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Created July 1, 2019 14:50
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Powershell - Email Mass Deletion Script
This script executes the mass delete functionality of the Office 365 Security and Compliance application. The script makes use of the Policy and Compliance Content Search actions exposed by Office 365. More information is available here:
The Mass-Delete script finds all the e-mails in your organziation based on the search criteria you give it and deletes them.
The known limitations of this script are a maximum of 10 items per mailbox and a limit of 50,000 mailboxes in an organization. For help with large organizations follow this link:
Unindexed items cannot be removed from mailboxes using this script.
Username with administrative rights to Office 365
Securestring password
.PARAMETER ComplianceSearchName
The name of the compliance search used to find content to delete
.PARAMETER ContentMatchQuery
This parameter uses a text search string or a query that's formatted by using the Keyword Query Language (KQL). For more information about KQL, see Keyword Query Language syntax reference (
.PARAMETER TimeoutInMinutes
OPTIONAL: Default 60: The length in minutes after which the script terminates. The timeout resets after a successful search and is applied again to the delete action.
.PARAMETER DeleteItems
OPTIONAL: Default $false: The script only executes the delete action if this parameter is $true. The default value of $false allows configuration debugging without accidentally deleting content.
OPTIONAL: Default This parameter sets the location of the Office 365 or on-premise exchange server from which to execute the compliance actions.
Mass-Delete -Username -Password password -ComplianceSearchName "Content Search" -ContentMatchQuery subject:"Phishy"
param (
[Int32]$TimeoutInMinutes = 60,
[System.Boolean]$DeleteItems = $false,
[string]$Office365URI = ""
if($Username.Length -eq 0){
throw "Username is required."
if($Password.Length -eq 0){
throw "Password is required."
$SecPassword = $Password
if($ComplianceSearchName.Length -eq 0){
throw "ComplianceSearchName is required"
if($ContentMatchQuery.Length -eq 0){
throw "ContentMatchQuery is required. For more information go to"
$timeout = New-TimeSpan -Minutes $TimeoutInMinutes
$stopwatch = [diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew()
$Credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($Username,$SecPassword)
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri $Office365URI -Credential $Credentials -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $Session -DisableNameChecking
#This is handy for debugging. Remove this for production use.
#Remove-ComplianceSearch -Identity $ComplianceSearchName -Confirm:$false
New-ComplianceSearch -Name $ComplianceSearchName -ExchangeLocation 'All' -AllowNotFoundExchangeLocationsEnabled $true -ContentMatchQuery $ContentMatchQuery
Write-Host -NoNewline "Creating Search."
Start-ComplianceSearch -Identity $ComplianceSearchName -Force
Write-Output " "
Write-Host -NoNewline "Running Search..."
$result = Get-ComplianceSearch -Identity $ComplianceSearchName
if($null -ne $result){
while($result.status -ne "Completed"){
Write-Host -NoNewline "."
$result = Get-ComplianceSearch -Identity $ComplianceSearchName
if($stopwatch.elapsed -gt $timeout){
Remove-PSSession $Session
throw "Timeout was exceeded."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
Write-Output "Search Completed."
Write-Output "Reseting timeout, attempting to delete."
$timeout = New-TimeSpan -Minutes $TimeoutInMinutes
$stopwatch = [diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew()
Write-Host -NoNewline "Deleting..."
$deleteResult = New-ComplianceSearchAction -SearchName $ComplianceSearchName -Purge -PurgeType SoftDelete -Confirm:$false
if($null -ne $deleteResult){
while($result.status -ne "Completed"){
Write-Host -NoNewline "."
$result = Get-ComplianceSearch -Identity $ComplianceSearchName
if($stopwatch.elapsed -gt $timeout){
Remove-PSSession $Session
throw "Timeout was exceeded."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
Write-Host "DeleteItems was set to false. Delete step was skipped."
Remove-PSSession $Session
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