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Last active April 27, 2020 07:22
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import sublime, sublime_plugin
import re
import threading
# This is an example plugin that simulates a completion interaction with an
# LSP server, while correctly apply any edits that are received from the
# server. This is trickier than you'd expect, due to the async nature the
# server communication, the async auto complete system in Sublime Text, and
# the use of row+col offsets within the LSP protocol.
# Note this uses APIs that are only available in Sublime Text 4069+
# For reference, this plugin adds a single completion with a trigger of
# "hello", that when run replaces all "#include" occurrences in the buffer
# with smiley faces
# Apply a sequence of edits to the text buffer.
# Each edit is specified as a tuple of (begin_offset, end_offset, text)
# `when` is a token that indicates which version of the text buffer the regions
# are in relation to.
# `transform_region_from` translates these regions into the coordinate space
# of the current buffer.
class ApplyEditsCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit_token, when, edits):
for e in edits:
begin, end, text = e
r = self.view.transform_region_from(sublime.Region(begin, end), when)
self.view.replace(edit_token, r, text)
# Represents a point in a TextBuffer in row+col format, as opposed to Sublime
# Text's native character offset
class RcPoint():
__slots__ = ['row', 'col']
def __init__(self, row, col):
self.row = row
self.col = col
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.row) + ":" + str(self.col)
def __eq__(x, y):
return x.row == y.row and x.col == y.col
def __lt__(x, y):
if x.row == y.row:
return x.col < y.col
return x.row < y.row
def __le__(x, y):
if x.row == y.row:
return x.col <= y.col
return x.row <= y.row
def __gt__(x, y):
if x.row == y.row:
return x.col > y.col
return x.row > y.row
def __ge__(x, y):
if x.row == y.row:
return x.col >= y.col
return x.row >= y.row
# Equivalent to a sublime.Region, but using row+col offsets, rather than
# character offsets
class RcRegion():
__slots__ = ['a', 'b']
def __init__(self, a: RcPoint, b: RcPoint):
self.a = a
self.b = b
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.a) + ", " + str(self.b)
def __eq__(x, y):
return x.a == y.a and x.b == y.b
# Convert an offset into a string into a row+column offset into the string.
# Used by simulate_server() only
def offset_to_rowcol(s: str, offset: int) -> RcPoint:
row = 0
col = 0
for c in s[:offset]:
if c == '\n':
row += 1
col = 0
col += 1
return RcPoint(row,col)
# Acts in a similar manner to a LSP server: takes the current contents of the
# text buffer, spends some time thinking, and produces a sequence of edits to
# that buffer
def simulate_server(contents: str, request):
# calculate all the edits
edits = []
for m in re.finditer("#include", contents):
begin = offset_to_rowcol(contents, m.start())
end = offset_to_rowcol(contents, m.end())
edits.append((RcRegion(begin, end), "😀"))
# send the edits back to the client with a simulated delay
sublime.set_timeout(lambda: request.fill_completions(edits), 500)
# Given an RcRegion, and a change to the text buffer, transform the region
# into the coordinate space after that change has been applied.
# For example, if the r.a is row 10, column 5, and a newline is inserted at
# the beginning of the file, then the resulting region has its r.a set to row
# 11, column 5.
# Note that this mirrors the algorithm that View.transform_region_from uses
# internally
def transform_region(r: RcRegion, change: sublime.TextChange) -> RcRegion:
begin = RcPoint(change.a.row, change.a.col)
end = RcPoint(change.b.row, change.b.col)
num_added_newlines = change.str.count("\n")
if num_added_newlines > 0:
num_chars_on_last_line = len(change.str) - change.str.rfind("\n")
num_chars_on_last_line = len(change.str)
if r.a >= begin and r.a <= end:
r.a = begin
elif r.a > end:
# handle the erased region
if r.a.row == end.row:
if begin.row == end.row:
r.a.col -= end.col - begin.col
r.a.col -= end.col
r.a.row -= (end.row - begin.row)
# handle the added text
if r.a.row == end.row:
r.a.row += num_added_newlines
r.a.col += num_chars_on_last_line
r.a.row += num_added_newlines
if r.b >= begin and r.b < end:
r.b = begin
elif r.b >= end:
# handle the erased region
if r.b.row == end.row:
if begin.row == end.row:
r.b.col -= end.col - begin.col
r.b.col -= end.col
r.b.row -= (end.row - begin.row)
# handle the added text
if r.b.row == end.row:
r.b.row += num_added_newlines
r.b.col += num_chars_on_last_line
r.b.row += num_added_newlines
return r
def check_transform_region():
assert(transform_region(RcRegion(RcPoint(10, 0), RcPoint(10, 0)), sublime.TextChange(
sublime.HistoricPosition(-1, 5, 0, 0, 0),
sublime.HistoricPosition(-1, 6, 0, 0, 0),
"")) == RcRegion(RcPoint(9, 0), RcPoint(9, 0)))
assert(transform_region(RcRegion(RcPoint(10, 0), RcPoint(10, 0)), sublime.TextChange(
