr4 x)) 1 0))>
problem 14 [ 9|-21i--] solution 14 [ 9|-21i--] simplified 14 [ 9|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (plus 0 (shr4 x)) x (shr16 x)))>
problem 14 [ 9|-21i--] solution 8 [ 9|-01i--] simplified 8 [ 9|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 x) x 1)))>
problem 14 [ 9|-30i--] solution 14 [ 9|-30i--] simplified 14 [ 9|-30i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (shl1 (shr16 (shr16 x))) x (shr4 x)))>
problem 14 [ 9|-30i--] solution 14 [ 9|-30i--] simplified 14 [ 9|-30i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (shr4 (shl1 x)) (shr4 x) (not x)))>
problem 14 [10|-30-t-] solution 14 [10|-30--f] simplified 14 [10|-30--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shr1 (shl1 (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))))>
problem 14 [10|-21-t-] solution 7 [10|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 14 [10|-21-t-] solution 14 [10|-21--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 14 [10|-21-t-] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (plus (not (plus 1 1)) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 14 [10|-21-t-] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 14 [10|-21-t-] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 14 [10|-21-t-] solution 16 [11|-21--f] simplified 16 [11|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (not (plus z (not y)))))))>
problem 14 [10|-21-t-] solution 7 [10|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 14 [12|-02-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 14 [12|-02-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 14 [12|-02-t-] solution 14 [12|-02--f] simplified 14 [12|-02--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus 1 (or z (plus x z))))))>
problem 14 [13|-01it-] solution 16 [14|-01i-f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 8 [ 9|-01i--] simplified 8 [ 9|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 x) x 0)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 15 [10|-12i--] simplified 15 [10|-12i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (shr4 (plus 1 x))) x 1))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 8 [ 9|-01i--] simplified 8 [ 9|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 x) 0 x)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 13 [10|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and x (shl1 1)) 0 x)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 13 [10|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr16 x))) 1 x))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 12 [ 9|-12---] simplified 12 [ 9|-12---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (and 1 (xor 1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 9 [ 9|-10i--] simplified 5 [ 6|-10i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 x 1 (shr1 x)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 8 [ 9|-01i--] simplified 8 [ 9|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 x) x 1)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 8 [ 9|-01i--] simplified 8 [ 9|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 x) 0 x)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 13 [10|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 (shr16 x)) x 0)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 13 [10|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 (shr4 x)) 0 x)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 10 [10|-01i--] simplified 5 [ 7|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) 1 x))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 13 [10|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 (shr4 x)) 0 x)))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 15 [10|-12i--] simplified 15 [10|-12i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr16 x))) x 1))>
problem 15 [10|-12i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 13 [10|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (plus 0 (shl1 x)) 1 (plus 1 x)))>
problem 15 [11|-11i--] solution 10 [10|-01i--] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 15 [11|-03i--] solution 14 [11|-02i--] simplified 14 [11|-02i--] <(lambda (x) (and (if0 0 (xor 1 x) 0) (xor 1 x)))>
problem 16 [ 9|-40i--] solution 9 [ 9|-10i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 16 [10|-21i--] solution 8 [ 9|-01i--] simplified 8 [ 9|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and 1 x) x 1)))>
problem 16 [11|-20i-f] solution 16 [11|-20i--] simplified 10 [ 8|-20i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (shr1 (shr16 x)) 0 (shr1 x)))>
problem 16 [11|-20i-f] solution 16 [11|-20i-f] simplified 16 [11|-20i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not x) (shr1 x) (lambda (y z) (if0 y 0 z))))>
problem 16 [11|-12--f] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 16 [11|-12--f] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (or 0 (shr1 (or y z))))))>
problem 16 [11|-12--f] solution 16 [11|-12--f] simplified 16 [11|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x (or 1 x) (lambda (y z) (not (xor y z)))))>
problem 16 [11|-12--f] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 0 (lambda (y z) (xor z (shr1 (xor x z))))))>
problem 16 [11|-12--f] solution 16 [11|-12---] simplified 16 [11|-12---] <(lambda (x) (and (and (or 0 (shl1 1)) (shl1 1)) (shl1 x)))>
problem 16 [11|-12--f] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 16 [11|-12--f] solution 16 [11|-12--f] simplified 16 [11|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (xor 1 x) 1 (lambda (y z) (not (and y z)))))>
problem 16 [11|-12--f] solution 14 [10|-12---] simplified 14 [10|-12---] <(lambda (x) (and (or x (shl1 1)) (or x (shl1 1))))>
problem 16 [11|-12--f] solution 12 [11|-11---] simplified 12 [11|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and x (and x (and x (and x (not 1))))))>
problem 16 [11|-21--f] solution 16 [11|-21--f] simplified 16 [11|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (not (not (xor z (shl1 y)))))))>
problem 16 [11|-21--f] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 0 (lambda (y z) (xor z (shr1 (xor x z))))))>
problem 16 [11|-21--f] solution 16 [11|-21--f] simplified 16 [11|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 0 (lambda (y z) (not (not (xor 1 (shr1 x)))))))>
problem 16 [11|-21-t-] solution 16 [11|-21--f] simplified 16 [11|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (plus (not (shr4 (not 0))) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 16 [11|-21-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 16 [11|-12-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 16 [11|-12-t-] solution 18 [12|-12--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (not (xor x z)))))>
problem 16 [11|-12-t-] solution 14 [12|-02--f] simplified 11 [10|-02--f] <(lambda (x) (or (plus 1 1) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 16 [11|-12-t-] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (and 1 (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))))>
problem 16 [11|-12-t-] solution 18 [12|-12--f] simplified 18 [12|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x (or (shl1 1) (shl1 z))))))>
problem 16 [11|-12-t-] solution 16 [11|-12--f] simplified 16 [11|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (xor 1 (plus z (shr4 x))))))>
problem 16 [11|-12-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 16 [11|-12-t-] solution 16 [11|-12--f] simplified 16 [11|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (xor (or 1 x) (shr1 z)))))>
problem 16 [11|-12-t-] solution 16 [11|-12--f] simplified 16 [11|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (and x (plus x (shr4 x))))))>
problem 16 [14|-01i-f] solution 16 [14|-01i-f] simplified 16 [14|-01i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold (if0 (and 0 0) x 0) 1 (lambda (y z) (if0 y z y))))>
problem 17 [11|-12i--] solution 15 [11|-11i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 17 [11|-12i--] solution 15 [11|-11i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 17 [11|-12i--] solution 15 [11|-11i--] simplified 15 [11|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (and 1 (shr4 (shr4 x)))) x 1))>
problem 17 [11|-12i--] solution 12 [11|-11---] simplified 12 [11|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and x (and x (and x (and x (shl1 1))))))>
problem 17 [11|-12i--] solution 15 [11|-11i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 17 [12|-11i-f] solution 14 [12|-11--f] simplified 14 [12|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (and x (and x (fold (not 0) 0 (lambda (y z) (not y))))))>
problem 17 [12|-11it-] solution 14 [12|-00i-f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 17 [12|-11it-] solution 14 [12|-00i-f] simplified 9 [ 9|-00i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 z x z))))>
problem 17 [12|-11it-] solution 17 [12|-11i-f] simplified 17 [12|-11i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 (shr4 z) x (xor x z)))))>
problem 17 [12|-11it-] solution 17 [12|-11i-f] simplified 17 [12|-11i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus 1 (if0 (shr4 z) x 1)))))>
problem 17 [12|-11it-] solution 11 [11|-01i-f] simplified 11 [11|-01i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 (and x z) 1 x))))>
problem 17 [13|-02it-] solution 14 [12|-00i-f] simplified 14 [12|-00i-f] <(lambda (x) (if0 (if0 0 0 0) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)) 0))>
problem 17 [13|-02it-] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 18 [10|-31i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 16 [10|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (shr16 x))) x (not 0)))>
problem 18 [10|-31i--] solution 18 [10|-31i--] simplified 18 [10|-31i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (not (shr16 (shl1 x)))) x 1))>
problem 18 [11|-21i--] solution 10 [10|-01i--] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 x))>
problem 18 [11|-21i--] solution 15 [11|-11i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 18 [11|-21i--] solution 11 [10|-10i--] simplified 6 [ 7|-10i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 x (not 1) (not x)))>
problem 18 [11|-21i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 18 [11|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (shr16 (plus x (shr4 x))) x (plus x x)))>
problem 18 [12|-20i-f] solution 11 [12|-20--f] simplified 11 [12|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 (shl1 (shr4 (shr4 x))) (lambda (y z) (shr4 (shl1 (shr4 z))))))>
problem 18 [12|-21--f] solution 18 [12|-21--f] simplified 18 [12|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold (plus 1 x) x (lambda (y z) (shr4 (plus y z))))))>
problem 18 [12|-21--f] solution 18 [12|-21--f] simplified 18 [12|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x (shr4 x) (lambda (y z) (shr1 (xor z (shr1 (shr4 y)))))))>
problem 18 [12|-21--f] solution 18 [12|-21--f] simplified 18 [12|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not x) 0 (lambda (y z) (not (not (shl1 (plus y z)))))))>
problem 18 [12|-21--f] solution 18 [12|-21--f] simplified 18 [12|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (plus x (shr4 x)) x (lambda (y z) (plus z (shr1 y)))))>
problem 18 [12|-21--f] solution 18 [12|-21--f] simplified 18 [12|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (and y (and (not z) (shr1 y))))))>
