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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Save jscarto/9276213 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fifth Leaflet example. This time, we'll add a pop-up to the tweets to reveal the tweet's text.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My First Leaflet Map</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<!--[if lte IE 8]>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- define the area the map will go into. Feel free to change the size as needed -->
<div id="map" style="width:800px; height: 500px;"></div>
var coords = [37.69, -59.23]; // the geographic center of our map
var zoomLevel = 3; // the map scale. See:
var map ='map').setView(coords, zoomLevel);
// we need to provide the map with some base map tiles. There are few free options.
// we'll use Stamen Acetate, a muted base map good for overlaying data.
var tiles = '';
// if you'd like to explore other base maps, see:
// if you use different tiles, be sure to update the attribution :)
L.tileLayer(tiles+'{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: 'Map data &copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, <a href="">CC-BY-SA</a>, Imagery &copy; <a href="">FortiusOne</a> and <a href="">Stamen</a>',
maxZoom: 18
// make an array to store the tweets we want to map
var tweets = [];
// load tweets and identify those with explicit coordinates
$.getJSON('tweets.txt',function(data){ // note: this requires your data file to be named tweets.txt
$.each(data, function(){
// if the tweet has a lon,lat add it to the tweets[] array
if(this.coordinates) {
// set up some default properties for symbols
L.circleMarker([this.coordinates.coordinates[1], this.coordinates.coordinates[0]], {
radius: 6,
fillColor: "#58006c",
color: "#58006c",
weight: 2,
opacity: 0.5,
fillOpacity: 0.25,
riseOnHover: true,
riseOffset: 5000,
tweetText: this.text, // all other properties above are provided by Leaflet
tweetLength: this.text.length,
userName: this.user.screen_name, // the @handle of the user
drawTweets(tweets); // a custom function for placing each tweet on the map
// draw tweets on the map by adding them to the map variable
function drawTweets(tweetList) {
var numTweets = tweetList.length;
for(var i = 0; i < numTweets; i++) {
tweetList[i].on('mouseover', highlightFeature);
tweetList[i].on('mouseout', resetFeature);
tweetList[i].on('click', showPopup);
// scale symbols according to tweet length
function classifyTweets(theTweet) {
radius: 1.5 * Math.sqrt(theTweet.options.tweetLength / Math.PI)
// add marker behavior for mouseOver events
function highlightFeature(e) {
var symbol =;
symbol.setStyle({ // highlight the feature by making it larger and more opaque
fillColor: "#00D0FF",
color: "#0070BA",
fillOpacity: .75,
opacity: 1.0,
symbol.setZIndexOffset = 15000;
// now add similar behavior to return the symbol to its original state
function resetFeature(e) {
var symbol =;
fillColor: "#58006c",
color: "#58006c",
opacity: 0.5,
fillOpacity: 0.25,
// show a pop-up that reveals the actual tweet
function showPopup(e) {
var symbol =;
symbol.bindPopup('<span style="font-size:15px;"><strong>'+symbol.options.userRealName +'</strong><span style="color:#999999;"> @'+symbol.options.userName + '</span></span><br />' + symbol.options.tweetText, {minWidth: 120});
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