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Created July 6, 2022 00:37
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A client implementation of the LeapJS protocol
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using NativeWebSocket;
using Leap.Unity.Encoding;
namespace Leap.Unity {
public class LeapWebsocketProvider : LeapProvider {
WebSocket _ws;
Frame _untransformedUpdateFrame = new Frame(), _transformedUpdateFrame = new Frame();
VectorHand _leftVHand = new VectorHand(), _rightVHand = new VectorHand();
Hand _leftHand = new Hand (), _rightHand = new Hand(); List<Hand> _hands = new List<Hand>();
JSONFrame _currentJSONFrame;
void Start() {
// Create WebSocket instance
_ws = new WebSocket("ws://"); // May have to switch to wss:6436 for https pages
// Parse Incoming Frames
_ws.OnMessage += (byte[] msg) => {
string frameUpdate = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(msg);
JSONFrame tempFrame = JsonUtility.FromJson<JSONFrame>(frameUpdate);
if (tempFrame.timestamp > 0) {
_currentJSONFrame = tempFrame;
} else {
Debug.Log("Service Info: " + frameUpdate);
// Handle other Websocket Lifetime Events
_ws.OnOpen += () => {
Debug.Log("WS connected with state: " + _ws.State.ToString());
_ws.OnError += (string errMsg) => { Debug.Log("WS error: " + errMsg); };
_ws.OnClose += (WebSocketCloseCode code) => { Debug.Log("WS closed with code: " + code.ToString()); };
private void OnApplicationQuit() { _ws.Close(); }
// Dispatch the frames we've received to the far corners of the scene
// TODO: Consider reinterpolating the incoming frames here
void Update () {
//Debug.Log("Have we received a frame yet? : " + hasReceivedFrameYet);
fillLeapFrameFromJSONFrame(_currentJSONFrame, ref _untransformedUpdateFrame);
void FixedUpdate() {
//fillLeapFrameFromJSONFrame(_currentJSONFrame, ref _untransformedUpdateFrame);
#region JSON Schema Implementation
public struct JSONHand {
public int id;
public string type;
public float armWidth, confidence, grabAngle, grabStrength, palmWidth, pinchDistance, pinchStrength, timeVisible;
public float[] direction, elbow, palmNormal, palmPosition, palmVelocity, wrist;
public float[][] armBasis;
public struct JSONPointable {
public int id, handId;
public int type;
public float timeVisible, length, width;
public float[] btipPosition, carpPosition, dipPosition, direction, mcpPosition, pipPosition, tipPosition;
public float[][] bases;
public struct JSONFrame {
public long id;
public long timestamp;
public float currentFrameRate;
public JSONHand[] hands;
public JSONPointable[] pointables;
public void fillLeapFrameFromJSONFrame(JSONFrame jsonFrame, ref Frame leapFrame) {
leapFrame.Id =;
leapFrame.Timestamp = jsonFrame.timestamp;
leapFrame.CurrentFramesPerSecond = jsonFrame.currentFrameRate;
_hands.Clear(); JSONHand? workingHandLeft, workingHandRight;
// Fill joint array from JSON Hand and Pointables and add to Frame
if ((workingHandLeft = GetJSONHand(jsonFrame, true)).HasValue) {
FillJointsFromJSON(workingHandLeft.Value, jsonFrame.pointables, ref _leftVHand);
SetHandMetadata(jsonFrame, workingHandLeft.Value, _leftHand);
if ((workingHandRight = GetJSONHand(jsonFrame, false)).HasValue) {
FillJointsFromJSON(workingHandRight.Value, jsonFrame.pointables, ref _rightVHand);
SetHandMetadata(jsonFrame, workingHandRight.Value, _rightHand);
leapFrame.Hands = _hands;
#region Editor Pose Implementation
private Frame _backingUntransformedEditTimeFrame = null;
private Frame _untransformedEditTimeFrame {
get {
if (_backingUntransformedEditTimeFrame == null) {
_backingUntransformedEditTimeFrame = new Frame();
return _backingUntransformedEditTimeFrame;
private Frame _backingEditTimeFrame = null;
private Frame _editTimeFrame {
get {
if (_backingEditTimeFrame == null) {
_backingEditTimeFrame = new Frame();
return _backingEditTimeFrame;
private Dictionary<TestHandFactory.TestHandPose, Hand> _cachedLeftHands
= new Dictionary<TestHandFactory.TestHandPose, Hand>();
private Hand _editTimeLeftHand {
get {
if (_cachedLeftHands.TryGetValue(editTimePose, out Hand cachedHand)) {
return cachedHand;
else {
cachedHand = TestHandFactory.MakeTestHand(isLeft: true, pose: editTimePose);
