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Created April 6, 2020 10:05
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  • Save jscheid/1295698227dd810cd730f4383621ba9f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jscheid/1295698227dd810cd730f4383621ba9f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
+ gem install racc
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
Successfully installed racc-1.5.0
Parsing documentation for racc-1.5.0
Done installing documentation for racc after 0 seconds
1 gem installed
+ bundle --gemfile=Gemfile.without-patch --path=without-patch
Using concurrent-ruby 1.1.6
Using i18n 1.8.2
Using minitest 5.14.0
Using thread_safe 0.3.6
Using tzinfo 1.2.7
Using zeitwerk 2.3.0
Using activesupport
Using ast 2.4.0
Using bundler 2.1.4
Using jaro_winkler 1.5.4
Using parallel 1.19.1
Using parser
Using rack 2.2.2
Using rainbow 3.0.0
Using rexml 3.2.4
Using ruby-progressbar 1.10.1
Using unicode-display_width 1.7.0
Using rubocop 0.81.0
Using rubocop-performance 1.5.2
Using rubocop-rails 2.5.1
Bundle complete! 4 Gemfile dependencies, 20 gems now installed.
Bundled gems are installed into `./without-patch`
+ for x in 1 2 3
+ bash -c 'bundle exec --gemfile=Gemfile.without-patch rubocop --cache false ../rails >/dev/null'
real 1m22.054s
user 1m18.368s
sys 0m1.086s
+ for x in 1 2 3
+ bash -c 'bundle exec --gemfile=Gemfile.without-patch rubocop --cache false ../rails >/dev/null'
real 1m16.161s
user 1m15.471s
sys 0m0.605s
+ for x in 1 2 3
+ bash -c 'bundle exec --gemfile=Gemfile.without-patch rubocop --cache false ../rails >/dev/null'
real 1m15.044s
user 1m14.367s
sys 0m0.589s
+ rm -Rf parser
+ git clone
Cloning into 'parser'...
+ cd parser
+ git checkout without-mutable-strings
Switched to a new branch 'without-mutable-strings'
Branch 'without-mutable-strings' set up to track remote branch 'without-mutable-strings' from 'origin'.
+ rake generate
ragel -F1 -R lib/parser/lexer.rl -o lib/parser/lexer.rb
racc --superclass=Parser::Base lib/parser/ruby18.y -o lib/parser/ruby18.rb --no-line-convert
racc --superclass=Parser::Base lib/parser/ruby19.y -o lib/parser/ruby19.rb --no-line-convert
racc --superclass=Parser::Base lib/parser/ruby20.y -o lib/parser/ruby20.rb --no-line-convert
racc --superclass=Parser::Base lib/parser/ruby21.y -o lib/parser/ruby21.rb --no-line-convert
racc --superclass=Parser::Base lib/parser/ruby22.y -o lib/parser/ruby22.rb --no-line-convert
racc --superclass=Parser::Base lib/parser/ruby23.y -o lib/parser/ruby23.rb --no-line-convert
racc --superclass=Parser::Base lib/parser/ruby24.y -o lib/parser/ruby24.rb --no-line-convert
racc --superclass=Parser::Base lib/parser/ruby25.y -o lib/parser/ruby25.rb --no-line-convert
racc --superclass=Parser::Base lib/parser/ruby26.y -o lib/parser/ruby26.rb --no-line-convert
racc --superclass=Parser::Base lib/parser/ruby27.y -o lib/parser/ruby27.rb --no-line-convert
racc --superclass=Parser::Base lib/parser/macruby.y -o lib/parser/macruby.rb --no-line-convert
racc --superclass=Parser::Base lib/parser/rubymotion.y -o lib/parser/rubymotion.rb --no-line-convert
+ bundle --gemfile=Gemfile.with-patch --path=with-patch
Using concurrent-ruby 1.1.6
Using i18n 1.8.2
Using minitest 5.14.0
Using thread_safe 0.3.6
Using tzinfo 1.2.7
Using zeitwerk 2.3.0
Using activesupport
Using ast 2.4.0
Using bundler 2.1.4
Using jaro_winkler 1.5.4
Using parallel 1.19.1
Using parser from source at `parser`
Using rack 2.2.2
Using rainbow 3.0.0
Using rexml 3.2.4
Using ruby-progressbar 1.10.1
Using unicode-display_width 1.7.0
Using rubocop 0.81.0
Using rubocop-performance 1.5.2
Using rubocop-rails 2.5.1
Bundle complete! 4 Gemfile dependencies, 20 gems now installed.
