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Forked from jul/
Created October 23, 2012 06:59
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Exact translation of an heap obfuscated algorithm (validating python syntax rules)
A heap is a recipie to represent an array as a
binary tree.
A binary tree is a convenient structure for
manipulating ordered data
Said simply:
we implement a binary tree abstraction on top of an array.
this tree as the following properties:
any child value is smaller than its parent's value
left child is greater than right child.
Mostly used either to implement a priority queue
or a binary tree view on an array
# moving in the heap (fonctions matching array offsets to position in a tree
def parent_offset(offset):
return offset >> 1
def left_offset(offset):
return 2 * offset
def right_offset(offset):
return 2 * offset + 1
class SENTINEL(object):
def build_heap(_array):
"""transform an array in such a way that heap properties are ensured"""
for i in range((len(_array) - 1) >> 1, 0, -1):
heapify(_array, i)
def heapify(_array, index=1, heap_size=SENTINEL):
bubble downs the value at specified index to place it correct in the heap.
heap_size can be used internally for optimization purpose"""
if heap_size == SENTINEL:
heap_size = len(_array)
a_child_is_bigger = True
while a_child_is_bigger:
largest = index
left_pos, right_pos = left_offset(index), right_offset(index)
#check left
if left_pos < heap_size and _array[left_pos] > _array[index]:
largest = left_pos
#check right
if right_pos < heap_size and _array[right_pos] > _array[largest]:
largest = right_pos
if largest == index:
# we are finally the king of the hill, end of story
a_child_is_bigger = False
#swap with child // bubble down
_array[index], _array[largest] = _array[largest], _array[index]
index = largest
def heapsort(_array):
"""in place sort"""
heap_size = len(_array) - 1
root = 1
for i in range(heap_size, root, -1):
_array[root], _array[i] = _array[i], _array[root]
heap_size -= 1
heapify(_array, root, heap_size)
def extract_max(_array, heap_size=SENTINEL):
extract the maximum value from the heap and ensure heap properties are kept
if heap_size == SENTINEL:
heap_size = len(_array)
if heap_size < 1:
raise Exception("Underflow error")
top = 1
#index of lowest possible index
lowest = heap_size - 1
_max, _array[top] = _array[1], _array[lowest]
# we bubble down the min element to place it in the right place.
heapify(_array, top, heap_size)
return _max
def heap_insert(_arr, value):
"""insert a value while keeping heap properties."""
root = 1
# we start at the lowest position possible
index = len(_arr)
_arr += [SENTINEL]
parent_index = parent_offset(index)
must_swap_with_top = index > root and _arr[parent_index] < value
while must_swap_with_top:
_arr[index] = _arr[parent_index]
index = parent_index
parent_index = parent_offset(index)
must_swap_with_top = index > root and _arr[parent_index] < value
_arr[index] = value
def out_of_bound(func):
def wrapper(*a, **kw):
res = func(*a, **kw)
except ValueError:
return res
return wrapper
class Heap(object):
def __init__(self, an_array):
# beware first usable element is at position 1
# this helps keeping straightforward computation
# of left/right/top but since it is an internal representation...
self._data = an_array
def heapify(self, pos=1):
heapify(self._data, pos)
def sort(self):
def insert(self, value):
heap_insert(self._data, value)
def extract_max(self):
def top(self):
return self._data[1]
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self._data[index]
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
self._data[index] = value
def size(self):
return len(self._data) - 1
def left(self, value):
return self[left_offset(self._data.index(value))]
def right(self, value):
return self[right_offset(self._data.index(value))]
def parent(self, value):
return self[parent_offset(self._data.index(value))]
def print_tree(self):
level = [1]
heap_size = len(self._data)
to_print = []
while len(level):
to_print += [["%d:%s" % (i, str(self[i])) for i in level]]
new_level = []
for l in level:
left, right = left_offset(l), right_offset(l)
if left < heap_size:
new_level += [left]
if right < heap_size:
new_level += [right]
level = new_level
for i, l in enumerate(to_print):
offset = (2 ** (len(to_print) - i)) * " "
print "". join(["%2d:" % i, offset, offset.join(l)])
orig = [SENTINEL, 16, 4, 10, 14, 7, 9, 3, 2, 8, 1]
x = [i for i in orig]
y = TreeView([i for i in x])
heapify(x, 2)
right_answer = [SENTINEL, 16, 14, 10, 8, 7, 9, 3, 2, 4, 1]
assert x == [SENTINEL, 16, 14, 10, 8, 7, 9, 3, 2, 4, 1]
print y._data
print x
print orig
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