problem 18 [12|-21--f] solution 18 [12|-21--f] simplified 18 [12|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (and x (fold (shr4 x) x (lambda (y z) (and z (not y))))))>
problem 18 [12|-21--f] solution 18 [12|-21--f] simplified 18 [12|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (plus x x) (not 0) (lambda (y z) (plus y (shr4 z)))))>
problem 18 [12|-21--f] solution 16 [11|-21--f] simplified 16 [11|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shl1 x) (not 1) (lambda (y z) (or y (not z)))))>
problem 19 [11|-31--f] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus 0 (shl1 (plus x z))))))>
problem 19 [11|-31--f] solution 19 [11|-31--f] simplified 19 [11|-31--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not (shr16 x)) x (lambda (y z) (shl1 (or y z)))))>
problem 19 [11|-31--f] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus 0 (shl1 (plus x z))))))>
problem 19 [11|-31-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 19 [11|-31-t-] solution 12 [11|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)))))>
problem 19 [12|-12i--] solution 14 [11|-02i--] simplified 14 [11|-02i--] <(lambda (x) (and (plus 0 1) (and 1 (if0 x 1 x))))>
problem 19 [12|-12i--] solution 14 [11|-02i--] simplified 14 [11|-02i--] <(lambda (x) (and (plus 0 1) (and 1 (if0 x 1 x))))>
problem 19 [12|-12i--] solution 19 [12|-12i--] simplified 19 [12|-12i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (xor 1 (and x (shr4 x))) 0 (shr4 (shr4 x))))>
problem 19 [12|-12i--] solution 19 [12|-12i--] simplified 19 [12|-12i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (and x (xor 1 (shr4 x))) 0 1)))>
problem 19 [13|-11i-f] solution 1 [ 7|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 x (lambda (y z) (not x))))>
problem 19 [13|-11i--] solution 19 [13|-11i--] simplified 19 [13|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (if0 0 0 0) (xor 0 (xor x (shr16 x))) 0))>
problem 19 [16|-01i-f] solution 16 [14|-01i-f] simplified 16 [14|-01i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x (or 1 0) (lambda (y z) (if0 1 0 (if0 y z y)))))>
problem 20 [11|-22i--] solution 9 [ 9|-11---] simplified 9 [ 9|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and (and (not 0) (not 0)) (not x)))>
problem 20 [11|-22i--] solution 9 [ 9|-10i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 20 [11|-22i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 x))>
problem 20 [11|-22i--] solution 15 [11|-11i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 20 [11|-22i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 18 [11|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (and 1 (if0 (shl1 (not x)) 0 x))))>
problem 20 [11|-22i--] solution 9 [ 9|-11---] simplified 9 [ 9|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and (and (not 0) (not 0)) (not x)))>
problem 20 [11|-22i--] solution 9 [ 9|-11---] simplified 9 [ 9|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and (and (shr1 x) (shr1 x)) (shr1 x)))>
problem 20 [13|-21--f] solution 20 [13|-21--f] simplified 20 [13|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not (shr1 (not x))) 0 (lambda (y z) (shr1 (plus z (shr1 y))))))>
problem 20 [13|-20it-] solution 18 [14|-10i-f] simplified 18 [14|-10i-f] <(lambda (x) (if0 x 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (if0 (shl1 z) (shl1 1) y)))))>
problem 20 [12|-21i--] solution 16 [11|-21---] simplified 16 [11|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and (shr4 (and (shr16 x) (shr16 x))) (shr16 (shr4 x))))>
problem 20 [12|-21i--] solution 14 [12|-10i--] simplified 14 [12|-10i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (if0 0 0 0) (if0 0 (shr1 x) 0) 0))>
problem 20 [12|-21i--] solution 17 [12|-11i--] simplified 17 [12|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (if0 0 0 0) (not (not (or 1 x))) 0))>
problem 20 [13|-12--f] solution 20 [13|-12--f] simplified 20 [13|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold (and (shr4 x) x) x (lambda (y z) (plus z (shr4 y))))))>
problem 20 [13|-12--f] solution 20 [13|-12--f] simplified 20 [13|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (xor (plus 0 1) x) 0 (lambda (y z) (not (plus y z)))))>
problem 21 [12|-30i-f] solution 21 [12|-30i-f] simplified 21 [12|-30i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not (shr1 (shr16 x))) 0 (lambda (y z) (if0 z y z))))>
problem 21 [12|-22--f] solution 21 [12|-22--f] simplified 21 [12|-22--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (or x (shr16 x)) x (lambda (y z) (xor z (shr1 y)))))>
problem 21 [11|-31i--] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 21 [12|-30it-] solution 16 [13|-10i-f] simplified 16 [13|-10i-f] <(lambda (x) (if0 (not 0) 0 (if0 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)) 0)))>
problem 21 [12|-30it-] solution 16 [13|-10i-f] simplified 16 [13|-10i-f] <(lambda (x) (not (if0 0 (not (not (not (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))) 0)))>
problem 21 [12|-22-t-] solution 15 [13|-11--f] simplified 12 [11|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (or x 0) 0 (lambda (y z) (or y (shl1 y)))))>
problem 21 [12|-22-t-] solution 9 [12|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 21 [12|-22-t-] solution 23 [13|-22--f] simplified 23 [13|-22--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (and x (not (plus (not 0) (shr1 x)))))))>
problem 21 [12|-22-t-] solution 20 [13|-12--f] simplified 20 [13|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (or x (not (plus z (plus z z)))))))>
problem 21 [12|-22--f] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
problem 21 [12|-22--f] solution 21 [12|-22--f] simplified 21 [12|-22--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (xor (shl1 x) x) x (lambda (y z) (plus y (shr4 z)))))>
problem 21 [12|-22-t-] solution 14 [12|-11--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 21 [12|-22-t-] solution 1 [13|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (not (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 21 [12|-22--f] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 x))>
problem 21 [12|-22-t-] solution 23 [13|-22--f] simplified 23 [13|-22--f] <(lambda (x) (not (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (not (xor y (shr4 (plus 1 z))))))))>
problem 21 [12|-22--f] solution 21 [12|-22--f] simplified 21 [12|-22--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shl1 x) (plus 0 x) (lambda (y z) (xor z (shr4 y)))))>
problem 21 [12|-22-t-] solution 21 [12|-22--f] simplified 21 [12|-22--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (not (xor z (shr4 (plus x z)))))))>
problem 21 [12|-13i--] solution 19 [12|-12i--] simplified 19 [12|-12i--] <(lambda (x) (plus (plus 0 x) (if0 (and x (shl1 x)) 1 x)))>
problem 21 [12|-13i--] solution 16 [12|-02i--] simplified 16 [12|-02i--] <(lambda (x) (xor (if0 0 0 0) (if0 x 0 (plus 1 x))))>
problem 21 [14|-11it-] solution 18 [15|-00i-f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 21 [14|-11i-f] solution 21 [14|-11i-f] simplified 21 [14|-11i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold (xor (if0 0 0 0) x) x (lambda (y z) (xor y (shl1 z)))))>
problem 21 [14|-11it-] solution 18 [15|-00i-f] simplified 18 [15|-00i-f] <(lambda (x) (if0 x 0 (if0 0 (if0 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)) 0) 0)))>
problem 21 [14|-11it-] solution 18 [15|-00i-f] simplified 18 [15|-00i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 (if0 0 0 0) (if0 z x z) 0))))>
problem 21 [14|-11it-] solution 18 [15|-00i-f] simplified 18 [15|-00i-f] <(lambda (x) (if0 (if0 0 0 0) (if0 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)) 0) 0))>
problem 21 [14|-11it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus 0 x))))>
problem 21 [14|-11i-f] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 21 [14|-11it-] solution 18 [15|-00i-f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 21 [14|-11it-] solution 18 [15|-00i-f] simplified 18 [15|-00i-f] <(lambda (x) (if0 (if0 0 0 0) (if0 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)) 0) 0))>
problem 21 [13|-12i--] solution 14 [13|-01i--] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 x))>
problem 21 [13|-12i--] solution 18 [12|-12---] simplified 18 [12|-12---] <(lambda (x) (and (plus 0 (shr1 (shr1 (shr1 x)))) (shr1 (shr1 (shr1 x)))))>
problem 22 [12|-31--f] solution 22 [12|-31--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shr4 (shr16 x)) 0 (lambda (y z) (xor y z))))>
problem 22 [12|-31--f] solution 18 [12|-21--f] simplified 18 [12|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (xor 0 (fold (shr16 x) 0 (lambda (y z) (xor y z))))))>
problem 22 [12|-22i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 16 [13|-10i-f] simplified 16 [13|-10i-f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold (if0 (if0 0 0 0) x 0) 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 16 [13|-10i-f] simplified 16 [13|-10i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 1 0 (if0 x (not 1) x)))))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 21 [14|-11i-f] simplified 17 [12|-11i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 (or x z) (not 0) x))))>
problem 22 [13|-21i-f] solution 22 [13|-21i-f] simplified 22 [13|-21i-f] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shl1 (fold (plus 1 x) 1 (lambda (y z) (if0 z 0 y))))))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 16 [14|-01i-f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 16 [13|-10i-f] simplified 16 [13|-10i-f] <(lambda (x) (if0 (not 0) 0 (if0 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)) 0)))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 22 [13|-21i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (xor x 1))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 16 [14|-01i-f] simplified 16 [14|-01i-f] <(lambda (x) (xor (if0 0 0 0) (if0 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y)) 0)))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 16 [14|-01i-f] simplified 16 [14|-01i-f] <(lambda (x) (if0 (plus 0 0) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (if0 y z y))) 0))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 16 [13|-10i-f] simplified 16 [13|-10i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (if0 x 0 (if0 (shr4 y) y 1)))))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 18 [14|-10i-f] simplified 18 [14|-10i-f] <(lambda (x) (not (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (if0 0 (if0 y 1 (not y)) 0)))))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 22 [14|-20i-f] simplified 22 [14|-20i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 1 0 (if0 (shr4 (shl1 x)) x z)))))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 22 [13|-21it-] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 22 [13|-13--f] solution 20 [13|-12--f] simplified 20 [13|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (xor (fold (plus 0 x) 1 (lambda (y z) (plus y (not z)))) x))>
problem 23 [13|-22--f] solution 20 [13|-21--f] simplified 20 [13|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (fold (not x) x (lambda (y z) (not (not (plus y (shr1 z))))))))>
problem 23 [12|-31i--] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (not x)))>
problem 23 [13|-22--f] solution 20 [13|-21--f] simplified 20 [13|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold (not (and x x)) 0 (lambda (y z) (not (and y z))))))>
