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Last active November 5, 2018 21:48
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compact dom helper
import _ from 'lodash'
const dom = (query, asArray) =>
document[`querySelector${asArray ? 'All' : ''}`](query)
/*'a', {
text: 'Click me!',
attrs: {
href: '',
classes: ['link', false && 'active'],
parent: dom('body'),
click: console.log,
*/ = (tag, { text, attrs, parent, classes, click }) => {
const element = document.createElement(tag)
if (!_.isEmpty(attrs))
_.each(attrs, (value, name) => element.setAttribute(name, value))
if (text) element.innerText = text
const compactedClasses = _.compact(classes)
if (compactedClasses.length)
_.each(compactedClasses, className => element.classList.add(className))
if (click) element.addEventListener('click', click)
if (parent) parent.appendChild(element)
return element
export default dom
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