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Forked from zemax/WindowsMove.ahk
Last active November 24, 2022 18:43
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AutoHotKey script for resizing a window by 1/3 or 2/3 of screen size. RESIZE WINDOWS BY THIRDS
; Resize Windows by 1/3 by Jeff Sherk - November 2022
; AutoHotKey script for resizing a window by 1/3 or 2/3 of screen size.
; This script is very helpful if you have a very wide monitor and want to quickly resize multiple windows to fit on your screen.
; WinKey +AltKey +RightArrowKey = CYCLE window size from 33% 1/3 Left > 66% 2/3 Left > 33% 1/3 Middle > 66% 2/3 Right > 33% 1/3 Right.
; WinKey +AltKey +LeftArrowKey = CYCLE back thru above sizes.
; CtrlKey +WinKey +AltKey +LeftArrowKey = Direct resize window to 66% 2/3 Left.
; CtrlKey +WinKey +AltKey +RightArrowKey = Direct resize window to 33% 1/3 Right.
; - Forked from this script:
; - Since Windows already has built in functionality for resizing windows to 50% using WinKey +ArrowKey, I removed that functionality from original.
; - I added hardcoded direct resize (not cyled) to 2/3 left and 1/3 right.
; #InstallKeybdHook ; Debug:
; #Warn ; Debug: Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
I_Icon = %A_ScriptDir%\WindowResizeByThirds.ico ; Use a .ico file of your choice or
ICON [I_Icon] ; Changes a compiled script's icon (.exe)
if I_Icon <>
IfExist, %I_Icon%
Menu, Tray, Icon, %I_Icon% ; Changes menu tray icon
; + for SHIFT
; ^ for CTRL
; ! for ALT
; ~ use this first if you do not want to block the keystroke from other tasks
; ************************
; Script starts here
; ************************
MoveCycle(Add) {
static StepsInCycle = 5 ;;; This is how many different window positions we will have.
static SizeCycle = 0
SizeCycle := Mod(SizeCycle + Add, StepsInCycle)
if (SizeCycle < 0) {
SizeCycle := SizeCycle + StepsInCycle
if (Add = 111) {
SizeCycle = 1 ;;; Force Left 2/3
else if (Add = 222) {
SizeCycle = 4 ;;; Force Right 1/3
;;; These IF statements need to have same number of options as StepsInCycle.
;;; So if StepsInCycle = 5 then we need 5 IF statements ranging from 0 to 4.
if (SizeCycle = 0) {
MoveWindow(0, 33.3333) ;;; Left 1/3
else if (SizeCycle = 1) {
MoveWindow(0, 66.6666) ;;; Left 2/3
else if (SizeCycle = 2) {
MoveWindow(33.3333, 33.3333) ;;; Middle 1/3
else if (SizeCycle = 3) {
MoveWindow(33.3333, 66.6666) ;;; Right 2/3
else if (SizeCycle = 4) {
MoveWindow(66.6666, 33.3333) ;;; Right 1/3
MoveWindow(XP, WP) {
; Get current Window
WinGetActiveTitle, WinTitle
WinGetPos, X, Y, WinWidth, WinHeight, %WinTitle%
; Get Taskbar height
WinGetPos,,, tbW, tbH, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
; Calculate new position and size
XNew := (A_ScreenWidth * XP / 100)
WNew := (A_ScreenWidth * WP / 100)
HNew := (A_ScreenHeight - tbH)
TopNew := 2
; MsgBox, %XNew% - %WNew% ; DEBUG
WinRestore, %WinTitle%
WinMove, %WinTitle%,, %XNew%, %TopNew%, %WNew%, %HNew%
; Windows key + Left arrow ; Cycle left
; Windows key + Right arrow ; Cycle right
; CTRL + Windows key + Left arrow ; Force Left 2/3
; CTRL + Windows key + Right arrow ; Force Right 1/3
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