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Created September 16, 2018 10:27
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Types for twilio/twilio-video.js
// Type definitions for twilio-video.js
// Project:
// Definitions by: Joshua Estrin Skrzypek <>
// Definitions:
declare module 'twilio-video/dist/twilio-video' {
import connect = Twilio.Video.connect;
import createLocalAudioTrack = Twilio.Video.createLocalAudioTrack;
import createLocalTracks = Twilio.Video.createLocalTracks;
import createLocalVideoTrack = Twilio.Video.createLocalVideoTrack;
import LocalAudioTrack = Twilio.Video.LocalAudioTrack;
import LocalVideoTrack = Twilio.Video.LocalVideoTrack;
import version = Twilio.Video.version;
export { connect, createLocalAudioTrack, createLocalTracks, createLocalVideoTrack, LocalAudioTrack, LocalVideoTrack, version };
declare module 'twilio-video/lib/webrtc/rtcpeerconnection/firefox' {
const firefoxRTCPeerConnection: any;
export = firefoxRTCPeerConnection;
declare module 'twilio-video/lib/webrtc/rtcpeerconnection/chrome' {
const chromeRTCPeerConnection: any;
export = chromeRTCPeerConnection;
declare namespace Twilio {
export namespace Video {
export class EventEmitter {
on(event: string, handler: Function): void;
once(event: string, handler: Function): void;
removeListener(event: string, handler: Function): void;
type RTCIceTransportPolicy = any;
export const version: string;
/******************************* EXPORTS *******************************/
* Connect to a {@link Room}.
* <br><br>
* By default, this will automatically acquire an array containing a
* {@link LocalAudioTrack} and {@link LocalVideoTrack} before connecting to
* the {@link Room}. The {@link LocalTrack}s will be stopped when you
* disconnect from the {@link Room}.
* <br><br>
* You can override the default behavior by specifying
* <code>options</code>. For example, rather than acquiring {@link LocalTrack}s
* automatically, you can pass your own array which you can stop yourself.
* See {@link ConnectOptions} for more information.
* @param {string} token - The Access Token string
* @param {ConnectOptions} [options] - Options to override the default behavior
* @returns {CancelablePromise<Room>}
* @throws {RangeError}
* @throws {TwilioError}
* @throws {TypeError}
* @example
* var Video = require('twilio-video');
* var token = getAccessToken();
* Video.connect(token, {
* name: 'my-cool-room'
* }).then(function(room) {
* room.on('participantConnected', function(participant) {
* console.log(participant.identity + ' has connected');
* });
* room.once('disconnected', function() {
* console.log('You left the Room:',;
* });
* });
* @example
* var Video = require('twilio-video');
* var token = getAccessToken();
* // Connect with audio-only
* Video.connect(token, {
* name: 'my-cool-room',
* audio: true
* }).then(function(room) {
* room.on('participantConnected', function(participant) {
* console.log(participant.identity + ' has connected');
* });
* room.once('disconnected', function() {
* console.log('You left the Room:',;
* });
* });
export function connect(token: string, options?: ConnectOptions);
* You may pass these options to {@link connect} in order to override the
* default behavior.
* @typedef {object} ConnectOptions
* @property {boolean} [audio=true] - Whether or not to get local audio
* with <code>getUserMedia</code> when <code>tracks</code> are not
* provided.
* @property {Array<RTCIceServer>} [iceServers] - Override the STUN and TURN
* servers used by the {@link Client} when connecting to {@link Room}s
* @property {RTCIceTransportPolicy} [iceTransportPolicy="all"] - Override the
* ICE transport policy to be one of "relay" or "all"
* @property {?string} [name=null] - Set to connect to a {@link Room} by name
* @property {LogLevel|LogLevels} [logLevel='warn'] - Set the log verbosity
* of logging to console. Passing a {@link LogLevel} string will use the same
* level for all components. Pass a {@link LogLevels} to set specific log
* levels.
* @property {Array<LocalTracks>} [tracks] - The {@link LocalTrack}s with which
* to join the {@link Room}. These tracks can be obtained either by calling
* {@link createLocalTracks}, or by constructing them from the MediaStream
* obtained by calling <code>getUserMedia()</code>.
* @property {boolean} [video=true] - Whether or not to get local video
* with <code>getUserMedia</code> when <code>tracks</code> are not
* provided.
export interface ConnectOptions {
audio?: boolean | MediaTrackConstraints;
iceServers?: Array<RTCIceServer>;
iceTransportPolicy?: RTCIceTransportPolicy;
name?: string;
logLevel?: LogLevel | LogLevels;
tracks?: Array<LocalAudioTrack | LocalVideoTrack>;
video?: boolean | MediaTrackConstraints;
* Request {@link LocalTrack}s. By default, it requests a
* {@link LocalAudioTrack} and a {@link LocalVideoTrack}.
* @param {CreateLocalTracksOptions} [options]
* @returns {Promise<Array<LocalTrack>>}
* @example
* var Video = require('twilio-video');
* // Request audio and video tracks
* Video.createLocalTracks().then(function(localTracks) {
* var localMediaContainer = document.getElementById('local-media-container-id');
* localTracks.forEach(function(track) {
* localMediaContainer.appendChild(track.attach());
* });
* });
* @example
* var Video = require('twilio-video');
* // Request just the default audio track
* Video.createLocalTracks({ audio: true }).then(function(localTracks) {
* return Video.connect('my-token', {
* name: 'my-room-name',
* tracks: localTracks
* });
* });
export function createLocalTracks(options?: CreateLocalTracksOptions): Promise<Array<LocalAudioTrack|LocalVideoTrack>>;
* {@link createLocalTracks} options
* @typedef {object} CreateLocalTracksOptions
* @property {boolean} [audio=true] - Whether or not to get local audio
* with <code>getUserMedia</code> when <code>tracks</code> are not
* provided.
