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Created January 16, 2013 15:26
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How to calculate the default password hash used by Authlogic
(defn sha-512
"Return the SHA-512 of the given string"
(let [md (. getInstance "SHA-512")]
(. md update (.getBytes data))
(let [bytes (. md digest)]
(reduce #(str %1 (format "%02x" %2)) "" bytes))))
(defn hash-repeatedly
"Hash the given string n number of times"
([str times] (hash-repeatedly str times 0))
([str times cur]
(if (< (- times 1) cur)
(recur (sha-512 str) times (inc cur)))))
user> (hash-repeatedly (str password salt) 20)
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jsl commented Jan 16, 2013

Authlogic (a Rails plugin for authentication) defaults to applying the SHA-512 hashing algorithm 20 times to the concatenated users' password + salt. The above will give you the same result using Clojure and the library.

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