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Created June 8, 2015 16:27
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$proxy_server = '';
$proxy_port = '';
$linkResolver = ''; // example :
$id = $_GET['id']; //Identifier
$request = $_GET['request'];//ISBN OR ISSN
function parseLinks($xmlstr)
$records = array(); // array to return
$xml = new DomDocument();
if (!@$xml->loadXML($xmlstr)) {
return $records;
$xpath = new DOMXpath($xml);
$results = $xpath->query("//ssopenurl:result");
$linkGroups = $xpath->query("//ssopenurl:linkGroup[@type='holding']");
if (!is_null($linkGroups)) {
foreach ($results as $result) {
if (!is_null($linkGroups)) {
foreach ($linkGroups as $linkGroup) {
$record = array();
// select the deepest link returned
$elems = $xpath->query(
".//ssopenurl:url[@type='article']", $linkGroup
if ($elems->length > 0) {
$record['linktype'] = 'article';
} else {
$elems = $xpath->query(
".//ssopenurl:url[@type='journal']", $linkGroup
if ($elems->length > 0) {
$record['linktype'] = 'journal';
$ressTitle = $xpath->query(
".//ssopenurl:citation/dc:source", $result
$record['resource_title'] = $ressTitle->item(0)->textContent;
} else {
$elems = $xpath->query(
".//ssopenurl:url[@type='source']", $linkGroup
if ($elems->length > 0) {
$record['linktype'] = 'source';
if ($elems->length > 0) {
$href = $elems->item(0)->nodeValue;
$record['href']= $href;
$record['service_type'] = 'getFullTxt';
} else {
$record['service_type'] = 'getHolding';
$elems = $xpath->query(
".//ssopenurl:holdingData/ssopenurl:providerName", $linkGroup
//$title = $elems->item(0)->textContent;
$elems = $xpath->query(
".//ssopenurl:holdingData/ssopenurl:databaseName", $linkGroup
$title = ' Sur ' . $elems->item(0)->textContent;
$record['title'] = $title;
$elems = $xpath->query(
".//ssopenurl:holdingData/ssopenurl:startDate", $linkGroup
if ($elems->length > 0) {
$dateStart = $elems->item(0)->textContent;
$record['coverage'] ='de ' . $elems->item(0)->textContent . ' à ';
$elems = $xpath->query(
".//ssopenurl:holdingData/ssopenurl:endDate", $linkGroup
if ($elems->length > 0) {
$dateEnd = $elems->item(0)->textContent;
$record['coverage'] .= $dateEnd;
else {
if ($dateStart > 0){$record['coverage'] .= "Aujourd'hui";}}
array_push($records, $record);
return $records;
$url = $linkResolver . '/openurlxml?version=1.0&'. $request .'='.$id;
$opts = array(
'http' => array (
'proxy'=>'tcp://' . $proxy_server . ':' . $proxy_port. '',
'request_fulluri' => true
'https' => array (
'proxy'=>'tcp://' . $proxy_server . ':' . $proxy_port. '',
'request_fulluri' => true
// Création du contexte de transaction
$ctx = stream_context_create($opts);
$feed = file_get_contents($url,false,$ctx);
else {
$feed = file_get_contents($url);
$arr= parseLinks($feed);
function return_json($obj) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['callback'])) {
header('Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=utf8');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST');
echo $_REQUEST['callback'] . '(' . json_encode($obj) . ')';
} else {
header('Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
echo json_encode($obj);
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