* @property {LogLevel|LogLevels} [logLevel='warn'] - Set the log verbosity
* of logging to console. Passing a {@link LogLevel} string will use the same
* level for all components. Pass a {@link LogLevels} to set specific log
* levels.
* @property {boolean} [video=true] - Whether or not to get local video
* with <code>getUserMedia</code> when <code>tracks</code> are not
* provided.
export interface CreateLocalTracksOptions {
audio?: boolean | MediaTrackConstraints;
logLevel?: LogLevel | LogLevels;
video?: boolean | MediaTrackConstraints;
* Request a {@link LocalAudioTrack}.
* @param {CreateLocalTrackOptions} [options] - Options for requesting a {@link LocalAudioTrack}
* @returns {Promise<LocalAudioTrack>}
* @example
* var Video = require('twilio-video');
* // Connect to the Room with just video
* Video.connect('my-token', {
* name: 'my-room-name',
* video: true
* }).then(function(room) {
* // Add audio after connecting to the Room
* Video.createLocalAudioTrack().then(function(localTrack) {
* room.localParticipant.addTrack(localTrack);
* });
* });
export function createLocalAudioTrack(options?: CreateLocalTrackOptions): Promise<LocalAudioTrack>;
* Request a {@link LocalVideoTrack}.
* @param {CreateLocalTrackOptions} [options] - Options for requesting a {@link LocalVideoTrack}
* @returns {Promise<LocalVideoTrack>}
* @example
* var Video = require('twilio-video');
* // Connect to the Room with just audio
* Video.connect('my-token', {
* name: 'my-room-name',
* audio: true
* }).then(function(room) {
* // Add video after connecting to the Room
* Video.createLocalVideoTrack().then(function(localTrack) {
* room.localParticipant.addTrack(localTrack);
* });
* });
export function createLocalVideoTrack(options?: CreateLocalTrackOptions): Promise<LocalVideoTrack>;
* Create {@link LocalTrack} options.
* @typedef {MediaTrackConstraints} CreateLocalTrackOptions
* @property {LogLevel|LogLevels} logLevel
export interface CreateLocalTrackOptions extends MediaTrackConstraints {
logLevel?: LogLevel | LogLevels;
* Construct a {@link LocalAudioTrack} from a MediaStreamTrack.
* @class
* @classdesc A {@link LocalAudioTrack} is an {@link AudioTrack} representing
* audio that your {@link LocalParticipant} sends to a {@link Room}.
* @extends {AudioTrack}
* @extends {LocalTrack}
* @param {MediaStreamTrack} mediaStreamTrack - The underlying MediaStreamTrack
* @param {LocalTrackOptions} options - {@link LocalTrack} options
export class LocalAudioTrack extends AudioTrack implements LocalTrack<AudioTrack> {
isStopped: boolean;
constructor(mediaStreamTrack: MediaStreamTrack, options: any);
* Disable the {@link LocalAudioTrack}. This is effectively "mute".
* @method
* @returns {this}
* @fires Track#disabled
disable(): this;
* Enable the {@link LocalAudioTrack}. This is effectively "unmute".
* @method
* @returns {this}
* @fires Track#enabled
enable(): this;
* Enable or disable the {@link LocalAudioTrack}. This is effectively "unmute" or
* "mute".
* @method
* @param {boolean} [enabled] - Specify false to mute the {@link LocalAudioTrack}
* @returns {this}
* @fires Track#disabled
* @fires Track#enabled
enable(enabled: boolean): this;
* See {@link LocalTrack#stop}.
stop(): this;
* Construct a {@link LocalVideoTrack} from MediaStreamTrack.
* @class
* @classdesc A {@link LocalVideoTrack} is a {@link VideoTrack} representing
* audio that your {@link LocalParticipant} sends to a {@link Room}.
* @extends {VideoTrack}
* @extends {LocalTrack}
* @param {MediaStreamTrack} mediaStreamTrack - The underlying MediaStreamTrack
* @param {LocalTrackOptions} options - {@link LocalTrack} options
export class LocalVideoTrack extends VideoTrack implements LocalTrack<VideoTrack> {
isStopped: boolean;
constructor(mediaStreamTrack: MediaStreamTrack, options: any);
* Disable the {@link LocalVideoTrack}. This is effectively "pause".
* @method
* @returns {this}
* @fires Track#disabled
disable(): this;
* Enable the {@link LocalVideoTrack}. This is effectively "unpause".
* @method
* @returns {this}
* @fires Track#enabled
enable(): this;
* Enable or disable the {@link LocalVideoTrack}. This is effectively "unpause" or
* "pause".
* @method
* @param {boolean} [enabled] - Specify false to pause the {@link LocalVideoTrack}
* @returns {this}
* @fires Track#disabled
* @fires Track#enabled
enable(enabled: boolean): this;
* See {@link LocalTrack#stop}.
stop(): this;
/******************************* PRIVATE *******************************/
* Levels for logging verbosity.
* @typedef {String} LogLevel - One of ['debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'off']
export type LogLevel = 'debug' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error' | 'off';
* You may pass these levels to {@link ConnectOptions} to override
* log levels for individual components.
* @typedef {object} LogLevels
* @property {LogLevel} [default='warn'] - Override the log level for 'default' modules.
* @property {LogLevel} [media='warn'] - Override the log level for 'media' modules.
