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Last active March 27, 2016 06:11
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<meta itemprop="name" content="Noizio – your subtle companion!">
<meta itemprop="description" content="Noizio is the minimalistic background sound equalizer for Mac OS X, that will increase your working productivity or ability to relax.">
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<title>Noizio – ambient sound equalizer for relax or productivity.</title>
<meta name="description" content="Noizio is an app that will drown out the noise of the street and allow you to concentrate on the work at hand, increasing your productivity." />
<meta name="keywords" content="Noizio, noise, sound, ambient, productivity, sleep, equalizer, nature, music, mac, free, app, relax" />
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<img src="images/logo.png" width="128" height="128" alt="Noizio – your subtle companion!">
<h1>Noizio – your subtle companion.</h1>
<p>Feeling that the noise of the big city is too much for you to bear? Just turn on the sound and allow yourself to become engulfed in the tranquil sounds of nature. Whether you wish to feel as if you’re sitting near a fireplace under a cozy blanket, or that you’re meditating on a desolate sea shore as gusts of wind ruffle your hair, Noizio will be there to set the mood. With this ambient sound equalizer, not only will you be able to relax, but you will also increase your productivity, as you’re trying to concentrate on your work!</p>
<!--<p style="color:#fb666d">Hey there. Our account is temporarily locked on the Appstore, due to the fact that it was opened in the Crimea, Ukraine. We apologize for any inconvenience. The application file is available for download from Dropbox.</p>-->
<a class="btn btn-app-store" href="" title="Available on the Mac App Store" target="_blank"><em>Available on the Mac App Store</em></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a class="btn btn-donate" href="" title="Available on the App Store" target="_blank"><em>Available on the App Store</em></a>
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<p class="title">Starting is quick and easy</p>
<p>Just click on the icons, which represent different ambient sounds, and drag the slider to increase or decrease the volume of the sound. This way you can choose a dominant noise sound in the background.</p>
<img src="images/about/noizio_starting2.jpg" width="280" height="220" alt="Starting is quick and easy">
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<img src="images/about/noizio_settings2.jpg" width="280" height="220" alt="Simple settings">
<div class="table-cell">
<p class="title">Simple settings</p>
<p>All settings are intuitive and simple to understand. Choose whether you wish Noizio to start running as soon as you turn on your computer, or whether you want to see its icon on the dock.</p>
<div class="table-cell">
<p class="title">Developed for El Capitan</p>
<p>OS X El Capitan is the world’s most advanced OS to date. Thus, we effort to ensure that Noizio runs on it like a charm. Therefore, no matter which Mac OS you’re using, you will be able to enjoy the pleasant atmosphere that Noizio can create.</p>
<img src="images/about/noizio_yosemite2.jpg" width="280" height="220" alt="Share it with your friends!">
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<img src="images/about/noizio_launch2.jpg" width="280" height="220" alt="Launch on start">
<div class="table-cell">
<p class="title">Launch on start</p>
<p>You can set up Noizio to start running as soon as you turn on your computer, in order to save you time on opening it up manually.</p>
<div class="table-cell">
<p class="title">Ready for your Retina Mac</p>
<p>Noizio was built exclusively for Mac. Thus, if you love how good the Retina display looks on your Mac, you will be happy to know that Noizio’s graphics are fully compatible with this technology.</p>
<img src="images/about/noizio_retina2.jpg" width="280" height="220" alt="Pause during Skype call">
<div class="work">
<p class="title">Working on all Mac devices with OS X 10.8+</p>
<div id="reviews" class="reviews wrapper">
<div id="item-1" class="review">I love using Noizio for creating a romantic atmosphere. It’s not every day that you can rest by the fire or listen to the crash of waves in the distance. However, Noizio’s ambient sounds can create this illusion.</div>
<div id="item-2" class="review active">I usually get distracted very easily by the noise. I’ve tried using ear plugs, but I hated them from the start. Finally, with Noizio, I was finally able to block out all the distractions with pleasant nature sounds.</div>
<div id="item-3" class="review">Sometimes I just feel like zoning out and meditating on my thoughts for a while. It’s a great thing to do once in a while, and Noizio’s ambient nature sounds help me relax better than ever.</div>
<ul class="clearfix">
<li data-id="item-1">
<img src="" width="50" height="50" alt="John Caruso">
<p class="name">John Caruso</p>
<p>Music Editor</p>
<li data-id="item-2" class="active">
<img src="images/avatars/2.jpg" width="50" height="50" alt="Diana Bergstrom">
<p class="name">Diana Bergstrom</p>
<p>Trance DJ</p>
<li data-id="item-3">
<img src="images/avatars/3.jpg" width="50" height="50" alt="Sergei Dubograev">
<p class="name">Sergei Dubograev</p>
<p>CEO Pinxter Inc.</p>
<a class="btn btn-app-store" href="" title="Available on the Mac App Store" target="_blank"><em>Available on the Mac App Store</em></a>
<a class="btn btn-donate" href="" title="Available on the App Store" target="_blank"><em>Available on the App Store</em></a>
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