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Last active February 1, 2021 18:17
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Test filtering in ArduinoJson library on ESP32
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
void setup() {
int waittime = 3; //wait in seconds
Serial.println("Waiting " + String(waittime) + " seconds");
for (int i=0; i<waittime; i++)
String fullUserDB = ("{\"USER1\": { \"data\" : { \"1\" : \"item 1 description\", \"2\" : \"item 2 description\"}, \"associated user data\" : \"value\"}, \"USER2\": { \"data\" : { \"10\" : \"item 10 description\", \"11\" : \"item 11 description\"} ,\"associated user data\" : \"value\"}}");
Serial.println("-----------initial json input string: -----------\n" + fullUserDB);
DynamicJsonDocument jsonDoc(2000); //jsonDoc to hold the DB
//deserialize and reserialize to prettify
DeserializationError err = deserializeJson(jsonDoc, fullUserDB);
String prettyUserDB;
serializeJsonPretty(jsonDoc, prettyUserDB);
Serial.println("-----------fullUserDB after prettify (no filter yet): -----------");
jsonDoc.clear(); //empty for reuse
//make the filter -- ideally I want to keep the target data of "10" and associated higher levels only --> { USER2, data : {10 : item 10 description}, associated user data: value } <--
DynamicJsonDocument filter(1000);
filter["*"]["data"]["10"] = true;
Serial.println("make a filter -- \nideally I want to keep the target data of \"10\" and associated higher levels only \n--> { USER2, data : { 10 : item 10 description }, associated user data: value } <--");
Serial.println("Filter: \nfilter[\"*\"][\"data\"][\"10\"] = true");
//deserialize again -- this time apply filter
err = deserializeJson(jsonDoc, fullUserDB, DeserializationOption::Filter(filter));
if (err)
Serial.println("unable to deserialize DB");
Serial.println("Error: " + String(err.c_str()));
//reserialize for viewing
String postFilterJson;
//serializeJson(jsonDoc, postFilterJson);
serializeJsonPretty(jsonDoc, postFilterJson);
Serial.println("-----------filtered userDB after pretty+filter: -----------");
Serial.println("Result: Keeping unwanted USER1 and truncated wanted associated user data");
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
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