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Created May 23, 2012 14:33
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Find all columns in all tables that contain only null or empty strings
declare @tempTable table
TableSchema nvarchar(256),
TableName nvarchar(256),
ColumnName sysname,
NotNullCnt bigint
declare @sql nvarchar(4000);
declare @tableSchema nvarchar(256);
declare @tableName nvarchar(256);
declare @columnName sysname;
declare @cnt bigint;
declare columnCursor cursor for
where IS_NULLABLE = 'YES';
open columnCursor;
fetch next from columnCursor into @tableSchema, @tableName, @columnName;
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
-- use dynamic sql to get count of records where column is not null
set @sql = 'select @cnt = COUNT(*) from [' + @tableSchema + '].[' + @tableName +
'] where [' + @columnName + '] is not null and len(ltrim(rtrim([' + @columnName + ']))) > 0'
print @sql
exec sp_executesql @sql, N'@cnt bigint output', @cnt = @cnt output
print @cnt
insert into @tempTable select @tableSchema, @tableName, @columnName, @cnt;
fetch next from columnCursor into @tableSchema, @tableName, @columnName;
close columnCursor;
deallocate columnCursor;
select * from @tempTable where NotNullCnt = 0
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