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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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Coverage-based rarefaction

Estimating species richness using coverage-based rarefaction

This function uses the iNEXT package to approximate species richness for a given level of sample 'coverage' based on methods in:

Chao, Anne, and Lou Jost. "Coverage-based rarefaction and extrapolation: standardizing samples by completeness rather than size." Ecology 93.12 (2012): 2533-2547.

The function requires a data.frame or matrix with species as rows and communities as columns.

The function returns a data.frame with the observed richness, observed coverage (Chat), observed sample size (N), estimated richness (based on sample coverage), and optionally, richness based on the Chao1 estimator, and/or finally rarefied richness (individual-based subsampling).


# Load iNEXT library

### EXAMPLE 1 ###


### EXAMPLE 2 ###

# Function estimateR() takes a species (rows)-by-community (columns) abundance matrix,
# order q, specifying species richness (q = 0, default), Shannon entropy (q = 1), inverse Simpson index (q = 2)
# a minimum level of min.coverage for estimation (if specified),
# a minimum level of min.sample for rarefaction (if rare == TRUE),
# whether a histogram of the coverage values should be plotted (plotit = TRUE),
# whether a progress bar should be shown (.progressBar = TRUE)
# and additional arguments to iNEXT() (...)
# The function returns a data.frame containing observed richness, coverage at the observed level of richness,
# estimated richness, Chao1 index (if chao1 = TRUE) and rarefied richness (individual-based, if rare = TRUE)
estimateR = function(
comm, min.coverage = NULL, min.sample = NULL, chao1 = TRUE, rare = TRUE,
plotit = TRUE, .progressBar = TRUE, ...) {
# If comm is not a list, turn each row into an entry in a list
if(!is.list(comm)) comm = as.list(data.frame(comm))
# Set progress bar
if(.progressBar == TRUE) pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(comm), style = 3) else pb = NULL
# Run iNEXT function to estimate sample coverage
iNEXT.list = lapply(1:length(comm), function(i) {
if(sum(comm[[i]]>0) > 1) {
try.error = try(iNEXT(as.numeric(comm[[i]])))
if(!is.null(pb)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
if(class(try.error) == "try-error") NA else try.error
} else NA
} )
# Close progress bar
if(!is.null(pb)) close(pb)
# Isolate errors and attempt to fix
if(any(unlist(lapply(iNEXT.list, {
replace.list = lapply(which(lapply(iNEXT.list, function(i) all( == TRUE), function(i) {
replace.list = list(
data.frame(n = sum(comm[[i]]), S.obs = sum(comm[[i]] > 0), C.hat = NA,
f1 = NA, f2 = NA, f3 = NA, f4 = NA, f5 = NA,
f6 = NA, f7 = NA, f8 = NA, f9 = NA, f10 = NA),
matrix(c(rep(sum(comm[[i]] > 0), 6), rep(0, 9)), nrow = 3, ncol = 5,
dimnames =
list(c("Species Richness", "Expontential Entropy", "Inverse Simpson"),
c("Observed", "Estimator", "Est_s.e.", "95% Lower", "95% Upper"))),
data.frame(m = sum(comm[[i]]), method = "observed", order = 0,
qD = ifelse(sum(comm[[i]]) == 0, NA, sum(comm[[i]] > 0)),
qD.95.LCL = 0, qD.95.UCL = 0, SC = NA, SC.95.LCL = NA, SC.95.UCL = NA)
names(replace.list) = c("DataInfo", "BasicIndex", "Accumulation")
} )
# Replace in master list
# Index appropriate entry in master list
to.replace = which(lapply(iNEXT.list, function(i) all( == TRUE)
for(i in 1:length(replace.list)) {
iNEXT.list[[to.replace[i]]] = replace.list[[i]]
# Convert list of lists into a single list
iNEXT.list = list(
# $DataInfo, lapply(1:length(iNEXT.list), function(i) return(iNEXT.list[[i]]$DataInfo) )),
# $BasicIndex, lapply(1:length(iNEXT.list), function(i) return(iNEXT.list[[i]]$BasicIndex) )),
# $Accumulation, lapply(1:length(iNEXT.list), function(i) return(iNEXT.list[[i]]$Accumulation) ))
names(iNEXT.list) = c("DataInfo", "BasicIndex", "Accumulation")
# Get minimum level of coverage across all samples (unless user-supplied)
if(is.null(min.coverage)) {
all.coverage = sapply(iNEXT.list$Accumulation, function(x) x[x$method == "observed", "SC"])
if(plotit == TRUE) {
if(is.null(min.sample)) par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
hist(all.coverage[!], xlab = "Sample coverage", main = "")
min.coverage = min(sapply(iNEXT.list$Accumulation, function(x)
x[x$method == "observed", "SC"]), na.rm = TRUE)
print(paste("The minimum level of coverage across all samples was ", 100 * min.coverage, "%", sep = ""))
# Estimate richness at the minimum level of coverage
estimate.S = sapply(iNEXT.list$Accumulation, function(x)
# If SC is NA, return S.obs
if(all($SC))) x$qD else
# If sample coverage is complete (i.e., 1) for all levels of m, reported observed richness
if(all(x$SC == 1)) x[x$method == "observed", "qD"] else
# If user-supplied coverage is less than maximum coverage sampled, return NA
if(min.coverage > max(x$SC)) NA else
# Else return linear approximation
approx(x = x$SC, y = x$qD, xout = seq(0, 1, 0.001), rule = 2)$y[min.coverage * 1000]
# Return results in a data.frame
diversity.df = data.frame(
observed.S = iNEXT.list$DataInfo[, 2],
observed.Chat = iNEXT.list$DataInfo$C.hat,
observed.N = iNEXT.list$DataInfo$n,
estimated.S = estimate.S
# Get Chao1 estimate if Chao1 == TRUE
if(chao1 == TRUE)
diversity.df = data.frame(
Chao1 = matrix(iNEXT.list$BasicIndex[, 2], nrow = 3)[1, ]
# Get rarified richness if rare == TRUE
if(rare == TRUE) {
if(is.null(min.sample)) {
# Calculate minimum number of individuals observed in a given sample
all.m = sapply(iNEXT.list$Accumulation, function(x)
if(all($SC))) NA else x[x$method == "observed", "m"]
if(plotit == TRUE) hist(all.m[!], xlab = "Number of Individuals", main = "")
min.sample = min(all.m, na.rm = TRUE)
print(paste("The minimum number of individuals across all samples was ", min.sample, sep = ""))
# Interpolate backwards to estimate richnesss for that number of individuals across all samples
rare.S = sapply(iNEXT.list$Accumulation, function(x)
if(nrow(x) == 1) x$qD else
if(min.sample > max(x$m)) NA else
approx(x = x$m, y = x$qD, xout = seq(0, max(x$m), 1), rule = 2)$y[min.sample]
diversity.df = data.frame(
rarefied.S = rare.S
# Return data.frame
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