Bundled gems are installed into `./with-patch`
+ for x in 1 2 3
+ bash -c 'bundle exec --gemfile=Gemfile.with-patch rubocop --cache false ../rails >/dev/null'
real 1m14.496s
user 1m13.427s
sys 0m0.709s
+ for x in 1 2 3
+ bash -c 'bundle exec --gemfile=Gemfile.with-patch rubocop --cache false ../rails >/dev/null'
real 1m14.169s
user 1m13.514s
sys 0m0.573s
+ for x in 1 2 3
+ bash -c 'bundle exec --gemfile=Gemfile.with-patch rubocop --cache false ../rails >/dev/null'
real 1m14.398s
user 1m13.724s
sys 0m0.589s
+ rm -Rf parser-2
+ git clone parser-2
Cloning into 'parser-2'...
+ cd parser-2
+ git checkout without-mutable-strings-2
Switched to a new branch 'without-mutable-strings-2'
Branch 'without-mutable-strings-2' set up to track remote branch 'without-mutable-strings-2' from 'origin'.
+ rake generate
ragel -F1 -R lib/parser/lexer.rl -o lib/parser/lexer.rb
racc --superclass=Parser::Base lib/parser/ruby18.y -o lib/parser/ruby18.rb --no-line-convert
racc --superclass=Parser::Base lib/parser/ruby19.y -o lib/parser/ruby19.rb --no-line-convert
racc --superclass=Parser::Base lib/parser/ruby20.y -o lib/parser/ruby20.rb --no-line-convert
racc --superclass=Parser::Base lib/parser/ruby21.y -o lib/parser/ruby21.rb --no-line-convert
racc --superclass=Parser::Base lib/parser/ruby22.y -o lib/parser/ruby22.rb --no-line-convert
racc --superclass=Parser::Base lib/parser/ruby23.y -o lib/parser/ruby23.rb --no-line-convert
racc --superclass=Parser::Base lib/parser/ruby24.y -o lib/parser/ruby24.rb --no-line-convert
racc --superclass=Parser::Base lib/parser/ruby25.y -o lib/parser/ruby25.rb --no-line-convert
racc --superclass=Parser::Base lib/parser/ruby26.y -o lib/parser/ruby26.rb --no-line-convert
racc --superclass=Parser::Base lib/parser/ruby27.y -o lib/parser/ruby27.rb --no-line-convert
racc --superclass=Parser::Base lib/parser/macruby.y -o lib/parser/macruby.rb --no-line-convert
racc --superclass=Parser::Base lib/parser/rubymotion.y -o lib/parser/rubymotion.rb --no-line-convert
+ bundle --gemfile=Gemfile.with-patch-2 --path=with-patch-2
Using concurrent-ruby 1.1.6
Using i18n 1.8.2
Using minitest 5.14.0
Using thread_safe 0.3.6
Using tzinfo 1.2.7
Using zeitwerk 2.3.0
Using activesupport
Using ast 2.4.0
Using bundler 2.1.4
Using jaro_winkler 1.5.4
Using parallel 1.19.1
Using parser from source at `parser-2`
Using rack 2.2.2
Using rainbow 3.0.0
Using rexml 3.2.4
Using ruby-progressbar 1.10.1
Using unicode-display_width 1.7.0
Using rubocop 0.81.0
Using rubocop-performance 1.5.2
Using rubocop-rails 2.5.1
Bundle complete! 4 Gemfile dependencies, 20 gems now installed.
Bundled gems are installed into `./with-patch-2`
+ for x in 1 2 3
+ bash -c 'bundle exec --gemfile=Gemfile.with-patch-2 rubocop --cache false ../rails >/dev/null'
real 1m14.787s
user 1m13.781s
sys 0m0.699s
+ for x in 1 2 3
+ bash -c 'bundle exec --gemfile=Gemfile.with-patch-2 rubocop --cache false ../rails >/dev/null'
real 1m14.719s
user 1m14.055s
sys 0m0.591s
+ for x in 1 2 3
+ bash -c 'bundle exec --gemfile=Gemfile.with-patch-2 rubocop --cache false ../rails >/dev/null'
real 1m14.902s
user 1m14.244s
sys 0m0.583s
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