sublime.HistoricPosition(-1, 5, 0, 0, 0),
sublime.HistoricPosition(-1, 6, 0, 0, 0),
"abc")) == RcRegion(RcPoint(9, 0), RcPoint(9, 0)))
assert(transform_region(RcRegion(RcPoint(10, 0), RcPoint(10, 0)), sublime.TextChange(
sublime.HistoricPosition(-1, 5, 0, 0, 0),
sublime.HistoricPosition(-1, 6, 0, 0, 0),
"\n")) == RcRegion(RcPoint(10, 0), RcPoint(10, 0)))
assert(transform_region(RcRegion(RcPoint(10, 0), RcPoint(10, 0)), sublime.TextChange(
sublime.HistoricPosition(-1, 15, 0, 0, 0),
sublime.HistoricPosition(-1, 16, 0, 0, 0),
"")) == RcRegion(RcPoint(10, 0), RcPoint(10, 0)))
assert(transform_region(RcRegion(RcPoint(10, 0), RcPoint(10, 0)), sublime.TextChange(
sublime.HistoricPosition(-1, 10, 0, 0, 0),
sublime.HistoricPosition(-1, 10, 0, 0, 0),
"xx")) == RcRegion(RcPoint(10, 0), RcPoint(10, 2)))
# Takes an edit in row+col format, and returns an edit in character offset
# format
def row_col_edit_to_offset_edit(view: sublime.View, e):
r, text = e
# convert from row_col into a text point
begin = view.text_point(r.a.row, r.a.col)
end = view.text_point(r.b.row, r.b.col)
return (begin, end, text)
# Represents an outstanding request to the 'server' (a thread running
# simulate_server() in this case).
# The important aspect here is self.changes_since_sent, which represents all
# the changes to the text buffer since the request was sent. This allows the
# response from the server to be adjusted to the current coordinate space of
# the buffer
class Request():
def __init__(self, listener, view, completions):
self.listener = listener
self.view = view
self.changes_since_sent = []
self.completions = sublime.CompletionList()
# Called when we get a response from the 'server'
def fill_completions(self, edits):
# The server has sent us a series of edits it wants to be made when
# the completion command is run, however the user may have edited the
# buffer since the request want sent. Adjust the response from the
# server to account for these edits
for c in self.changes_since_sent:
edits = [(transform_region(r, c), text) for r, text in edits]
# The edits are now relative to the current document, and could be
# applied now. However, we don't want to apply them now, we want to
# apply them only when the user selects the completion. Because
# further edits to the buffer may occur between now and when the user
# selects the completion, grab a token that represents the current
# state of the buffer, so the edits can be transformed a second time
# when the user does select the completion.
change_id = self.view.change_id()
# Transform the edits from row+col representation, to the simpler
# character offset representation
normal_edits = [row_col_edit_to_offset_edit(self.view, e) for e in edits]
# Create the completion item, indicating which command to run, and its
# arguments. Note that `change_id` and `normal_edits` are both simple
# types that can be JSON encoded
item = sublime.CompletionItem.command_completion(
args={"when":change_id, "edits": normal_edits})
# The request has completed, so remove ourself from
# HelloCompletions.requests
self.completions.set_completions([item], 0)
class AsyncEditsListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def __init__(self):
self.requests = []
def on_query_completions(self, view, prefix, locations):
req = Request(self, view, sublime.CompletionList())
# Send the contents of the current view to the simulated server. When
# the response is ready, Request.fill_completions()) will be called
contents = view.substr(sublime.Region(0, view.size()))
t = threading.Thread(
args=(contents, req))
return req.completions
def on_text_changed(self, view, changes):
# Record the changes in all pending requests
for r in self.requests:
if r.view.view_id == view.view_id:
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Didn't the json lsp server send long documentation string? The general idea sounds not too bad, but maybe we'd need some language-server-specific handling for such things. But this feels like it becomes off topic here.

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rwols commented Apr 26, 2020

I'd therefore suggest to add an optional "label" field to the completions. If it is present and not empty it was used to display the completion in the autocomplete popup, while trigger is used to do filtering and dedupping. If it is not present or empty, just display the trigger.

The problem is that filterText is not guaranteed to be a substring of label. I don't know why.
Perhaps it is safe to assume that it is.

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rwols commented Apr 26, 2020

But maybe we'd need some language-server-specific handling for such things.

Perhaps, but it should be a last resort :)

But this feels like it becomes off topic here.

I'll stop here.

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I've touched on some of the items raised here in sublimehq/sublime_text#3296

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