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Last active October 30, 2017 18:19
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# Sync-GSuite2SV-Users.ps1
# -----------------------
# Syncs the list of users currently enrolled in 2-step verification in G Suite with an AD group.
# Reading the user list from G Suite requires a working install of the GAM tool (
# User account used to run script must have write acess to the folder contianing g
# Author: James Schlackman
# V1.1 - 2017-10-30 - Write last sync time to group for diagnostics
# V1.0 - 2017-10-11 - First version
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$AdGroupPath = "OU=Groups,DC=cesjds,DC=org"
$AdGroupName = "Google 2SV Users"
$Ad2SvGroup = "CN=$AdGroupName,$AdGroupPath"
$GamExe = "$env:ProgramFiles\gam-64\gam.exe"
# Create AD group if it does not exist
If (![boolean](Get-ADGroup -Filter {distinguishedName -eq $ad2svgroup})) {
New-ADGroup -Name $AdGroupName -Path $AdGroupPath -GroupScope Global -GroupCategory Security
# Call gam, parse the CSV output, and store the list of users with 2SV enabled
Write-Host "Getting 2SV status from G Suite... " -NoNewline
$Using2Sv = (&$GamExe print users is2svenrolled 2>$null | ConvertFrom-CSV | Where-Object {$_.isEnrolledIn2Sv -eq $true} | Select -ExpandProperty primaryEmail)
Write-Host "done."
# Only proceed if we got at least 1 user from the GAM call
If ([boolean]$Using2Sv) {
# Get list of users currently marked in AD as using 2SV
$CurrentAdMembers = Get-ADUser –LDAPFilter ("(memberOf=$Ad2SvGroup)") -Properties mail
# Check if current members are still using 2SV in G Suite
$CurrentAdMembers | ForEach-Object {
# If this user is using 2SV in G Suite, remove them from the AD group
If ($Using2Sv -notcontains $_.mail) {
Write-Host "Removing user " -NoNewline
Write-Host $_.mail -ForegroundColor Yellow
Remove-ADGroupMember -Identity $Ad2SvGroup -Members $_ -Confirm:$false
# Reduce current membership list to just email addresses
$CurrentAdMembers = $CurrentAdMembers | Select -ExpandProperty mail
# Check all G Suite 2SV users are in the AD group
$Using2Sv | ForEach-Object {
# If this user is not already in the AD group, find them in AD and add them
If ($CurrentAdMembers -notcontains $_) {
Write-Host "Adding user " -NoNewline
Write-Host $_ -ForegroundColor Yellow
Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity (Get-ADUser –LDAPFilter ("(mail=$_)")) -MemberOf $Ad2SvGroup
# Write confirmation of the update to an attribute of the group for diagnostics
Set-ADGroup -Identity $Ad2SvGroup -Replace @{adminDescription="Last sync: $(Get-Date)"}
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This script parses output from GAM - it does not interface directly with G Suite. It must be run with an account that has access to a working GAM install, and that has permission to create and modify groups in the configured AD path.

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