problem 23 [13|-22--f] solution 23 [13|-22--f] simplified 23 [13|-22--f] <(lambda (x) (plus x (fold (shr4 (shl1 x)) 0 (lambda (y z) (or y (shl1 z))))))>
problem 23 [13|-22--f] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr16 x)))>
problem 23 [13|-22--f] solution 20 [13|-21--f] simplified 16 [11|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 (or 0 (shr4 (shl1 x))) (lambda (y z) (shl1 z))))>
problem 23 [13|-22--f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 23 [13|-22--f] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shr4 x)))>
problem 23 [13|-22--f] solution 23 [13|-22--f] simplified 23 [13|-22--f] <(lambda (x) (xor (fold (shr16 (shr1 x)) 1 (lambda (y z) (shr1 (plus y z)))) x))>
problem 23 [15|-11i-f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (or 0 y))))>
problem 23 [15|-11i-f] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 24 [12|-41-t-] solution 20 [13|-21--f] simplified 20 [13|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (not (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (not (and y (and y (shr4 z))))))))>
problem 24 [13|-31--f] solution 24 [13|-31--f] simplified 24 [13|-31--f] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shl1 (fold (shl1 (shr4 x)) 0 (lambda (y z) (plus y (shr1 z)))))))>
problem 24 [12|-41--f] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr16 x)))>
problem 24 [13|-22i--] solution 19 [13|-11i--] simplified 19 [13|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (or (if0 0 0 0) (if0 0 (or x (shr1 x)) 0)))>
problem 24 [13|-22i--] solution 19 [13|-11i--] simplified 19 [13|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (plus (if0 0 0 0) (not (plus 1 (if0 x 1 x)))))>
problem 24 [13|-22i--] solution 19 [13|-11i--] simplified 19 [13|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (plus (if0 0 0 0) (if0 (plus 1 x) 0 (shr4 x))))>
problem 24 [13|-22i--] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr4 x)))>
problem 24 [13|-22i--] solution 17 [13|-02i--] simplified 17 [13|-02i--] <(lambda (x) (plus (xor 0 0) (if0 0 (plus x (xor 1 x)) 0)))>
problem 24 [13|-22i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (plus 0 x)))>
problem 24 [13|-22i--] solution 19 [12|-12i--] simplified 19 [12|-12i--] <(lambda (x) (or (if0 0 0 0) (and x (and x (shl1 1)))))>
problem 24 [14|-12it-] solution 24 [14|-12i-f] simplified 24 [14|-12i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (if0 (and x (xor 1 (shr1 z))) x z))))>
problem 24 [14|-12it-] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 24 [14|-12i--] solution 24 [14|-12i--] simplified 24 [14|-12i--] <(lambda (x) (or (plus 0 0) (if0 (plus x (not 1)) x (or 1 x))))>
problem 24 [14|-12it-] solution 16 [14|-01i-f] simplified 16 [14|-01i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold (if0 (and 0 0) x 0) 0 (lambda (y z) (if0 z y z))))>
problem 24 [14|-12it-] solution 23 [15|-11i-f] simplified 23 [15|-11i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (if0 x 0 (if0 (xor z (shr1 y)) 1 y)))))>
problem 24 [14|-12it-] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 24 [14|-12it-] solution 21 [15|-02i-f] simplified 14 [13|-01i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold (and x x) 0 (lambda (y z) (if0 (and 1 y) 1 y))))>
problem 24 [14|-12it-] solution 16 [14|-01i-f] simplified 16 [14|-01i-f] <(lambda (x) (if0 x 0 (if0 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (xor y z))) 0)))>
problem 24 [14|-12it-] solution 23 [15|-11i-f] simplified 23 [15|-11i-f] <(lambda (x) (fold (if0 0 x 0) 0 (lambda (y z) (if0 (and y (shl1 y)) y 0))))>
problem 24 [14|-12i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (xor x 1))>
problem 24 [14|-13--f] solution 24 [14|-13--f] simplified 24 [14|-13--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (plus (or x (shl1 x)) 1) 0 (lambda (y z) (xor z (shl1 y)))))>
problem 24 [14|-13--f] solution 22 [14|-12--f] simplified 22 [14|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (and (and x x) (shr1 x)) x (lambda (y z) (or z (shr1 y)))))>
problem 25 [12|-32i--] solution 20 [11|-22i--] simplified 20 [11|-22i--] <(lambda (x) (or (if0 0 0 0) (and (not 0) (shr16 x))))>
problem 25 [12|-32i--] solution 17 [12|-11i--] simplified 17 [12|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (if0 0 0 0) (not (not (or 1 x))) 0))>
problem 25 [12|-32i--] solution 13 [12|-01i--] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 25 [12|-32i--] solution 20 [12|-21i--] simplified 20 [12|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (or 0 (if0 (shl1 (shr4 x)) x (or 1 x)))))>
problem 25 [12|-32i--] solution 25 [12|-32i--] simplified 25 [12|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (and x (if0 (xor x (shr4 (not (shr16 x)))) 0 1)))>
problem 25 [12|-32i--] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr1 x)))>
problem 25 [12|-32i--] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 25 [12|-32i--] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shl1 x)))>
problem 25 [12|-41i--] solution 25 [12|-41i--] simplified 25 [12|-41i--] <(lambda (x) (xor (shl1 0) (if0 (shr1 x) 0 (shr1 (not (shr4 x))))))>
problem 25 [13|-31i--] solution 19 [13|-11i--] simplified 19 [13|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (xor (if0 0 0 0) (if0 (not x) x (xor 1 x))))>
problem 25 [13|-31i--] solution 19 [13|-11i--] simplified 19 [13|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (plus (if0 0 0 0) (if0 0 (shr16 (plus 1 x)) 0)))>
problem 25 [14|-21it-] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 25 [14|-21it-] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 25 [14|-21it-] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 25 [14|-22--f] solution 22 [14|-21--f] simplified 22 [14|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 (fold (not x) (xor x (shl1 1)) (lambda (y z) (xor y z)))))>
problem 25 [14|-22--f] solution 25 [14|-22--f] simplified 25 [14|-22--f] <(lambda (x) (or (xor 0 0) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (shr4 (xor z (shr1 y)))))))>
problem 25 [14|-13i--] solution 14 [11|-02i--] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 26 [13|-32--f] solution 26 [13|-32--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shl1 x) 0 (lambda (y z) (plus y (shr1 z)))))>
problem 26 [15|-12it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (xor 1 x))))>
problem 27 [13|-41--f] solution 24 [13|-31--f] simplified 19 [11|-31--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shr16 (shl1 x)) x (lambda (y z) (shr1 (plus y z)))))>
problem 27 [14|-22i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr1 (shr16 x))))>
problem 27 [14|-22i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 16 [10|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (plus x (shr4 x)) (not 0) (not x)))>
problem 27 [14|-22i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (not (shr16 x))))>
problem 27 [13|-32i--] solution 5 [ 6|-10i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 27 [13|-32i--] solution 5 [ 6|-10i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 27 [13|-32i--] solution 21 [11|-31i--] simplified 21 [11|-31i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (shr16 x) (not (not (plus 1 1))) (shl1 x)))>
problem 27 [15|-21it-] solution 7 [10|-01-t-] simplified 7 [10|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (and 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))))>
problem 27 [15|-21it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 27 [15|-21i-f] solution 1 [ 7|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 x (lambda (y z) (shr4 z))))>
problem 27 [15|-21it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 27 [15|-21it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 27 [15|-21it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x y))))>
problem 27 [17|-11i-f] solution 1 [ 7|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 1 (lambda (y z) (shr4 y))))>
problem 28 [15|-13i--] solution 19 [12|-12i--] simplified 19 [12|-12i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (and (not 0) (or 1 x)) x))>
problem 28 [16|-12i--] solution 5 [ 7|-01i--] simplified 5 [ 7|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) 0 1))>
problem 28 [13|-41i--] solution 19 [11|-30i--] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shl1 x)))>
problem 28 [14|-31i-f] solution 14 [10|-21--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 (shr1 (shr16 x)) (lambda (y z) (plus z z))))>
problem 28 [14|-23--f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (or z (shr4 y)))))>
problem 28 [14|-23--f] solution 9 [10|-20--f] simplified 9 [10|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 (shr16 (shr16 (shr16 x))) (lambda (y z) (shr1 z))))>
problem 28 [16|-12it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 28 [16|-12it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 28 [16|-12it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 28 [16|-12it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 28 [16|-12it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (or x y))))>
problem 29 [14|-23i--] solution 17 [11|-12i--] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (not x)))>
problem 29 [15|-22i--] solution 17 [11|-12i--] simplified 10 [ 8|-12---] <(lambda (x) (and (plus 0 (shr4 x)) (shr4 x)))>
problem 29 [15|-22i--] solution 22 [13|-21i--] simplified 22 [13|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 x (and (not 0) (not (not (shl1 1)))) (shl1 (shl1 x))))>
problem 29 [13|-42i--] solution 19 [11|-30i--] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shr4 x)))>
problem 29 [14|-32--f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 1 (lambda (y z) (plus z (shr4 y)))))>
problem 29 [15|-22it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 29 [15|-22it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (or x y))))>
problem 29 [15|-22it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 29 [15|-22it-] solution 1 [ 9|-10-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (not (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 29 [15|-22it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (xor 1 x))))>
problem 29 [15|-22it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 29 [16|-21it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shr1 (xor x y)))))>
problem 29 [16|-21it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 29 [16|-21i-f] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 29 [16|-21it-] solution 5 [ 9|-00it-] simplified 5 [ 9|-00it-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (if0 y x y))))>
problem 29 [18|-11it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (xor x (shl1 y)))))>
problem 30 [15|-14i--] solution 15 [10|-12i--] simplified 8 [ 7|-12---] <(lambda (x) (not (and x (plus 1 x))))>
problem 30 [15|-14i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 6 [ 7|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and x (and x (shr16 x))))>
problem 30 [14|-32i--] solution 15 [11|-11i--] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 x))>
problem 30 [14|-32i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr4 x)))>
problem 30 [14|-32i--] solution 5 [ 6|-10i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 30 [14|-32i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and (not (shl1 1)) (shl1 x)))>
problem 30 [14|-32i--] solution 9 [ 8|-11i--] simplified 9 [ 8|-11i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (shr4 x) 1 (or 1 x)))>