* @property {LogLevel} [signaling='warn'] - Override the log level for 'signaling' module.
* @property {LogLevel} [webrtc='warn'] - Override the log level for 'webrtc' module.
export interface LogLevels {
default?: LogLevel;
media?: LogLevel;
signaling?: LogLevel;
webrtc?: LogLevel;
export type GeneralSID< T > = string;
* Construct a {@link Room}.
* @class
* @classdesc A {@link Room} represents communication between your
* {@link Client} and one or more {@link Participant}s sharing
* {@link AudioTrack}s and {@link VideoTrack}s.
* <br><br>
* You can connect to a {@link Room} by calling {@link Client#connect}.
* @param {RoomSignaling} signaling
* @param {?object} [options={}]
* @property {boolean} isRecording - Whether or not the {@link Room} is being
* recorded
* @property {LocalParticipant} localParticipant - Your {@link Client}'s
* {@link LocalParticipant} in the {@link Room}.
* @property {string} name - The {@link Room}'s name
* @property {Map<Participant.SID, Participant>} participants - The {@link Participant}s
* participating in this {@link Room}
* @property {Room.SID} sid - The {@link Room}'s SID
* @property {Room.State} state - "connected" or "disconnected"
* @throws {SignalingConnectionDisconnectedError}
* @fires Room#disconnected
* @fires Room#participantConnected
* @fires Room#participantDisconnected
* @fires Room#recordingStarted
* @fires Room#recordingStopped
* @fires Room#trackAdded
* @fires Room#trackDimensionsChanged
* @fires Room#trackDisabled
* @fires Room#trackEnabled
* @fires Room#trackRemoved
* @fires Room#trackStarted
export class Room extends EventEmitter {
isRecording: boolean;
localParticipant: LocalParticipant;
name: string;
participants: Map<Participant.SID, Participant>;
sid: Room.SID;
state: Room.State;
constructor(localParticipant: LocalParticipant, signaling: any, options?: any);
* Get the {@link Room}'s media statistics.
* @returns {Promise.<Array<StatsReport>>}
getStats(): Promise<any[]>;
* Disconnect from the {@link Room}.
* @returns {this}
disconnect(): this;
toString(): string;
export namespace Room {
* A {@link Room.SID} is a 34-character string starting with "RM"
* that uniquely identifies a {@link Room}.
* @type string
* @typedef Room.SID
export type SID = GeneralSID<Room>;
* A {@link Room.State} is a string representing the current state
* of the Room, either "connected" or "disconnected".
* @type string
* @typedef Room.State
export type State = 'connected' | 'disconnected';
* Construct a {@link Participant}.
* @class
* @classdesc A {@link Participant} represents a remote {@link Client} in a
* {@link Room}.
* @param {ParticipantSignaling} signaling
* @param {object} [options]
* @property {Map<Track.ID, AudioTrack>} audioTracks - The {@link Participant}'s {@link AudioTrack}s.
* @property {Participant.Identity} identity - The identity of the {@link Participant}
* @property {Participant.SID} sid - The {@link Participant}'s SID
* @property {Participant.State} state - "connected", "disconnected" or "failed"
* @property {Map<Track.ID, Track>} tracks - The {@link Participant}'s {@link Track}s
* @property {Map<Track.ID, VideoTrack>} videoTracks - The {@link Participant}'s {@link VideoTrack}s.
* @fires Participant#connected
* @fires Participant#disconnected
* @fires Participant#trackAdded
* @fires Participant#trackDimensionsChanged
* @fires Participant#trackDisabled
* @fires Participant#trackEnabled
* @fires Participant#trackRemoved
* @fires Participant#trackStarted
export class Participant extends EventEmitter {
identity: Participant.Identity;
tracks: Map<Track.ID, Track>;
audioTracks: Map<Track.ID, AudioTrack>;
videoTracks: Map<Track.ID, VideoTrack>;
sid: Participant.SID;
state: Participant.State;
constructor(signaling: any, options?: any);
toString(): string;
_addTrack(track: Track): this;
_removeTrack(track: Track): this;
export namespace Participant {
* A {@link Participant.SID} is a 34-character string starting with "PA"
* that uniquely identifies a {@link Participant}.
* @type string
* @typedef Participant.SID
export type SID = GeneralSID<Participant>;
* A {@link Participant.Identity} is a string that identifies a
* {@link Participant}. You can think of it like a name.
* @type string
* @typedef Participant.Identity
export type Identity = string;
* A {@link Participant.State} is a string representing the current state
* of the Participant, either "connected", "disconnected" or "failed".
* @type string
* @typedef Participant.State
export type State = 'connected' | 'disconnected' | 'failed';
* Construct a {@link LocalParticipant}.
* @class
* @classdesc A {@link LocalParticipant} represents the local {@link Client} in a
* {@link Room}.
* @extends Participant
* @param {ParticipantSignaling} signaling
* @param {Array<LocalTrack>} localTracks
* @param {Object} options
* @fires LocalParticipant#trackStopped
export class LocalParticipant extends Participant {
tracks: Map<Track.ID, LocalAudioTrack | LocalVideoTrack>;
constructor(signaling: any, localTracks: Array<LocalTrack<any>>, options: any);
* Adds a {@link LocalTrack} to the {@link LocalParticipant}.
* @param {LocalTrack} track - The {@link LocalTrack} to be added
* @returns {?LocalTrack} - The {@link LocalTrack} if added, null if already present
* @fires Participant#trackAdded
* @throws {TypeError}
addTrack(track: LocalAudioTrack): LocalAudioTrack;
addTrack(track: LocalVideoTrack): LocalVideoTrack;
* Adds a MediaStreamTrack to the {@link LocalParticipant}.
