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Created November 30, 2016 12:08
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import sys
import os.path
import numpy as np
import collections
import util
USAGE = "%s <test data folder> <spam folder> <ham folder>"
def get_counts(file_list):
Computes counts for each word that occurs in the files in file_list.
file_list : a list of filenames, suitable for use with open() or
A dict whose keys are words, and whose values are the number of files the
key occurred in.
### TODO: Comment out the following line and write your code here
#raise NotImplementedError
wordcounts = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for file in file_list:
wordlist = util.get_words_in_file(file)
words = set(wordlist)
for word in words:
wordcounts[word] += 1
return wordcounts
def get_log_probabilities(file_list):
Computes log-frequencies for each word that occurs in the files in
file_list : a list of filenames, suitable for use with open() or
A dict whose keys are words, and whose values are the log of the smoothed
estimate of the fraction of files the key occurred in.
The data structure util.DefaultDict will be useful to you here, as will the
get_counts() helper above.
### TODO: Comment out the following line and write your code here
#raise NotImplementedError
wordcounts = get_counts(file_list)
n = len(file_list)
logprob = collections.defaultdict(lambda: - np.log(2))
for word in wordcounts.keys():
count = wordcounts[word]
logprob[word] = np.log(count + n) - np.log(2 * n)
return logprob
def learn_distributions(file_lists_by_category):
A two-element list. The first element is a list of spam files,
and the second element is a list of ham (non-spam) files.
(log_probabilities_by_category, log_prior)
log_probabilities_by_category : A list whose first element is a smoothed
estimate for log P(y=w_j|c=spam) (as a dict,
just as in get_log_probabilities above), and
whose second element is the same for c=ham.
log_prior_by_category : A list of estimates for the log-probabilities for
each class:
[est. for log P(c=spam), est. for log P(c=ham)]
### TODO: Comment out the following line and write your code here
#raise NotImplementedError
spam_files = file_lists_by_category[0]
spam_lp = get_log_probabilities(spam_files)
ns = len(spam_files)
ham_files = file_lists_by_category[1]
ham_lp = get_log_probabilities(ham_files)
nh = len(ham_files)
ln = np.log(ns + nh)
return ([spam_lp, ham_lp], [np.log(ns) - ln, np.log(nh) - ln])
def classify_email(email_filename,
Uses Naive Bayes classification to classify the email in the given file.
email_filename : name of the file containing the email to be classified
log_probabilities_by_category : See output of learn_distributions
log_prior_by_category : See output of learn_distributions
One of the labels in names.
### TODO: Comment out the following line and write your code here
email = set(util.get_words_in_file(email_filename))
lq = log_probabilities_by_category[0]
lp = log_probabilities_by_category[1]
ls = log_prior_by_category[0]
lh = log_prior_by_category[1]
spam_term = ls
ham_term = lh
for w in email:
spam_term += lq[w]
ham_term += lp[w]
return 'spam' if spam_term - ham_term > -1e-10 else 'ham'
def classify_emails(spam_files, ham_files, test_files):
# DO NOT MODIFY -- used by the autograder
log_probabilities_by_category, log_prior = \
learn_distributions([spam_files, ham_files])
estimated_labels = []
for test_file in test_files:
estimated_label = \
classify_email(test_file, log_probabilities_by_category, log_prior)
return estimated_labels
def main():
### Read arguments
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
print (USAGE % sys.argv[0])
testing_folder = sys.argv[1]
(spam_folder, ham_folder) = sys.argv[2:4]
### Learn the distributions
file_lists = []
for folder in (spam_folder, ham_folder):
(log_probabilities_by_category, log_priors_by_category) = \
# Here, columns and rows are indexed by 0 = 'spam' and 1 = 'ham'
# rows correspond to true label, columns correspond to guessed label
performance_measures = np.zeros([2,2])
### Classify and measure performance
for filename in (util.get_files_in_folder(testing_folder)):
## Classify
label = classify_email(filename,
## Measure performance
# Use the filename to determine the true label
base = os.path.basename(filename)
true_index = ('ham' in base)
guessed_index = (label == 'ham')
performance_measures[true_index, guessed_index] += 1
# Uncomment this line to see which files your classifier
# gets right/wrong:
#print("%s : %s" %(label, filename))
template="You correctly classified %d out of %d spam emails, and %d out of %d ham emails."
# Correct counts are on the diagonal
correct = np.diag(performance_measures)
# totals are obtained by summing across guessed labels
totals = np.sum(performance_measures, 1)
print(template % (correct[0],
if __name__ == '__main__':
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