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Created September 6, 2012 18:13
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Kings simulator
// Copyright © 2012 Josh Holland <>
// Kings is a program to play the card game of Kings.
package main
import (
const (
NumSuits = 4
NumRanks = 13
NumCards = NumSuits * NumRanks
func init() { rand.Seed(time.Now().Unix()) }
type Card struct {
func (c Card) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v of %v", c.Rank, c.Suit)
// Rank represents the face value of a card (e.g. Ace, 5, Jack).
type Rank uint8
func (r Rank) String() string {
switch r {
case Ace:
return "Ace"
case Jack:
return "Jack"
case Queen:
return "Queen"
case King:
return "King"
return fmt.Sprint(uint8(r))
// These constants are for referring to named cards symbolically
// instead of by numerical values.
const (
Ace Rank = 1
Jack Rank = 11
Queen Rank = 12
King Rank = 13
// Suit represents the suit of a card.
type Suit uint8
func (s Suit) String() string {
switch s {
case Clubs:
return "Clubs"
case Diamonds:
return "Diamonds"
case Spades:
return "Spades"
case Hearts:
return "Hearts"
const (
Clubs Suit = iota
// Deck represents a deck of cards, as a stack.
type Deck struct {
data []Card
func (d *Deck) String() string {
if d.Len() != 0 {
return d.Peek().String()
return "(empty)"
// Pop removes the top card from the deck and returns it. Trying to Pop
// a card from an empty deck will panic.
func (d *Deck) Pop() Card {
c :=[len(] =[:len(]
return c
// Push puts the given card on top of the deck.
func (d *Deck) Push(c Card) { = append(, c)
// Peek returns the top card (i.e. the one that would be returned by Pop)
// but without removing it. The result of Peeking an empty deck is a panic.
func (d *Deck) Peek() Card {
// Len returns the length of the stack.
func (d *Deck) Len() int {
return len(
// NewDeck returns a newly created randomly ordered 52-card deck
// of cards.
func NewDeck() *Deck {
d := make([]Card, NumCards)
// Use the in-place variant of the Fisher-Yates shuffle
// to initialise the slice.
d[0] = Card{Ace, Clubs}
for i := 1; i < NumCards; i++ {
j := rand.Intn(i + 1)
d[i] = d[j]
r := Rank(i%NumRanks + 1)
s := Suit(i / NumRanks)
d[j] = Card{r, s}
return &Deck{d}
// Game represents a game of Kings.
type Game struct {
// The main piles which the cards are played onto.
Piles [NumSuits]*Deck
// The location for putting eliminated cards.
Discard *Deck
// The remaining cards yet to be dealt.
Stock *Deck
// Where to log informational messages to.
Log io.Writer
func NewGame(log io.Writer) *Game {
p := [NumSuits]*Deck{}
for i := range p {
p[i] = &Deck{make([]Card, 0, NumRanks)}
return &Game{
Piles: p,
Discard: new(Deck),
Stock: NewDeck(),
Log: log,
// Run plays a game of Kings, returning whether the game is "out" or not.
func (g *Game) Run() bool {
fmt.Fprintln(g.Log, "Starting a new game of Kings. Parameters:")
fmt.Fprintln(g.Log, "Suits:", NumSuits)
fmt.Fprintln(g.Log, "Ranks:", NumRanks)
for g.Stock.Len() != 0 {
if g.moveKings() {
// If we have discarded all but NumSuits cards, the game has come out.
if g.Discard.Len() == NumCards-NumSuits {
return true
return false
// String returns a human-readable representation of a game in terms of the
// cards currently on top of the piles.
func (g *Game) String() string {
return fmt.Sprint("Top cards are ", g.Piles)
// deal deals cards from the stock onto the playing piles.
func (g *Game) deal() {
fmt.Fprintln(g.Log, "Dealing a new round.")
for _, pile := range g.Piles {
fmt.Fprintln(g.Log, g)
fmt.Fprintln(g.Log, g.Stock.Len(), "cards left")
// discard recursively clears out-ranked cards from the in-play piles.
func (g *Game) discard() {
for g.canDiscard() {
fmt.Fprintln(g.Log, g)
// canDiscard is a predicate to show whether there are cards available to
// be discarded.
func (g *Game) canDiscard() bool {
fmt.Fprintln(g.Log, "Checking for cards to discard...")