* @param {MediaStreamTrack} track - The MediaStreamTrack to be added
* @returns {?LocalTrack} - The corresponding {@link LocalTrack} if added, null if already present
* @fires Participant#trackAdded
* @throws {TypeError}
addTrack(track: MediaStreamTrack): LocalAudioTrack | LocalVideoTrack;
* Adds multiple {@link LocalTrack}s to the {@link LocalParticipant}.
* @param {Array<LocalTrack>} tracks - The {@link LocalTrack}s to be added
* @returns {Array<LocalTrack>} - The {@link LocalTrack}s that were successfully
* added; If the {@link LocalParticipant} already has a {@link LocalTrack},
* it won't be included in the Array
* @fires Participant#trackAdded
* @throws {TypeError}
addTracks(tracks: Array<LocalAudioTrack | LocalVideoTrack>): Array<LocalAudioTrack | LocalVideoTrack>;
* Adds multiple MediaStreamTracks to the {@link LocalParticipant}.
* @param {Array<MediaStreamTrack>} tracks - The MediaStreamTracks to be added
* @returns {Array<LocalTrack>} - The corresponding {@link LocalTrack}s that
* were successfully added; If the {@link LocalParticipant} already has a
* corresponding {@link LocalTrack} for a MediaStreamTrack, it won't be
* included in the Array
* @fires Participant#trackAdded
* @throws {TypeError}
addTracks(tracks: Array<MediaStreamTrack>): Array<LocalAudioTrack | LocalVideoTrack>;
* Removes a {@link LocalTrack} from the {@link LocalParticipant}.
* @param {LocalTrack} track - The {@link LocalTrack} to be removed
* @param {?boolean} [stop=true] - Whether or not to call {@link LocalTrack#stop}
* @returns {?LocalTrack} - The corresponding {@link LocalTrack} if removed,
* null if the {@link LocalTrack} doesn't exist
* @fires Participant#trackRemoved
* @throws {TypeError}
removeTrack(track: LocalAudioTrack, stop?: boolean): LocalAudioTrack;
removeTrack(track: LocalVideoTrack, stop?: boolean): LocalVideoTrack;
* Removes a MediaStreamTrack from the {@link LocalParticipant}.
* @param {MediaStreamTrack} track - The MediaStreamTrack to be removed
* @param {?boolean} [stop=true] - Whether or not to call {@link LocalTrack#stop}
* @returns {?LocalTrack} - The corresponding {@link LocalTrack} if removed,
* null if the corresponding {@link LocalTrack} for MediaStreamTrack
* doesn't exist
* @fires Participant#trackRemoved
* @throws {TypeError}
removeTrack(track: MediaStreamTrack, stop?: boolean): LocalAudioTrack | LocalVideoTrack;
* Removes multiple {@link LocalTrack}s from the {@link LocalParticipant}.
* @param {Array<LocalTrack>} tracks - The {@link LocalTrack}s to be removed
* @returns {Array<LocalTrack>} - The {@link LocalTrack}s that were successfully
* removed; If the {@link LocalParticipant} doesn't have a {@link LocalTrack}
* that is to be removed, it won't be included in the Array
* @fires Participant#trackRemoved
* @throws {TypeError}
removeTracks(tracks: Array<LocalAudioTrack | LocalVideoTrack>): Array<LocalAudioTrack | LocalVideoTrack>;
* Removes multiple MediaStreamTracks from the {@link LocalParticipant}.
* @param {Array<MediaStreamTrack>} tracks - The MediaStreamTracks to be removed
* @returns {Array<LocalTrack>} - The corresponding {@link LocalTrack}s that
* were successfully removed; If the {@link LocalParticipant} doesn't have
* the corresponding {@link LocalTrack} for a MediaStreamTrack that is to
* be removed, it won't be included in the Array
* @fires Participant#trackRemoved
* @throws {TypeError}
removeTracks(tracks: Array<MediaStreamTrack>): Array<LocalAudioTrack | LocalVideoTrack>;
export class QueueingEventEmitter extends EventEmitter {
* Construct a {@link QueueingEventEmitter}
* @class
* @classdesc A {@link QueueingEventEmitter} can queue events until a listener
* has been added.
* @extends EventEmitter
* Emit any queued events.
* @returns {boolean} true if every event had listeners, false otherwise
dequeue(): boolean;
* Emit any queued events matching the event name.
* @param {string} event
* @returns {boolean} true if every event had listeners, false otherwise
dequeue(event: string): boolean;
* If the event has listeners, emit the event; otherwise, queue the event.
* @param {string} event
* @param {...*} args
* @returns {boolean} true if the event had listeners, false if the event was queued
queue(event: string, ...args): boolean;
/******************************** UTILS ********************************/
* Construct a new {@link CancelablePromise}.
* @class
* @classdesc A Promise that can be canceled with {@link CancelablePromise#cancel}.
* @extends Promise
* @param {CancelablePromise.OnCreate} onCreate
* @param {CancelablePromise.OnCancel} onCancel
export interface CancelablePromise<T> extends Promise<T> {
isCanceled: boolean;
constructor<T>(onCreate: CancelablePromise.OnCreate, onCancel: CancelablePromise.OnCancel);
* Attempt to cancel the {@link CancelablePromise}.
