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Last active December 20, 2016 18:53
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Modification of the Jplayer Jukebox to load tracks as needed and grab meta-data from
<style type="text/css">
.jp-jukebox .jp-gui-bg {
background-color:#f3f2f4 !important;
.jp-app-bar, .jp-toggles {
display:none !important;
.faked-jp-page-btn-play, .faked-jp-page-btn-pause {
cursor: pointer;
cursor: hand;
.faked-jp-page-btn-play {
content: url(;
margin: 0 4px 0 0;
/* this is for Firefox */
.faked-jp-page-btn-play:before {
content: url(;
margin: 0 0px 0 0;
.faked-jp-page-btn-pause {
content: url(;
margin: 0 4px 0 0;
/* this is for Firefox */
.faked-jp-page-btn-pause:before {
content: url(;
margin: 0 0px 0 0;
* Script to aid in pennsound pages to load and play mp3s
* without leaving the actual page.
* The reason this script was need was that the jPlayerJukebox
* was slowing down the loading of the page by trying to load
* all of the mp3s. In pages with 100+ mp3 this was causing
* significant slowdown
* This script interacts with the jPlayer, jPlayerPlaylist and jPlayerJukebox
* and overrides some of the functionality to load the mp3s
* into the jplayer jukebox (jpjp) just when they are needed.
* This is accomplised by the following:
* - Upon loading page
* - intentionally disable jukebox parsing of page
* - create jpjb.tracks to store all the tracks in the page
* - creats jpjb.tracksLoaded to store which tracks have been loaded in jpjb
* - for each mp3 link create a clickable span to play the track reference with trackIndex
* - load the first song into jukebox
* - Upon playing a track (by clicking on span or hitting Next)
* - add the song to the jpjb and start playing (if it was already added just play it)
* - add the next song to the jpjb so "next" button will work
// Initialize jPlayerJukebox
window.jpjb = new jPlayerJukebox({
'jukeboxOptions': {
'position': 'float-bl',
'className': 'ui-light ui-flat',
'playLink': false,
'autoAdvance': false,
'selectorParse': '.findNone', //this disables parsing
play: function(e){
//open the player up
if(jpjb){ jpjb.setViewState('maximized', 400); }
//remove the pause button from all other buttons
//find which mp3 we are playing
var mp3Url = e.jPlayer.status.src;
var mp3UrlSpaces = e.jPlayer.status.src.replace(/%20/g, ' ');
//add the pause button to the appropriate play button
$('span[data-mp3_url="' + mp3Url + '"], span[data-mp3_url="' + mp3UrlSpaces +'"]')
setmedia: function(e){
//find which mp3 we are playing
var mp3Url = e.jPlayer.status.src;
//get the track index
var trackIndex = $('a[href="' + mp3Url + '"]').first().attr('data-trackindex');
var nextTrackIndex = parseInt(trackIndex) + 1;
//add the next track to the index
loadedData: function(e) { console.log('loadedData'); }
//store the array of songs loaded
window.jpjb.tracks = [];
window.jpjb.tracksLoaded = [];
//add the play button to each link
$("a").each(function(index, object) {
var $a = $(object);
//check that the link has an href tag ending in .mp3
var href = $a.attr('href');
if(typeof href != 'undefined'
&& href.substring(href.length - 4).toLowerCase() == '.mp3'
$a.attr('data-trackindex', window.jpjb.tracks.length);
//add the button with a handle to the mp3 file
$a.before('<span class="faked-jp-button faked-jp-page-btn-play"'
+ 'data-trackindex="' + window.jpjb.tracks.length + '"'
+ 'data-mp3_url="' + href + '"'
+ ' ></span>'
url: href,
playlistIndex: -1,
metaDataRetrieved: false,
title: '',
artist: ''
///handle when we click on a faked play button
$("body").on('click', 'span.faked-jp-page-btn-play', {}, function(e){
//set all theo
var $this = $(this);
//grab the mp3 value of the link
var trackIndex = $this.attr('data-trackindex');
jpjb.addTrackToPlaylist(parseInt(trackIndex), true);
///handle when we click on a faked pause button
$("body").on('click', 'span.faked-jp-page-btn-pause', {}, function(e){
//set all theo
var $this = $(this);
//set all other paused buttons to true
* Function which adds a track to the playlist
* by first trying to call the webservice
* to get meta data info
* @param url - the index of the track
* @param play - flag indicating if you want the track to play once loaded
* @return - the index of the track in the playlist array
window.jpjb.addTrackToPlaylist = function(trackIndex, play = false) {
//check to see if this track is already loaded
var track = this.tracks[trackIndex];
//make sure this track index exists
if (typeof track == 'undefined') return;
//make sure it hasn't already been added
if(track.playlistIndex >= 0) {
if(play) window.jpjb.playTrack(trackIndex);
//add this track to the playlist index
window.jpjb.tracks[trackIndex].playlistIndex = window.jpjb.tracksLoaded.length;
var url = track.url;
var mediaBaseUrl = '';
//check to see if this mp3 is coming from (https or http)
var mediaBaseUrl1 = '';
var mediaBaseUrl2 = '';
if(url.substring(0,mediaBaseUrl1.length) == mediaBaseUrl1) {
mediaBaseUrl = mediaBaseUrl1;
else if(url.substring(0,mediaBaseUrl2.length) == mediaBaseUrl2) {
mediaBaseUrl = mediaBaseUrl2;
//if not from just add the url to the player
if(mediaBaseUrl == '') {
'mp3': url,
'title': url
if(play) window.jpjb.playTrack(trackIndex);
//otherwise go grab the title from the web service
else {
var mediaPath = url.substring(mediaBaseUrl.length);
var serviceUrl = '' + mediaPath;
url: serviceUrl,
dataType: 'xml',
timeout: 5000,
success: function(xml) {
//we got xml back from media sas which contains metadata
var $xml = $(xml);
var options = {'mp3': url, 'title': mediaPath, 'artist': ''};
//if title and artist exists update the options
if($xml.find('title').length > 0) options.title = $xml.find('title').text();
if($xml.find('artist').length > 0) options.artist = $xml.find('artist').text();
//add to jukebox
//update the internal track array
window.jpjb.tracks[trackIndex].title = options.title;;
window.jpjb.tracks[trackIndex].artist = options.artist;;
window.jpjb.tracks[trackIndex].metaDataRetrieved = true;
if(play) window.jpjb.playTrack(trackIndex);
//something went wrong with the meta data lookup - just load the title
error: function() {
window.jpjb.add({ 'mp3': url, 'title': mediaPath });
if(play) window.jpjb.playTrack(trackIndex);
//play the actual track
window.jpjb.playTrack = function(trackIndex) {
var track = window.jpjb.tracks[trackIndex];
if(track.playlistIndex > -1) {;
else {
window.jpjb.addTrackToPlaylist(trackIndex, true);
//load the first track
<!-- Add The following to your html file -->
<link type="text/css" href="[path]/pennsound-custom-css.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="[path]/jquery.jplayer.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="[path]/jplayer.playlist.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="[path]/jplayer.jukebox.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="[path]/pennsound_jukebox.js"></script>
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