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Created March 15, 2016 17:19
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Create four equally sized unordered lists <ul> with indeterminate amount of list items <li>
/* This is trickier than it sounds
* You have to think about getting the number of list items and then dynamically generating the lists
* In HTML, you have to know when to close the lists too but there aren't finite objects in this model
* The following example is using WordPress but you could do this on any PHP app
// 1- Setup WP_query variable to get all location posts
// posts_per_page=-1 shows all locations
// orderby=title, orders locations alphabetically by title
// order=ASC, orders locations a-z
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'locations',
'posts_per_page' => 50,
'orderby' => 'title',
'order' => 'ASC'
$the_query = new WP_Query( $args );
// 2- Setup variables
$location_count = $the_query->post_count; // total number of locations with post_count
$location_key_array = range(0, $location_count - 1); // sets up array key number based # of locations
$location_list_items = array_fill_keys($location_key_array, ''); // assigns keys to locations array
$c = 0; // sets up counter for WP while loop
// 3- Assign each location item into the location_list_items array use WP_query while loop
if($the_query->have_posts()) {
while($the_query->have_posts()) {
// 3b- Setup variables to get state name for location
$stateID = get_field('state', $queried_object_id);
$stateName = get_term($stateID, 'states');
// 3c- Put each location's HTML data into location_value string
$location_value = '<li class="locations-list-item locations-list-item-' . $the_query->current_post . '"><a href="' . get_the_permalink() . '">' . get_the_title() . ', ' . $stateName->name . '</a></li>';
// 3d- Assign location_value string to $location_list_items array position, $c
$location_list_items[$c] = $location_value;
// 3e- Increment counter for next while loop run
// 4- Set length of the location lists by diving total locations by 4, always rounding up
// You always round up because you want each list to be as long as possible, with the fourth being uneven with the others if necessary
$location_items_per_list = ceil( $location_count / 4 );
// 5 - Set up location list range markers
$location_loop_start_position = array(
0 => 0,
1 => $location_items_per_list,
2 => ($location_items_per_list * 2),
3 => ($location_items_per_list * 3),
4 => ($location_items_per_list * 4),
// 6- Loop through location items based on ranges from location_loop_start_position markers
// loop #1 runs 4 times, creates a list, runs 2nd for loop each time
for( $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++ ) {
echo '<ul class="locations-list">';
// loop #2 runs over a range defined by how many items are in location_items_per_list
// loop condition uses min() to make sure $location_loop_start_position never exceeds total number of location items from $location_count
for ( $j = $location_loop_start_position[$i]; $j < min($location_loop_start_position[$i + 1], $location_count); $j++) {
echo $location_list_items[$j];
echo '</ul>';
// 7- Reset post info so Wordpress can function and do queries elsewhere
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