// Keep track of whether we have seen a suit on top.
seen := make(map[Suit]bool)
for _, pile := range g.Piles {
// Skip empty piles
if pile.Len() == 0 {
suit := pile.Peek().Suit
if _, ok := seen[suit]; ok {
fmt.Fprintln(g.Log, "Two", suit, "found")
return true
seen[suit] = true
fmt.Fprintln(g.Log, "No discards available")
return false
// discardOne discards a single card if a discard is possible, and does
// nothing otherwise.
func (g *Game) discardOne() {
// suits maps Suit types back to the index of the pile whose top card
// is of that suit.
suits := make(map[Suit]int)
for i := range g.Piles {
// We can't do anything with an empty pile.
if g.Piles[i].Len() == 0 {
suit := g.Piles[i].Peek().Suit
if j, ok := suits[suit]; ok {
var c Card
rankI := g.Piles[i].Peek().Rank
rankJ := g.Piles[j].Peek().Rank
if rankI < rankJ {
c = g.Piles[i].Pop()
} else {
c = g.Piles[j].Pop()
fmt.Fprintln(g.Log, "Discarded", c)
suits[suit] = i
// moveKings moves kings to empty spaces, if any are free. It does this
// in a fairly simplistic manner, first checking for empty spaces from
// left to right, then placing the leftmost king in it. The return value
// is whether a move was possible.
func (g *Game) moveKings() bool {
fmt.Fprintln(g.Log, "Trying to move kings...")
kings := make(chan int)
spaces := make(chan int)
go func(ch chan<- int) {
ch <- g.findKings()
go func(ch chan<- int) {
ch <- g.findSpaces()
kingIndex, spaceIndex := <-kings, <-spaces
if kingIndex != -1 && spaceIndex != -1 {
c := g.Piles[kingIndex].Pop()
fmt.Fprintln(g.Log, "Moving", c, "to pile", spaceIndex+1)
fmt.Fprintln(g.Log, g)
return true
fmt.Fprintln(g.Log, "No possible moves found")
return false
// findKings looks for a top-ranked card along the piles.
// It returns the index of the pile containing it if found
// or -1 on failure.
func (g *Game) findKings() int {
for i := range g.Piles {
if g.Piles[i].Len() == 0 {
if g.Piles[i].Peek().Rank == NumRanks {
return i
return -1
// findSpaces looks for empty piles. It returns the index of an
// empty pile or -1 if none are empty
func (g *Game) findSpaces() int {
for i := range g.Piles {
if g.Piles[i].Len() == 0 {
return i
return -1
var (
nThreads = flag.Int("threads", 1, "Number of threads to use")
func main() {
var ret int
switch len(flag.Args()) {
case 0:
ret = runOne()
case 1:
n, err := strconv.Atoi(flag.Arg(0))
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Argument must be an integer, not", flag.Arg(0))
ret = 127
ret = runMany(n, *nThreads)
fmt.Println("Run with 0 or 1 arguments only.")
ret = 127
func runOne() int {
g := NewGame(os.Stdout)
if g.Run() {
return 0
fmt.Println("Failure :(")
return 1
func worker(in chan *Game, res chan bool) {
for g := range in {
res <- g.Run()
func runMany(n, nThreads int) int {
numWin := 0
in := make(chan *Game, n)
out := make(chan bool, n)
for i := 0; i < nThreads; i++ {
go worker(in, out)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
in <- NewGame(ioutil.Discard)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if <-out {
percent := float64(numWin) / float64(n) * 100.0
fmt.Printf("%v wins, %v losses (%.2f%%)\n", numWin, n-numWin, percent)
return 0
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