* @returns {this}
cancel(): this;
export namespace CancelablePromise {
* A function to be called on {@link CancelablePromise} creation
* @typedef {function} CancelablePromise.OnCreate
* @param {function(*)} resolve
* @param {function(*)} reject
* @param {function(): boolean} isCanceled
export type OnCreate = (resolve: (a: any) => void, reject: (a: any) => void, isCanceled: () => boolean ) => void;
* A function to be called when {@link CancelablePromise#cancel} is called
* @typedef {function} CancelablePromise.OnCancel
export type OnCancel = (resolve: (a: any) => any, reject: (a: any) => any, isCanceled: () => boolean) => void;
* Construct a new {@link Log} object.
* @class
* @classdesc Selectively outputs messages to console.log
* based on specified minimum module specific log levels.
* NOTE: The values in the logLevels object passed to the constructor is changed
* by subsequent calls to {@link Log#setLevels}.
* @param {String} moduleName - Name of the logging module (webrtc/media/signaling)
* @param {object} component - Component owning this instance of {@link Log}
* @param {LogLevels} logLevels - Logging levels. See {@link LogLevels}
export class Log {
* Get the log level (number) by its name (string)
* @param {String} name - Name of the log level
* @returns {Number} Requested log level
* @throws {TwilioError} INVALID_LOG_LEVEL (32056)
* @public
static getLevelByName(name: string): number;
constructor(moduleName: string, component: any, logLevels: LogLevels);
* Create a child {@link Log} instance with this._logLevels
* @param {string} moduleName - Name of the logging module
* @param {object} component - Component owning this instance of {@link Log}
* @returns {Log} this
createLog(moduleName: string, component: any): this;
* Set new log levels.
* This changes the levels for all its ancestors,
* siblings, and children and descendants instances of {@link Log}.
* @param {LogLevels} levels - New log levels
* @throws {TwilioError} INVALID_ARGUMENT
* @returns {Log} this
setLevels(levels: LogLevels): this;
* Log a message using the console method appropriate for the specified logLevel
* @param {Number} logLevel - Log level of the message being logged
* @param {String} message - Message(s) to log
* @returns {Log} This instance of {@link Log}
* @public
log(logLevel: number, message: string): this;
* Log a debug message using console.log
* @param {...String[]} messages - Message(s) to pass to console.log
* @returns {Log} This instance of {@link Log}
* @public
debug(...messages: string[]): this;
* Log an info message using
* @param {...String[]} messages - Message(s) to pass to
* @returns {Log} This instance of {@link Log}
* @public
info(...messages: string[]): this;
* Log a warn message using console.warn
* @param {...String[]} messages - Message(s) to pass to console.warn
* @returns {Log} This instance of {@link Log}
* @public
warn(...messages: string[]): this;
* Log an error message using console.error
* @param {...String[]} messages - Message(s) to pass to console.error
* @returns {Log} This instance of {@link Log}
* @public
error(...messages: string[]): this;
* Log an error message using console.error and throw an exception
* @param {TwilioError} error - Error to throw
* @param {String} customMessage - Custom message for the error
* @public
throw(error: any, customMessage: string): void;
/******************************** TRACKS ********************************/
* Construct an {@link AudioTrack} from a MediaStreamTrack.
* @class
* @classdesc An {@link AudioTrack} is a {@link Track} representing audio.
* @extends Track
* @param {MediaStreamTrack} mediaStreamTrack
* @param {TrackSignaling} signaling
* @param {{log: Log}} options
export class AudioTrack extends Track {}
* Construct a {@link VideoTrack} from MediaStreamTrack.
* @class
* @classdesc A {@link VideoTrack} is a {@link Track} representing video.
* @extends Track
* @param {MediaStreamTrack} mediaStreamTrack
* @param {TrackSignaling} signaling
* @param {{log: Log}} options
* @property {VideoTrack#Dimensions} dimensions - The {@link VideoTrack}'s {@link VideoTrack#Dimensions}
* @fires VideoTrack#dimensionsChanged
export class VideoTrack extends Track {
dimensions: VideoTrack.Dimensions;
export namespace VideoTrack {
* A {@link VideoTrack}'s width and height.
* @typedef VideoTrack#Dimensions
* @type {Object}
* @property {?number} width - The {@link VideoTrack}'s width or null if the
* {@link VideoTrack} has not yet started
* @property {?number} height - The {@link VideoTrack}'s height or null if the
* {@link VideoTrack} has not yet started
export interface Dimensions {
width?: number;
height?: number;
* Construct a {@link Track} from a MediaStreamTrack.
* @class
* @classdesc A {@link Track} represents audio or video that can be sent to or
* received from a {@link Room}.
* @param {MediaStreamTrack} mediaStreamTrack
* @param {TrackSignaling} signaling
* @param {{log: Log}} options
* @property {Track.ID} id - This {@link Track}'s ID
* @property {boolean} isStarted - Whether or not the {@link Track} has started
* @property {boolean} isEnabled - Whether or not the {@link Track} is enabled
* (i.e., whether it is paused or muted)
* @property {string} kind - The kind of the underlying
* {@link MediaStreamTrack}; e.g. "audio" or "video"
* @property {MediaStreamTrack} mediaStreamTrack - The underlying
* MediaStreamTrack
* @fires Track#disabled
* @fires Track#enabled
* @fires Track#started
export abstract class Track extends EventEmitter {
id: Track.ID;
isEnabled: boolean;
isStarted: boolean;
kind: Track.Kind;
mediaStreamTrack: MediaStreamTrack;
constructor(mediaStreamTrack: MediaStreamTrack, signaling: TrackSignaling, options: {log: Log});
* Attach the {@link Track} to a newly created HTMLMediaElement.
* The HTMLMediaElement's <code>srcObject</code> will be set to a new
* MediaStream containing the {@link Track}'s MediaStreamTrack.
