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Created October 23, 2013 22:42
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Save jsmm/7128153 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-- 2012-09-30
--it matches exact phrases using quotes and single words
--the locked files in DEVONthink are excluded from the search
--the index is created for the active DEVONthink database
tell application "DEVONthink Pro"
set searchWord to text returned of (display dialog "Enter the search word/phrase:" default answer "")
set searchWordList to every word of searchWord
set numberOfSearchWords to count searchWordList
set the searchWordWithoutSpaces to replaceText(searchWord, " ", "_") of me
set searchWordQuoted to "\"" & searchWord & "\""
set resultList to search searchWordQuoted in current database locking no
set numberResults to count resultList
if numberResults = 0 then display dialog "No matches were found." buttons {"Cancel"}
set numberOfDocuments to text returned of (display dialog "The found docs are " & numberResults & ", please set the numbers of docs for processing:" default answer numberResults)
if numberResults > numberOfDocuments then set resultList to items 1 thru numberOfDocuments of resultList
set RefType to my chooseRefType({"MediaWiki", "RTF"})
if RefType is 1 then
set indexLinks to "===Universal index of \"" & searchWord & "\"===
number of sources:" & numberOfDocuments & " out of " & numberResults & " matches - " & (the current date) & "
else if RefType is 2 then
set indexLinks to "<html>
<h3>Universal index of \"" & searchWord & "\"</h3>
number of sources: " & numberOfDocuments & " out of " & numberResults & " matches - " & (the current date)
end if
repeat with book in resultList
set pathBook to path of book
set referenceURL to reference URL of book
set nameBook to name of book
set wordInstances to ""
tell application "Skim"
open pathBook --κολλάει εάν κάποια αρχεία δεν υπάρχου
tell document 1
set all_pages to count of pages -- so we only calculate it once
if RefType is 1 then
set bookTitle to "
====" & nameBook & "====
[" & referenceURL & "?search=" & searchWordWithoutSpaces & " " & searchWord & "] in [[@" & nameBook & "]]<br />
repeat with pageNumber from 1 to all_pages --
set DEVONthinkPageNumber to pageNumber - 1
if numberOfSearchWords ≤ 1 then
set pageText to (get text for page pageNumber) -- suck up the text into a string!
ignoring hyphens
set pageText to (every word of pageText) as list -- tokenise!
end ignoring
if pageText contains searchWord then -- record page number if word on page
set wordInstances to wordInstances & "[" & referenceURL & "?page=" & DEVONthinkPageNumber & "&?search=" & searchWordWithoutSpaces & " " & pageNumber & "] "
end if
set pageText to (get text for page pageNumber) as Unicode text -- suck up the text into a string!
if pageText contains searchWord then
set wordInstances to wordInstances & "[" & referenceURL & "?page=" & DEVONthinkPageNumber & "?search=" & searchWordWithoutSpaces & " " & pageNumber & "] "
end if
end if
end repeat
else if RefType is 2 then
set bookTitle to "<h4>" & nameBook & "</h4>
<a href=" & referenceURL & "?search=" & searchWordWithoutSpaces & ">" & searchWord & "</a>: "
repeat with pageNumber from 1 to all_pages --
set DEVONthinkPageNumber to pageNumber - 1
if numberOfSearchWords ≤ 1 then
set pageText to (get text for page pageNumber) -- suck up the text into a string!
ignoring hyphens
set pageText to (every word of pageText) as list -- tokenise!
end ignoring
if pageText contains searchWord then -- record page number if word on page
set wordInstances to wordInstances & "<a href=" & referenceURL & "?page=" & DEVONthinkPageNumber & ">" & pageNumber & "</a> "
end if
set pageText to (get text for page pageNumber) as Unicode text -- suck up the text into a string!
if pageText contains searchWord then
set wordInstances to wordInstances & "<a href=" & referenceURL & "?page=" & DEVONthinkPageNumber & ">" & pageNumber & "</a> "
end if
end if
end repeat
end if
end tell
close document 1
end try
end tell
if RefType is 1 then
set indexLinks to indexLinks & bookTitle & wordInstances & "
else if RefType is 2 then
set indexLinks to indexLinks & bookTitle & wordInstances & "
else if RefType is 3 then
end if
end repeat
if RefType is 1 then
set the clipboard to indexLinks
else if RefType is 2 then
set the clipboard to indexLinks
tell application "Finder"
do shell script "pbpaste | textutil -stdin -format html -convert rtf -stdout | pbcopy -Prefer rtf"
end tell
end if
end tell
on chooseRefType(typeList)
tell application "Skim"
set theResult to choose from list typeList with prompt "Reference type:" default items {"RTF"}
if theResult is false then return 0
set refTypeNumber to theResult as string
if refTypeNumber is "MediaWiki" then
return 1
else if refTypeNumber is "RTF" then
return 2
end if
end tell
return RefType
end chooseRefType
on replaceText(thisText, searchString, replacementString)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the searchString
set the itemList to every text item of thisText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the replacementString
set thisText to the itemList as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
return thisText
end replaceText
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