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Last active May 6, 2021 14:50
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Makefile template for Rmarkdown projects
# Makefile template for Rmarkdown projects
# Includes implicit rules to generate pdf and html versions of Rmd
# files as well as several commands for development workflows.
# Invoke `make help` to get started.
# By default, Make will compile the pdf versions of all Rmd files
# found in the current working directory.
# Note, this Makefile only targets GNU Make + Linux, and requires the
# following dependencies:
# - entr
# - pandoc
# - Rmarkdown
SHELL = /bin/bash -eo pipefail
rmd_files := $(wildcard *.Rmd)
html_files := $(rmd_files:%.Rmd=%.html)
tex_files := $(rmd_files:%.Rmd=%.tex)
pdf_files := $(rmd_files:%.Rmd=%.pdf)
all: $(pdf_files) ## Default rule generates pdf versions of all Rmd files
.PHONY: clean help todo watch wc
# Development commands as PHONY targets
clean: ## Clean generated html, tex, and pdf files
rm -f $(html_files) $(tex_files) $(pdf_files)
@printf 'Compile a specific document with `make <file.pdf>.`\n\n'
@printf 'Additionally, the following commands are available:\n\n'
@egrep '^\S+:.*##' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | \
sort | \
awk -F ':.*##' \
'{ printf "\t\033[01;34m%-5s \033[00;37m%s\033[0m\n", $$1, $$2 }'
@printf '\n'
todo: ## List TODO comments in project files tracked by git
@grep --color=always --exclude=Makefile -rni todo $$(git ls-files) | :
watch: ## Auto-rebuild pdf documents (requires the program `entr`)
ls *.Rmd | entr -r make -f ./Makefile
wc: $(rmd_files) ## Rough estimate of word count per Rmd file
@for i in $(rmd_files); do \
printf "$$i: "; \
sed -e '/^```/,/^```/d' "$$i" | \
pandoc --quiet --citeproc -f markdown -t plain | \
wc -w; \
# Implicit rules for pdf and html generation
%.pdf: %.Rmd
Rscript -e "rmarkdown::render('$<', 'pdf_document', '$@')"
%.html: %.Rmd
Rscript -e "rmarkdown::render('$<', 'html_document', '$@')"
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