* @method
* @returns {HTMLMediaElement} Either an HTMLAudioElement or HTMLVideoElement,
* depending on the {@link Track}'s kind
* @example
* var Video = require('twilio-video');
* Video.createLocalVideoTrack().then(function(track) {
* var videoElement = track.attach();
* document.getElementById('my-container').appendChild(videoElement);
* });
attach(): HTMLElement;
* Attach the {@link Track} to an existing HTMLMediaElement.
* If the HTMLMediaElement's <code>srcObject</code> is not set to a MediaStream,
* this method sets it to a new MediaStream containing the {@link Track}'s
* MediaStreamTrack; otherwise, it adds the {@link Track}'s MediaStreamTrack to
* the existing MediaStream. Finally, if there are any other MediaStreamTracks
* of the same kind on the MediaStream, this method removes them.
* @method
* @param {HTMLMediaElement} el - The HTMLMediaElement to attach to
* @returns {HTMLMediaElement}
* @example
* var Video = require('twilio-video');
* var videoElement;
* Video.createLocalVideoTrack().then(function(track) {
* videoElement = track.attach();
* document.getElementById('my-container').appendChild(videoElement);
* return Video.createLocalAudioTrack();
* }).then(function(track) {
* track.attach(videoElement);
* });
attach(el: HTMLElement): HTMLElement;
* Attach the {@link Track} to an HTMLMediaElement selected by
* <code>document.querySelector</code>.
* If the HTMLMediaElement's <code>srcObject</code> is not set to a MediaStream, this
* method sets it to a new MediaStream containing the {@link Track}'s
* MediaStreamTrack; otherwise, it adds the {@link Track}'s MediaStreamTrack to
* the existing MediaStream. Finally, if there are any other MediaStreamTracks
* of the same kind on the MediaStream, this method removes them.
* @method
* @param {string} selector - A query selector for the HTMLMediaElement to attach to
* @returns {HTMLMediaElement}
* @example
* var Video = require('twilio-video');
* Video.createLocalAudioTrack().then(function(track) {
* track.attach('#my-existing-video-element-id');
* });
attach(selector: string): HTMLElement;
* Detach a {@link Track} from all previously attached HTMLMediaElements.
* @method
* @returns {Array<HTMLMediaElement>} The detachedHTMLMediaElements
* @example
* var detachedElements = track.detach();
* detachedElements.forEach(function(el) {
* el.remove();
* });
detach(): HTMLElement[];
* Detach a {@link Track} from a previously attached HTMLMediaElement.
* @method
* @param {HTMLMediaElement} el - One of the HTMLMediaElements to which the
* {@link Track} is attached
* @returns {HTMLMediaElement} The detached HTMLMediaElement
* @example
* var videoElement = document.getElementById('my-video-element');
* track.detach(videoElement).remove();
detach(el: HTMLElement): HTMLElement;
* Detach a {@link Track} from a previously attached HTMLMediaElement specified
* by <code>document.querySelector</code>.
* @method
* @param {string} selector - The query selector of HTMLMediaElement to which
* the {@link Track} is attached
* @returns {HTMLMediaElement} The detached HTMLMediaElement
* @example
* track.detach('#my-video-element').remove();
detach(selector: string): HTMLElement;
export namespace Track {
* The {@link Track} ID is a string identifier for the {@link Track}.
* @type string
* @typedef Track.ID
export type ID = string;
* The {@link Track} kind of track, one of "audio" or "video".
* @type string
* @typedef Track.Kind
export type Kind = 'audio' | 'video';
* @class
* @classdesc A {@link LocalTrack} represents audio or video that your
* {@link Client} is sending to a {@link Room}. As such, it can be
* enabled and disabled with {@link LocalTrack#enable} and
* {@link LocalTrack#disable} or stopped completely with
* {@link LocalTrack#stop}.
* @extends Track
* @param {function(MediaStreamTrack, TrackSignaling): Track} track
* @param {MediaStream} mediaStreamTrack - The underlying MediaStreamTrack
* @param {LocalTrackOptions} options
* @property {boolean} isStopped - Whether or not the {@link LocalTrack} is stopped
* @fires LocalTrack#stopped
export abstract class LocalTrack<T> {
isStopped: boolean;
constructor(track: any, mediaStreamTrack: MediaStreamTrack, options: any);
* Enable the {@link LocalTrack}.
* @returns {this}
* @fires Track#enabled
enable(): this;
* Enable or disable the {@link LocalTrack}.
* @param {boolean} [enabled] - Specify false to disable the {@link LocalTrack}
* @returns {this}
* @fires Track#disabled
* @fires Track#enabled
enable(enabled: boolean): this;
* Disable the {@link LocalTrack}.
* @returns {this}
* @fires Track#disabled
disable(): this;
* Calls stop on the underlying MediaStreamTrack. If you choose to stop a
* {@link LocalTrack}, you should use {@link LocalMedia#removeTrack} to remove
* it after stopping. You do not need to stop a track before using
* {@link LocalTrack#disable} or {@link LocalMedia#removeTrack}.
* @returns {this}
* @fires Track#ended
stop(): this;
/******************************** SIGNALING ********************************/
* Construct a {@link StateMachine}.
* @class
* @classdesc {@link StateMachine} represents a state machine. The state
* machine supports a reentrant locking mechanism to allow asynchronous state
* transitions to ensure they have not been preempted. Calls to
* {@link StateMachine#takeLock} are guaranteed to be resolved in FIFO order.
