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Created March 30, 2012 02:14
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ANOVA fitted linear model comparison for statsmodels
from pandas import DataFrame
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
def anova_lm(*args, **kwargs):
ANOVA table for one or more fitted linear models.
args : fitted linear model results instance
One or more fitted linear models
scale : float
Estimate of variance, If None, will be estimated from the largest
model. Default is None.
test : str {"F", "Chisq", "Cp"} or None
Test statistics to provide (Why not just give all). Default is "F".
anova : DataFrame
A DataFrame containing.
Model statistics are given in the order of args. Models must have
a formula_str attribute.
See Also
model_results.compare_f_test, model_results.compare_lm_test
test = kwargs.get("test", "F")
scale = kwargs.get("scale", None)
n_models = len(args)
model_formula = []
pr_test = "PR(>%s)" % test
names = ['df_resid', 'ssr', 'df_diff', 'ss_diff', test, pr_test]
table = DataFrame(np.empty((n_models, 6)), columns = names)
if not scale: # assume biggest model is last
scale = args[-1].scale
table["ssr"] = map(getattr, args, ["ssr"]*n_models)
table["df_resid"] = map(getattr, args, ["df_resid"]*n_models)
table.ix[1:]["df_diff"] = np.diff(map(getattr, args, ["df_model"]*n_models))
table["ss_diff"] = -table["ssr"].diff()
if test == "F":
table["F"] = table["ss_diff"] / table["df_diff"] / scale
table[pr_test] = stats.f.sf(table["F"], table["df_diff"],
return table
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