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Last active September 11, 2016 11:42
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Save jscrane/5261703 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Logitech Music Server -> lcdproc
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use 5.005;
#use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Select;
use Fcntl;
use Date::Parse;
use Switch;
use URI::Escape;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Time::HiRes;
# Configurable part. Set it according your setup.
# Host which runs LCDproc daemon (LCDd)
my $LCDD = "localhost";
# Port on which LCDd listens to requests
my $LCDPORT = "13666";
# docs here: http://rpi:9000/html/docs/cli-api.html
my $LMS = "rpi";
my $LMSPORT = "9090";
# End of user configurable parts
my $width = 20;
my $lines = 4;
my $progname = $0;
$progname =~ s#.*/(.*?)$#$1#;
# declare functions
sub error($@);
sub usage($);
sub send_receive;
sub lms_query;
sub lms_query_send;
sub lms_cmd_send;
sub lms_response;
sub set_clock_widget;
my %opt = ();
getopts("s:p:S:P:n:", \%opt);
$LCDD = defined($opt{s}) ? $opt{s} : $LCDD;
$LCDPORT = defined($opt{p}) ? $opt{p} : $LCDPORT;
$LMS = defined($opt{m}) ? $opt{m} : $LMS;
$LMSPORT = defined($opt{P}) ? $opt{P} : $LMSPORT;
$PLAYER = defined($opt{n}) ? $opt{n} : $PLAYER;
# Connect to the servers...
my $lms = IO::Socket::INET->new(
Proto => 'tcp',
PeerAddr => $LMS,
PeerPort => $LMSPORT,
) or error(1, "cannot connect to LMS server at $LMS:$LMSPORT");
my $player_id = "";
my $pcount = lms_query "player count";
for ($i = 0; $i < $pcount; $i++) {
my $p = lms_query "player name $i";
if ($p eq $PLAYER) {
$player_id = lms_query "player id $i";
$player_id ne "" || die "unable to find player $PLAYER";
my $lcd = IO::Socket::INET->new(
Proto => 'tcp',
PeerAddr => $LCDD,
PeerPort => $LCDPORT,
) or error(1, "cannot connect to LCDd daemon at $LCDD:$LCDPORT");
# Make sure our messages get there right away
my $read_set = new IO::Select();
sleep 1; # Give server plenty of time to notice us...
my $lcdresponse = send_receive $lcd, "hello";
print $lcdresponse;
# get width & height from server's greet message
if ($lcdresponse =~ /\bwid\s+(\d+)\b/) {
$width = 0 + $1;
if ($lcdresponse =~ /\bhgt\s+(\d+)\b/) {
$lines = 0 + $1;
send_receive $lcd, "client_set name {$progname}";
send_receive $lcd, "screen_add $PLAYER";
send_receive $lcd, "screen_set $PLAYER priority foreground name playback heartbeat off";
send_receive $lcd, "widget_add $PLAYER title scroller";
send_receive $lcd, "widget_add $PLAYER album scroller";
send_receive $lcd, "widget_add $PLAYER artist scroller";
send_receive $lcd, "widget_add $PLAYER volume string";
send_receive $lcd, "widget_add $PLAYER status string";
send_receive $lcd, "widget_add $PLAYER progress string";
send_receive $lcd, "client_add_key Enter";
send_receive $lcd, "client_add_key Escape";
send_receive $lcd, "screen_add CLOCK";
send_receive $lcd, "screen_set CLOCK -priority info heartbeat off backlight off";
send_receive $lcd, "widget_add CLOCK time string";
send_receive $lcd, "widget_add CLOCK day string";
send_receive $lcd, "widget_add CLOCK date string";
$sel = IO::Select->new( $lcd, $lms );
my $total_tracks = 0;
my $current_track = 0;
my $elapsed_time = 0;
my $current_duration = 0;
my $title = "";
my $artist = "";
my $album = "";
my $playing = 0;
$t = 0;
my $start_time;
