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Created April 30, 2018 22:36
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Original how to is here:

The following is updated for Ubuntu 18.04 as commented in above link.

Electrum offline Ubuntu 18.04

Thanks heaps for this how-to. Here's an updated version that worked from me at the time of writing this comment. Cheers

Online Machine:

Do the following steps on your freshly installed online Ubuntu 18.04 virtual machine (I tested this procedure on a fresh install. If you’ve already installed some of the dependencies on this machine, this procedure probably won’t work, because ubuntu won't download already installed packages, so use a fresh install.)

Grab the dependencies:

# 1) temporarily move existing debs (not required if no *.deb files exist)
mkdir /var/cache/apt/archives/tmp
mv /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb /var/cache/apt/archives/tmp

# 2) install the dependencies
sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5 python3-pip qrencode -y

# 3) grab the dependencies
cd /var/cache/apt/archives/
tar cfvz ~/debs.tar.gz *.deb

# 4) restore the pre-existing debs (not required if skipped step 1)
mv /var/cache/apt/archives/tmp/* /var/cache/apt/archives
rm -rf /var/cache/apt/archives/tmp

Grab Electrum and the python libs:

cd ~
mkdir python_libs
cd python_libs
sudo pip3 download
cd ~
tar cfvz ~/python_libs.tar.gz python_libs

Copy to tarballs to USB

cd ~
cp debs.tar.gz python_libs.tar.gz /media/<username>/<usblabel>

On the Ubuntu 18.04 offline machine:

Install the dependencies:

cd ~
mkdir debs
cd debs
cp /media/<username>/<usblabel>/debs.tar.gz .
tar xvfz debs.tar.gz
sudo dpkg -i *.deb

Install Electrum:

cd ~
cp /media/<username>/<usblabel>/python_libs.tar.gz  ~/
tar xfvz python_libs.tar.gz 
cd python_libs
sudo pip3 install --no-index --find-links=. Electrum-3.1.3.tar.gz

Start Electrum

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