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Created May 15, 2023 12:54
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Netbox Script to rebuild device types and modules
from typing import List, Union
from dcim.models import (
from django.conf import settings
from dcim.models.devices import Device, DeviceType, Module, ModuleType
from extras.scripts import BooleanVar, ChoiceVar, LogLevelChoices, MultiObjectVar, Script
def rebuild_components(script: Script, device_or_module: Union[Device, Module]):
f"rebuild_device_components(`{script.__class__.__name__}`, [`{device_or_module}`]({device_or_module.get_absolute_url()}))"
items = [
("consoleporttemplates", "consoleports", ConsolePort),
("consoleserverporttemplates", "consoleserverports", ConsoleServerPort),
("interfacetemplates", "interfaces", Interface),
("powerporttemplates", "powerports", PowerPort),
("poweroutlettemplates", "poweroutlets", PowerOutlet),
("rearporttemplates", "rearports", RearPort),
("frontporttemplates", "frontports", FrontPort),
if isinstance(device_or_module, Device):
("modulebaytemplates", "modulebays", ModuleBay),
("devicebaytemplates", "devicebays", DeviceBay),
device_or_module_type = device_or_module.device_type
template_kwargs = dict(device=device_or_module)
device = device_or_module
device_or_module_type = device_or_module.module_type
template_kwargs = dict(device=device_or_module.device, module=device_or_module)
device = device_or_module.device
for templates, component_attribute, component_model in items:
templated_objects = component_model.objects.bulk_create(
for template in getattr(device_or_module_type, templates).all()
if (
not hasattr(template, "resolve_name")
and not in getattr(device, component_attribute).values_list("name", flat=True)
or (
hasattr(template, "resolve_name")
and template.resolve_name(template_kwargs.get("module"))
not in getattr(device, component_attribute).values_list("name", flat=True)
if len(templated_objects):
f"**[[{device_or_module}]({device_or_module.get_absolute_url()})]** Successfully created {len(templated_objects)} `{component_model.__name__}` objects"
if isinstance(device_or_module, Device):
# Avoid bulk_create to handle MPTT
inventoryitems = []
for template in device_or_module.device_type.inventoryitemtemplates.all():
if not in device_or_module.inventoryitems.values_list(
"name", flat=True
): # pyright: reportGeneralTypeIssues=false
inventoryitem = template.instantiate(**template_kwargs).save()
if len(inventoryitems):
f"**[{device_or_module}]** Successfully created {len(inventoryitems)} `InventoryItem` objects"
class DeviceComponents(Script):
This script checks for missing components on specific Device instances
class Meta: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
"""Meta class for setting Script Attributes"""
name = "Device Components"
description = "Check for missing components on specific Device instances."
commit_default = False
devices = MultiObjectVar(model=Device, required=True)
loglevel = ChoiceVar(choices=LogLevelChoices, default=LogLevelChoices.LOG_SUCCESS, required=False)
if settings.DEBUG:
debug = BooleanVar(description="If checked, the script will wait for a debugger to be attached to the worker")
def run(self, data: dict, commit: bool) -> str: # pylint: disable=unused-argument
# Fields data
device_qs: List[Device] = data.get("devices", [])
loglevel = data.get("loglevel", LogLevelChoices.LOG_SUCCESS)
debug = data.get("debug", False)
if debug:
import debugpy # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
debugpy.listen(("", 5678))
debugpy.wait_for_client() # blocks execution until client is attached
for netbox_device in device_qs:
rebuild_components(self, netbox_device)
# cleanup logs
if loglevel is not None:
loglevel_values = LogLevelChoices.values()
self.log = [log for log in self.log if log[0] in loglevel_values[loglevel_values.index(loglevel) :]]
return ""
class DeviceTypeComponents(Script):
This script checks for missing components on specific DeviceType instances
class Meta: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
"""Meta class for setting Script Attributes"""
name = "Device Type Components"
description = "Check for missing components on specific DeviceType instances."
commit_default = False
device_types = MultiObjectVar(model=DeviceType, required=True)
loglevel = ChoiceVar(choices=LogLevelChoices, default=LogLevelChoices.LOG_SUCCESS, required=False)
if settings.DEBUG:
debug = BooleanVar(description="If checked, the script will wait for a debugger to be attached to the worker")
def run(self, data: dict, commit: bool) -> str: # pylint: disable=unused-argument
# Fields data
device_type_qs: List[Device] = data.get("device_types", [])
loglevel = data.get("loglevel", LogLevelChoices.LOG_SUCCESS)
debug = data.get("debug", False)
if debug:
import debugpy # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
debugpy.listen(("", 5678))
debugpy.wait_for_client() # blocks execution until client is attached
for netbox_device in Device.objects.filter(device_type__in=device_type_qs.values_list("pk", flat=True)): # type: ignore
rebuild_components(self, netbox_device)
# cleanup logs
if loglevel is not None:
loglevel_values = LogLevelChoices.values()
self.log = [log for log in self.log if log[0] in loglevel_values[loglevel_values.index(loglevel) :]]
return ""
class ModuleComponents(Script):
This script checks for missing components on specific Module instances.
Existing components will not be adopted, however.
class Meta: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
"""Meta class for setting Script Attributes"""
name = "Module Components"
description = "Check for missing components on specific Module instances."
commit_default = False
modules = MultiObjectVar(model=Module, required=True)
loglevel = ChoiceVar(choices=LogLevelChoices, default=LogLevelChoices.LOG_SUCCESS, required=False)
if settings.DEBUG:
debug = BooleanVar(description="If checked, the script will wait for a debugger to be attached to the worker")
def run(self, data: dict, commit: bool) -> str: # pylint: disable=unused-argument
# Fields data
modules_qs: List[Module] = data.get("modules", [])
loglevel = data.get("loglevel", LogLevelChoices.LOG_SUCCESS)
debug = data.get("debug", False)
if debug:
import debugpy # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
debugpy.listen(("", 5678))
debugpy.wait_for_client() # blocks execution until client is attached
for netbox_module in modules_qs:
rebuild_components(self, netbox_module)
# cleanup logs
if loglevel is not None:
loglevel_values = LogLevelChoices.values()
self.log = [log for log in self.log if log[0] in loglevel_values[loglevel_values.index(loglevel) :]]
return ""
class ModuleTypeComponents(Script):
This script checks for missing components on specific ModuleType instances
Existing components will not be adopted, however.
class Meta: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
"""Meta class for setting Script Attributes"""
name = "Module Type Components"
description = "Check for missing components on specific ModuleType instances."
commit_default = False
module_types = MultiObjectVar(model=ModuleType, required=True)
loglevel = ChoiceVar(choices=LogLevelChoices, default=LogLevelChoices.LOG_SUCCESS, required=False)
if settings.DEBUG:
debug = BooleanVar(description="If checked, the script will wait for a debugger to be attached to the worker")
def run(self, data: dict, commit: bool) -> str: # pylint: disable=unused-argument
# Fields data
module_type_qs: List[Module] = data.get("module_types", [])
loglevel = data.get("loglevel", LogLevelChoices.LOG_SUCCESS)
debug = data.get("debug", False)
if debug:
import debugpy # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
debugpy.listen(("", 5678))
debugpy.wait_for_client() # blocks execution until client is attached
for netbox_module in Module.objects.filter(module_type__in=module_type_qs.values_list("pk", flat=True)): # type: ignore
rebuild_components(self, netbox_module)
# cleanup logs
if loglevel is not None:
loglevel_values = LogLevelChoices.values()
self.log = [log for log in self.log if log[0] in loglevel_values[loglevel_values.index(loglevel) :]]
return ""
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