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Created September 29, 2019 20:11
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Making a map of road elevation change for biking in Athens, Georgia

Creating a road elevation map in R

Jerry Shannon

This gist describes the process of calculating elevation change for roads in Athens-Clarke County, Georgia. This analysis is part of a process of creating a bike map for the county. As part of identifying the most bike (and walk) friendly routes, I and a student wanted to identify roads with the greatest elevation change.

Downloading OSM data

First I loaded road data for Clarke County, which was obtained directly from the county. This code also includes a method for downloading these data from OpenStreetMap. I did this using the county boundaries, creating a bounding box using st_bbox in sf. We then use st_intersection from sf to trim to the Clarke County outline. I add a road ID field (L1) that will be used to join data further down.

clarke<-st_read("data/US county 2012_Georgia.geojson", quiet=TRUE) %>%


## Code for OSM data below
# roads<-opq(bbox=bbox_clarke) %>%
#   add_osm_feature(key = 'highway') %>%
#   osmdata_sf()
# roads_sf<-roads$osm_lines %>%
#   st_intersection(clarke) %>%
#   select(osm_id,name)

roads_sf<-st_read("data/RoadCenterline.shp") %>%
## Reading layer `RoadCenterline' from data source `C:\Users\jshannon\Dropbox\Jschool\Research\Community Mapping Lab\Projects\Athens biking\BikeAthens_CURO_Fall19\data\RoadCenterline.shp' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## replacing null geometries with empty geometries
## Simple feature collection with 6088 features and 31 fields (with 1 geometry empty)
## geometry type:  LINESTRING
## dimension:      XY
## bbox:           xmin: 2488314 ymin: 1400540 xmax: 2576766 ymax: 1470154
## epsg (SRID):    NA
## proj4string:    +proj=tmerc +lat_0=30 +lon_0=-84.16666666666667 +k=0.9999 +x_0=699999.9999999999 +y_0=0 +datum=NAD83 +units=us-ft +no_defs
#Add a line number.

ggplot(roads_sf) + geom_sf()

Since these line segments vary in length, I used st_segmentize to add additional points to these lines, with a distance of no more than 15 meters between points. To convert these features from to points, we use st_cast to change the geometry type and then st_coordinates to reduce down to the component points (the vertices of the line segment. The line number created in the previous chunk (variable L1) can be used to join point attributes back.

roads_point<-roads_sf %>%
  st_transform(32616) %>%
  st_segmentize(15) %>% 
  st_transform(4326) %>%
  st_cast("MULTIPOINT") %>%
  st_coordinates() %>%

ggplot(roads_point %>%
         filter(X > -83.395 & X < -83.385 &
                  Y > 33.945 & Y < 33.95)) + 

Using the elevatr package, I can determine the elevation of each point. First, I used get_elev_raster to download a DEM for the study area. According to the package documentation, this DEM is from the Mapzen Terrain Service.

dem_area<-get_elev_raster(roads_point,z=13) %>%
## Merging DEMs

## Reprojecting DEM to original projection

## Note: Elevation units are in meters.
## Note: The coordinate reference system is:
##  +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0

Then I determine the elevation value (in meters) for each point using the extract function in raster. This column of values is connected back to the road points via bind_cols and then the range is calculated for each line segment. Lastly, I join this range value back to the road lines data.

roads_point_elev<-raster::extract(dem_area,roads_point) %>%
## Warning: Calling `as_tibble()` on a vector is discouraged, because the behavior is likely to change in the future. Use `tibble::enframe(name = NULL)` instead.
## This warning is displayed once per session.
roads_point_elev1<-bind_cols(roads_point,roads_point_elev) %>%
  st_set_geometry(NULL) %>%
  group_by(L1) %>%

roads_point_range<-roads_sf %>%
## Joining, by = "L1"
ggplot(roads_point_range) + 

Because lines vary in length, I normalize the change in range by calculating the distance of each line. I use st_length for this purpose. I use bind_cols to connect this back to the main dataset and then calculate a new variable–angle–that is the ratio of range to distance. There are some upper outliers for this variable due to short or very steep hills, and so I top code it based on the value of 1.5 time the IQR above the third quartile, the standard cutoff for outliers.

dist<-st_length(roads_point_range) %>%
  as_tibble() %>%

roads_point_all<-roads_point_range %>%
  bind_cols(dist) %>%

cutoff<-as.numeric(summary(roads_point_all$angle)[5]+(1.5 * IQR(roads_point_all$angle,na.rm=TRUE)))

roads_point_all<-roads_point_all %>%
  mutate(angle=if_else(angle >= cutoff, cutoff,angle))

## Raster object has 14772879 (3597 by 4107) cells, which is larger than 1e+07, the maximum size determined by the option max.raster. Therefore, the raster will be shown at a decreased resolution of 1e+07 cells. Set tmap_options(max.raster = c(plot = 14772879, view = 14772879)) to show the whole raster.

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