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Last active March 1, 2016 00:06
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Nerdery .NET Challenge #43 (In F#)
# Challenge #43 solution - Lights out
## Helper methods
The first helper method we have is an active pattern to determine if a string is a valid bit string.
let (|Bits|_|) (str:string) =
if str |> isNull || (str |> Seq.exists (fun c -> c <> '0' && c <> '1'))
then None
else str.Trim('0').ToCharArray() |> (fun c -> if c = '1' then 1 else 0) |> Some
Next, determine if it is solvable.
let isSolvable str =
match str with
| Bits(bits) ->
// Lets have an internal helper function that aggregates a char for us
let evaluateChar aggregate bit =
let toAdd =
match (bit,aggregate % 3) with
| (1,_) -> 1
| (_,0) -> 0
| _ -> -1
aggregate + toAdd
// Run that function over the sequence
let algoSum = bits |> Seq.fold evaluateChar 0
// Return whether or not it is solvable (mod 3 == 0)
algoSum % 3 = 0
| _ -> false
## Solution methods
let doSolveStep (str:string) =
let trimmed = str.Trim('0')
let toString (charArray:char seq) = charArray |> Seq.toList |> System.String.Concat
if trimmed.Length = 0 then None
let offset = str.IndexOf(trimmed)
let beginZeros = str.ToCharArray() |> Seq.take offset |> toString
let endZeros = str.ToCharArray() |> Seq.skip (offset + trimmed.Length) |> toString
let swapChars = (fun c -> if c = '1' then '0' else '1')
let result =
offset + trimmed.Length - 1,
sprintf "%s%s%s%s"
(trimmed.ToCharArray() |> Seq.take (trimmed.Length - 3) |> toString)
(trimmed.ToCharArray() |> Seq.skip (trimmed.Length - 3) |> swapChars |> toString)
printfn "Step: %s" (snd result)
result |> Some
// Let's do the solving thing if it is solvable
let solve str =
if isSolvable str
printfn "Solved! %A" (Seq.unfold doSolveStep str |> Seq.toArray)
printfn "Unsolvable"
let byteArrayToString (bytes:byte seq) =
bytes |> (fun b ->
seq {
for i = 0.0 to 7.0 do
if b &&& byte(2.0 ** i) <> byte(0)
then yield '1'
else yield '0'
} |> Seq.rev |> System.String.Concat) |> Seq.reduce (+)
[byte(1); byte(172); byte(107)] |> byteArrayToString |> solve // Same as the below
// Turns into: solve "11010110001101011"
Solved! [|16; 14; 12; 6; 4; 2|]
val solve : str:string -> unit
val it : unit = ()
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