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Created May 18, 2012 14:31
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Dump status from Nagios.
require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
def get_nagios_status(server_host, username = 'monitor', password = 'monitor')
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open("http://#{server_host}/nagios/cgi-bin/status.cgi?servicestatustypes=28&hoststatustypes=15", :http_basic_authentication => [username, password]))
hosts = []
last_title = nil
last_link = nil
doc.css('table.status>tr').each do |row|
title_row = row.css('a[title]')[0]
next if title_row.nil? && last_title.nil?
next if !row.xpath("td[1]").attr('colspan').nil?
if title_row
host = title_row.attr('title')
link = title_row.attr('href')
host = last_title
link = last_link
service = row.xpath('td[2]')[0].content.strip
status = row.xpath('td[3]')[0].content
message = row.xpath('td[7]')[0].content
last_title = host
last_link = link
hosts << {:hostname => host, :service => service, :status => status, :link => link,:message => message}
if ARGV.length == 0
puts "Usage: #{__FILE__} <server>"
exit 1
server = ARGV[0]
status = get_nagios_status(server)
puts "Critical: #{status.reduce(0) {|count, status| count = if status[:status] == 'CRITICAL' then count + 1 else count end}}"
puts "Warning: #{status.reduce(0) {|count, status| count = if status[:status] == 'WARNING' then count + 1 else count end}}"
status.each do |host|
puts "Host = #{host[:hostname]}, service = #{host[:service]}, status = #{host[:status]}, message = #{host[:message]}"
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