problem 30 [14|-32i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (or x (not (shr16 x))))>
problem 30 [14|-32i--] solution 21 [11|-31i--] simplified 21 [11|-31i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (plus x (shr1 (not 0))) 0 (shr16 (shr16 x))))>
problem 30 [15|-31it-] solution 8 [ 9|-20-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 30 [16|-13it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x y))))>
problem 30 [16|-13i-f] solution 1 [ 7|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 x (lambda (y z) (shr4 z))))>
problem 30 [17|-12i-f] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 31 [15|-23i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 6 [ 7|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and x (and x (shr1 x))))>
problem 31 [15|-23i--] solution 5 [ 7|-01i--] simplified 5 [ 7|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) 0 1))>
problem 31 [14|-33i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 6 [ 7|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and x (and x (shr4 x))))>
problem 31 [14|-33i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr1 (plus 1 x))))>
problem 31 [14|-33i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (not (plus x (shl1 x))))>
problem 31 [15|-32--f] solution 12 [ 8|-22---] simplified 12 [ 8|-22---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (and 1 (shr16 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 31 [17|-21it-] solution 7 [ 8|-20-t-] simplified 7 [ 8|-20-t-] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shr4 x)))))>
problem 32 [16|-22i--] solution 14 [11|-02i--] simplified 5 [ 6|-02---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (plus x x)))>
problem 32 [16|-22i--] solution 27 [14|-22i--] simplified 27 [14|-22i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (xor 1 (shr16 x))) (xor 1 (shr1 (shr1 x))) 1))>
problem 32 [16|-22i--] solution 16 [11|-20i--] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (not x)))>
problem 32 [14|-42i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr1 x)))>
problem 32 [14|-42i--] solution 16 [11|-20i--] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr1 x)))>
problem 32 [14|-42i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (not x)))>
problem 32 [15|-32i--] solution 11 [ 9|-11i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 32 [15|-32i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 11 [ 8|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shr16 (plus x (plus x x)))))>
problem 32 [15|-32i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 32 [16|-22i--] solution 9 [ 9|-11---] simplified 9 [ 9|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and (and (not 0) (not 0)) (not x)))>
problem 32 [15|-41--f] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 32 [16|-22i-f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (xor y z))))>
problem 32 [16|-22i-f] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shr4 x)))>
problem 32 [16|-22it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 32 [16|-22i-f] solution 5 [ 7|-01i--] simplified 5 [ 7|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 x 0 (xor 1 x)))>
problem 32 [16|-22it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 32 [18|-12it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 32 [18|-12it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 32 [18|-12i-f] solution 11 [10|-11--f] simplified 11 [10|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (or (shr1 y) (shr1 z)))))>
problem 33 [15|-24i--] solution 15 [10|-12i--] simplified 8 [ 7|-12---] <(lambda (x) (and x (xor x (shr16 x))))>
problem 33 [16|-31i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (shr16 x)))>
problem 33 [16|-31i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (shr16 x)))>
problem 33 [15|-41i--] solution 8 [ 7|-20i--] simplified 8 [ 7|-20i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (not x) x (shr1 x)))>
problem 33 [17|-13i--] solution 9 [ 9|-11---] simplified 5 [ 6|-11---] <(lambda (x) (not (and x (not 1))))>
problem 33 [15|-41it-] solution 1 [ 9|-10-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (not (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 34 [16|-23i--] solution 14 [11|-02i--] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 34 [16|-23i--] solution 20 [11|-22i--] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (xor x (shr16 x))))>
problem 34 [15|-33i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 5 [ 6|-11---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr16 (plus x x))))>
problem 34 [15|-33i--] solution 21 [11|-31i--] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 x))))>
problem 34 [17|-22i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shr4 (shr4 x))))>
problem 34 [17|-22i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (shr1 x)))>
problem 34 [17|-22i-f] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 x))>
problem 34 [17|-22it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (plus (not 0) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 34 [17|-22it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (or 0 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (shr4 x))))>
problem 34 [17|-22it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (and 1 x))))>
problem 34 [17|-22it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 34 [17|-22i-f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (or x 0) 0 (lambda (y z) y)))>
problem 34 [17|-22i-f] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shr4 x)))>
problem 34 [17|-22it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 34 [18|-21it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 35 [16|-32i--] solution 21 [11|-31i--] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (shr1 (shl1 x))))>
problem 35 [16|-32i--] solution 16 [10|-30i--] simplified 6 [ 5|-30---] <(lambda (x) (not (shl1 (shr4 x))))>
problem 35 [16|-32i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 11 [ 8|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (or (shr1 x) (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 35 [15|-42i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr4 (plus x x))))>
problem 35 [15|-42i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and x (shr1 (not (shr1 x)))))>
problem 35 [17|-31i--] solution 15 [11|-11i--] simplified 8 [ 8|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus (shr1 x) (shr1 (plus x x))))>
problem 35 [16|-32it-] solution 7 [ 8|-20-t-] simplified 7 [ 8|-20-t-] <(lambda (x) (not (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))))>
problem 35 [16|-32it-] solution 1 [ 7|-10-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (not (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 35 [18|-13it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 35 [18|-13it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (xor x y))))>
problem 35 [18|-13it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (not (and x y)))))>
problem 35 [19|-12it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (plus (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)) 1))>
problem 35 [18|-13i-f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (shr1 (plus y z)))))>
problem 35 [21|-11i-f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 36 [17|-23i--] solution 22 [12|-22i--] simplified 14 [ 9|-22---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (and x (shr16 (plus x (shr4 x))))))>
problem 36 [17|-23i-f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 36 [17|-23it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (xor x (shl1 y)))))>
problem 36 [17|-23it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x (shr4 x)))))>
problem 36 [17|-23it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (plus 0 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (shl1 x))))>
problem 36 [17|-23it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (or x (shr4 y)))))>
problem 36 [19|-21i-f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (xor y z))))>
problem 37 [15|-43i--] solution 25 [12|-32i--] simplified 16 [ 9|-32---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (shr4 (shl1 (or x (shr16 x))))))>
problem 37 [18|-22i--] solution 20 [11|-22i--] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (xor x (shr4 x))))>
problem 37 [16|-33i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (not (plus 1 x)))>
problem 37 [16|-33i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 x))))>
problem 37 [18|-22i-f] solution 1 [ 8|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 8|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shr1 0) x (lambda (y z) (shr1 z))))>
problem 37 [18|-22i-f] solution 14 [10|-21--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not 0) x (lambda (y z) (shr4 (or y z)))))>
problem 37 [18|-22i-f] solution 14 [10|-21--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shr16 x) 1 (lambda (y z) (plus z (not y)))))>
problem 37 [19|-13i-f] solution 11 [10|-11--f] simplified 11 [10|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (not (and z (not y))))))>
problem 38 [17|-32i--] solution 17 [11|-12i--] simplified 5 [ 6|-02---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 (or 1 x)))>
problem 38 [17|-32i--] solution 16 [11|-20i--] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shl1 x)))>
problem 38 [17|-32i--] solution 17 [11|-12i--] simplified 10 [ 8|-12---] <(lambda (x) (and (plus 0 (shr1 x)) (shr1 x)))>
problem 38 [17|-32i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (not (plus 1 x))))>
problem 38 [16|-42i--] solution 14 [10|-20i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 38 [16|-42i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 38 [16|-42i--] solution 23 [11|-41i--] simplified 14 [ 8|-41---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shl1 (or x (not (shr16 x))))))>
problem 38 [17|-24i--] solution 15 [10|-12i--] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (plus x x)))>
problem 38 [17|-32it-] solution 1 [ 7|-10-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (not x))))>
problem 38 [17|-32it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x x))))>
problem 38 [17|-32it-] solution 7 [ 8|-20-t-] simplified 7 [ 8|-20-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 38 [18|-31it-] solution 1 [ 7|-10-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shr4 x))))>
problem 39 [18|-23i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 16 [10|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (shl1 (shr16 x)) 0 (and x (shl1 1))))>
problem 39 [18|-23i--] solution 29 [14|-23i--] simplified 29 [14|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (shr1 (shr4 x)) 0 (xor x (or x (plus x (shr4 x))))))>
problem 39 [18|-23i--] solution 20 [11|-22i--] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 (shr1 x)))>
problem 39 [19|-22i--] solution 15 [10|-12i--] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (shl1 1)))>
problem 39 [17|-41it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 39 [19|-22it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 39 [19|-22it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (xor 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))))>
problem 39 [18|-23i-f] solution 14 [10|-21--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shl1 x) x (lambda (y z) (plus z (shr4 y)))))>
