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Last active April 13, 2018 16:21
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I noticed realDonaldTrump seemed to take a long time to write linked tweets, so I created this silly script to generate some stats.
# This script requires 'wget'
current_year=`date '+%Y'`
### You can edit these values ###
if [[ "$end_year" -eq "$current_year" && -f $current_json ]]; then
# Always download current year's tweets, if needed
echo "Removing old $current_json"
rm $current_json
while [ "$year" -le "$end_year" ]; do
if [ -f condensed_${year} ]; then
echo "condensed_${year} exists"
wget -nc -nv${year}
echo "Writing $outfile"
if [ "$start_year" -eq "$year" ]; then
unzip -o -q condensed_${year}
mv condensed_${year}.json $outfile
echo "[" > $outfile
while [ "$year" -ge "$start_year" ]; do
unzip -o -q condensed_${year}
cat condensed_${year}.json | sed 's/^.//;s/.$//' >> $outfile
rm condensed_${year}.json
if [ "$year" -ne "$start_year" ]; then
echo "," >> $outfile
echo "]" >> $outfile
Calculates the average elapsed time between @realDonaldTrump's
linked tweets. (Tweets are identified as linked if they begin or end with
ellipsis [...].)
To run:
$ ./
$ python -e 4 condensed_all.json
The example argument "-e 4" is optional, and specifies the minimum ellipsis
length (the default is 3).
import sys, argparse, json
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
def secs_to_minsec(secs):
return divmod(secs, 60)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-e', metavar='NUM_ELLIPSIS_DOTS', type=int,
default=3, help='minimum number of ellipsis dots '
'linking tweets (default=%(default)s)')
parser.add_argument('-t', metavar='DISCARD_THRESHOLD', type=int,
default=60, help='Discard apparently-linked tweets '
'separated by more than this many minutes '
parser.add_argument('jsonfile', help='JSON file containing tweets')
args = parser.parse_args()
num_dots = args.e
threshold = args.t * 60
ellipsis = '.' * num_dots
with open(args.jsonfile, 'r') as jsonfile:
tweets = json.load(jsonfile)
dt_format = '%a %b %d %X +0000 %Y'
count = 0
delta_sum = 0
longest = 0
longest_id_a = longest_id_b = 0
shortest = float('inf')
numberedtweets = enumerate(tweets)
for i, tweet in numberedtweets:
if i < len(tweets) - 1:
prev_tweet = tweets[i+1]
if tweet['text'].startswith(ellipsis) or prev_tweet['text'].endswith(ellipsis):
dt_current = datetime.strptime(tweet['created_at'], dt_format)
dt_previous = datetime.strptime(prev_tweet['created_at'], dt_format)
delta = dt_current - dt_previous
delta_secs = delta.total_seconds()
if delta_secs <= threshold:
count = count + 1
delta_sum = delta_sum + delta_secs
wpm = len(tweet['text'].split()) / (delta_secs / 60)
print("%2dm%ds\t: %s, tweet %s to %s (%0.1f wpm)" %
(secs_to_minsec(delta_secs) +
(dt_current.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), prev_tweet['id_str'], tweet['id_str'], wpm)))
if delta_secs > longest:
longest = delta_secs
longest_id_b = tweet['id_str']
longest_id_a = prev_tweet['id_str']
if delta_secs < shortest:
shortest = delta_secs
avg_seconds = delta_sum / count
print("\nTweets linked by ellipsis of at least %d dots" % num_dots)
print("Discarding tweet pairs separated by more than %dm%ds" % secs_to_minsec(threshold))
print("\nAverage time between linked tweets: %dm%ds" % secs_to_minsec(avg_seconds))
print("Longest : %dm%ds (tweets %s and %s)" % (secs_to_minsec(longest) + (longest_id_a, longest_id_b)))
print("Shortest: %dm%ds" % secs_to_minsec(shortest))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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