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Last active April 9, 2024 16:52
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# Name: Update-JiraUsersForSSO.ps1
# Author: James Schlackman
# Last Modified: Apr 9 2024
# Searches for and updates Jira users in preparation for SSO by changing their login name to match their email address.
#Requires -Modules JiraPS
# Jira server to connect to
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ServerUri,
# User search filter. Uses the same syntax as searches within the user management section of Jira.
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$UserFilter,
# If true, confirm update to each individual user. If false, batch process all users selected for update without additional confirmation.
[Parameter()] [bool]$ConfirmChanges = $false,
# By default, the user account used to authenticate to the API will be excluded from any change operations to prevent the login token from being expired.
[Parameter()] [bool]$SkipAuthenticatedUser = $true
Import-Module JiraPS
Function Connect-JiraServer {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ServerUri
# Clean up server parameter
$ServerUri = $ServerUri.Trim().TrimEnd('/').ToLower()
# Default to https:// if protocol not specified
If ($ServerUri -notmatch '^http(s)?:\/\/') {
$ServerUri = "https://$ServerUri"
# Check for a current connection
$currentServer = Get-JiraServerInfo -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# If already connected to the correct server, return immediately
If ($currentServer.BaseURL -eq $ServerUri) {
Write-Host ($currentServer | Out-String)
Return $currentServer
} Else {
# Set the server Uri
Set-JiraConfigServer -Server $ServerUri
# Get new credentials
Do {
$newCred = $null
$newCred = Get-Credential
# Test provided credentials
If ($newCred) {
$serverInfo = Get-JiraServerInfo -Credential $newCred
} Else {
$serverInfo = $null
} Until (![bool]$newCred -or $serverInfo)
# If we got server info successfully, start a session with those credentials
If ($serverInfo) {
New-JiraSession -Credential $newCred
Write-Host "`nConnection established." -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host ($serverInfo | Out-String)
Return $serverInfo
} Else {
Return $null
# Attempt to connect to the server and process users
If (Connect-JiraServer -ServerUri $ServerUri) {
If (!$SkipAuthenticatedUser) {
Write-Warning 'Authenticated user is NOT being skipped during updates. If credentials are modified during batch update, all subsequent API operations will fail.'
Write-Host 'Finding users that match ' -NoNewline
Write-Host $UserFilter -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline
Write-Host '...'
$candidateUsers = Get-JiraUser -UserName $UserFilter -MaxResults 1000
If ($candidateUsers) {
Write-Host ('Matching users: {0}' -f @($candidateUsers).Count)
If (@($candidateUsers).Count -eq 1000) {
Write-Host 'NOTE: Maximum number of users supported by API queries has been reached. Additional users may match the specified query.'
Write-Host 'Review grid output and select users to update.'
# Show grid for selection
$changeUsers = $candidateUsers| Select Name,DisplayName,EmailAddress,Active,@{Name='Groups';Expression={($_.Groups -join ', ')}} | Out-GridView -Title 'Select Jira users to update' -OutputMode Multiple
If ($SkipAuthenticatedUser) {
$changeUsers = $changeUsers | Where-Object -Property Name -ne (Get-JiraSession).Username
Write-Host ('Users selected for update: {0}' -f @($changeUsers).Count)
$jobActivity = 'Updating users...'
# Process selected users
For ($changeIndex = 0; $changeIndex -lt @($changeUsers).Count; $changeIndex++ ) {
$changeUser = @($changeUsers)[$changeIndex]
# Post job progress
Write-Progress -Activity $jobActivity -CurrentOperation $changeUser.Name -PercentComplete ($changeIndex / @($changeUsers).Count * 100)
# Make sure the user confirms the change if required
$changeConfirmed = !$ConfirmChanges
# If the username and email already match, skip this user
If ($changeUser.Name -eq $changeUser.EmailAddress) {
Write-Verbose "Skipping name update for user $($changeUser.Name), login name already matches email."
} Else {
# If the username does not match, update it
$changeDetail = @{name = $changeUser.EmailAddress}
# Write a summary of the changes to be submitted and ask for confirmation if required
If ($changeConfirmed) {
Write-Verbose ('Username for {0} changing from {1} to {2}' -f $changeUser.DisplayName, $changeUser.Name, $
} Else {
Write-Host ("`nUsername for {0} will change from " -f $changeUser.DisplayName) -NoNewline
Write-Host $changeUser.Name -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline
Write-Host ' to ' -NoNewline
Write-Host $changeDetail.Name -ForegroundColor Cyan
$changeConfirmed = (Read-Host 'Proceed? [y/N]').Trim().ToUpper() -eq 'Y'
# Once the change is confirmed
If ($changeConfirmed)
# Submit the change to the server
$changeResult = Set-JiraUser -User $changeUser.Name -Property $changeDetail -PassThru
# Report result
If ($changeResult -and ($changeResult.Name -eq $changeResult.EmailAddress)) {
If ($ConfirmChanges) {
Write-Host 'User update succeeded.' -ForegroundColor Green
} Else {
Write-Verbose 'User update succeeded.'
Write-Debug $changeResult
} Else {
Write-Host ('{0} - ' -f $changeUser.Name) -NoNewline
Write-Host 'User update FAILED.' -ForegroundColor Red
# Mark job completed
Write-Progress -Activity $jobActivity -Completed
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