problem 39 [19|-22i-f] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shr4 x)))>
problem 39 [19|-22i-f] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr16 x)))>
problem 39 [19|-22i-f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 39 [19|-22i-f] solution 1 [ 7|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not x) 0 (lambda (y z) y)))>
problem 39 [19|-22i-f] solution 11 [10|-11--f] simplified 11 [10|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not x) x (lambda (y z) (not (plus y z)))))>
problem 40 [17|-33i--] solution 25 [13|-31i--] simplified 25 [13|-31i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (not x) (plus (not 1) (shl1 (shr4 (shr4 x)))) (shl1 x)))>
problem 40 [17|-33i--] solution 14 [ 9|-21i--] simplified 14 [ 9|-21i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (shl1 x) 0 (shr1 (plus 1 x))))>
problem 40 [17|-33i--] solution 21 [11|-31i--] simplified 13 [ 8|-31---] <(lambda (x) (or (shl1 x) (shl1 (not (shr16 x)))))>
problem 40 [17|-33i--] solution 20 [11|-22i--] simplified 12 [ 8|-22---] <(lambda (x) (and x (xor 1 (shr1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 40 [20|-13i--] solution 17 [13|-02i--] simplified 17 [13|-02i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) (and (or 1 x) (or 1 x)) x))>
problem 40 [18|-32i--] solution 19 [11|-30i--] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr16 x)))>
problem 40 [18|-32i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 1 [ 5|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr1 (shr1 x))))>
problem 40 [18|-32i--] solution 25 [13|-31i--] simplified 17 [10|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (not (plus 1 (shr16 (not (shr16 (shr4 x))))))))>
problem 40 [18|-32i-f] solution 14 [10|-21--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shl1 x) x (lambda (y z) (and z (not y)))))>
problem 40 [18|-32i-f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (or z (shr4 y)))))>
problem 40 [18|-32i-f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 1 x (lambda (y z) (plus y (shr4 z)))))>
problem 40 [20|-13i-f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 1 (lambda (y z) (shl1 (xor y z)))))>
problem 40 [20|-13i-f] solution 1 [ 7|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 x (lambda (y z) (shr4 z))))>
problem 41 [16|-52i--] solution 19 [11|-30i--] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr4 x)))>
problem 41 [17|-42i--] solution 15 [10|-12i--] simplified 8 [ 7|-12---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (xor 1 (plus 1 x))))>
problem 41 [17|-42i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr1 x)))>
problem 41 [17|-42i--] solution 20 [11|-22i--] simplified 12 [ 8|-22---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 (or 1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 41 [17|-34i--] solution 21 [11|-31i--] simplified 6 [ 5|-30---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (not (shr16 x))))>
problem 41 [19|-23i--] solution 15 [11|-11i--] simplified 8 [ 8|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and (shr16 (shr16 x)) (shr16 (shr16 x))))>
problem 41 [19|-23i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (shr16 x)))>
problem 41 [17|-42it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shl1 (or x y)))))>
problem 41 [19|-23it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x (shl1 x)))))>
problem 41 [19|-23it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus 1 x)))))>
problem 41 [19|-23it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shr1 (or x y)))))>
problem 41 [19|-23it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 41 [19|-23i-f] solution 11 [ 8|-21---] simplified 11 [ 8|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (plus 0 (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 x))))))>
problem 41 [19|-23i-f] solution 11 [ 8|-21---] simplified 11 [ 8|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (plus 0 (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 x))))))>
problem 41 [19|-23i-f] solution 1 [ 8|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 8|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (not (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (not y)))))>
problem 41 [19|-23i-f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 1 (plus 1 x) (lambda (y z) (shr1 z))))>
problem 42 [20|-22i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (xor 1 x)))>
problem 42 [20|-14i--] solution 15 [10|-12i--] simplified 8 [ 7|-12---] <(lambda (x) (and x (shr1 (plus x x))))>
problem 42 [18|-33i--] solution 17 [11|-12i--] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (not x)))>
problem 42 [18|-33i--] solution 20 [11|-22i--] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (plus x (shl1 1))))>
problem 42 [18|-33i--] solution 5 [ 6|-10i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 42 [18|-33i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and (not x) (not (shl1 1))))>
problem 42 [18|-33i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (not x)))>
problem 42 [18|-33i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
problem 42 [18|-33i--] solution 15 [11|-11i--] simplified 8 [ 8|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and (shr16 (shr16 x)) (shr16 (shr16 x))))>
problem 42 [17|-43i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
problem 42 [18|-33it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x y))))>
problem 42 [18|-33it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 42 [18|-33it-] solution 12 [ 9|-30--f] simplified 12 [ 9|-30--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shr1 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (shl1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 42 [20|-22it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (xor 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))))>
problem 42 [20|-14it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x x))))>
problem 42 [20|-22it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x x)))))>
problem 42 [20|-22it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 42 [21|-13it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 42 [20|-22i-f] solution 5 [ 7|-01i--] simplified 5 [ 7|-01i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 x) x 1))>
problem 42 [20|-14i-f] solution 1 [ 7|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 x (lambda (y z) (shr1 z))))>
problem 43 [19|-32i--] solution 21 [11|-31i--] simplified 13 [ 8|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (or (shr1 x) (shr1 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 43 [19|-32i--] solution 38 [17|-32i--] simplified 38 [17|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (plus x (shr16 (shr4 (shl1 x)))) 0 (and x (shl1 (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 x))))))))>
problem 43 [19|-32it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (or 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))))>
problem 43 [19|-32it-] solution 7 [ 8|-20-t-] simplified 7 [ 8|-20-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (not (shr4 x)))))>
problem 43 [19|-32it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 43 [19|-32it-] solution 8 [ 9|-20-t-] simplified 8 [ 9|-20-t-] <(lambda (x) (not (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (not (shr4 x))))))>
problem 43 [19|-32i-f] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shr4 x)))>
problem 43 [19|-32i-f] solution 7 [ 8|-20---] simplified 7 [ 8|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr4 (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 x)))))))>
problem 44 [19|-24i--] solution 14 [11|-02i--] simplified 8 [ 8|-02---] <(lambda (x) (and (plus 1 x) (plus 1 x)))>
problem 44 [18|-34i--] solution 21 [11|-31i--] simplified 7 [ 6|-30---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr1 (shr4 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 44 [18|-34i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr4 x)))>
problem 44 [18|-34i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 11 [ 8|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and (shr4 (shl1 x)) (shr4 (shl1 x))))>
problem 44 [20|-23i--] solution 37 [18|-22i--] simplified 37 [18|-22i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and 1 (plus x (shr4 (shl1 x)))) (and (shr4 x) (shr4 (plus 1 x))) (shr4 x)))>
problem 44 [18|-42it-] solution 8 [ 9|-20-t-] simplified 8 [ 9|-20-t-] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shl1 (shr1 x))))))>
problem 44 [20|-23it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (xor x y)))))>
problem 44 [20|-23it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (or 0 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (shr1 x))))>
problem 44 [20|-23it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 44 [21|-22it-] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shr4 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (shl1 x))))>
problem 44 [22|-13it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus 1 x))))>
problem 44 [22|-13it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 44 [22|-13it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 44 [20|-23i-f] solution 1 [ 7|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 x (lambda (y z) (shr4 z))))>
problem 45 [19|-33i--] solution 36 [17|-23i--] simplified 36 [17|-23i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and x (shl1 x)) (plus 0 (xor 1 (shr16 x))) (xor 1 (shr16 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 45 [19|-33i--] solution 20 [11|-22i--] simplified 12 [ 8|-22---] <(lambda (x) (and (plus x x) (shl1 (shr16 x))))>
problem 45 [19|-33i--] solution 33 [16|-31i--] simplified 33 [16|-31i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (plus x (shr1 x)) (shr1 (shr16 (not 0))) (shr1 (shr16 (plus x (not 0))))))>
problem 45 [19|-33i--] solution 17 [11|-12i--] simplified 10 [ 8|-12---] <(lambda (x) (and (or 0 (shr4 x)) (shr4 x)))>
problem 45 [18|-43i--] solution 18 [11|-21i--] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 45 [18|-51it-] solution 8 [ 9|-20-t-] simplified 8 [ 9|-20-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shl1 (not (shl1 x))))))>
problem 45 [19|-33it-] solution 8 [ 9|-20--f] simplified 8 [ 9|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold (shl1 (shr4 x)) 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 45 [19|-33it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold (plus 0 x) 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 45 [19|-33it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x (shl1 y)))))>
problem 45 [19|-33i-f] solution 10 [ 8|-12---] simplified 10 [ 8|-12---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 (and (shl1 1) (shl1 x))))>
problem 46 [20|-32i--] solution 40 [18|-32i--] simplified 40 [18|-32i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (and x (not 1)) (not (not (shr1 (shr1 (shr4 (not 0)))))) (shr1 (or x (shr1 x)))))>
problem 46 [20|-32i--] solution 16 [10|-21i--] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr4 x)))>
problem 46 [20|-24i--] solution 13 [10|-11i--] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or x (shr4 x)))>
problem 46 [20|-24i--] solution 14 [10|-21---] simplified 14 [10|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and x (and x (and x (shr16 (not 0))))))>
problem 46 [20|-24i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (not (or x (shl1 x)))))>
