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Created March 21, 2017 03:38
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Nested List example in Elm
import Html exposing (text)
import List
{- Challenge: flatten an array of arbitrarily nested arrays of integers into a flat array of integers. e.g. [[1,2,[3]],4] -> [1,2,3,4].
(This is a little tricky in Elm because the type system does not allow for lists with different element types. So we have to make a whole new data structure...)
type NestedList a
= Element a
| Nested (List (NestedList a))
{-| Turn a NestedList into a normal List. This will "flatten" any nested levels.
toList : NestedList a -> List a
toList nested =
recur node acc =
case node of
Element a ->
a :: acc
Nested list ->
List.foldr recur acc list
recur nested []
-- equivelent to [[1,2,[3]],4]
myNested : NestedList Int
myNested =
[ Nested
[ Element 1
, Element 2
, Nested
[ Element 3 ]
, Element 4
-- equivelent to [1,2,3,4]
oneLevel : NestedList Int
oneLevel =
[ Element 1
, Element 2
, Element 3
, Element 4
-- equivelent to [1]
oneElement : NestedList Int
oneElement =
Element 1
-- equivelent to []
empty : NestedList Int
empty =
Nested [ ]
-- "poor man's test" (since this is a gist and can be run in
-- evaluates to [[1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4],[1],[]]
main =
flattened =
[ toList myNested
, toList oneLevel
, toList oneElement
, toList empty
text <| toString <| flattened
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