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Last active October 30, 2019 21:06
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Prints out field descriptions of all logs generated by Bro/Zeek.
# Prints out field descriptions of all logs generated by Zeek 3.0+.
# * Set environment variable ZEEK_ALLOW_INIT_ERRORS=1 before running Zeek
# with this script.
# * Requires a version of Bro/Zeek with the improvements from:
# (Was not included in 2.6 release)
@load zeekygen
#@load test-all-policy
module PrintLogs;
export {
option csv = T;
option title_map: table[string] of string = {
["barnyard2.log"] = "Alerts from Barnyard2",
["broker.log"] = "Events from Broker-enabled peers",
["capture_loss.log"] = "Packet loss rate",
["cluster.log"] = "Cluster messages",
["config.log"] = "Configuration option changes",
["conn.log"] = "IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP connection details",
["dce_rpc.log"] = "Details on DCE/RPC messages",
["dhcp.log"] = "DHCP lease activity",
["dnp3.log"] = "DNP3 requests and replies",
["dns.log"] = "DNS query/response details",
["dpd.log"] = "Dynamic protocol detection failures",
["files.log"] = "File analysis results",
["ftp.log"] = "FTP request/reply details",
["http.log"] = "HTTP request/reply details",
["intel.log"] = "Intelligence data matches",
["irc.log"] = "IRC communication details",
["kerberos.log"] = "Kerberos authentication",
["known_certs.log"] = "SSL certificates",
["known_hosts.log"] = "Hosts with complete TCP handshakes",
["known_modbus.log"] = "Modbus masters and slaves",
["known_services.log"] = "Services running on hosts",
["loaded_scripts.log"] = "Show all loaded scripts",
["modbus.log"] = "Modbus commands and responses",
["modbus_register_change.log"] = "Modbus holding register changes",
["mysql.log"] = "MySQL",
["netcontrol.log"] = "NetControl actions",
["netcontrol_catch_release.log"] = "NetControl catch and releases",
["netcontrol_drop.log"] = "NetControl drops",
["netcontrol_shunt.log"] = "NetControl shunts",
["notice.log"] = "Interesting events/activity",
["notice_alarm.log"] = "Alarming events/activity",
["ntlm.log"] = "NT LAN Manager (NTLM)",
["ocsp.log"] = "Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)",
["openflow.log"] = "OpenFlow debug log",
["packet_filter.log"] = "Applied packet filters",
["pe.log"] = "Portable Executable (PE)",
["radius.log"] = "RADIUS authentication attempts",
["rdp.log"] = "Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)",
["reporter.log"] = "Error/warning/info messages",
["rfb.log"] = "Remote Framebuffer (RFB)",
["signatures.log"] = "Signature matches",
["sip.log"] = "SIP analysis",
["smb_cmd.log"] = "SMB commands",
["smb_files.log"] = "Details on SMB files",
["smb_mapping.log"] = "SMB mappings",
["smtp.log"] = "SMTP transactions",
["snmp.log"] = "SNMP messages",
["socks.log"] = "SOCKS proxy requests",
["software.log"] = "Software used on the network",
["ssh.log"] = "SSH handshakes",
["ssl.log"] = "SSL handshakes",
["stats.log"] = "Memory/event/packet/lag stats",
["syslog.log"] = "Syslog messages",
["traceroute.log"] = "Traceroute detection",
["tunnel.log"] = "Details of encapsulating tunnels",
["unified2.log"] = "Interprets Snort's unified output",
["weird.log"] = "Unexpected network/protocol activity",
["weird_stats.log"] = "Stats related to weird.log",
["x509.log"] = "X.509 certificate info",
global csvs_written: set[string] = set();
event bro_done() &priority = -100
for ( f in csvs_written )
print fmt("wrote %s", f);
event bro_init() &priority = -100
local path_to_id_map: table[string] of Log::ID = table();
local paths: vector of string = vector();
local stream: Log::Stream;
local id: Log::ID;
for ( id in Log::active_streams )
stream = Log::active_streams[id];
if ( ! stream?$path )
path_to_id_map[stream$path] = id;
paths += stream$path;
sort(paths, strcmp);
for ( i in paths )
id = path_to_id_map[paths[i]];
stream = Log::active_streams[id];
local log_file = fmt("%s.log", stream$path);
local fields = record_fields(stream$columns);
local info_id = cat(stream$columns);
local field_names = record_type_to_vector(info_id);
local csv_file: file;
local csv_filename: string;
if ( csv )
csv_filename = fmt("%s.%s.%s-%s.csv", Version::info$major,
Version::info$minor, Version::info$patch,
csv_file = open(csv_filename);
if ( log_file in title_map )
print csv_file, fmt("\"%s | %s\"", log_file,
print csv_file, fmt("\"%s\"", log_file);
print csv_file, "\"FIELD\",\"TYPE\",\"DESCRIPTION\"";
if ( log_file in title_map )
print fmt("%s | %s", log_file, title_map[log_file]);
print log_file;
for ( idx in field_names )
local field = field_names[idx];
local field_props = fields[field];
if ( ! field_props$log )
local fq_field = fmt("%s$%s", info_id, field);
local field_desc = get_record_field_comments(fq_field);
field_desc = gsub(field_desc, /\x0a/, " ");
# note: period_idx is 1-based
local period_idx = strstr(field_desc, ".");
if ( period_idx < |field_desc| )
if ( field_desc[period_idx] !in set(" ", "\n") )
# Likely the period doesn't indicate the end of a sentence
# TODO: could look for the next period
period_idx = 0;
if ( period_idx != 0 )
field_desc = field_desc[0:period_idx];
if ( |field_desc| > 0 && /[[:alnum:]]/ !in field_desc[0] )
field_desc = "";
if ( csv )
if ( |field_desc| > 0 && field_desc[|field_desc| - 1] == "." )
field_desc = field_desc[0:|field_desc| - 1];
field_desc = gsub(field_desc, /\"/, "'");
print csv_file, fmt("\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\"", field,
field_props$type_name, field_desc);
print fmt(" %s: %s - %s", field, field_props$type_name,
if ( csv )
add csvs_written[csv_filename];
print "";
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