problem 46 [20|-24it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (not (or 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))))>
problem 46 [20|-32it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (xor x y))))>
problem 46 [20|-32it-] solution 1 [ 7|-10-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (not (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 46 [20|-32it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 46 [20|-32i-f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 (plus x 1) (lambda (y z) (shr1 z))))>
problem 46 [20|-32i-f] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not 0) x (lambda (y z) (shl1 z))))>
problem 46 [20|-32i-f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 1 (lambda (y z) (plus z (shr1 y)))))>
problem 46 [20|-32i-f] solution 11 [10|-11--f] simplified 11 [10|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shr1 x) x (lambda (y z) (shr1 (xor y z)))))>
problem 46 [20|-32i-f] solution 11 [10|-11--f] simplified 11 [10|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not 0) 0 (lambda (y z) (and x (not y)))))>
problem 46 [20|-32i-f] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 1 (shl1 x) (lambda (y z) (shr4 z))))>
problem 47 [19|-42i--] solution 15 [ 9|-31---] simplified 11 [ 7|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (plus x (shr1 (not 0)))))>
problem 47 [18|-52i--] solution 19 [10|-41---] simplified 13 [ 8|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (plus x (shl1 (shr16 (shr16 x))))))>
problem 47 [21|-23i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 11 [ 8|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shr16 (shr16 (plus x (shl1 x))))))>
problem 47 [19|-42it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shl1 x))))>
problem 47 [21|-23it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 47 [21|-23it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (and (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)) (not 1)))>
problem 47 [21|-23it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 47 [21|-23it-] solution 16 [11|-12-t-] simplified 16 [11|-12-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (not (xor y (plus x x))))))>
problem 47 [22|-14it-] solution 16 [11|-12-t-] simplified 16 [11|-12-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (xor x (and 1 (shr1 x))))))>
problem 47 [21|-23i-f] solution 11 [10|-11--f] simplified 11 [10|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (not (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) (and y (not z))))))>
problem 47 [22|-22i-f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 1 (lambda (y z) (xor y z))))>
problem 47 [23|-13i-f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (or x 0) 0 (lambda (y z) y)))>
problem 48 [19|-43i--] solution 21 [10|-42---] simplified 21 [10|-42---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (shr16 (shr4 (or x (shr1 (not 0)))))))>
problem 48 [19|-43i--] solution 17 [10|-31---] simplified 13 [ 8|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 (plus x (not 1))))))>
problem 48 [19|-43i--] solution 15 [ 9|-31---] simplified 15 [ 9|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr1 (plus x (shl1 (shr1 (shr4 x)))))))>
problem 48 [20|-33it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (or 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))))>
problem 48 [20|-33it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 48 [21|-32i-f] solution 1 [ 7|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 48 [21|-32i-f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x (shr1 x)))))>
problem 49 [23|-22i--] solution 27 [14|-22i--] simplified 19 [11|-22---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 (shr4 (plus (or x (shr4 x)) (shl1 1)))))>
problem 49 [20|-42i--] solution 19 [10|-41---] simplified 19 [10|-41---] <(lambda (x) (not (shl1 (plus (shr16 x) (shr16 (not (shr1 x)))))))>
problem 49 [20|-42it-] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold (shr4 x) 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 49 [20|-42it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (plus 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))))>
problem 49 [20|-42i-f] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x (shl1 0) (lambda (y z) (shr4 y))))>
problem 49 [20|-42i-f] solution 12 [ 9|-21---] simplified 12 [ 9|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shr4 (shr16 (plus 1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))))>
problem 49 [21|-24i-f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 49 [22|-23i-f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (or x (shr4 z)))))>
problem 49 [22|-23i-f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 (plus 1 x) (lambda (y z) (shr4 z))))>
problem 49 [22|-23i-f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 1 (lambda (y z) (xor y z))))>
problem 50 [20|-34i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (plus x (shl1 1))))>
problem 50 [20|-34i--] solution 14 [10|-21---] simplified 14 [10|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and (and (not 0) (not 0)) (shl1 (not x))))>
problem 50 [20|-34i--] solution 9 [ 9|-11---] simplified 9 [ 9|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and (and (shr16 x) (shr16 x)) (shr16 x)))>
problem 51 [21|-33i--] solution 15 [ 9|-31---] simplified 15 [ 9|-31---] <(lambda (x) (and (not (shr1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))) (shr16 x)))>
problem 51 [21|-33i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 6 [ 7|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or (shl1 1) (shl1 (shl1 x))))>
problem 51 [19|-53i--] solution 14 [10|-21---] simplified 11 [ 8|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shr4 (not (xor x (shr4 x))))))>
problem 51 [19|-53i--] solution 6 [ 5|-30---] simplified 6 [ 5|-30---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (not (shl1 x))))>
problem 51 [21|-33it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (or (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)) 1))>
problem 51 [21|-33it-] solution 1 [ 7|-10-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 51 [21|-33it-] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shr1 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (shr4 x))))>
problem 51 [21|-33it-] solution 16 [11|-21-t-] simplified 16 [11|-21-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (not (xor y (shl1 (shl1 x)))))))>
problem 51 [21|-33i-f] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (or 1 x)))>
problem 51 [21|-33i-f] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shl1 x) 0 (lambda (y z) (shr4 y))))>
problem 52 [22|-24i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (shr4 x)))>
problem 52 [22|-24it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shl1 x))))>
problem 52 [23|-23it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (not (xor x y)))))>
problem 52 [23|-23it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 52 [21|-42i-f] solution 10 [ 8|-12---] simplified 10 [ 8|-12---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (or 0 (shr16 (plus x x)))))>
problem 53 [20|-52i--] solution 17 [10|-31---] simplified 13 [ 8|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr16 (not (plus 1 (not x))))))>
problem 53 [21|-34i--] solution 35 [17|-31i--] simplified 35 [17|-31i--] <(lambda (x) (if0 (not (plus x (shr1 (not 0)))) (not (not (shr4 (not (shr1 (not x)))))) (shr4 x)))>
problem 53 [21|-34i--] solution 18 [10|-23---] simplified 18 [10|-23---] <(lambda (x) (and x (not (shl1 (xor x (plus 1 1))))))>
problem 53 [21|-34i--] solution 14 [10|-12---] simplified 14 [10|-12---] <(lambda (x) (and (or x (shr1 x)) (or x (shr1 x))))>
problem 53 [21|-34i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (not (or x (shr1 (not 0)))))>
problem 53 [21|-34i-f] solution 11 [10|-11--f] simplified 11 [10|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold (shr4 x) 0 (lambda (y z) (xor y z)))))>
problem 54 [22|-33i--] solution 9 [10|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shl1 x)))>
problem 54 [22|-33i--] solution 14 [ 9|-22---] simplified 5 [ 6|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or x (shr1 (shr1 x))))>
problem 54 [21|-43i--] solution 14 [ 9|-22---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (or x (shr1 (not 0))))>
problem 54 [21|-43i--] solution 19 [10|-41---] simplified 19 [10|-41---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr1 (not (and (shl1 x) (shr4 (not x)))))))>
problem 54 [20|-53i--] solution 17 [10|-40---] simplified 7 [ 6|-30---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shl1 (shr16 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 54 [20|-53i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (not 0)))>
problem 54 [20|-53i--] solution 19 [10|-41---] simplified 14 [ 8|-41---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (or (shr1 x) (shr16 (not x)))))>
problem 54 [22|-33it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shr4 (plus x y)))))>
problem 54 [22|-33it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shr4 (plus x y)))))>
problem 54 [22|-33it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (plus 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))))>
problem 54 [21|-43it-] solution 16 [11|-12-t-] simplified 16 [11|-12-t-] <(lambda (x) (or (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x (shl1 x)))) 1))>
problem 54 [22|-33it-] solution 14 [10|-21-t-] simplified 14 [10|-21-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (and (not (shr1 x)) 1))))>
problem 54 [22|-33it-] solution 16 [11|-12-t-] simplified 16 [11|-12-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x (not (xor x y))))))>
problem 54 [23|-32it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 54 [22|-33i-f] solution 7 [10|-01--f] simplified 7 [10|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) (plus x (plus z z)))))>
problem 54 [22|-33i-f] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or x (shl1 1)))>
problem 55 [23|-24i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 10 [ 8|-12---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (plus x (and x (shl1 x)))))>
problem 55 [23|-24i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and x (shr16 x)))>
problem 55 [23|-24i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 x))>
problem 55 [24|-23i--] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 55 [22|-42i--] solution 17 [10|-31---] simplified 17 [10|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 (or x (shr1 (shr16 x))))))))>
problem 55 [22|-42it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 55 [24|-23it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 55 [22|-42i-f] solution 5 [ 6|-00--f] simplified 5 [ 6|-00--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x z) x)))>
problem 55 [22|-42i-f] solution 14 [10|-21--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shr16 x) 0 (lambda (y z) (shr1 (or y z)))))>
problem 55 [24|-23i-f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (or y (shr1 z)))))>
problem 55 [24|-23i-f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (or y (shr1 z)))))>
problem 56 [22|-34i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (shl1 1)))>
problem 56 [22|-34i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (shr1 x)))>
problem 56 [22|-34i--] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (not x)))>
