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Created May 25, 2019 22:36
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Firefox session history file backer upper script creator (Firefox 67+)
Option Explicit
' Creates a Backup Script named Fx-backup-recoveryJS(profilefoldername).vbs in your (My) Documents folder to copy
' recovery.jsonlz4 or sessionstore.jsonlz4 from your default profile to an FxSessions folder in your (My) Documents folder
' v0.3 - 25 May 2019 - jscher2000 - MPL 2.0 license
Dim oShell, sAppData, sDocsFolder
' Get APPDATA path and My Documents path
Set oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
sAppData = oShell.expandEnvironmentStrings("%APPDATA%") + "\Mozilla\Firefox"
sDocsFolder = oShell.SpecialFolders.Item("MyDocuments")
' Check for Firefox's installs.ini file
Dim oFSO, tsPI, sInstalls, iCount, sProfileFields, jCount, sPath, sFName, sFPath, tsVBS
Set oFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If oFSO.FileExists(sAppData & "\installs.ini") Then
' Get the installs.ini contents
Set tsPI = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sAppData & "\installs.ini", 1) ' open ForReading
sInstalls = Split(tsPI.ReadAll, vbCrLf & vbCrLf)
Set tsPI = nothing
' Check the installs.ini contents and look for default path(s)
' WARNING: ONLY HANDLES RELATIVE PATHS FOR NOW (e.g., Default=Profiles/abcd1234.default-release)
sPath = vbNullString
For iCount = LBound(sInstalls) to UBound(sInstalls)
If InStr(1, sInstalls(iCount), "Default=Profiles/") > 0 Then
sProfileFields = Split(sInstalls(iCount), vbCrLf)
For jCount = LBound(sProfileFields) to UBound(sProfileFields)
If InStr(1, sProfileFields(jCount), "Default=Profiles/") > 0 Then
sPath = Split(sProfileFields(jCount), "=")(1)
If sPath <> vbNullString Then
sPath = Replace(sPath, "/", "\")
sFName = sDocsFolder & "\Fx-backup-recoveryJS(" & Replace(Mid(sPath, InStr(1, sPath, "\") + 1), " ", "_") & ").vbs"
sFPath = sAppData & "\" & sPath
' Create backup script in user's Documents folder
Set tsVBS = oFSO.CreateTextFile(sFName) ' Overwrite old file if it exists
tsVBS.WriteLine "Dim oFSO, sTgt, sName, sDest, datNow, strDT"
tsVBS.WriteLine "Set oFSO = WScript.CreateObject(""Scripting.FileSystemObject"")"
tsVBS.WriteLine "sTgt = """ & sFPath & "\sessionstore-backups\recovery.jsonlz4"""
tsVBS.WriteLine "If oFSO.FileExists(sTgt) Then"
tsVBS.WriteLine vbTab & "sName = """ & Replace(Mid(sPath, InStr(1, sPath, ".") + 1), " ", "_") & "-recovery"""
tsVBS.WriteLine "Else"
tsVBS.WriteLine vbTab & "sTgt = """ & sFPath & "\sessionstore.jsonlz4"""
tsVBS.WriteLine vbTab & "sName = """ & Replace(Mid(sPath, InStr(1, sPath, ".") + 1), " ", "_") & "-sessionstore"""
tsVBS.WriteLine "End If"
tsVBS.WriteLine "If oFSO.FileExists(sTgt) Then ' There is a recovery.jsonlz4 file in the targeted profile, so copy it"
tsVBS.WriteLine vbTab & "' Check for/set up destination folder under My Documents"
tsVBS.WriteLine vbTab & "sDest = """ & sDocsFolder & "\FxSessions"""
tsVBS.WriteLine vbTab & "If Not oFSO.FolderExists(sDest) Then"
tsVBS.WriteLine vbTab & vbTab & "oFSO.CreateFolder(sDest)"
tsVBS.WriteLine vbTab & "End If"
tsVBS.WriteLine vbTab & "' Prepare date/time string to add into the destination file name"
tsVBS.WriteLine vbTab & "datNow = Now"
tsVBS.WriteLine vbTab & "strDT = Year(datNow) & ""-"" & Right(""00"" & DatePart(""m"", datNow), 2) & ""-"" & Right(""00"" & DatePart(""d"", datNow), 2) & ""_"" & Right(""00"" & DatePart(""h"", datNow), 2) & Right(""00"" & DatePart(""n"", datNow), 2) & Right(""00"" & DatePart(""s"", datNow), 2)"
tsVBS.WriteLine vbTab & "' Copy the file"
tsVBS.WriteLine vbTab & "oFSO.CopyFile sTgt, sDest & ""\"" & sName & ""_"" & strDT & "".jsonlz4"""
tsVBS.WriteLine "Else"
tsVBS.WriteLine vbTab & "' Quit silently to avoid stranding pop-up messages when file is not found"
tsVBS.WriteLine "End If"
tsVBS.WriteLine "Set oFSO = Nothing"
Set tsVBS = Nothing
' Launch Windows Explorer to the new VBS file
oShell.Run "explorer.exe /select,""" & sFName & """"
End If
End If
End If
If sPath = vbNullString Then
MsgBox ("Could not identify default profile path!")
End If
MsgBox("Can't find installs.ini!")
End If
Set oFSO = Nothing
Set oShell = Nothing
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