* @extends {EventEmitter}
* @param {string} initialState - the intiial state
* @param {object} states
* @property {boolean} isLocked - whether or not the {@link StateMachine} is
* locked performing asynchronous state transition
* @property {string} state - the current state
* @emits {@link StateMachine#stateChanged}
export class StateMachine<T extends string> extends EventEmitter {
isLocked: boolean;
state: T;
constructor(initialState: string, states: { [key: string]: Iterable<T> });
* This method takes a lock and passes the {@link StateMachine#Key} to your
* transition function. You may perform zero or more state transitions in your
* transition function, but you should check for preemption in each tick. You
* may also reenter the lock. Once the Promise returned by your transition
* function resolves or rejects, this method releases the lock it acquired for
* you.
* @param {string} name - a name for the lock
* @param {function(StateMachine#Key): Promise} transitionFunction
* @returns {Promise}
* NOTE(mroberts): This method is named after a Haskell function:
bracket(name: string, transitionFunction: (key: any) => Promise<any>): any;
* Check whether or not a {@link StateMachine#Key} matches the lock.
* @param {StateMachine#Key} key
* @returns {boolean}
hasLock(key: any): boolean;
* Preempt any pending state transitions and immediately transition to the new
* state. If a lock name is specified, take the lock and return the
* {@link StateMachine#Key}.
* @param {string} newState
* @param {?string} [name=null] - a name for the lock
* @param {Array<*>} [payload=[]]
* @returns {?StateMachine#Key}
preempt(newState: string, name?: string, payload?: any[]): any;
* Release a lock. This method succeeds only if the {@link StateMachine} is
* still locked and has not been preempted.
* @param {StateMachine#Key} key
* @throws Error
releaseLock(key: any): void;
* Release a lock completely, even if it has been reentered. This method
* succeeds only if the {@link StateMachine} is still locked and has not been
* preempted.
* @param {StateMachine#Key} key
* @throws Error
releaseLockCompletely(key: any): void;
* Take a lock, returning a Promise for the {@link StateMachine#Key}. You should
* take a lock anytime you intend to perform asynchronous transitions. Calls to
* this method are guaranteed to be resolved in FIFO order. You may reenter
* a lock by passing its {@link StateMachine#Key}.
* @param {string|StateMachine#Key} nameOrKey - a name for the lock or an
* existing {@link StateMachine#Key}
* @returns {Promise<object>}
takeLock(nameOrKey: string | any): Promise<any>;
* Take a lock, returning the {@Link StateMachine#Key}. This method throws if
* the {@link StateMachine} is locked or the wrong {@link StateMachine#Key} is
* provided. You may reenter a lock by passing its {@link StateMachine#Key}.
* @param {string|StateMachine#Key} nameOrKey - a name for the lock or an
* existing {@link StateMachine#Key}
* @returns {object}
* @throws Error
takeLockSync(nameOrKey: string | any): any;
* Transition to a new state. If the {@link StateMachine} is locked, you must
* provide the {@link StateMachine#Key}. An invalid state or the wrong
* {@link StateMachine#Key} will throw an error.
* @param {string} newState
* @param {?StateMachine#Key} [key=null]
* @param {Array<*>} [payload=[]]
* @throws {Error}
transition(newState: string, key?: any, payload?: any[]): void;
* Attempt to transition to a new state. Unlike {@link StateMachine#transition},
* this method does not throw.
* @param {string} newState
* @param {?StateMachine#Key} [key=null]
* @param {Array<*>} [payload=[]]
* @returns {boolean}
tryTransition(newState: string, key?: any, payload?: any[]): boolean;
* Return a Promise that resolves when the {@link StateMachine} transitions to
* the specified state. If the {@link StateMachine} transitions such that the
* requested state becomes unreachable, the Promise rejects.
* @param {string} state
* @returns {Promise<this>}
when(state: string): Promise<this>;
export namespace StateMachine {
* @typedef {any} StateMachine#Key
export type Key = any;
* Construct a {@link TrackSignaling}.
* @class
* @classdesc A {@link Track} implementation
* @param {string} id
* @param {string} kind - one of "audio" or "video"
* @param {boolean} isEnabled
* @property {string} id
* @property {boolean} isEnabled
* @property {string} kind
* @property {?MediaStreamTrack} mediaStreamTrack
export class TrackSignaling extends EventEmitter {
id: Track.ID;
isEnabled: boolean;
kind: Track.Kind;
mediaStreamTrack: MediaStreamTrack;
constructor(id: Track.ID, kind: Track.Kind, isEnabled: boolean);
* Disable the {@link TrackSignaling} if it is not already disabled.
* @return {this}
disable(): this;
* Enable (or disable) the {@link TrackSignaling} if it is not already enabled
* (or disabled).
* @param {boolean} [enabled=true]
* @return {this}
enable(enabled?: boolean): this;
* Get the MediaStreamTrack on the {@link TrackSignaling}.
* @returns {Promise<MediaStreamTrack>}
getMediaStreamTrack(): Promise<MediaStreamTrack>;
* Set the MediaStreamTrack on the {@link TrackSignaling}.
* @param {MediaStreamTrack} mediaStreamTrack
* @returns {this}
setMediaStreamTrack(mediaStreamTrack: MediaStreamTrack): this;
* Construct a {@link RoomSignaling}.
* @class
* @classdesc A {@link Room} implementation
* @extends StateMachine
* @param {ParticipantSignaling} localParticipant
* @param {Room.SID} sid
* @param {string} name
* @property {ParticipantSignaling} localParticipant
* @property {string} name
* @property {Map<string, RemoteParticipantSignaling>} participants
* @property {RecordingSignaling} recording
* @property {Room.SID} sid
* @property {Room.State} state - "connected" or "disconnected"
export class RoomSignaling extends StateMachine<RoomSignaling.State> {
localParticipant: ParticipantSignaling;
name: string;
participants: Map<string, RemoteParticipantSignaling>;
recording: RecordingSignaling;
sid: Room.SID;
state: Room.State;
constructor(localParticipant: ParticipantSignaling, sid: Room.SID, name: string);
* Disconnect, possibly with an Error.
