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Last active August 25, 2016 22:42
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Save jrwarwick/6216347 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Reconnaissance utility script which queries MSAD for computer objects with given name pattern, then discover if they are currently pingable, and if so, attempt to find out who is logged in.
$accumulatedList =''
foreach ($ws in dsquery computer -limit 1000 -name "*COMMON-NAME-FRAGMENT*" | dsget computer -samid | %{$_ -replace "\$",""}) {
$candidatehost = $ws.trim()
ping -n 2 $candidatehost
if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) {
echo "##==-- TARGET UNIT ACTIVE! --------- $candidatehost --==##`a"
## this line only works on TServers ## query session /server:$candidatehost
try {
$userProc = gwmi win32_process -computer $candidatehost -filter "Name = 'explorer.exe'" -ErrorAction "Stop"
catch {
echo "error.minor: unable to query executing processes for evidence of user login session."
$userProc = ''
$userLoggedin = ''
$userDetail = ''
if ($userProc) {
$userLoggedin = $userProc.GetOwner().User
if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) {
echo "`t$userLoggedin currently logged in."
$userDetail = (dsquery user -samid $userLoggedin | dsget user -display -tel -mobile)[1]
} else {
$userLoggedin = ' no user login detected.'
$userDetail = ''
$accumulatedList = $accumulatedList + "$candidatehost `t`t$userLoggedin`t$userDetail`n"
Write-Host "Units up, in summary:`n $accumulatedList"
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