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Last active September 28, 2017 16:02
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# Name: Get-ExpiringPasswords.ps1
# Author: James Schlackman
# Last Modified: Sep 28 2017
# Checks all enables users in a given OU to see if their password is going to expire during
# a given date range. Exports a list of those affected.
# Useful for finding out who to remind about changing their password before long vacations.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$maxPwdAge = 180
$checkOU = "OU=People,DC=contoso,DC=com"
$startDate = (Get-Date 2017-06-21)
$endDate = (Get-Date 2017-08-30)
Get-ADUser -SearchBase $checkOU -SearchScope OneLevel -Filter {(Enabled -eq $true ) -and (passwordLastSet -gt 0)} -Properties passwordLastSet,mail |`
Select GivenName,Surname,mail,passwordLastSet,@{Name="Expires";Expression={($_.passwordLastSet).AddDays($maxPwdAge)}} |`
Where-Object {($_.Expires -gt $startdate) -and ($_.Expires -lt $enddate)} |`
Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path ("Expiring Passwords " + (Get-Date).ToString("yyMMdd") + ".csv")
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