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Last active September 16, 2015 06:01
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refactoring chebfun/subsref.m
function varargout = subsref(f, index)
% ( )
% F(X) returns the values of the CHEBFUN F evaluated on the array X. If X
% falls on a breakpoint of F, the corresponding value from F.POINTVALUES is
% returned. F(X, 'left') or F(X, 'right') will evaluate F at breakpoints
% using left- or right-hand limits, respectively. See CHEBFUN/FEVAL for
% further details. F(:) returns F.
% If F is an array-valued column CHEBFUN, and X is an array of arbitrary
% shape, then F(X) is the result of horizontally concatenating the outputs
% [F1(X), F2(X), ...] where F1, F2, ... are the columns of F, and each FN(X)
% has the same shape as X. Likewise, if F is an array-valued row CHEBFUN,
% then F(X) is the vertically concatenated [F1(X); F2(X); ...].
% If F is an array-valued column CHEBFUN then F(X, COL) returns the values
% of the columns specified by the vector COL at the points X, again in
% blocks concatenated horizontally. If F is an array-valued row CHEBFUN then
% F(ROW, X) returns the values of the rows specified by the vector ROW at
% the points X, in blocks concatenated vertically.
% Similarly, F(:, COL) or F(ROW, :), for F a column or row CHEBFUN,
% respectively, returns a new array-valued CHEBFUN containing only the
% columns or rows specified in COL or ROW.
% F(G), where G is also a CHEBFUN, computes the composition of F and G. See
% CHEBFUN/COMPOSE for further details.
% .
% F.PROP returns the property PROP of F as defined by GET(F, 'PROP').
% { }
% F{S1, S2} restricts F to the domain [S1, S2] < [F.ENDS(1), F.ENDS(end)] and
% simplifies the result. See RESTRICT and SIMPLIFY for further details. Note
% that F{[S1, S2]} is not supported due to the behaviour of the MATLAB
% subsref() command.
% Copyright 2015 by The University of Oxford and The Chebfun Developers.
% See for Chebfun information.
% TODO: Document for array-valued CHEBFUN objects and quasimatrices.
subscripts = index(1).subs;
switch index(1).type
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FEVAL / COMPOSE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
case '()'
% If the last subscript is 'left' or 'right', save the value
% for later and then remove it from the list of subscripts.
extraArguments = {};
if ( ~isempty(subscripts) )
lastSub = subscripts{end};
if ( ischar(lastSub) && ...
any(strcmpi(lastSub, {'left', 'right', '-', '+'})))
extraArguments = {lastSub};
subscripts(end) = [];
numCols = numColumns(f);
isTransposed = f(1).isTransposed; % True for row chebfuns.
% Name the array of evaluation points and the array of quasimatrix
% rows or columns at which to evaluate. If these are not included
% among the subscripts, default each to ':'.
switch length(subscripts)
case 2
% For row chebfuns, swap the subscripts.
if ( isTransposed )
[columnIndex, x] = subscripts{:};
[x, columnIndex] = subscripts{:};
case 1
% For both row and column chebfuns, if we get only one
% subscript, use it to define the evaluation points.
x = subscripts{1};
columnIndex = ':';
case 0
x = ':';
columnIndex = ':';
error('CHEBFUN:CHEBFUN:subsref:dimensions', ...
'Index exceeds CHEBFUN dimensions.')
% Clean up columnIndex and check it for validity. Make sure the index
% is either the string ':' or a row vector of positive integers, each
% no greater than the number of columns in f.
if ( ischar(columnIndex) && isequal(columnIndex, ':') )
% Do nothing
elseif ( ~isnumeric(columnIndex) || ...
~isvector(columnIndex) || ...
~isequal(uint32(real(columnIndex)), columnIndex))
error('CHEBFUN:CHEBFUN:subsref:badsubscript', ...
'Column index must be a vector of positive integers.')
elseif ( max(columnIndex) > numCols )
error('CHEBFUN:CHEBFUN:subsref:badsubscript', ...
'Column index exceeds CHEBFUN dimensions.');
% Reshape column index to be a row vector:
columnIndex = columnIndex(:).';
if ( (numel(columnIndex) == numCols) && ...
all(columnIndex == 1:numCols) )
% If columnIndex is all the columns, call it ':' instead.
columnIndex = ':';
if ( isempty(columnIndex) || isempty(x) )
out = []
% If x == ':' then return all of the columns requested by columnIndex
elseif ( ischar(x) && isequal(x, ':') )
if ( ischar(columnIndex) && isequal(columnIndex, ':') )
out = f;
out = extractColumns(f, columnIndex);
% If x is a chebfun, compose x with f.
elseif ( isa(x, 'chebfun') )
out = compose(x, f);
% TODO: Handle the case where columnIndex != ':', and figure out
% the proper behavior for combining row & column chebfuns.
% If x is a numeric array, evaluate f at x
elseif ( isnumeric(x) )
out = feval(f, x, extraArguments{:});
% If specific columns were requested, extract them.
% (If columnIndex isn't numeric, it must be ':', so we’re done.)
if ( isnumeric(columnIndex) )
% Get m, n, p for x of shape [m n p1 p2 p3 ...],
% with p1*p2*p3*... = p
[m n p] = size(x);
outsize = size(x);
% For row chebfuns we know out is a block array concatenated
% vertically; for column chebfuns, concatenated horizontally.
if (isTransposed)
out = reshape(out, m, numCols, n*p);
outsize(1) = outsize(1) * numel(columnIndex);
out = reshape(out, m*n, numCols, p);
outsize(2) = outsize(2) * numel(columnIndex);
% Select the results corresponding to the requested columns,
% then reshape to the final output size:
out = out(:, columnIndex, :);
out = reshape(out, outsize);
'Cannot evaluate chebfun for non-numeric type.')
% Recurse on SUBSREF():
if ( numel(index) > 1 )
out = subsref(out, index(2:end));
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% GET %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
case '.'
% Call GET() for .PROP access.
out = get(f, subscripts);
if ( numel(index) > 1 )
% Recurse on SUBSREF():
index(1) = [];
out = subsref(out, index);
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% RESTRICT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
case '{}'
if ( length(subscripts) == 1 )
if ( isequal(subscripts{1}, ':') )
% F{:} returns F:
out = f;
error('CHEBFUN:CHEBFUN:subsref:badDomain', ...
'Invalid domain syntax.')
elseif ( size(subscripts, 1) == 1 )
% F{s1,s2,...,sk} returns RESTRICT(F, [s1,s2,...,sk]):
x = cat(2, subscripts{:});
out = restrict(f, x);
out = simplify(out);
error('CHEBFUN:CHEBFUN:subsref:dimensions', ...
'Index exceeds chebfun dimensions.')
['??? Unexpected index.type of ', index(1).type]);
% Convert to a cell:
varargout = {out};
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