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Created July 23, 2012 16:54
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Git aliases
ui = auto
name = Juraj Skripsky\n
email =
recentrepo = /home/js/legic/csw
main-window-maximized = false
main-window-geometry = 1344x816+149+118
file-view-hpane-position = 293
main-window-view = FileView
file-view-vpane-position = 375
history-view-vpane-position = 231
show-graph = true
s = status --short
d = diff -w
ds = diff -w --staged
l = log -w --decorate
la = log -w --decorate --all
lo = log -w --decorate --oneline
ls = log -w --stat --decorate
rs = remote show
a = add
b = branch
ba = branch -a
bm = branch --merged
bnm = branch --no-merged
bd = branch -d
bdd = branch -D
c = commit
ca = commit --all
cam = commit --amend
ch = checkout
bch = checkout -b
f = fetch --all
m = merge
p = push
pa = push --all
rp = remote prune
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