problem 56 [22|-34i--] solution 15 [ 9|-31---] simplified 15 [ 9|-31---] <(lambda (x) (not (and 1 (and x (shr1 (shr4 x))))))>
problem 56 [21|-44i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 12 [ 8|-22---] <(lambda (x) (or x (xor 1 (shr4 (not x)))))>
problem 56 [21|-44i--] solution 14 [ 9|-22---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (not (shr1 x))))>
problem 56 [20|-54i--] solution 19 [10|-32---] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (shr4 (shl1 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 56 [23|-33i--] solution 14 [10|-12---] simplified 14 [10|-12---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 (plus x (or x (shr16 (shr16 x))))))>
problem 56 [21|-44i--] solution 17 [ 9|-41---] simplified 17 [ 9|-41---] <(lambda (x) (not (xor x (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 (not 0)))))))>
problem 56 [23|-33i--] solution 19 [10|-32---] simplified 11 [ 7|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (not (xor x (shl1 x)))))>
problem 56 [22|-34it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (or 0 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (shr4 x))))>
problem 56 [23|-33it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (or 0 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (not x))))>
problem 56 [24|-32it-] solution 5 [ 9|-00it-] simplified 5 [ 9|-00it-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (if0 x y x))))>
problem 56 [26|-22it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (or 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))))>
problem 56 [23|-33i-f] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 x))))>
problem 56 [23|-33i-f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (or x 0) 0 (lambda (y z) y)))>
problem 56 [24|-32i-f] solution 14 [10|-21--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shr4 x) 1 (lambda (y z) (or z (shl1 y)))))>
problem 56 [24|-32i-f] solution 1 [ 7|-10--f] simplified 1 [ 7|-10--f] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (y z) y))))>
problem 57 [25|-23i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 57 [22|-43i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (shr16 x)))>
problem 57 [25|-23i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 12 [ 8|-22---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (not (and x (shr1 x)))))>
problem 57 [24|-24i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 x))>
problem 57 [22|-43i--] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 57 [22|-43i--] solution 14 [ 9|-22---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (shr16 (not x))))>
problem 57 [22|-43i--] solution 19 [10|-32---] simplified 11 [ 7|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (or x (shr4 (not x)))))>
problem 57 [22|-43i--] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shr16 (shl1 x))))>
problem 57 [26|-42i--] solution 15 [ 9|-31---] simplified 5 [ 6|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 x)))))>
problem 57 [29|-43i--] solution 17 [10|-31---] simplified 13 [ 8|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (or (not x) (shr1 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 57 [22|-43i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (shl1 1)))>
problem 57 [29|-43i--] solution 14 [10|-12---] simplified 8 [ 8|-02---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (and x (plus 1 x))))>
problem 57 [26|-14i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or x (shr16 x)))>
problem 57 [22|-43it-] solution 7 [ 8|-20-t-] simplified 7 [ 8|-20-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shr1 x)))))>
problem 57 [24|-24it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (and (fold (shr1 x) 0 (lambda (x y) x)) 1))>
problem 57 [25|-23it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (not (or 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))))>
problem 57 [26|-42it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 57 [22|-43i-f] solution 14 [10|-21--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shl1 x) x (lambda (y z) (and y (not z)))))>
problem 57 [22|-43i-f] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shr4 x)))>
problem 57 [22|-43i-f] solution 7 [ 8|-20--f] simplified 7 [ 8|-20--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x (shr1 0) (lambda (y z) (shr4 y))))>
problem 58 [21|-53i--] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 58 [23|-42it-] solution 19 [11|-31-t-] simplified 19 [11|-31-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (not (shr1 (plus y (shl1 x)))))))>
problem 58 [23|-42it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x (shr4 x)))))>
problem 58 [23|-42it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x (shr4 x)))))>
problem 58 [21|-53i-f] solution 14 [10|-21--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not 0) x (lambda (y z) (shr4 (or y z)))))>
problem 58 [23|-42i-f] solution 14 [10|-21--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not x) 0 (lambda (y z) (or y (shr1 z)))))>
problem 58 [23|-42i-f] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x x (lambda (y z) (or z (shr4 y)))))>
problem 59 [23|-34i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 59 [30|-43i--] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 59 [30|-43i--] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr4 (shr4 x))))>
problem 59 [23|-34i--] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 x))>
problem 59 [30|-43i--] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 x))>
problem 59 [23|-51i--] solution 17 [10|-40---] simplified 9 [ 6|-40---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr16 (not (shl1 x)))))>
problem 59 [22|-44i--] solution 21 [10|-42---] simplified 21 [10|-42---] <(lambda (x) (not (shl1 (shr4 (xor x (plus x (shr16 x)))))))>
problem 59 [28|-24i--] solution 13 [10|-03---] simplified 5 [ 6|-02---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (plus x x)))>
problem 59 [23|-34it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (or 0 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (shr4 x))))>
problem 59 [23|-34it-] solution 11 [10|-02-t-] simplified 11 [10|-02-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (xor 1 (or x y)))))>
problem 59 [24|-33it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 59 [25|-32it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (or x y))))>
problem 59 [28|-24it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus 1 x))))>
problem 59 [28|-24it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 59 [30|-43it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 59 [30|-43it-] solution 8 [ 9|-20-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 59 [22|-52i-f] solution 14 [10|-21--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold x (shr4 (shr1 x)) (lambda (y z) (xor y z))))>
problem 60 [23|-43i--] solution 18 [10|-23---] simplified 8 [ 7|-12---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (xor 1 (shr1 x))))>
problem 60 [23|-43i--] solution 12 [ 9|-21---] simplified 12 [ 9|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and (and (not 0) (not x)) (shr16 x)))>
problem 60 [23|-43i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (shr4 x)))>
problem 60 [23|-43i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 16 [10|-22---] <(lambda (x) (not (plus x (shr1 (xor x (shr1 (not 0)))))))>
problem 60 [23|-43it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 60 [23|-43it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 60 [25|-24it-] solution 12 [11|-11-t-] simplified 12 [11|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shl1 (plus x (plus y y))))))>
problem 60 [29|-23it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (xor (shr1 x) x))))>
problem 60 [23|-43i-f] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 61 [26|-43i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (plus x (shr4 x))))>
problem 61 [25|-43i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 x))>
problem 61 [24|-42i--] solution 15 [ 9|-31---] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 (shr16 (shr16 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 61 [26|-44i--] solution 17 [10|-31---] simplified 17 [10|-31---] <(lambda (x) (and x (and x (shl1 (shr1 (shr1 (not 0)))))))>
problem 61 [26|-44i--] solution 19 [10|-41---] simplified 13 [ 8|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr16 (shl1 (xor x (shl1 x))))))>
problem 61 [30|-44i--] solution 21 [10|-42---] simplified 11 [ 7|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr4 (plus x (shl1 x)))))>
problem 61 [30|-44i--] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (not (shr1 x)))>
problem 61 [25|-43i--] solution 17 [10|-31---] simplified 17 [10|-31---] <(lambda (x) (not (and (not x) (shl1 (not (shr16 (not 0)))))))>
problem 61 [24|-42i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 16 [10|-22---] <(lambda (x) (not (plus (not x) (not (shl1 (xor 1 x))))))>
problem 61 [26|-44i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (shr4 x)))>
problem 61 [28|-33i--] solution 1 [ 5|-10---] simplified 1 [ 5|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr16 (shr16 x))))>
problem 61 [30|-44i--] solution 14 [10|-21---] simplified 14 [10|-21---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (and 1 (and 1 (not (shr4 x))))))>
problem 61 [27|-53i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (plus x x)))>
problem 61 [25|-43it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 61 [26|-43it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (plus 0 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (shr1 x))))>
problem 61 [26|-43it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (or 0 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (shl1 x))))>
problem 61 [26|-44it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 61 [27|-53it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (or 1 x))))>
problem 61 [27|-53it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 61 [24|-42i-f] solution 12 [ 8|-22---] simplified 12 [ 8|-22---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (or 1 (shr4 (plus 1 x)))))>
problem 61 [24|-42i-f] solution 14 [10|-21--f] simplified 14 [10|-21--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (not x) x (lambda (y z) (shr1 (plus y z)))))>
problem 61 [24|-42i-f] solution 5 [ 8|-01--f] simplified 5 [ 8|-01--f] <(lambda (x) (fold 0 x (lambda (y z) (plus z z))))>
problem 62 [22|-54i--] solution 14 [10|-12---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 (not x)))>
problem 62 [27|-44i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 16 [10|-22---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (and 1 (plus x (shr16 (shl1 x))))))>
problem 62 [27|-44i--] solution 14 [10|-12---] simplified 14 [10|-12---] <(lambda (x) (and (and (plus x x) (shl1 x)) (shl1 x)))>
problem 62 [26|-54i--] solution 21 [10|-42---] simplified 21 [10|-42---] <(lambda (x) (and (not 1) (shr16 (plus 1 (shr4 (shl1 x))))))>
problem 62 [26|-54i--] solution 21 [10|-42---] simplified 21 [10|-42---] <(lambda (x) (and (not 1) (shr16 (plus 1 (shr4 (shl1 x))))))>
problem 62 [26|-52i--] solution 12 [ 9|-30---] simplified 6 [ 5|-30---] <(lambda (x) (not (shl1 (shr1 x))))>
problem 62 [25|-33i--] solution 19 [10|-32---] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (xor x (shr4 (shl1 x)))))>
