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Created October 11, 2011 10:07
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Square root for BigInteger in F# (taken from
module Roots
open System
open System.Numerics
// Here are some constant BigIntegers to help with the log10 function.
let ten = 10I // 10^1
let tenBillion = 10000000000I // 10^10
let googol = 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000I // 10^100
let googolToTenth = googol * googol * googol * googol * googol * googol * googol * googol * googol * googol // 10^10000
// Take the integer logarithm of theNumber, base 10.
let private log10 theNumber =
if theNumber <= 0I then
failwith "Logarithm of a non-positive number is not defined."
// this inner functions counts the number of times divisor will divide num
let rec divisions count (num : BigInteger) divisor =
match num with
| x when x < divisor -> count, num
| _ -> divisions (count + 1I) (num / divisor) divisor
let thousandsCount, rem1 = divisions 0I theNumber googolToTenth
let hundredsCount, rem2 = divisions 0I rem1 googol
let tensCount, rem3 = divisions 0I rem2 tenBillion
1000I * thousandsCount + 100I * hundredsCount + ten * tensCount + fst(divisions 0I rem3 10I)
// Raises 10I to the power of a specified value.
// Warning: Be careful with passing in a value over 100000I (hundred thousand).
// It could take a long time to complete.
// (BigInteger -> BigInteger)
let private power10 (exponent : BigInteger) =
if exponent.Sign = -1 then
let rec expox (product : BigInteger) (pow : BigInteger) multiplier log10OfMult =
match pow with
| x when x < log10OfMult -> product, pow
| _ -> expox (product * multiplier) (pow - log10OfMult) multiplier log10OfMult
let pow10To1000, rem1 = expox 1I exponent googolToTenth 1000I
let pow10To100, rem2 = expox 1I rem1 googol 100I
let pow10To10, rem3 = expox 1I rem2 tenBillion 10I
pow10To1000 * pow10To100 * pow10To10 * fst(expox 1I rem3 10I 1I)
// Take the integer square root of a specified value.
// Because this is dealing with integers the answere is truncated.
// An exception occurs if you pass in a negative value.
// (BigInteger -> BigInteger)
let bigintSqrt(bigNum : BigInteger) =
let sqrtRoughGuess (num : BigInteger) =
let log10x = log10 (num + 1I)
let halfLog = (log10x + 1I) >>> 1
(power10 halfLog)
let rec converge prevGuess =
let nextGuess = (bigNum / prevGuess + prevGuess) >>> 1
match BigInteger.Abs (prevGuess - nextGuess) with
| x when x < 2I -> nextGuess
| _ -> converge nextGuess
if bigNum.Sign = -1 then
failwith "Square root of a negative number is not defined."
let root = converge (sqrtRoughGuess bigNum)
if root * root > bigNum then
root - 1I
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