* @param {Error} [error]
* @returns {boolean}
_disconnect(error?: any): boolean;
* Connect {@link RemoteParticipantSignaling} to the {@link RoomSignaling}.
* @param {RemoteParticipantSignaling} participant
* @returns {boolean}
connectParticipant(participant: RemoteParticipantSignaling): boolean;
* Disconnect.
* @returns {boolean}
disconnect(): boolean;
export namespace RoomSignaling {
* A {@link RoomSignaling.State} is a string representing the current state
* of the RoomSignaling, moves from "connecting"->"connected"->"disconnected".
* @type string
* @typedef RoomSignaling.State
* RoomSignaling States
* ----------------------
* +-----------+ +--------------+
* | | | |
* | connected |---->| disconnected |
* | | | |
* +-----------+ +--------------+
export type State = 'connected' | 'disconnected';
* Construct a {@link ParticipantSignaling}.
* @class
* @classdesc A {@link Participant} implementation
* @extends StateMachine
* @property {?Participant.Identity} identity
* @property {?Participant.SID} sid
* @property {ParticipantSignaling.State} state - "connecting", "connected", or "disconnected"
* @property {Map<string, TrackSignaling>} tracks
* @emits ParticipantSignaling#trackAdded
* @emits ParticipantSignaling#trackRemoved
export class ParticipantSignaling extends StateMachine<ParticipantSignaling.State> {
identity?: Participant.Identity;
sid?: Participant.SID;
state: ParticipantSignaling.State;
tracks: Map<string, TrackSignaling>;
* Add {@link TrackSignaling} to the {@link ParticipantSignaling}.
* @param {TrackSignaling} track
* @returns {this}
addTrack(track: any): this;
* Disconnect the {@link ParticipantSignaling}.
* @returns {boolean}
disconnect(): boolean;
* Remove {@link TrackSignaling} from the {@link ParticipantSignaling}.
* @param {TrackSignaling} track
* @returns {boolean}
removeTrack(track: any): boolean;
* Connect the {@link ParticipantSignaling}.
* @param {Participant.SID} sid
* @param {string} identity
* @returns {boolean}
connect(sid: any, identity: string): boolean;
export namespace ParticipantSignaling {
* A {@link ParticipantSignaling.State} is a string representing the current state
* of the ParticipantSignaling, moves from "connecting"->"connected"->"disconnected".
* @type string
* @typedef ParticipantSignaling.State
* ParticipantSignaling States
* ----------------------
* +------------+ +-----------+ +--------------+
* | | | | | |
* | connecting |---->| connected |---->| disconnected |
* | | | | | |
* +------------+ +-----------+ +--------------+
export type State = 'connecting' | 'connected' | 'disconnected';
* Construct a {@link RemoteParticipantSignaling}.
* @class
* @classdesc A {@link Participant} implementation
* @extends ParticipantSignaling
* @param {Participant.SID} sid
* @param {Participant.Identity} identity
* @property {Participant.Identity} identity
* @property {Participant.SID} sid
export class RemoteParticipantSignaling {
identity: Participant.Identity;
sid: Participant.SID;
constructor(sid: any, identity: Participant.Identity);
* Construct a {@link RecordingSignaling}.
* @class
* @classdesc Represents recording state
* @property {?boolean} isEnabled
export class RecordingSignaling extends EventEmitter {
isEnabled: any;
* Disable the {@link RecordingSignaling} if it is not already disabled.
* @return {this}
disable(): this;
* Enable (or disable) the {@link RecordingSignaling} if it is not already enabled
* (or disabled).
* @param {boolean} [enabled=true]
* @return {this}
enable(enabled?: boolean): this;
* Construct a {@link TrackV2}.
* @class
* @extends TrackSignaling
* @param {TrackV2#Representation} track
export class TrackV2 extends TrackSignaling {
* Get the {@link TrackV2#Representation} of a given {@link TrackSignaling}.
* @param {TrackSignaling} track
* @returns {TrackV2#Representation}
static getState(track: TrackSignaling): any;
constructor(track: TrackV2.Representation);
* Compare the {@link TrackV2} to a {@link TrackV2#Representation} of itself
* and perform any updates necessary.
* @param {TrackV2#Representation} track
* @returns {this}
* @fires TrackSignaling#updated
update(track: TrackV2.Representation): this;
export namespace TrackV2 {
* The Room Signaling Protocol (RSP) representation of a {@link TrackV2}
* @typedef {object} TrackV2#Representation
* @property {boolean} enabled
* @property {string} id
* @property {string} kind
export interface Representation {
enabled: boolean;
id: string;
kind: string;
* Construct a {@link LocalParticipantV2}.
* @class
* @extends ParticipantSignaling
export class LocalParticipantV2 extends ParticipantSignaling {}
* Construct a {@link RemoteParticipantV2}.
* @class
* @extends RemoteParticipantSignaling
* @param {object} participantState
* @param {function(Track.ID): Promise<MediaStreamTrack>} getMediaStreamTrack
* @property {?number} revision
export class RemoteParticipantV2 extends RemoteParticipantSignaling {
revision: number;
constructor(participantState: any, getMediaStreamTrack: (trackId: Track.ID) => Promise<MediaStreamTrack>);
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