problem 62 [27|-34i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 16 [10|-22---] <(lambda (x) (and (shl1 1) (shl1 (shr16 (shl1 (plus 1 x))))))>
problem 62 [26|-34i--] solution 15 [10|-13---] simplified 15 [10|-13---] <(lambda (x) (and (or 0 (shl1 x)) (shl1 (xor 1 x))))>
problem 62 [30|-53i--] solution 19 [10|-41---] simplified 6 [ 5|-30---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr16 (shr4 x))))>
problem 62 [24|-53i--] solution 12 [ 9|-21---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 (shr4 x)))>
problem 62 [25|-33i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 x))>
problem 62 [30|-33i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 16 [10|-22---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 (and 1 (or x (not (shr16 x))))))>
problem 62 [24|-34i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (or x (shl1 (shl1 (not 1)))))>
problem 62 [27|-34i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 x))>
problem 62 [25|-33i--] solution 15 [ 9|-31---] simplified 7 [ 6|-30---] <(lambda (x) (not (shl1 (not (shr16 x)))))>
problem 62 [25|-33it-] solution 1 [ 7|-10-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))>
problem 62 [25|-33it-] solution 16 [11|-12--f] simplified 16 [11|-12--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shr4 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x (or 1 x)))))>
problem 62 [25|-33it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (or (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)) 1))>
problem 62 [25|-33it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 62 [26|-34it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 62 [26|-34it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 62 [27|-34it-] solution 5 [ 9|-00it-] simplified 5 [ 9|-00it-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (if0 x y x))))>
problem 62 [27|-34it-] solution 16 [11|-12-t-] simplified 16 [11|-12-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (or x (plus y (not x))))))>
problem 62 [28|-42it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (or 0 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (shl1 x))))>
problem 62 [30|-53it-] solution 7 [ 8|-20-t-] simplified 7 [ 8|-20-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shr4 (not x)))))>
problem 62 [30|-53it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x (shr1 y)))))>
problem 62 [23|-53i-f] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr16 x)))>
problem 62 [24|-51i-f] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 63 [24|-44i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and x (shl1 1)))>
problem 63 [24|-54i--] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr4 x)))>
problem 63 [24|-44i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (plus x x)))>
problem 63 [24|-43i--] solution 12 [ 9|-21---] simplified 6 [ 7|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 (or x (shr4 x))))>
problem 63 [24|-43i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and x (shr1 x)))>
problem 63 [24|-54i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (plus x x)))>
problem 63 [25|-34i--] solution 1 [ 3|-10---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (not x))>
problem 63 [25|-44i--] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (not (shl1 x))))>
problem 63 [25|-44i--] solution 11 [10|-02---] simplified 5 [ 6|-02---] <(lambda (x) (or x (plus 1 x)))>
problem 63 [25|-44i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (or 1 x))>
problem 63 [25|-54i--] solution 16 [ 9|-32---] simplified 7 [ 6|-21---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 (shr1 (shr16 x))))>
problem 63 [26|-33i--] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 x))))>
problem 63 [26|-53i--] solution 19 [10|-32---] simplified 19 [10|-32---] <(lambda (x) (and (not (shl1 (or x (shr4 x)))) (shl1 1)))>
problem 63 [26|-33i--] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 4 [ 5|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr4 (shr4 x))))>
problem 63 [26|-33i--] solution 16 [10|-22---] simplified 16 [10|-22---] <(lambda (x) (xor 1 (or x (not (xor 1 (shr1 x))))))>
problem 63 [26|-33i--] solution 14 [10|-21---] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (and x (not (shr4 x)))))>
problem 63 [27|-33i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus 1 x))>
problem 63 [27|-43i--] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 x))>
problem 63 [27|-54i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and x (not 1)))>
problem 63 [27|-43i--] solution 14 [10|-21---] simplified 11 [ 8|-21---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (shr1 (plus x (not 0)))))>
problem 63 [28|-34i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 x))>
problem 63 [28|-43i--] solution 6 [ 5|-30---] simplified 6 [ 5|-30---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (not (shr4 x))))>
problem 63 [28|-44i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (or x (shr16 x)))>
problem 63 [28|-53i--] solution 19 [10|-32---] simplified 11 [ 7|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (not (shl1 (plus x x)))))>
problem 63 [28|-53i--] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shl1 x)))>
problem 63 [28|-34i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and x (shr1 x)))>
problem 63 [28|-44i--] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (shr4 x)))>
problem 63 [28|-34i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (plus x x))>
problem 63 [28|-54i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (plus 1 x)))>
problem 63 [29|-53i--] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 63 [29|-32i--] solution 14 [10|-12---] simplified 10 [ 8|-12---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (xor x (or x (shr4 x)))))>
problem 63 [29|-44i--] solution 4 [ 5|-20---] simplified 1 [ 3|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 x))>
problem 63 [29|-53i--] solution 14 [ 8|-41---] simplified 14 [ 8|-41---] <(lambda (x) (shr16 (or (shr1 x) (shr4 (not 0)))))>
problem 63 [29|-44i--] solution 8 [ 7|-12---] simplified 8 [ 7|-12---] <(lambda (x) (plus x (not (xor 1 x))))>
problem 63 [29|-53i--] solution 9 [ 7|-21---] simplified 9 [ 7|-21---] <(lambda (x) (xor x (shl1 (shr16 (shr16 x)))))>
problem 63 [29|-54i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (not (or 1 x)))>
problem 63 [29|-44i--] solution 11 [ 8|-21---] simplified 5 [ 6|-11---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (xor x (shr1 x))))>
problem 63 [29|-44i--] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr1 x)))>
problem 63 [29|-53i--] solution 11 [ 8|-30---] simplified 11 [ 8|-30---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr1 (shr1 (shr16 (shr16 (not x)))))))>
problem 63 [29|-54i--] solution 13 [ 8|-31---] simplified 13 [ 8|-31---] <(lambda (x) (shr1 (shr4 (shr4 (plus x (shl1 x))))))>
problem 63 [30|-52i--] solution 3 [ 4|-20---] simplified 3 [ 4|-20---] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (shr4 x)))>
problem 63 [30|-54i--] solution 2 [ 4|-01---] simplified 2 [ 4|-01---] <(lambda (x) (and 1 x))>
problem 63 [30|-54i--] solution 12 [ 8|-22---] simplified 12 [ 8|-22---] <(lambda (x) (not (xor x (shl1 (plus x x)))))>
problem 63 [30|-34i--] solution 11 [ 8|-21---] simplified 11 [ 8|-21---] <(lambda (x) (not (and (not (shl1 x)) (shl1 1))))>
problem 63 [30|-52i--] solution 3 [ 5|-11---] simplified 3 [ 5|-11---] <(lambda (x) (and x (shl1 x)))>
problem 63 [24|-43it-] solution 16 [11|-21-t-] simplified 16 [11|-21-t-] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shr1 (xor x (shl1 y)))))))>
problem 63 [24|-43it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (or x (shr1 x)))))>
problem 63 [24|-44it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x (shr4 x)))))>
problem 63 [25|-44it-] solution 16 [11|-12-t-] simplified 16 [11|-12-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (or y (plus x (shr4 x))))))>
problem 63 [26|-24it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 63 [26|-33it-] solution 16 [11|-21-t-] simplified 16 [11|-21-t-] <(lambda (x) (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (xor (shl1 y) (shr4 x))))))>
problem 63 [26|-24it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (not (xor x y)))))>
problem 63 [27|-43it-] solution 16 [11|-12-t-] simplified 16 [11|-12-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (and 1 (not (plus x y))))))>
problem 63 [26|-33it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (xor x y))))>
problem 63 [27|-33it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (and x (not y)))))>
problem 63 [27|-23it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 63 [28|-44it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (not (or 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))))>
problem 63 [28|-44it-] solution 15 [11|-30--f] simplified 15 [11|-30--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shr4 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (not (shl1 (not (shl1 x)))))))>
problem 63 [29|-53it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (not (xor x y)))))>
problem 63 [29|-24it-] solution 12 [11|-11-t-] simplified 12 [11|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (and 1 (not (and x y))))))>
problem 63 [29|-44it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 1 [ 7|-10-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shr4 x))))>
problem 63 [29|-44it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11-t-] simplified 9 [ 9|-11-t-] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (or 0 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))))>
problem 63 [29|-44it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 63 [29|-24it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 63 [29|-34it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 63 [29|-33it-] solution 16 [11|-21-t-] simplified 16 [11|-21-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (shl1 (not (or x (shl1 1)))))))>
problem 63 [29|-53it-] solution 16 [11|-21-t-] simplified 16 [11|-21-t-] <(lambda (x) (not (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (not (xor x (shr16 y)))))))>
problem 63 [29|-24it-] solution 2 [ 6|-00-t-] simplified 2 [ 6|-00-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x)))>
problem 63 [29|-33it-] solution 9 [ 9|-11--f] simplified 9 [ 9|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (plus 0 x) 0 (lambda (x y) (shr4 x))))>
problem 63 [30|-24it-] solution 5 [ 8|-01-t-] simplified 5 [ 8|-01-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (plus x y))))>
problem 63 [30|-34it-] solution 16 [11|-21-t-] simplified 16 [11|-21-t-] <(lambda (x) (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) (not (plus x (shr16 (not 0)))))))>
problem 63 [30|-52it-] solution 8 [ 9|-20-t-] simplified 8 [ 9|-20-t-] <(lambda (x) (not (shl1 (shl1 (fold x 0 (lambda (x y) x))))))>
problem 63 [24|-43i-f] solution 1 [ 4|-10---] simplified 1 [ 4|-10---] <(lambda (x) (shr4 (shr4 x)))>
problem 63 [24|-44i-f] solution 11 [10|-11--f] simplified 11 [10|-11--f] <(lambda (x) (fold (shl1 x) x (lambda (y z) (plus z (shl1 y)))))>
Size histogram
3 15 1.00
4 20 2.50
5 20 2.80
6 19 4.26
7 19 5.11
8 40 8.90
9 34 9.79
10 39 9.72
11 58 9.64
12 58 13.84
13 54 12.98
14 49 11.08
15 36 5.89
16 37 5.51
17 40 6.68
18 41 7.51
19 45 9.42
20 46 8.87
21 34 9.71
22 41 7.29
23 31 7.45
24 29 6.52
25 21 6.52
26 26 8.85
27 16 7.69
28 16 5.13
29 25 7.44
30 20 6.70
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