_cachedLeftHands[editTimePose] = cachedHand;
return cachedHand;
private Dictionary<TestHandFactory.TestHandPose, Hand> _cachedRightHands
= new Dictionary<TestHandFactory.TestHandPose, Hand>();
private Hand _editTimeRightHand {
get {
if (_cachedRightHands.TryGetValue(editTimePose, out Hand cachedHand)) {
return cachedHand;
else {
cachedHand = TestHandFactory.MakeTestHand(isLeft: false, pose: editTimePose);
_cachedRightHands[editTimePose] = cachedHand;
return cachedHand;
#region LeapProvider Implementation
public override Frame CurrentFrame {
get {
if (!Application.isPlaying) {
transformFrame(_untransformedEditTimeFrame, _editTimeFrame);
return _editTimeFrame;
return _untransformedUpdateFrame;
public override Frame CurrentFixedFrame {
get {
if (!Application.isPlaying) {
transformFrame(_untransformedEditTimeFrame, _editTimeFrame);
return _editTimeFrame;
return _untransformedUpdateFrame;
#region Frame Utilities
protected virtual void transformFrame(Frame source, Frame dest) {
protected JSONHand? GetJSONHand(JSONFrame frame, bool isLeft) {
if (frame.hands == null) return null;
foreach (JSONHand hand in frame.hands) {
if (hand.type.Equals("left") && isLeft) {
return hand;
} else if (!hand.type.Equals("left") && !isLeft) {
return hand;
return null;
protected JSONPointable GetJSONFinger(JSONHand hand, JSONPointable[] pointables, int index) {
foreach (JSONPointable pointable in pointables) {
if (pointable.handId == && pointable.type == index) {
return pointable;
Debug.LogError("Something is wrong! Finger doesn't exist?! Hand is: "+ JsonUtility.ToJson(hand) + ", and index is: " + index, this);
return new JSONPointable();
protected Vector3 JSToUnityVector(float[] JSVector) {
return new Vector3(JSVector[0] / 1000.0f, JSVector[1] / 1000.0f, -JSVector[2] / 1000.0f);
protected void FillJointsFromJSON(JSONHand hand, JSONPointable[] pointables, ref VectorHand vHand) {
// 1. Set the rigid pose of the VectorHand
vHand.palmPos = JSToUnityVector(hand.palmPosition);
Vector3 down = JSToUnityVector(hand.palmNormal);
Vector3 forward = JSToUnityVector(hand.direction);
vHand.palmRot = Quaternion.LookRotation(forward, -down);
vHand.isLeft = hand.type.Equals("left");
// 2. Construct the array of 25 joints in that local space and set them inside the VectorHand
for (int f = 0; f < 5; f++) {
JSONPointable finger = GetJSONFinger(hand, pointables, f);
float[][] jointPositions = new float[][] { finger.carpPosition, finger.mcpPosition, finger.pipPosition, finger.dipPosition, finger.btipPosition };
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
Vector3 joint = JSToUnityVector(jointPositions[j]);
Vector3 localJoint = VectorHand.ToLocal(joint, vHand.palmPos, vHand.palmRot);
vHand.jointPositions[(f * 5) + j] = localJoint;
// 3. Move Hands from Device Space to World Space
vHand.palmPos = (Quaternion.Euler(-90f, 180f, 0f) * vHand.palmPos) + (Vector3.forward * 0.1f);
vHand.palmRot = Quaternion.Euler(-90f, 180f, 0f) * vHand.palmRot;
vHand.palmPos = transform.TransformPoint(vHand.palmPos);
vHand.palmRot = transform.rotation * vHand.palmRot;
protected void SetHandMetadata(JSONFrame jsonFrame, JSONHand jsonHand, Hand leapHand) {
leapHand.PinchDistance = jsonHand.pinchDistance;
leapHand.PinchStrength = jsonHand.pinchStrength;
Quaternion localToWorld = transform.rotation * Quaternion.Euler(-90f, 180f, 0f);
Vector3 vel = localToWorld * JSToUnityVector(jsonHand.palmVelocity);
leapHand.PalmVelocity = new Vector(vel.x, vel.y, vel.z);
leapHand.FrameId =;
leapHand.GrabStrength = jsonHand.grabStrength;
leapHand.GrabAngle = jsonHand.grabAngle;
leapHand.PalmWidth = jsonHand.palmWidth;
leapHand.IsLeft = jsonHand.type.Equals("left");
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
JSONPointable jsonFinger = GetJSONFinger(jsonHand, jsonFrame.pointables, i);
Vector3 fDir = localToWorld * JSToUnityVector(jsonFinger.direction);
leapHand.Fingers[i].Direction = new Vector(fDir.x, fDir.y, fDir.z);
leapHand.Fingers[i].Width = jsonFinger.width;
leapHand.Fingers[i].HandId = jsonHand .id;
leapHand.Fingers[i].Id =;
leapHand.Fingers[i].Length = jsonFinger.length;
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