send_receive $lms, "listen 1";
lms_query_send "mixer volume";
lms_query_send "mode";
while () {
while (@ready = $sel->can_read(1)) {
foreach $fh (@ready) {
my $input = <$fh>;
if (!defined $input) {
close ($lcd);
close ($lms);
if ( $fh == $lms && $input =~ /$player_id (.+)/ ) {
lms_response $1;
} elsif ( $fh == $lcd ) {
if ( $input eq "key Enter\n" ) {
lms_cmd_send "stop";
} elsif ( $input eq "key Escape\n" ) {
lms_cmd_send "pause";
if ($playing) {
$elapsed_time = time() - $start_time;
$fmt = ($t++ & 1)? "%H:%M": "%H %M";
set_clock_widget( "time", 2, strftime( $fmt, localtime() ));
set_clock_widget( "day", 3, strftime( "%A", localtime() ));
set_clock_widget( "date", 4, strftime( "%d %B %Y", localtime() ));
## print out error message and eventually exit ##
# Synopsis: error($status, $message)
sub error($@) {
my $status = shift;
my @msg = @_;
print STDERR $progname . ": " . join(" ", @msg) . "\n";
exit($status) if ($status);
## print out usage message and exit ##
# Synopsis: usage($status)
sub usage($) {
my $status = shift;
print STDERR "Usage: $progname [<options>] <file>\n";
if (!$status) {
print STDERR " where <options> are\n" .
" -s <server> connect to <server> (default: $LCDD)\n" .
" -p <port> connect to <port> on <server> (default: $LCDPORT)\n" .
" -h show this help page\n" .
" -V display version number\n";
else {
print STDERR "For help, type: $progname -h\n";
sub send_receive {
my $fd = shift;
my $cmd = shift;
print $fd "$cmd\n";
return <$fd>;
sub lms_query {
my $query = shift;
print $lms "$query ?\n";
while () {
my $ans = <$lms>;
if ($ans =~ /^$query (.+)/) {
return $1;
sub lms_query_send {
my $query = shift;
print $lms "$player_id $query ?\n";
my $ans = <$lms>;
if ( $ans =~ /$player_id (.+)/) {
lms_response $1;
sub lms_cmd_send {
my $cmd = shift;
print $lms "$player_id $cmd\n";
my $ans = <$lms>;
if ( $ans =~ /$player_id (.+)/) {
lms_response $1;
sub centre {
my $w = shift;
my $t = shift;
my $l = length($t);
return $t if ($l > $w);
return sprintf("% *s", ($l + $w) / 2, $t);
sub set_title {
$title = shift;
$title = "" if (!defined $title);
$title = centre($width, $title);
send_receive $lcd, "widget_set $PLAYER title 1 1 $width 1 v 8 \"$title\"";
sub set_album {
$album = shift;
# if album is undefined (as it is for radio streams) give
# its field to part of the name of the stream.
$album = "" if (!defined $album);
if ($album ne "") {
$album = centre($width, $album);
} elsif (length($title) > $width) {
my $pos = rindex($title, ' ', $width);
if ($pos > 0) {
$album = centre($width, substr($title, $pos + 1));
set_title substr($title, 0, $pos);
send_receive $lcd, "widget_set $PLAYER album 1 2 $width 2 v 8 \"$album\"";
sub set_artist {
$artist = shift;
$artist = "" if (!defined $artist);
my $n = length($artist);
# if artist and album are the same, and too long for the display,
# break them up nicely
if ($n > $width && ($artist eq $album || $album eq "")) {
my $pos = rindex($artist, ' ', $width);
if ($pos > 0) {
set_album substr($artist, 0, $pos);
$artist = substr($artist, $pos + 1);
$artist = centre($width, $artist);
send_receive $lcd, "widget_set $PLAYER artist 1 3 $width 3 v 8 \"$artist\"";
sub set_status {
$state = centre(10, shift);
send_receive $lcd, "widget_set $PLAYER status 6 4 \"$state\"";
sub set_progress {
my $p = "";
if ($total_tracks > 0) {
$p = sprintf "%d/%d", $current_track, $total_tracks;
$p = sprintf "% 6s", $p;
