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Created February 4, 2012 01:04
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Save jschoolcraft/1734178 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Used to clean up rubyish code, make unix line endings, tabs to spaces, kill trailing whitespace.
main() {
find_files |
exclude_vcs_dirs |
exclude_common_dirs_that_are_not_ours |
exclude_extra_dirs |
find_files() {
find -E . -iregex '.*(rb|html|erb|rhtml|rjs|plain|rxml|yml|rake|eml|css|scss|sass|haml|js)$'
exclude_vcs_dirs() {
grep -v -e '.git/' -e '.svn/'
exclude_lock_files() {
grep -v '.lock'
exclude_common_dirs_that_are_not_ours() {
grep -v -e 'vendor/' -e 'tmp/' -e 'public/' -e 'images/' -e 'img/'
exclude_extra_dirs() {
grep -v -e 'vendor_archive/'
cleanup_the_code() {
xargs -I{} sed -i '' -E -e "s/[[:space:]]*$//" -e "s/`printf '\t'`/ /g" -e "s/\r\n$/\n/" {}
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I threw it in scripts/ and then did chmod +x scripts/ and finally ./scripts/

It is destructive, there are no backups (hopefully you're using git), but it should work as advertised.

Inspired by lots of code and stackoverflow and helped along with man pages, including:

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