send_receive $lcd, "widget_set $PLAYER progress 15 4 \"$p\"";
sub set_elapsed_time {
# duration is unknown for radio stream so just show elapsed time
my $remain = $current_duration - $elapsed_time;
if ($remain < 0) {
$remain = - $remain;
my $rh = int($remain / 3600);
my $rm = int(($remain - 3600 * $rh) / 60);
my $rs = int($remain % 60);
my $t;
if ($rh > 0) {
$t = sprintf("%d:%02d:%02d", $rh, $rm, $rs);
} else {
$t = sprintf("%d:%02d", $rm, $rs);
set_status $t;
sub set_time {
$elapsed_time = shift;
$start_time = time() - $elapsed_time;
sub set_volume {
my $vol = shift;
if ($vol eq "100") {
$vol = "99";
$vol = sprintf "%02s", $vol;
send_receive $lcd, "widget_set $PLAYER volume 1 4 $vol";
sub set_playing {
$playing = shift;
if ($playing == 0) {
send_receive $lcd, "screen_set $PLAYER priority background backlight off";
if ($current_duration > 0) {
$current_duration -= $elapsed_time;
$elapsed_time = 0;
} else {
send_receive $lcd, "screen_set $PLAYER priority foreground backlight on";
$start_time = time();
sub clear_track {
set_title "";
set_album "";
set_artist "";
set_status "stop";
$total_tracks = 0;
$current_track = 0;
set_playing 0;
sub playlist {
my $cmd = shift;
switch ($cmd) {
case "clear" { clear_track; }
case "stop" { clear_track; set_status $cmd; }
case "pause" { lms_query_send "mode"; }
case "title" { shift; set_title uri_unescape(shift); }
case "album" { shift; set_album uri_unescape(shift); }
case "artist" { shift; set_artist uri_unescape(shift); }
case "duration" { shift; $current_duration = shift; set_elapsed_time; }
case "tracks" { $total_tracks = int(shift); }
case "loadtracks" { lms_query_send "playlist tracks"; }
case "addtracks" { lms_query_send "playlist tracks"; }
case "index" {
my $id = int(shift);
$current_track = $id + 1;
lms_query_send "playlist title $id";
lms_query_send "playlist album $id";
lms_query_send "playlist artist $id";
lms_query_send "playlist duration $id";
lms_query_send "time";
case "newsong" {
my $t = uri_unescape(shift);
my $id = shift;
if (defined $id) {
set_title $t;
$current_track = $id + 1;
lms_query_send "playlist album $id";
lms_query_send "playlist artist $id";
lms_query_send "playlist duration $id";
lms_query_send "time";
} else {
lms_query_send "playlist title 0";
lms_query_send "playlist artist 0";
set_playing 1;
else { print "playlist: $cmd\n"; }
sub mixer {
my $cmd = shift;
switch ($cmd) {
case "volume" { set_volume uri_unescape(shift); }
else { print "mixer: $cmd\n"; }
sub mode {
my $cmd = shift;
switch ($cmd) {
case "stop" { set_playing 0; set_status $cmd; }
case "pause" { set_playing 0; set_status $cmd; }
case "play" {
set_playing 1;
set_status $cmd;
lms_query_send "playlist tracks";
lms_query_send "playlist index";
else { print "mode: $cmd\n"; }
sub prefset {
my $cmd = shift;
switch ($cmd) {
case "server" { if (shift eq "volume") { set_volume shift; } }
else { print "prefset: $cmd\n"; }
sub lms_response {
my $r = shift;
my @s = split(/ /, $r);
switch ($s[0]) {
case "playlist" { shift @s; playlist @s; }
case "prefset" { shift @s; prefset @s; }
case "mixer" { shift @s; mixer @s; }
case "mode" { shift @s; mode @s; }
case "time" { set_time $s[1]; }
else { print "unknown: [$s[0]]\n"; }
sub set_clock_widget {
$w = shift;
$l = shift;
$s = shift;
$s = centre($width, $s);
send_receive $lcd, "widget_set CLOCK $w 1 $l \"$s\"";
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